Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California Case Brief Summary | Law Case Explained

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the law recognizes that certain confidential relationships are important and it protects statements made within those relationships a parishioner confessing to a priest a client confiding in a lawyer or a patient revealing embarrassing personal information to a doctor all may count on their confidential information remaining confidential but as with most legal principles confidentiality isn't absolute the california supreme court considered the relationship between dr doctor-patient confidentiality and tort law's duty requirement in tarasov versus regents of the university of california tatiana tarasoff attended the university of california with a man named prozanjeet padar they met in september 1967 and began dating but by new year's eve it became clear that padar was far more serious about their relationship than tatiana was tatiana told him she was dating other men and wasn't going to become intimate or exclusive with padar padar didn't take the rejection well he became severely depressed and eventually began therapy sessions with dr lawrence moore a university hospital psychologist in august 1969 podar told dr moore that he was going to kill tatiana dr moore determined that padar should be involuntarily committed to a mental hospital he asked university police to take padar into custody however when the officers picked him up they decided that he appeared rational padar promised the officers he'd stay away from tatyana and they released him thereafter dr moore's supervisor dr harvey powellson directed him to cease trying to confine poddar in october poddar went to tatiana's home there he stabbed her to death tatiana's parents sued the university claiming that dr moore owed tatiana or her parents a duty to warn them that potar was a danger the alameda county superior court dismissed the tarisoff's complaint the california court of appeal affirmed and the tariffs appealed to the california supreme court [Music]
Channel: Quimbee
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Keywords: Tarasoff v. Regents of University of California, quimbee, law case, case brief example, brief case, case brief, press brief, case summaries, legal brief, how to brief a case, case brief template, legal brief case, how to write a case brief, legal brief example, sample case brief, case brief format, example of a brief, law briefs, legal brief definition, what is a brief in law, what is a case brief, court brief, brief definition law, legal brief template, facts of the case
Id: sl4nTDFiyIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 12sec (132 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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