Tanya's SURPRISE When She Returns Home to Ireland

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now I have a lot of pigeons an awful lot of vegans really yeah yeah it's starting to get more like a cold [Music] just recently Derek had brought me to Cleveland where I saw the house he grew up in and met his old friends there was a group of like five or six of us on the street music was always a big thing so I decided to return favor and take Derek to my hometown in Ireland Mullingar garc I'm the right up here is my my grandmother's house going to bring in and meet her and she's very camera shy but she is hilarious so hopefully she warms up but I think it's all very Hollywood [Music] no she's seen photos of you she said okay he's here he's huge but in person it might be something else see Michael shy but I'm shy sure I'm the shy one that's true actually my granny wants to get her warmed off now I've been getting a cup of tea she's a man Pioneer her whole life but we'll give her a cup of tea nanny's house I'll let you lead the way hasn't changed a bit like oh wow this is her bike this is where the dogs were all kept hello there and she brought me as well it's a pleasure to meet you finally sorry with this no no make yourself at home there this is Melissa good how are you good to meet you yes it is I love it later all over who wants tea really strong yes why not good good Copa Tower Davey my granddad used to call the tower many people are yeah leave the tea bags as well is it going there born here as well we were all born in Maryland yes okay you're not the same as well so I'm just gonna say you're not the same religion release yeah the vegan yeah I know people don't believe it though he's a giant vegan yeah cheers look sure that's all vegan well that's all that's fine the rest of his head I see a lot of uh vegan food on the menus in Mullingar now I have a lot of vegans I hear you're a big into an awful lot of vegans yeah yeah it's starting to get more like a cold thanks Nanny yeah is it is it a good cult though I mean there's no not hard on the toilet right but it's it's good for people that wants to do it they wouldn't uh you're basically vegan you eat cabbages yeah well I only eat very plain yeah you know I wouldn't be into like when you go downtown I said you could do a history or a geography yeah we stopped off of Foxy's fruit and veg shop where my whole family and I have been getting all our fresh produce for well my whole life Foxy's family has had a fruit and veg shop in our community for almost 70 years on our way to my house we dropped in to pick up a few supplies and see if we could have a chat with foxy himself this is Derek hey nice to meet you nice to meet you how are you guys getting on here head down walking away yeah busy busy busy I was just telling this is where I bought all my veggies well you guys changed locations over the years we did a course yeah yeah we're vegan so you're getting more vegetables but loads of vegans coming around the place that coke group they're honest to God yeah Nanny just goes it's kind of like a coach it is you know honestly and you'd spot them as well you'd spot them what do we look like he doesn't normally Drive Crocs what Crocs of cars Crocs yeah mostly hippies I know there's one over there he's working with me that's Machu Macho all the way from Brazil another yeah Brazil all right are you Brazilian brazilero very nice pronunciation yeah you remember Sepultura I do yeah he's a singer go away that's why I was speaking Portuguese that's good it's brilliant you're putting this thing together I fought food in different countries food and culture and everything so Derek tours as much as me and we're just taking people on the road to just show them how easy it is to eat healthier and we're also looking into just environmentalism eco-friendly everything from Cars to food to businesses so yeah we had to come back to Foxy of course it is where I got my original status the original version it's in 1953 is when you started yeah yeah your father yeah and so it's it's always been family run family run he's snuffed it three years ago yeah and uh sorry to hear that on the tradition you know it was really important though when you go around to some great places for organic food now as well you know it's it's people are becoming more aware of what they're eating I think they are yeah oh they are definitely yeah I was vegetarian for nearly two years I was living with a girl for two years and she was vegetarian so I went vegetarian how did you feel brilliant really but um I never forget the evening do we split up but we need to ask because we've got a big steak the lady went mistake I nearly died after it took me about a week yeah the difference me is in your body yeah well that's because you're already veggies you look at you you're surrounded by vegetables yeah make it good to see you every day the spouse went fast yeah well it's all kind of hand-picked like I go to the market three mornings a week myself and then I have another fellow that does the rest you know but I grew up and I smell it pick it make sure it's good you know feel it touch it that's what it's all about you know and the green Grocery Game you know still involved in actually picking it that's the thing in the big Mass stores it's like whatever it's just bought in the bowl it's just I always still come to you when I'm home oh yeah that's the difference we support a lot of local Growers as well in the area you know we've could feel local Growers this is vegan Heaven foxy that is you know yeah it is and we're gonna just get loads of beautiful shots of the food and then Mosey on go ahead Tanya yet I don't want to stop your customers okay pick it out felt so nostalgic walking around foxes I've been getting my fruits and veggies here my whole life and I love that they're such a community state they're outside of just being a fruit and veggie Chef yeah they always have you know if I needed like tamari sauce or apple cider vinegar you know chili I was always amazed at that they always just happened they're like stir-fry yeah just I guess you use that first term what the hell is going on here Brazil [Music] okay we're gonna have to get this I can't believe it and it's ready to go is it yeah okay well we're gonna get it let's get there knocking on it running your feet run your fingers on that tire get those gloves off yeah I like the thought that oh yeah okay yeah so these are like too hard or this one yeah this one this color actually it's a mini one yeah it should be like in dancing like that a little bit yeah and the yellowish color is a sign of it like this is not ready yeah yeah like you can keep this in your house for like a few days three days just out and then it'll be perfect okay we're gonna get it to do that leave it another day and see what happens yeah on this show it's no secret that I love papaya in Brazil and in the US I try to have papaya every day for breakfast I'm feeling more and more at home here [Music] that night we all stayed the night in my house with my parents [Music] [Applause] [Music] love the tears that start oh here's me Derek Hello nice to meet you finally it's so much we got inlays and after such a long day we only had time to say some hellos and fall to Rose before we hit the lava that's Irish for bed the next