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[Music] this is the story of one of the greatest mass migrations in the history of the earth [Music] seventy million years ago Giants roam at the top of the world at this prehistoric North Pole summers are warm a chance for hatchling dinosaurs to fatten their bellies unaware they're safe and happy world is about to change forever as winter sets in plants will shrivel and die temperatures will plummet and four months of darkness will engulf the land as night hunters stalk the weak winter at the North Pole is a death trap with just one way out an epic annual crossing of a continent 1,000 miles of hostile territory lie ahead in a do-or-die march south to find the Sun [Music] [Music] a summers day 70 million years ago the Arctic but not the icy landscape we know the earth is a much warmer place and in summer round-the-clock sunlight supercharges the forest vegetation it's a fertile feast for some of the planets biggest and hungriest creatures dinosaurs thousands of vegetarian dinosaurs come here for the endless supply of food some are solitary like this spiky and kylo sore but most are herd animals like these it wants a soros [Music] this is one of the youngest members of the Advanta Soares her scar although he hasn't earned his name yet when he hatched here in the spring scar way no more than a bag of sugar but he has thrived under the protection of his extended family and is on his way to becoming a three-ton adult the Arctic provides light warmth and all he can eat everything is going his way but scar will find out there's a price to pay though the summer brings 24-hour sunlight it will soon fade and 24-hour darkness will take its place [Music] [Music] there are signs that summer is already letting go meaning tougher times for every dinosaur in the forest [Music] the most common predators here are Troodon this is patch a young male he spent the summer feeding on baby at Montes horas but now scar and his friends have grown too big and patch must look for other game [Music] troodon are among the most intelligent dinosaurs but patch is just too young to have mastered the subtle arts of hunting he knows that what goes in must come out but he hasn't learned to cover all the exits unlike this fully grown Troodon patch needs to sharpen up his act in a hurry the clock is ticking the Summer Sun is dying fast and as winter approaches the Arctic will start to show its true colors [Music] the perpetual daylight is finally retreating and as the shadows lengthen the danger grows now he must deal with the threat he's never faced before nightfall [Music] for at Montes horas darkness is danger [Music] they can no longer see predators coming this is no time to be away from the herd luckily the first night of fall lasts just a moment the danger of surprise attack fades with the dawn scar is wounded but safely back in the sanctuary of the watchful herd from now on the coming winter will steal a bit more light from every passing day so for these herbivores every night will be more dangerous soon the Sun will disappear completely then the herd must leave on a great march south to find enough food and light to survive the winter [Music] [Music] as fall turns to winter and the nights lengthen the forest begins to wither and die the competition for what's left is about to get much tougher [Music] the Advanta soars males bellow a warning to the herd danger approaches [Music] another dinosaur is here in force Paki rhinosaurus two-ton vegetarian headbangers the brains inside these thick skulls are no bigger than a bird's but they're reinforced heads make excellent battering rams for at Mont asuras a formidable rival in the life-or-death struggle for food troodon have evolved to survive the cold dark winters but they must make the most of autumn before some of the smaller prey hibernate and patch is still a beginner at the killing game [Music] at Rodan's brain is wired for high-speed pursuits like a bird of prey it's as if he sees in slow motion but even with his amazing eyesight some meals are just too quick for him for scar the days of Plenty are over to survive the long march south he must now hunt out every last scrap of nourishment from the dying forest the armored and Kaila source shows how she is an old hand a survival and his eating rotten wood an unlikely source of nutrition but the insect larvae within provide enough protein to keep her 3 ton bulk going a far cry from a diet of leaves and soft plants [Music] [Music] skaar is hungry for the first time in his life the lush summer paradise is now a distant memory and the time to leave will soon be upon them as every night stretches longer than the last it's the Predators that now have the upper hand the adults Corral their young their own bodies forming the last line of defense against the unseen terrors they know are out there skaar is now living in a world of fear nothing will entice him to venture outside to hers protection again nothing except perhaps a scrap of food for one young female the compulsion to eat is more than she can bear [Music] [Music] gorgeous horas T