Kehlani's Everyday Skin-Care Routine and Guide to a Glowing Face | Beauty Secrets | Vogue

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hi this is hey Ronnie and I'm going to walk you through my everyday skin routine and my very basic everyday global face so the first step it's a creamy cleanser I like this a lot because I have really really dry skin so I kind of need something that's like hydrating and doesn't leave me feeling all tight and gross little circles no you know the box all right I use this toner from belief so but kind of I have dry skin and I have to make sure that I continuously like in between each then I just keep layering hydration so my third step it's just this fine aqua bond mist from belief just a quick little like spray dr. Dennis gross this stuff is great I use this morning night all of it I'm a lock all that in with an essence and mine is a snail mucin essence I know that probably sounds funny this is like a major key in Korean skincare I don't know how to pronounce that brand but I just call it the seal stuff so I just had a couple drops just like this he's for these slimy my favorite is the Polish choice Omega complex moisturizer which is a big like barrier healer because I have problems with my skin barrier and then I take my bio lessons vitamin C like rose oil so I'm gonna take like three little droplets of that and put it in my moisturizer because I'm super drive I said breaking out here here here and here and here when I was pregnant and so I had to use something that would families my hormones so I had to get an entire new set of a skin routine because I was just freaking out every later and then after I had my baby I felt like my skin just got a lot more dry and I think it's just now bouncing back and getting back in the swing of things and you know what I'm hydrating a lot more just internally and doing a lot of hydrating sleeping mask so those are also a big secret okay so my last step is SPF okay that's it for my skincare so I'm gonna walk you through a really basic um face with like a little bit of leg of an orange sunset you kind of I and I'm in no way a makeup artist but makeup artists always tell me that I have like really fun like I space like they tell me this all the time so I really had no idea what that meant but apparently it means I have enough eye space to play on so I just have fun with it sometimes um the first thing I would take is this honest Beauty like magic beauty balm I'm gonna take a little bit I'm gonna put it in my dryer areas someone for it gets really dry under the makeup it's a makeup weird so my first step that I'm gonna use is the Pat McGrath foundation what I love about the Pat McGrath stuff is it's so light like it's just not super thick and I feel like I need like sheer stuff because we have to layer on a lot of stuff as you go so I'm gonna take pride my Mac prep and prime spray and spray it on my beauty wenders and I want to be whip I don't want to be like to it I'm gonna put a little bit cuz foundation on my hand I remember the first time I went on tour and I couldn't afford a makeup artist as my first tour I walked into the MAC store and I grabbed the first person I can see and she's actually a pretty cracking like latina influencer and I just said yo dude show me a basic face and whatever you put in front of me I'm gonna buy and whatever she put in front of me that day I bought that she use on my face but I basically just evolved from that basic face that you taught me I have like this is like a little bit thicker it's a NARS foundation so I'll take this and like get some of this box that I feel like that other foundation couldn't get it like right there that break out my chin and maybe my funny little bruise I have got going on up there from microdermabrasion home machine I was not supposed to use so I got my foundation and I dropped my lip liner but it doesn't matter so I use NARS don't know I think this is correct to do my contouring or my highlights first this I remember being the funniest thing I had to learn because our first I came out looking like a clown because I just didn't get it and I think once somebody breaks down the whole like you're highlighting the parts of your face that like you know I guess shadows with highlight you know you know the whole life thing I don't know how to clean once I got that bit more it made it made a little bit of sense so next I'm going to take my 50 Beauty steak love your Rihanna I don't do my nose because I just don't understand how that works it's very crazy shout out anyone who can contour their nose because that's a big deal oh my goodness my makeup routine since I can maybe I have a one year old so first of all you got to imagine she walks now so she walks into the bathroom and she's already ripping everything off with everything got my mascara with the top on in her mouth try to open it trying to draw and stuff with it I've caught her in the room I'm my vanity about to put her full hand in a palette or about to flip over the UM the pressed powder like there's levels it's definitely hard and sometimes you have to decide do I only have time to like cover my couple blemishes and throw in some mascara or do I have time for a full phase and most thing is it's mascara and lip gloss and some concealer so I'm showing you guys the kailani the artist version of the makeup not the mom version or else we'd be here for like five minutes up I'm going to sit with the Laura Mercier setting powder okay well cross the foundation on there so by that said I'm gonna focus on my eyebrows which to me has always been this trouble first of all we're in quarantine so my eyebrows haven't been done in centuries so I'm showing you the struggle' eyebrow so first I'm going to take my 25 eyebrow Center from benefit I stopped wearing lash extensions like well before the quarantine I just wasn't into like looking very by the like a straightedge that's on your Collard analysis it's look like little stray kittens but I just wasn't into just the freak out craziness it looks when you only have like four eyelashes on your eye so I'm just gonna do my real lashes which I've been taking really good care of and using castor oil for I just curl them what I feel like works for me is layering mascaras I know I don't know if that sounds funny but to me they do different things so the first one is like the Lancome doll lashes mascara I don't use these in any particular order I just you know I just go so I try to focus on like getting the outer lashes longer so it can have like a like a cat eye effect [Music] nothing that the people make when they're doing their mascara