Taos Acid-Head Hippie Loved The 1960s. What He Did.

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I began to to have changes in my life as I was um as I as I enlisted in the United States Air for Force I was being drafted and uh I was afraid of being drafted into the army and being placed into their front lines in Vietnam I thought if I enlist in the Air Force I could avoid the avoid that and I was 1A I didn't really want to go to Canada and dodge the draft that way so I went ahead and enlisted because I was hot on the 1A draft and I enlisted in the Air Force after being a fuller brush salesman for a summer and uh at this point and this is kind of an issue I don't know how how much of an issue it is but uh that is where I first got involved with women I had gone through college never having Kissed a Girl and uh during that summer I was raped but I I didn't complain you know and uh from there that became an issue and it did intertwine in things and I'll explain that but as I went on uh I went up to my uh next my place of recruitment was West Yellowstone Montana where my MGB Roadster wire wheels broke down much to my dad your grin I had sold the Chevy Bair for the MGA Roadster and it was a piece of junk and it finally broke down and I had nothing left though I was accepted at University of Washington I said baggot and enlisted on a whim in West Yellowstone Montana my recruiter picked me up he was interestingly my first gay that I ran into later I was going to find out that I was real attractive to gay people and I was propositioned a lot by gays I wish I was by women but never was and uh he he propositioned me on my way to the Air Force which was my first induction into the unusual then I went down to basic training in Lackland Air Force Base the physical thing was no problem other guys were passing out I considered it a challenge but I began to start to hate the Air Force as the promises that they gave me didn't come true about sending me on to college right away as I had high marks in language aptitude they made me a telephone operator things started to go down Hill but they did tell me your assignment is Homestead Air Force based right outside of Miami I thought well that's not bad and I was shipped down to Homestead Air Force Base in the Air Force I had one thing in mind and one thing only and that was women that's all I wanted and uh that's all I searched for diligently but eventually that became a Hol scene I finally met a nice girl and she dropped me eventually after I dropped her three times and it was then that I became truly suicidal nothing to live for uh I didn't want to be a hippie I didn't like the long hairs I I've got sick of sex I got sick of the Air Force and their lies that they were going to send me on to college which I didn't really want anyway and uh at that time I I wasn't into the to the racial movement I wasn't into any movement I was frozen so I took some deadly poison put it on my nose and Said Goodbye cruel world and nothing happened took a fudge sickle and froze my wrist and said I've had it and gropingly slashed away with a razor blade I didn't want the pain but I wanted out and it wasn't a deep enough cut I seriously looked for some Reds at that time I knew that they were were sleeping pills and I couldn't find any or I'd be I could have been gone today and uh finally on leave this friend of mine who first turned me on to pot said hey you want to try this LSD a couple of the guys in the barracks had tried it and said hey it's wild but I was still straight as a string and said no thanks I took a hit of osley white lightning acid he took me up into the hills outside Denver Colorado as I was on leave from the Air Force and I became an instant hippie instantly because of that acid I began to look at straight people with their high heels eating white flour hamburgers at a McDonald's hamburgers over a million sold and saying no thanks baby I fell in love with nature and I looked at the Rocks I could sit there looking at weeds that were normally an item of horror to my parents and trip on on the intricate structures of ragweed and thistle plant and I began to become a Discerning acid head I only took it every 3 days mind you so that I could clean up properly and and and all and then again I started liking potm more hash the whole thing but the real issue was when I went to San Francisco on leave in 1968 in the summertime and uh I'm sorry it was 1967 in the summer it was the love that bought me into the hippie movement true I like the acid I didn't want the straight world all of a sudden and all of a sudden I looked at people's hair on their face and thought it was goodlooking the ragger the better it started to look good to me people that had crew cuts look weird now their ears stuck out and different things like that the drug had an incredible lifechanging Force to me but I was so suicidal what did I have to lose and now I was being loved on at least some level here I had a military haircut and these hippies were trusting me welcoming me in to crash in their little pad in hay ashbery and I wanted to stay there but my order said depart to Cape lisburn Alaska 750 Mi North with the Arctic Circle so I took 35 hits of w osley White Lightning about a gram of hash and a few joints and took off for northern Alaska but the problem was they found my acid taped underneath the side horse in the gymnasium I was still holding on to a gymnast goal a little bit possibly going back to college painting portraits of the guy's girlfriends for 20 bucks a shot and taking acid in watching the Moonlight sun and the surf come in in oranges and purples and greens and other colors on the northern coast of America and uh finally decided to give the Air Force my 30-day notice I had to be honorable I didn't play gay I didn't go away wall but I said I am quitting in 30 days I was out of acid I was out of hash and I was out of there and they sure enough after 30 days shipped me down to a prison uh military Stockade in Elmendorf Air Force Base or wait a minute yeah Elmendorf Air Force Base I guess it was in uh Fairbanks Alaska where I where I did five months out of six but they didn't take away all my pay they failed to take my pay in a in a Judiciary mistake I had a bad conract discharge but I flew back down to San Francisco and ran at a flat and started my first of 10 hippie communes there was a level of of love in the hippie movement that was really true there was a camaraderie it's what I call a filial love it's not a deeper agapy love the kind of love that says I'll die for you but it was a valid love and there was a family feeling and you were in this commune that commune and then the greater hip movement and let me tell you I was a hippie dippy flower child Tripper and I learned how to play conga drums in Golden Gate Park and I learned how to uh to uh climb the trees with strangers and and enter into a level of acceptance that I had never had and uh I'll never forget at a big BN where big brother in the holding company and Janice Joplin were saying cuz you got yours and I got mine and we were saying yeah that world's no good and our world is good and I would look across at the be in and see people from the same commune that had come to greet each other warmly hug one another in a huge hug and I said hey man I've arrived this is the thing for me I've got a family now and I did I had people that followed me down to the to the uh police station as they were busting me and and try to get me from being busted and they in turn were busted with me and I had a level of Love there I was Big Daddy at the commune you know I had rented the apartment and uh we went ahead and sold drugs and stuff but there was things that started to Cloud the love and it was the Spades you asked me earlier what my attitude was on Spades this didn't help it because I learned to say hey the Spades are cool hey brother you're cool but the Spades was ripping us off they were taking our drugs at gunpoint in some cases it the Spades came in later on what we call the Spades and they interrupted the the flower child scene and I didn't care about money I wanted to trip I wanted to love I still wanted women and I wanted an old lady by this time not just any woman I wanted an old lady and uh I still wasn't that heavily into the cause but my favorite song was um come on people now smile on your brother every body get together try to love one another right now yeah let's all love one another I like this kind of hippie songs people get ready there's a train coming picking up passengers from coast to coast but then too I identified as a hippie I was a hippie I wasn't ashamed of it I was a flower child and if you're going to San Francisco wear a flower in your hair I dug it we put our thumb out heading One Direction on the freeway but there were some people across the street heading down to La we were our way to Vancouver and they said hey come with us we said why not and we go across the street and head down that way you know it was okay if you had long hair you were my friend and I was prejudiced on Straits they were the enemy they were going to try to arrest us and stop our free love scene we didn't want to hurt anyone we just wanted to dance and sing take our acid and have a good time
Channel: David Hoffman
Views: 64,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MyeW_U6arqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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