Tanks 101

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good evening chief from here now you may have noticed I've put on my youtube channel since I did on the odd lecture for lack of a better term and the most recent one on the tank destroyer history well it's kind of done on the fly with a bad microphone and so on so we decided the since it still seems to be relatively popular let's actually start a bit of a series of these things and we're going to start off with some pretty low hanging fruit if you've been around a couple of years you may watch the live stream of packs where I did a presentation I called tank 101 and for a lot of you this is really really basic stuff but I figure munch I'll just start off with the fundamental so they're all on the level playing field so in future videos when they start getting into some of the more technical details for example you know exactly what it is and coming from and perhaps so many other criteria that are required for tank design so this is not gonna turn into tank draftsman again this is really really basic knowledge of tanky principles and I'm going to go on a little bit towards the end on how the tanky principles make the way into World of Tanks hey well the tanks Channel and also if you should decide that you want to come and check out our employment here with a job interview web of wargaming comm slash careers now might give you a heads up if you know exactly what it is you're talking about and I'm not going to go into specific tanks really it's just general overviews so starting off I guess that this is a basic fundamental lecture at Who am I well I'm Nick Moore and I've been hanging around tanks for 16 years maybe a little bit more but outside of you know a little bit of general knowledge about tanks the fact that I'm a tank it doesn't really matter a heck of a lot it's no matter what you read and how you educate yourself so I've mentioned it before if somebody comes online in your internet arguments it says I'm a tanker and a happy for 20 years that doesn't give them any credence so questions let us start and I have up in front of me a picture of a vehicle and hopefully the picture will now appear on your screen is this a tank and ready depends which newspaper you read and by and large we will look at it and especially if they don't know any better they will say yes it is a tank well of course many of you play World of Tanks you are familiar with the concept of the SPG you will recognize an SPG when you see one I hope and well that's it exactly what you have here it's an M 109 now this is an interesting one cb90 now the thing about this is it's got a gun which is much more powerful armor which is much better and it's more mobile than any tank that you saw at the beginning of World War 2 and there's no doubt that they were actually tanked is it a tank or this one it looks like a tank it's got a big gun got direct fire it's got armor it's got tracks and now it's a tank destroyer effectively it's a strut so we have realized that perhaps the definition of what makes a tank isn't as simple as you might imagine initially think and this comes back after what did this with the tank destroyer video if you go click link II showed the difference between a tank destroyer and self-entitled anti-tank honor actually isn't one it's just a matter of what you call it finally if you read the news this is also a tank and in common parlance the tanks frequently said anything that runs around on the roads or anything else and has armor well let's not go there so at at the larger end of things you can make an argument that these are all tanks all these four vehicles and top left you have Leonardo da Vinci's tank and as a pizza trivia if you look closely at the image you'll see that there is a deliberate design flaw that Leonardo put into his design so that if somebody stole his plans and built the tank according to those plans it would not work so however locating figure it out and show off by putting it into the comments below the Tsar tank we just put out a video very recently about it to go head and watch roots back five five or six minutes on the Tsar tank the F tank well we all know but yes night now because the Swedish line and a lot of people will say it's a tank destroyer the Swedes strongly disagree it's worth of Swedes are concerned it is a tank and finally the bottom body gotta put in a plug for hammer Slammers so good science fiction tanky sort of thing if you're interested to that but it has no tracks those a tank have to have tank get track to be a tank and I would argue no it is all about row what is the expected purpose of the vehicle so in the future if we have Harbor tanks they're still tanks so let us go on to a more philosophical question why do tank exist well your question is what is the most important weapon in war to the tank is it an airplane it's at the radio the pen is mightier than the sword was it MacArthur said that Webb said the pen with Smarties in the sword has never stared down automatic weapons well unfortunately for us tankers know it's Joe the man and his rifle and the only weapon that can take hold clear do every tactical tasks that the Army has in its doctrine is a man with his rifle and tank sauce exists to support him in fact pretty much everything in the military exists to support the man in this rifle there are some exceptions rejoining specific naval naval engagements blockades for example obviously riflemen aren't all that important and the