morning Derek and I had breakfast in the chat with my folks I was very excited to see where Tanya had come from maybe even hear some embarrassing stories about dying as a child I also wanted to show my appreciation for letting me stay so I cut up the papaya that we bought yesterday at Foxy's and I dished it up Brazilian style I served it up with lime some people like it some people people built I was eager to see what the Ocala hands had to say about it he just squeeze it over and just yeah get it oh yeah try that with the line first let's see okay and then you can try without just so you oh yeah very refreshing tell me all about Tanya everything yeah she's interesting obviously but uh we had this nice normal family and Tanya Rose interviews one of our extraordinary kids we were lucky enough well we have a couple of really nice kids when she announced terrorists they had a chance she didn't want to eat meat anymore and we were here sitting back she said she's sitting actually here and her brother was sitting here and there was any cows at the back there there's no houses out there and I had put out the dinner and Rory turned around and said you know you're eating Daisy that was it she just got up from the table and she said I'm not eating meat anymore it can be so mind-blowing for a kid you know to develop a relationship kids can be kind and cruel was there something musical going on in the family like how did you get how did she get introduced my record collection his record collection man back in the day I used to buy albums as a hobby you know what I mean I played imperative it all would be music blast in a way I guess so that kind of helped them I kind of got involved in trying to promote a few things everyone stays in my life in the nearly well I did a bit of promoting yeah I remember one time she when she was getting into music drum she wanted drums dad I want to say our drones whatever we've got a and I talked about it after buy this drum kit we need to go to an area up near the border called Hollywood [Music] um well that influence from musical influence is incredible because I guess her influence of not eating meat is rubbed off on you guys out there you go first Christmas she was away and then she was back for Christmas or whatever and of course she said please do not have a bird on the table right so we said okay I can handle that vegetables no problem I have no problem with the vegetable I could could be a vegetarian like as I said and you build my friendship I get my half-ass vegetarian right but we say right this why not she's home I sort of do it for one reason so now we've done it in Los Angeles we've done it in New York yes five years yeah I asked it so basically instead of because it's really hard after I mean they've been listening to me for 15 20 years at this stage going on and on about now I have meat in the table in my more activist annoying phase which is still there with your family but anyway stuff like Christmas and it's just like I don't wanna I was getting upset I didn't want to like sit and they don't even really none of them were heavy eat meat eaters anyway like instead of buying me any gifts for Christmas can my gift be know me on the table that year and it's every year and that was kind of a thing it has been the thing now everybody said what do you eat for Christmas which is so funny everything else is the same like he's got her grandmother said like what do you eat like what is going to have to you have to have a turkey you have to have something you know and said no no it's fine just like we did the stuff and do everything that we normally do and the gravy and everything bar the meat because we haven't even this Christmas we did not mean we haven't done it in five years yeah true horror actually we do start looking at labels I'm wondering what this is and what this isn't we're eating better yeah I definitely you guys look great which is pretty much pretty stubborn like she gets you to think her way Adventurer she backs off sometimes and then she comes back again after brekkie we went for a walk around Mullingar I really enjoyed Mullingar from the second we got there I was thrilled to see how diverse and Progressive the community there was in terms of its food and its people after working open lunch appetite we went to belly Cafe a veggie Friendly restaurant in the center of town a cafe that is quite literally flying their Community flag high and there she is thank you as always in here to check out your vegan options thank you thank you for making willinger vegan friendly yeah you're welcome how did you even find out about Mullingar for the first No Love Is in the Air I met my wife in San Francisco we got married there when it was legal for that five minutes in time and then Marion wanted to move home her parents still alive so and you had never been to Mullingar oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh so it's like a long pretty long relationship so yeah 26 years wow yeah so you fell in love with Mullingar as well yeah I had to you said she wanted to come back so I said okay let's go okay yeah really just like that pretty much yeah you know we're in a real real estate market and it all crashed in San Francisco and Mary wanted to come home so and because we got married Ireland recognized our uh marriage as legal beautiful here so I'm legal here excellent excellent bring it in so you're bringing us food or all right this is yours is this salad sandwich yes it's so great that I can come to my hometown and see all these amazing vegan options available responding to the vegan menu yeah they're getting into it nice were you always a vegan no never I only became a vegan to make the menu so we wanted to do a lot of vegetarian stuff here because in Ireland they all kind of serve the same there's like a menu that they all stick to you know so we wanted to blow that out of the water and do something totally different I saw the flags flying oh yeah and I was like oh it's just like wow it's like is that among you are like yeah when you came here do you have any fears of the people would be like very conservative about no because I knew a lot of people because they used to come visit us in San Francisco yeah right so it was the move was pretty easy because I knew so many people and then the people uh the street that we moved on to like three of our friends actually live two doors and Three Doors Down so it was an easy move for me so they all accepted me and everything so friendly friendly yeah because you always don't know what it is all right right right yeah I mean it's the street pop right right and was it important for you to have an establishment representing yeah the community yeah yeah I wanted to be a safe Zone yeah yeah everybody's welcome I love it in places like this a small town yeah [Music] yeah thank you that was a delicious delicious so great to chat with Cheryl thanks a million for joining us in Mullingar on the highway to health join us on the next one when we go to greystones County Wicklow to have some fun with these labs and don't forget to like And subscribe [Music]
Channel: Derrick & Tanya's Highway To Health
Views: 6,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: veagan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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