Tantangan Dekorasi Kue Ide Terbaik oleh Cake Indonesian | Tantangan Hias Kue Rahasia | Yummy Cake
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Cake Indonesia
Views: 577,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, gurauan, cokelat, kue, hidangan penutup, kue yang enak sekali, cara membuat kue, Indonesian, tantangan kue, tantangan coklat, tantangan cokelat, video cokelat, cokelat-cokelat, penutup cokelat, tantangan ratata, menghias kue kaya vs miskin, menghias kue cokelat, pertarungan permen, tantangan, tantangan-tantangan, tantangan air mancur coklat, watermelon, dessert, watermelon cake, so yummy, chocolate, cake decorating, cake ideas, cake recipes, cake indonesia
Id: 4E-gma0YGNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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