Taraji P. Henson’s Guide to Defined Curls & Post-Flight Skin Care | Beauty Secrets | Vogue

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hi guys i'm swatching Henson and I'm going to take you through my beauty regimen I always like to start with cleaning my scalp you caught me at a good time actually because I want to show I don't know if you know it Empire I wear wigs cut up and so I literally just took my braids down so you can still see the parts in there and so when I do that I like to really treat my hair so I don't know if you guys know this but I just launched my new haircare line called CP h by taraji can't see it anyway it's in there somewhere and I always like to start with cleaning my scalp because you cannot expect to have healthy hair if you don't have a healthy scalp so I like to start with never salty it's actually a sugar scrub which exfoliates your scalp so you spray it get it into your scalp like that I usually like to just go through and part it and get it all in the scalp I created this line because when I started working in Hollywood I wanted to protect my hair so I started wearing weaves and what I found I'm hard to do with weeds was yeah I was wearing these incredible protective hairstyles but how was I to take care of my hair and scalp while in these protective hairstyles so I've never really found a line that really paid attention to style cares I had to create my own so I usually get this all in all over and when you're finished I'm gonna go wash it meet you back and my Scott was gonna feel like a peppermint pattie be right back guess what I'm not done with that experience because next I follow up with a Master Cleanse the formulation is very Luke's so it'll get down to your scalp through all of the congestion and clean your scalp and see how it just distributes right down so you don't even have to part this one you can just get it and it'll go all over your scalp so I do that i saturate my scalp I massage again and I rinse I'll be right back so then I finish up with the mint condition and this condition same concept if you have an intense fall you need to make sure you condition your scalp as well and the roots of your hair everything starts with a healthy scalp guys I'll be back gotta watch the conditioner out so here's a little tidbit you didn't know maybe you did or maybe you didn't know about me those who know me from way back in the day knew this about me but I would have gone into cosmetology and I think God intervened because I was a year late for enrollment and that was directly after I was not accepted into the performing arts high school and I thought that because I wasn't accepted if that was it I didn't have talent so I was like well off to school off to cosmetology school and then God block that now I'm putting in my I'm rider die leaving conditioner I finally found my way back to school for acting and then I still stayed I still was doing here because I needed it money right so I was doing $20 wet sets on the dorm oh wait I'm sorry I missed one big I had to jail my pump itself cookie this is what I used to sleep my hair see I put that curls Popish now to the face okay guys I'm gonna share a little secret with you because I keep a clean healthy scalp my face regimen is really like hey you're gonna be shocked this is what I clean my face I clean my face with be alright it's charcoal it gets the job done I like a face cleanse that sizes up cuz to me and my mind is mental it feels like it's doing something and cleaning okay oh nice and clean and I like to use I use my Sarah for my face hedeman see serum you don't need much okay probably don't need that much I overdo everything I just love products and your skin gets nice and tight oh well because I just flew today I got off an airplane you know you can get a little puffy and sometimes it creates dark circles for me I like to use a that I see I'm a hydrating icing is that upside down I can't see um and I just like to roll it it just if anything this feels good it just feels amazing and you can feel it tightening and plumping underneath I actually take more care of my skin when I travel because I feel like my skin needs more attention make sure it gets all in and they also have a lip serum too you just have to stay hydrated when you fly because you're playing that recycled air I'm not good at all okay this is literally cookies ice cream I'm just showing you a bit of what taraji doesn't what a show - does to me it should - Sharif on the show this is what I use now I cream you don't need much at all just a little dollop like this that's all you need that's probably too much I just wash my face wash my makeup off and put my paul sherry moisturizer oh and that's all I've been doing all these years stompers feeling this face on the camera that's all I've been doing with an occasional facial here and there when there's clogged so I'm gonna start concealing as my under eye with my perfect blend by Sheree Sheree blends the beauty stick and I put the lighter color I love her stick she has two sides highlight contour so brilliant [Music] I love her stuff is so creepy and I just feel like it immediately