you go back far enough this was different different philosophical question entirely was at some Stockley said he who commands the sea is command of everything then again the Greeks did like their water so let's go back a little bit 1914 there is a bit of an exchange of opinions and you had infantry with machine guns as so the solution to that is well that's bring armored cars up the armored cars have been around you know pretty much almost since you mentioned a car so you're talking like 1906 maybe even earlier armored cars are not uncommon and of course the good thing about them they're armored they got machine guns they can deal with opposition machine guns the bad bit about them though is that they're pretty much confined to road and if you look at the terrain and let's say Flanders the Western Front yeah armored cars are not going to do well so you needed to find some way of dealing with the terrain problem so the solution appears and there were a number of different options as our tank teacher saw the French had the the burro device which really was more supposed to be a wire crushing device as opposed to a tank but it did the same job it went across no-man's land the British are the first at the doors we all know a little willing and then Demark want and in credit to the French they also invented the tank completely independently because British what I'm telling the French what they were up to and at the same time the French also had the same idea but they get it right with the FT with the fully traversing turret full-length track driver in the front engine in the back fighting compartment in the middle pretty much every tank ever since has followed this basic design philosophy amx-13 Merkava that's pretty much the gist of it of course you've got the light tanks like scorpion whatever as well but I'd love to decide so that was why the tank sit so let's get into a little bit of the nomenclature and some of the design details that's why a tank looks the way a tank does so we have here is a diagram of a typical common or garden tank it is as you can see an early model m4 and various components well yes the army have helpfully labeled everything if you want to zoom in and look at the individual components like the 75 millimeter gun it turret you can also see the prop shaft that goes from about halfway up the hole from the radial engine down to the base of the floor the front for the transmission and that's why the m4 is so high however the bottom line is that the bit you are looking for is the full track chassis this is pretty much standard I can't offhand think of any tanks today that don't have a full track chassis up at the front you have the driving compartment today it's just the drivers hole and nothing else back in World War two you had also the bow gunner will be located in the driver's compartment as well in the center you have the fighting compartment the fighting compartment can or need not include a turret bingo the S tank as we seen before but the terminology is good for assault guns and so on as well the fighting compartment is where the crew actually fights the tank the engine compartment no guesses for what that does it holds the engine of course the Navy did invent tank so that's why we have so many of the the nautical terms like the whole the hatches and so on decks so your crewman who's in well you got the driver very happy that an individual almost always sits at the front of the hull there have been some exceptions in the game you got the object 416 he had the mbt-70 the part of the problem was that you had to have a system that would allow the turret to Traverse while still being connected to the hull and the tracks in the engine and so on didn't work out too well the 416 had Traverse limitations the m50 355 artillery piece that basically could only drive when the gun turret was facing straight forward if I recall the mbt-70 was the driver had his own little counter-rotating cupola the turret would all 360s and he could drive and always face forward no matter what the turret was doing the end result of that was he got a motion sick driver and so the bottom line was after many attempts nobody has as yet decided that it is a good idea to place the driver the turret and it's for a general tank there have been cases where the crew goes down into the hole the t14 for example being a recent case in point but again this is something of a rebellious concept the gunner well gee what does he do he controls the gun usually found in the turret the front sometimes in front of the commander and not always the loader this is the famous bobbington cut in half Centurion and my thing about is he shows you pretty easily the amount of space he has to work with this mannequin is short and you can also see as a matter of tank design how much room the breech has to elevate before it hits the top of the turret and that brings you to gun depression we're going to be coming back to gun depression a little bit in the future and finally the tank commander yes you're the guy you get to look all cool you stand out on top of the tank you feel at if you ever get the chance be tank commander it's a heck of an experience yeah the whole shooting it you're saying happens as well but you get over that usually and the bog the backburner Summers also known as a radio operator of especially if he doesn't have a background of his own to play with he will usually be found at the front of the hole next to the driver and this was a position