TARANTULA having a “SEIZURE” before DEATH :/

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oh no this is not good one of those I'm not quite sure hey guys there's something going on with my sriracha charge darling II the rear Horn baboon over here this is my female this was actually my second tarantula and there is something going on with her right now as you can see there's a water dish over here because I just provided that for her in case she was thirsty because I mean this could be a little bit too high for her no actually it's not she has been drinking from here no problems but I put in a bottle cap just in case because if you look at her she's pretty sluggish this is not how its errata Charles darling he should be acting these guys are all worlds and they bolt these guys are supposed to be bolting and this is one of the times that I am hoping that she will actually bolt on me as you can see she is yeah she's pretty sluggish and this happened after she has given birth I mean laid eggs and the babies hatched if you can see in there right over there you can see one little baby over there this X I did not have a lot of babies for some reason I don't know I think there are like probably like 10 babies only before this when we paired her she was doing perfectly fine right but then after she gave birth after the babies hatch why do I keep saying giving birth yeah I don't know something wrong with my head but after the babies hatched out she has been I don't know she she's not been doing very well I don't think I should do this but I mean look at this I can even pick her up she's an old world she is one that will usually attack and bite but I mean look at her I can literally pick her up and she's not doing anything you see she's man I seriously I don't know what am I gonna be doing look at this this is not how a darling he should be behaving oh man I I don't know we may lose her guys I'm afraid that we may lose her I mean this is my second tarantula and I'm not ready to lose her because she has been doing super well I got her about when she was about I don't know one inch or something and now she is a good 5 inches and yeah she's just not looking too well I don't know I mean I will not disturb her anyway I know I just held her but just to show you guys that she is not herself usually she gives us one of the best takedowns when you drop something she goes whoa but but but I mean now she is just just not acting like an old world I mean she's not even acting like a new world cuz I don't know on her deathbed yeah I mean we've had a meal darling on a deathbed if you haven't checked that out watch that video I'll link it down in the description below we preserved that guy and I sir said I don't want to even think about preserving this girl because she's been awesome she's been one of my favorite tarantulas and yeah it sucks to see her in this condition because there's really nothing going on nothing wrong with her enclosure you see she has Webb dumped the entire place like literally she has made this enclosure into a web Haven and she has been thriving in this for years I mean she she was rehearsed in this like last year but she's been thriving for years and this is just yeah I just woke up today I came to her and she is like this I'm not sure man I don't know what's going on she wouldn't eat I've tried feeding her she just refuses to eat but maybe I'll try again I'll get a super worm I'll chop it in half and get her to scavenge on it but I doubt she will because as you saw when I picked her up it doesn't seem like she has a lot of strength anymore so even if I put the worm in I don't think that she will be able to Fang I mean gripgrip the worm with a Fang because her grip is totally out now if a grip is good she would have bitten me man this is seriously I have no idea what to do I don't like seeing female to go and this girl has to go I hope not though but it looks like I've just gotta face reality if this girl passes away this will be my second tarantula they actually died on me second female tarantula there actually goes but I just I just don't want to accept the fact that she is going but I mean you never know although we we kind of already know what's going on over here and also before this her butt was like super big and then now when she's in this condition a budget shrunk I don't know why why girl why are you doing this I know you don't want to do this but why this is not you at all seriously it's not you you got a man but but guys just don't touch all the world's okay even if they're in this addition because you never know but I'm quite confident that she wouldn't do anything to me so yeah I guess that's it for this video just to update you guys on this girl I'm not an update because we haven't seen her in quite a bit but just to show you guys what's going on with this beautiful girl over here yeah I'm gonna have to take out separate the babies and hopefully we will have another female hopefully there are the female of the babies we'll be able to replace her and not all be matured meals because there's not many babies in here that one is still over there so if guys have any input on what this girl's going on while she's going through let me know in the comments below so yeah I guess there will be it you have been with us for quite a long time and it sucks to see you go I'm not saying you're gonna go but fingers crossing that you will hold up and change I don't know but I guess I just gotta accept a fact and you're my second tarantula my first tarantula was a mature male choco golden es matured male they passed away really quickly but this will be my oldest female yeah my oldest female and my second female my oldest female that passes away so yeah I'm gonna be trying to give her another super worm to see and hope that she will eat for us and yes I know there are threads or moles in here my avicularia small turd and just through their molting and so boram's seem to be eating them I'm gonna see