Rexes North Pole cousin the consummate nocturnal killer the young dinosaur never stood a chance for herbivores daylight can't come too soon starvation and predators have turned their summer playground into a winter killing field their only hope Exodus [Music] the ever shortening day finally signals to the herd the onset of the great annual migration it's time to head south towards the Sun in a grueling trek to find food and safety leaving the desolation of the Arctic forests and the Predators behind only the herds dead will remain the Advanta soros will spend 15 hours a day on the move the youngest fairly strong enough for the journey [Music] the three-month Odyssey will lead the youngsters through perilous terrain but with the herd to guide them many will endure [Music] across the Arctic and Montes horas here the call coming together for safety in numbers [Music] even rival herds Apache rhinosaurus join the jostling masses [Music] the march of the dinosaurs has begun [Music] the great migration will descend the Western Peninsula through what is now the Northwest Territories of Canada to Alberta their destination the fertile coast of the Inland Sea that divides North America the prize a Haven of food light and warmth but right now they still have a thousand miles to go for some herbivores there is no escape this cumbersome and Kaila sore is too slow and heavy for such a strenuous expedition she must remain at the pole to endure the ravages of winter as food supplies dwindle predators will be competing for every hunk of meat the Troodon are taking a big risk by feeding on the Gorgosaurus is kill but this carcass may provide the last big meal for months patch is well down the pecking order hoping for a few scraps at best at worst his own carcass will form tomorrow's leftovers Gorgosaurus rules this forest nobody steals his food but in winter some prizes are worth fighting for [Music] [Applause] a reckless adult inflicts a savage bite but he who strikes the King must strike to kill or pay the price [Music] [Applause] after one week the migrating herds break the edge of the Arctic forest so far scar is keeping up with her but this open landscape is a hostile new world they're exposed to the elements beneath the sky that holds unfamiliar threats [Music] scavengers who know that this journey will soon start taking its toll a few hours later the sky has another surprise skaar has never seen snow before but the first flakes rapidly become a blizzard to cope with the freezing temperatures they have to keep moving at all costs youngsters like scar are the most vulnerable their small bodies easily overwhelmed the herd must abandon any that fall behind to die alone in the wilderness [Music] the arrival of a hardy veteran Spurs the greenhorn into action with twenty winter migrations behind him this atom has been through it all before he provides some shelter from the weather and sets a pace the youngster can follow [Music] but the old-timer has his own troubles he has a brain tumor this may be his last migration [Music] behind them the blizzard brings even colder temperatures to the dinosaurs left in the north Patch's feathers not quite enough to keep the biting chill at bay cold is not his only problem he's still not eaten properly and he needs to be in peak condition for what's in store he's about to go head-to-head with the older males in the most important challenge of his life this time it's not about food it's each male for himself in an annual ritual that every Adam takes part in it's the nesting season in these conditions is hard enough looking after number one Wow the patch must now also prepare for a family first step attract a mate [Music] [Music] 200 miles to the south thousands of tons of determined dinosaur have battled through the blizzard [Music] but in the blinding whiteout and they've strayed completely off course and into deep trouble the freezing water will kill even a huge dinosaur in minutes but that's not all monstrous predators lurk in the deep [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in the far north the ankylosaur is toughing it out as best she can [Music] survival means foraging alone around the clock seeking out scraps in the deepest corners of the forest where she may find more than she bargained for [Applause] [Music] in winter even a small injury can have deadly consequences a fight could kill them both the Gorgosaurus hasn't got the stomach for it the Troodon bite on his leg is now infected he must rest and hope a better opportunity comes his way [Music] the dinosaurs left in the Arctic are about to endure the deepest phase of winter once the Sun sets it will not reemerge until for long months of past this is the beginning of the longest night on earth some may not live to see another day the Advanta Sora's herd has been heading south for almost a month [Music] they've left the snowstorms and perpetual darkness behind them but a herd marches on its stomach and they're now running on empty starvation and exhaustion have already cut down the weakest but out here no life is ever wasted the Quetzalcoatlus is the biggest flying