gets rid of the black the dark circle right away I'm so dramatic I say black it's never black but to me it looks black those circles they look like oh I look like a raccoon this and Becca is very dense so you don't need a lot see I'm just doing that I started with the foundation first to set it and then I go over with this highlighter so this is um this is just more for like the natural beat just something that I do really really quick before I head out okay um and then I go back in to contour my cheek with my perfect blend this is probably more than I was doing just showing off a yojana no I'm not I don't want it to look like I have one a lot of makeup I just I just like to look refreshed I'm not sleepy I'm low maintenance honey I need y'all to know I'm very low maintenance and like I said I'm showing off for you cuz usually all I do is pop a lash on her mouth which ought to be quite honest I'm just going to set my concealer with a translucent powder so it doesn't move while I rest on my face I've always had this very high arch this eyebrow since I was a baby if you go look at any of my pictures from no grammar school even when I was a baby and that's because I have a cowlick and that means my hair right here grows the opposite way see that if it was I mean you know Damone Roberts who slaves my eyebrows he has these babies under control but when they get wild see how that is growing that way and look at this right here child look at that it looked like I'm up to no good my dad used to try to lick them Danny but come in I don't do that and I'm glad it and trained them to stay down because it makes me unique I'm really known for my eyebrows I'm really not the best at my eye were also be quite honest but I just do a little something see just so just a little something like that and what can't wait so I'm sweating cuz I'm excited who else sweats while there's on the makeup right we need to come up with something Briana I love you I don't love fancy everything so back in the day this was lip gloss but now it's a lipstick okay sorry just put it's very pigmented so I'm a star I'm really small because I don't want to be I don't want clown on my eyes and then we look at this look how pretty bad that is a cream lipstick dinner we'll go over it um with Giorgio Armani they had these great little metallics and again guys I'm showing off I know I said I was gonna do like a natural beat I'm showing off I changed my mind I'm doing a beat in case I was going out cute and sometimes might be I say I'll be like how long do you need and I'll start off with like a natural beat did not get to playing in it and I'm like let me see where I can go with this and then five hours later he's like still waiting so now he's gotten smart and he gives me another time to be ready so that he's not waiting keeping hands in this lip glosses and sticks we did that I then I go back and I kind of clean it up a little bit so it's not to to to a big pink pink this is a great day time I love this okay no do the other side remember this is very pigmented you just need to see that one little dot that's all you need one dot goes a long way and see if this was a nighttime eye I would then go in the corners here with a darker color and smoke it out a little bit and if the trick to makeup is blending blend blend blend memory even if you put too much you can just blend it out blend it out you can always use your fingers if it's too much blend it out [Music] then I go back and I clean up the mess I made wherever there's a mess look at that that is so fresh and bright and cute I love a good shimmer these are absolutely look at that Oh amazing fancy is always good I have several that I use though now I'm going to do mascara now I'm gonna do a liner I will do it eyeliner just a little not a lot okay it's very hard to do but I've been doing it for years oh my again something that I can do on my face and no one else's I can't really see in here guys how good this is or not but you get the idea liner Oh mascara usually I will put a lash on but I think y'all sick of me now ooh you know what to be quite honest I have been wearing lashes I don't ever really just left put up mascara on my lashes anymore for natural bead I usually just pop on the lash and hey I think I'm gonna start doing my lashes again oh Tom or a little natural lip this is something about putting on lip gloss that makes me feel sexy hey that wasn't sexy but clean and fresh from the scalp on down love you
Channel: Vogue
Views: 2,039,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beauty, celebrity, how to, how-to, taraji henson, women's lifestyle, taraji p. henson interview, taraji p. henson vogue, taraji p. henson hair, taraji p. henson guide, taraji p. henson beauty secrets, taraji p. henson beauty, beauty secrets, beauty secret, taraji p. henson beauty secrets vogue, taraji p. henson how to, taraji p. henson getting ready, taraji p. henson getting ready with, taraji p. henson getting ready interview, getting ready with, getting ready, taraji, hair, vogue
Id: 25lVB8TRX00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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