which is basically deleted shortly after the war but 1950s they decided it was a waste of space to have that extra man there they didn't need them there wasn't a critical maintenance and the ability to shoot on the move was getting better so there was no need for the barrel gun which was considered to be semi stabilized because no matter what the tank was doing the bow gunner could still adjust free action whereas if you didn't have a stabilized gun the coaxial was useless on the move enter stabilized gun systems coaxial can fire on the move there's even less argument in favor of the bow gunner so he was soon deleted ok design theory you will be familiar with the holy trinity mobility armor and firepower and at the general rule especially in World War II or World War 2 era you can have any two of these three so you can have armor and firepower like in Cajun Tiger you can have firepower and mobility say an M 18 but you didn't really have engines powerful enough instructions good enough to have all three at once and so until the most recent generation of tanks and still to an extent it still valid you do have that question between mobility armor and firepower you have to make that balance today the engines are good enough that the tanks are plenty fast but now you're talking into more operational and strategic mobility you still have a 70-ton tank yeah I can now do 40 miles an hour but if the bridge that tries to cross in Africa or wherever it is can't hold the weight of the bridge of the tank your mobility is still limited so going into the three sections starting off with mobility because arguably this is the most important part of a tank if you don't have mobility on a tank you have a pillbox well we have pillboxes for quite a while performs two main functions one is it allows you to cross obstacle and the other is that it reduces ground pressure as you can see of course this tank also uses tracks as additional armor the value of it is highly questionable but it did make people feel better so crossing obstacles and general rule is if you have a wheeled vehicle the bigger the wheel the bigger the obstacles you can cross over so I have a little drawing there little small little ball you roll it long it gets to a little little bump from a couple irregularities in the surface it will stop you get something big like a beach ball that's same irregularity which will stop a marble will not stop the beach ball we'll just crawl right on over and again the Tsar tank we saw earlier with the perfect example of this use a huge radius wheel and it'll fall over in theory anything of course you had a horse power issue but earth matter entirely now how does this apply to the tank if you think about it the track is simply part of the circle without having to have the entire circle so well the one you got the rolls-royce armored car excellent armored car but look how big the wheel arc is compared to the wheel arc on the mark four and what you can see is huge so the mark four has no difficulty getting over a lot of the obstacles that the rolls-royce would have because of that part of the radius now Graham pressure that is weight divided by the contact area and the purpose of this is that allows you to cross soft ground so that you don't sink into it which is a bit of a nuisance because when you think it's stuck it's really annoying to get it out again so by way of a couple of examples private Snuffy and if you don't know private Sanofi is also known as a Joe when they use your stereotypical common garden infantryman let's say he weighs 200 pounds with better gear and your average foot ground pressure is about 16 pounds per square inch if you're watching this in Europe go convert it on Google top right corner I put it say that was the weights are for a Crown Vic it's the lincoln version whenever Town Car 2 tons 30 psi and as a general rule the ground pressure of a vehicle is going to be equivalent to the pressure on the tire and just a bit curious bottom left you've got a heavy homer in 1151 now this thing comes in is about 6 tonnes spread on to the four wheels and the pressure is now 40 psi so you would now have three times over three times the weight per square inch from the Humvee than you do from a person but the m1 coming in at now in this case 67-ton is 15 psi it's less ground pressure than privates nothing so in theory as long as private Snuffy can walk across the surface of a bog or whatever without sinking into it soak in the tank and this happens particularly if I recall back in the Falklands British tank he was driving around in his CV Archie hopped out and immediately sank up to his knees whereas the Scorpion scimitar just hadn't even broken the cross all right so that bit more maps if Graham pressure is the weight of the tank divided by the length of the sack multiplied by the width of the track I use or for the area long tracks are better right well yes and no the kb6 we did not invent this go online there's a wonderful backstory to the kb6 this kb6 there was actually another kb6 which is Peugeot is a flamethrower but this particular one it's quite amusing well the problem with longer tracks is that makes turning more difficult because when you're pivoting your track the bits of the outside end have to go much further for the same market Traverse and this will build up dirt and as well as resistance the dirt has a good chance of getting caught between the wheels and the track it'll pop it off the centre guide and you've now lost your