animal of all time with a wingspan the length of the school bus they have a taste for dinosaur meat the migration is there moveable feast at last a tiny oasis of green in the barren wilderness [Music] skaar gets his reward for fighting his way so far but there are too many mouths to feed the Paki rhinosaurus want the plants for themselves hunger drives wanted Montessori to fight his corner [Music] [Music] [Music] a broken rib cage means a slow death for the desperate animal but for the migrating herd there is no looking back [Music] the Advanta surahs continued south to the west a massive collision of continental plates is giving birth to the Rocky Mountains this is the most dangerous part of the herds journey so far as the land twists and buckles volcanic eruptions blanket a huge area with ash killing the plantlife an any chance of a meal and now more trouble history in the distance another cloud of Ash pumps into the sky the atmosphere charged with electricity and menace the fine volcanic dust coats the lungs and masks the tell-tale scent of approaching predators [Music] albertasaurus is the dominant carnivore of the region like Gorgosaurus they are close relatives of t-rex in a hunting pack the average member is three tons of teeth and stealth it's been months as their last proper meal the pack keeps a yearly vigil for the arrival of migrating herbivores the winter feast will soon be served [Applause] in the frozen north patches head feathers have turned yellow marking him out to females is ready to breed the more experienced males are doing what they do every year building nests to attract a mate to succeed prospective fathers must first prove their home making skills this adult has found a highly desirable location shelter from the freezing wind but patch has completely missed the point his spot is far too exposed his next lesson comes with the arrival of a female the courtship ritual begins [Music] pache is losing out in the battle for her attention but at least he's willing to learn the moves the older male closes the deal by putting dinner on the table proving he has the skills for bringing up baby patch fails to get the girl but there's always next time to the south the migration of the Advanta source herd keeps them just ahead of the deadly zone of permanent darkness the herds have now walked 600 miles more than halfway to journey's end in the southern forests but there is fresh danger on every new horizon the whole herd is now heading for a narrow pass through the rocky terrain for a good many this is as far as they will get because they're walking into an ambush [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] at the lip of the volcano ice is no match for fire the Catholic snow has melted to create a monstrous cascade of water ash and rock gathering unstoppable momentum as it falls [Music] the young ad Montes Oris has battled through adversity once more but he's lost the most important thing in his life the herd [Music] the volcanic torqued has set by concrete a desolate blanket over scars new world of total isolation [Music] if the herd has survived it has moved on [Music] [Music] but scar is not alone for long [Music] [Music] his old friend who helped him through the blizzard but nearby an old enemy refuses to lie down and die [Music] [Music] [Music] in the High Arctic perpetual night has rained for six weeks [Music] this adult male Troodon has eggs to look after he will not feed again until they hatch in the spring but patches nest is empty the young Troodon has so far failed to mate all he has to show for his efforts is a consuming hunger he soon smells an opportunity the scent of blood draws him in hampered by his bad leg the Gorgas horas now waits for small prey to come to him but the injury is healing and it won't be long before he's ready to spread terror through the forest once again not far away in the winter dark the in kylus or as ever she's searching out whatever vegetation she can find [Applause] [Music] far to the south scar and his veteran companion are in a desperate hunt for their herd after days of fruitless plotting in the volcanic wastelands fresh evidence of another dinosaur [Music] this injured female Paki rhinosaurus is also separated from her migrating herd [Music] [Music] the old at Montessori struggles to take in this vital nourishment his behavior is becoming more erratic as his tumor grows he's not in good shape thrown together through disaster they are a band of the young the ill and the injured but the next day brings hope [Music] vast numbers of it Montes aura still soldier on a moving fortress that will provide safety for the stragglers as long as they reach it in time [Music] as the short-day Anna's they fallen even further behind the Paki rhinosaurus can't keep pace the Advanta Soros must abandon the injured animal to her fate [Music] [Music] skaars confused companion now does the unthinkable veering aimlessly off the beaten track scar senses something is wrong but to follow is in his nature [Music] [Music] the veteran stops to gather his strength the pair are exhausted I must find shelter from the