if she'll scavenge again so yeah let's choose this super worm this is gonna be brutal so a black screen will happen like right about okay so I've got a chopped super warm over here I will be putting this in for her and hopefully she will scavenge on this because you can see there are juice at the top over there so hopefully she'll detect this and eat or scavenge for us so there you go girl just yeah there you go have the juices exposed to a fangs over there and hopefully she'll take it for us darling how are you doing today I hope you are doing well and hopefully you're still alive for it because in the previous video I mean the one that was just a little few seconds ago you are not doing very well so let's see I just got back from work guys and it's been quite a tiring day today I mean it's it's Monday today and you know Monday blues blue Mondays and oh my gosh door why do you always have to slam behind me well yeah anyways um oh no no wait wait freakin no what's happening okay I just put mealworms I'm super worms over here to chop ones for the slings to come and scavenge Oh No the female doesn't look to be doing too good today okay wait let me see if she will move when I use this this tongue mmm yeah she doesn't seem to be moving oh no this is not good let me get her out oh no no no oh my gosh that's the end of her you guys wow my day just got even worse wait what she's still alive wait what is that a sign of movement girl oh no yeah another tarantula on its deathbed Wow oh my goodness why what is gonna happen I mean can see she's still twitching if you look closely I'm not blowing I'm not blowing the web see it's just oh my goodness yeah you know the previous tarantula that was on its deathbed I filmed that video the one where I preserved him that was also a surah to jars darling and that was her boyfriend yeah that was her boyfriend but I can't quite remember if the pairing with that guy was a success I'm gonna have to go and watch that video again but oh my goodness this girl what happened to you because that she's just twitching oh my goodness yeah why am I even showing you guys this sorry guys not a very pleasant video for you as well for me I mean more for me because this girl was my second tarantula my first tarantula was a choco golden e which was a male and a matured out as mature male I do have his two daughters like these two over here this is one of his daughter and this is another of his daughter and they're both doing super well so after I bought them that meal choco golden es a sling I start to get addicted to tarantulas and then I bought this girl which thankfully turned out to be a female but we are you going wait what you're gone oh my wait did we just witness her last breath which witness our last breath yep we just witnessed this tarantulas last breath no I feel kind of bad for just pulling her by her legs cuz I already thought that she was dead because when I touched her with the tongs she did not move at all oh wait no she's still moving Oh No yeah you know what what what is this on her what are these white things one of those I'm not quite sure seriously this is not my day I've already had blue Mondays and you make it even bluer I mean it's not your fault but yeah okay guys I will just leave this girl alone because I don't want to be poking her I don't want to be turning her around I'll just leave this lid on and just let her go in peace and then we'll see what we're gonna be doing with her later maybe I'll preserve her maybe I think I'll preserve her because she was my second tarantula so technically since my first one was a male this is my first ever female tarantula huh I've no idea what happened to it it only happened after she gave birth or her egg sacs hatched I don't know what she took it looking after the exact what she to exhaust the incubating the egg sac I'm not too sure but yeah there goes this girl yeah this sucks okay so we'll leave this girl over here and I will come back in an hour and we'll see how that goes it is the next day and guys she's gone I can literally I can I can smell her it's quite smelly and you can see there are like little flies all around so I wouldn't be surprised if there's already maggots in sight because this is like literally after 24 hours and it looks like she died shortly after we saw her yesterday because remember when I pulled her out she was already lying on her deathbed and not moving much so I guess that is the end yeah that's it rest in peace girl rest in peace you've been good I guess her time has come hmm you can see this little fly a net I think it's a gnat that's flying all around and yeah that's one on her right there there we go yep it's going into her into her fangs I'm pretty sure they have laid eggs which will in return hatch out into maggots oh yeah now I guess I cannot preserve her because I came pretty late usually when you want to preserve something you got to preserve them when they are still fresh and not stinky but this is yeah it's gone I'll probably go and bury her said my second tarantula oh yeah and also it was my first ever female tarantula as well as first-ever all-world tarantula yeah she's gone huh things like this happen I mean she did well you guys want to see more videos of her you can check out the other feeding videos I think she's in most of the feeding videos so go check it out so yeah now I'm just gonna have to go bury her and say our last goodbyes
Channel: Exotics Lair
Views: 2,400,401
Rating: 4.9272885 out of 5
Keywords: animal, animals, arachnid, arachnids, spider, spiders, tarantula, tarantulas, ceratogyrus, darlingi, ceratogyrus darlingi, rear horned baboon, baboon tarantula, death bed, baby tarantula, baby spider, pet tarantula, exotic, exotics, pet, pets, exoticpet, exoticpets, exoticslair, exotics lair, arachnophobia, pet spider, nature, wildlife, educational, entertainment
Id: _AqmsQDVBhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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