track you've walked it off which is really annoying so shorter track length vehicle will turn better turning is accomplished usually by varying the speed of your tracks so most people have figured this out by now one track goes faster inside track goes slower you go around there are a couple of works for example track warping vehicles like the Tetrarch like the universal carrier and what they will do it they will actually bend the track itself and that will allow you to do nice gentle turns without any of the issues of lots of power due to the very different steering systems very difficult to use on a heavier vehicle though which is wait and see it on anything else but it was an interesting way of getting around the problem now of course if you spun the wheel all the way around one track would lock it many expen normally but innovative okay so between the track and hog you still have the suspension components the wheels and you had various different types but generally speaking you're looking at one of two bogies or independent bogie - the oldest ones they had groups of usually little wheels all grouped together around a central pivot point and the advantages to the bogie well firstly it's easy to repair if something goes wrong and your bogie gets blown up whatever simply unbolt the bogie put a new bogie back on on you go you have less localized pressure that's axial loading per wheel because your weight is spread out over so many different parts of the track down sides you generally had poor obstacle crossing because of the way the bogie is built there's only so much travel that one of the wheels will go up so you hit an obstacle the wheel go up a certain amount and then it will get it stopped so instead of riding over the obstacle you now jump up and your entire tank gets kicked upwards bogies were generally speaking starting to go out of service by the end of World War two the Sherman's for the last ones the one notable exception the British hung on to them for quite a while up through the Chieftains and indeed Israelis kept them going with the mark over for a while but generally speaking bogies went away replaced by independent suspension so where every individual wheel is connected to its own suspension system upside usually these wheels are much bigger and you're okay Churchill obvious exception for example but generally speaking independent road wheels are bigger than bogeyed road wheels so you have less rolling resistance because there are fewer axles and you have a better ride because it's better able to go over the obstacles again it comes back to the huge park diameter circle thing I was talking about earlier downsides one may have slightly higher localized pressure and frequently they are harder to repair than bogies if you were to break one simple way of example the famous Christie suspension that was yes fantastic the t34 BTS and it did make the tank much faster did make them perform better tactically but repairing one if it broke with the right paint so the top images of a t-34 the springs you can see go all the way from the base of the tank to the top of the hull the bottom image is one of the British cruisers and the springs are missing but you can see where they would go behind the armor plate so your bogie breaks a couple of bolts replacement you're done a spring brakes on your cromwell and all of a sudden you're removing track you're removing wheels and you're removing armor plate so that was one of the problems with the christie suspension and part of the reason is a little bit overrated and it also took a lot of internal volume that a bogie doesn't torsion bars are the more typical form of suspension today so that was just the track then you got to get the thing to go and that means your engine and factors which affect your engine you're looking at horsepower torque weight and fuel so horsepower is basically how fast you go torque is how quickly you'll get there or if you go up to a tree or a wall or something like that how much of it you'll take with you when you go through engine weight is a factor a lot of the early war engines were actually aircraft engines because they gave a high power-to-weight out later on Edge's got more powerful that's critical but even today if you look at say the turbine engine on the image there for the m1 it provides a lot of power very little weight and you know you save a couple of hundred kilos here couple of hundred kilos there soon you're talking some serious tonnage and it does start to make a difference where you can add or reduce weight around the tank even today the document replacing hydraulics with electrics and that will save to simply I think it's like a ton and a half with a hydraulic piping fuel it's got two factors one is your fire chance which is a little bit overrated but I'm sure we'll come back to that in a future video and the other is range how far would you go on a single tank of gas now there one is five hundred and three US gallons and you're pretty much looking for another fuel tank fuel truck within a hundred miles it will go further if you're cruising the whole way but in reality you never cruising at a constant speed for two hundred and fifty miles except on the test range and this would be a factor all the way down through the world course so even in the race across France the Allies were limited by the amount of fuel that they could get through and that's another argument entirely so yeah you have the logistic issue how do you get the fuel