the funny anybody else feel like their lashes on one side is shorter than the other go big or go home from Kat Von D I just keep layered it up this I feel like always makes them like really like the pavement it's mixing really dark and thick I'm gonna wipe this off before it is too powdery I'm gonna do some bottom lash we got a little bit here but you can see a little bit I have eyeliner on now I think I need to do just give myself a little more colored face so I use this like why it's so like blush liquid blush thing I just don't even know if that's the right way to go about it but that shows how I do it so who knows I take one of these [Music] a lot all right now I think I can do my brows I think we might are you ready at that point so I'm back to my benefit brow pencil you miss a dry brown you mess up your whole face kind of so there's so many times I do my makeup and I do save my eyebrows for last because I was terrified and the next thing I know I'm wiping my eyebrows off a million times so I'm just trying to make sure that it isn't too heavy in the front because no one likes a sharpie we'll see you don't know until they're done now just kind of like clean these things up I know this probably look a little harsh right now but wait until it all comes together I'm cleaning up my eyebrows to fake the funk so nobody knows that I haven't seen my brother since the beginning of this ain't here I'm fast like that made the world of difference I don't know if you can tell but I feel like I can tell so shout out super sanic black women on black women created makeup brand so this part of her is called the crayon case and right now we're going to be using these two colors to kind of create this sunset thing that I repeat so all so amusing like a lot of hair brushes not this one this is a Mac brush so I'm going to take the orange for this darker I'm gonna try not to get it a little bit of my things Sooni already looks pretty cool but we're gonna get a slightly smaller brush space from her brain and I'm gonna go into the yellow and go into my inner eye to kind of do this like sunset ii type of thing I know most people might like probably use an eyebrow primer so we can show up more but I didn't intend for it to be like that right I wanted to be a little more subtle than that so that's why I didn't use a primer I really think that he knows the makeup game the most is like watching trans women who have had to not even just learn makeup as modes for expression but learn makeup to kind of transform and assist in the entire life identity affirmation for themselves they just do it the best everything from drag to transformations to just feminization or just like being incredible makeup artists in general they just always kill the best I recently got this Juicy Couture whatever this says bling Queen highlighter I'm only going to use a little bit but I like that it's liquid because to me it just like hits the Sun in a different way right here because of also the use of powder by Laura Mercier gold ass whatever this could addiction but I called it the gold asked powder just now but it definitely has a name one of these I just and I'm gonna take a teeny tiny road what I'm about to show you is the secret to my life if I could marry this contact I probably would something's gonna take this brush just take a little bit you see the difference already I don't know if you could tell but I feel like I can see the difference so just like little minor areas like your lap lines or right around chin okay so I'm pretty sure that all I have left to do is to spray my face so I'm just gonna set it and I feel like this braid this makes it look like you've had makeup on all day versus just applied it because no one's the instant you know Kate situation and then we take my Urban Decay all nighter setting spray so before I do my lips I would like to just double check that I have clean my nose ring on no one likes a super makeup clever nose ring I'll never forget one of my first time meeting cardi what our first time linking up after we had did our song we was at a music specialist at the American Music Awards wherever I performed I performed with Eminem and I sit down and she goes you better clean your nose Ringo and ever since then I'm all my makeup artist and about cleaning my nose enough now besides that I also need to clean my tattoos off because I'm not trying to cover them up I'm very very proud of my I got this tattoo in Germany to me my tattoo kind of reminds me you know you throw a paper airplane and it doesn't just go straight down it kind of floats and goes down it reminds me - you know on the way down just float it out don't just allow yourself to just shoot straight down just just cool just do this on the way down other face tats these dogs but I got done matching with a friend of mine sometimes it'll use like a funny hole in my makeup but okay it's fine I'll live everybody knows I love lip gloss I'm going nowhere without lip gloss like ever in a trillion zillion years so first I'm going to take lip liner I need various shades of Mac liner depending on how dark my window this I already did I so I don't want to go like to attend suit such a light output I might over line the top lip a little bit but I try not to is usually by total accident because I can never get a straight line just how I don't know if you guys know this that I definitely got concealer in my eyebrow but I'm just not good with a straight line and I'll go in a little bit in the corners and around it it kind of creates this like 90s like ombre type of situation and then I just have a tea cup of clear gloves I really like this rosehip oil clear box is super hydrating so and I keep just like the rest of my face my lips get really dry so you can use dollar store lip gloss you can beauty supply McLaws who care all right that is my face for the day let's see you like it hope you try it anybody's ever taught me a tip or trick as to how to do the better but yeah
Channel: Vogue
Views: 2,856,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beauty, how to, kehlani, kehalni, kehlani singer, kehlani getting ready, getting ready kehlani, kehlani vogue, vogue kehlani getting ready, beauty secrets, vogue beauty secrets, beauty secrets vogue kehlani, kehlani vogue interview, kehlani makeup, kehlani beauty, beauty kehlani, kehlani makeup routine, kehlani makeup vogue, vogue makeup kehlani, kehlani how to, kehlani makeup guide, kehlani gets ready, kehlani face, kehlani tattoos, beauty secrets kehlani, vogue
Id: 48I21gisf5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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