chill winter wind normally these animals would huddle together for warmth but not this time it's a shock for scar one of his own has turned on him he is bewildered and confused and wounded back at the North Pole a warm weather front passes through raising the temperature above freezing for the first time in weeks the snow crust is softened an opportunity for patch to master another of his highly specialized hunting skills using his ears not his eyes his hearing is so sharp that it can target prey with uncanny accuracy even under two feet of snow he's finally maturing into a master hunter perhaps he will soon be ready to prove his mettle in the mating game [Music] [Music] the ink is or has been trapped on her back for three days with her armor useless beneath her she exposes her softer underbelly [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to trow it honor where but their numbers are growing [Music] [Applause] star still has the strength to defend himself but he is hopelessly exposed in this wasteland his old companion has wandered off he no longer offers any protection or guidance unfortunately he's the only allies skaars God [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] skaar turns to his one-time Savior he's wasting his time [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] skaars alone once more [Music] in the High Arctic the Troodon are getting braver by the minute these are tenacious predators and the ankylosaur hasn't got a lot of fight left even patch is getting up the courage to approach finally the Troodon lose all caution but in their feeding frenzy the Troodon forget to leave room for a top predator [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's a crushing blow for the king of the forest one there's no coming back from the tables have turned in the south skaar has been slogging along the wilderness for three days with only a frustrated scavenger for company with every step he becomes weaker and more vulnerable but every step has also brought him closer to sanctuary [Music] [Music] he has found the herd but they have already crossed this river and it's cost them dear [Music] [Music] [Applause] if the river doesn't get him the Quetzalcoatlus will [Music] [Applause] it's the injured Pocky rhinosaurus scar once left behind despite everything she's also made it this far [Music] scar follows her lead the grubs will give them vital strength before the perilous river crossing [Music] with an armored giant to shelter behind he's no longer the easy target he was [Music] the Paki rhinosaurus knows the safest way to get across as part of a herd [Music] [Music] [Music] skaar must now face the biggest challenge of his life [Music] his companion it's almost as dangerous as the Predators in the water pronate the dawn is the most efficient underwater killer of its time crushing jaws and conical teeth can hold even the biggest prey under to drown them [Music] [Music] if scar waits he will starve or get picked off later crossing alone it's now or never [Applause] [Music] very few it Montessori young live long enough to see the end of their first migration scar has emerged as a true survivor [Applause] [Music] [Music] at last he rejoins the herd having earned his place among the most indomitable dinosaurs on earth [Music] they've marched over a thousand miles in the greatest adversity to reach a land of winter refuge [Music] with just enough food to last until spring when at last the Sun will return to the North Pole [Music] bringing back a feast of plenty [Music] none will go hungry [Music] a new parents will bring the next generation of dinosaurs into the world [Music] and then the herds will set off once again on the march north back to the summer paradise where ever each and every one of them the great journey began [Music] you
Views: 10,452,505
Rating: 4.5846171 out of 5
Keywords: documentary, dinosaur, MARCH OF THE DINOSAURS, T-rex, March, dinosaur movie, DINOSAURS, MARCH, earth planet, land of dinosaurus, Tyrannosaurs, dinosaurus, million years ago, March of the dinosaurus, full movie, Earth, Planet, EARTH PLANET, dino world, dino, Dinosaurs, North America, Cretaceous, Jurassic, park, dinosaurs, jurassic world, dinozaury, t-rex, prehistoria, prehistory, dinosaurs movie, march of the dinosaurs, walking with dinosaurs, prehistoric, prehistoric animals, dinosaur full movie
Id: va_NXwxSoSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 1sec (5221 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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March of the Dinosaurs (2011) (TV)

Animation, Documentary, Drama [1 h 27 min]
Stephen Fry, Simon Kerr
Director: Matthew Thompson

IMDb rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 6.5/10 (384 votes)

Set 70 million years ago in the Cretaceous period in North America, this animated docu/drama follows the journey of a young Edmontosaurus named Scar and his herd as they migrate south for the winter. This film depicts recent findings about Dinosaurs, such as Tyrannosaurs with feathers. (IMDb)

More info at IMDb.
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