from let's say UK to France and you know hence you got Pluto a pipeline under the ocean but then once it got on to the land you had to get it into the tank itself and that was by jerry cans or in the british room they had slim zis they were called and you're talking about filling up several you know eighty gallons that's a 100 and something gallons with individual cams this is really annoying it takes a very long time so the less you can do it the better it's more efficient on your logistic tail it's easier on the crewmen so on and so forth so ideally you want to get the best possible range for your tank as you can which then brings it to the diesel vs petrol question and diesels will get you further range but back in world war ii area they weren't quite as powerful as they needed to be compared to the petrol engines or gasoline if you're mayor so that's why most banks around the world we're using gasoline firepower now these are some of the factors that affect firepower accuracy is one of the rate of fire shell type penetration and vision and then of course in the game term damage done at the other end if any of these things fail your purpose of the tank is gone so for example vision you see the enemy first would probably shoot first and will probably win it's a lot of people don't look at when they evaluate a tank oh the Panther had the L 70 gun which is huge penetration is very accurate yes but if you can't find the target to hit it in the first place what good is your gun doing on the other hand you may have the best vision in the world and Auto tracking and so on but if your gun will just ricochet off the target the point so you do have that balance as well but they're all different factors different tanks achieve them to different levels so things that affect accuracy the speed of the round and this is two things one it reduces the Amanda lead that you need to hit the target try hitting a light tank in water tanks or the kv2 that's cleaning along at 50 kilometers an hour versus try doing it with something a little bit faster like a panther you'll see obviously that the faster round is more likely it hit it easier to aim the other issue is arc of flight so your love around goes we in order to hit you like the sound effect as opposed to the high-velocity round which is simply flat now the reason that is important is because especially back in those days your arc could be quite high you had to know exactly how far away your target was otherwise you'd be lobbing it if you're off on range you need to go over your target or you'll fall short of the target if you have a flat trajectory weapon yeah estimate the range close enough the chances are you will hit it and that goes into the whole battle sight range question which I've talked about elsewhere also if you're a hunter you may know it is maximum point-blank stability is around well that also comes in to the accuracy if the round is doing this that wobbles downrange the chances are a you will miss it and be you maybe reduce effectiveness because your rounds work simply twist instead of punching straight through and this was particularly an issue with early stable ammunition 1944-45 and it took quite a while before the US was particularly impressed by the stability of a table and that they converted finally using it the qualities of cyclone if you if you a me the fuzzy thing and your radical silks you're probably not going to hit it quality is stabilization if you're firing on the move early british tanks the stabilization was the gunner crouching down on his knees and he'd be kind of bending his knees as a tank did this was very basic but it kind of worked after that though when the gun started getting heavier more than about a 6 pounder you had to start using mechanical stabilization and that basically was confined to the american tanks until just after the post-war era and don't forget just because the gun is stabilized the crew are still being thrown around so it's you're never going to get it quite as accurate as the as the manufacturer says it will be accuracy the data that goes back also to the arc of light so how far away is your target today you got crosswind sensors you got humidity check you've got temperature checks how many rounds have been fired from your barrel already so that's the wear of the barrel it's these days it's actually very fascinating the amount today that goes into every calculation before you fire the round and finally the range of motion of you got you know how how easily how quickly can you place it a you've gone on to target in the first place all right so that's simply getting a shell arm to the target so then you have rate of fire way to fire has a couple of different factors first they obviously how many targets you can be gauge in the tournament time things which affect your rate of fire the size of the round bigger rounds will take longer how many Lotus do you have if you got a two-piece ammunition you may be better off with two others and settle to one how much space do you have to work with if there is only a very limited amount of space for you to manipulate that round then it's probably going to take you longer to get the round out through this one path within your turret into the breech and hope that it would be if you can just pick the round up anyway you got it and immediately slam it into the breech so if you've been following me inside the hatch videos you probably have a very good idea of the differences by now number of pieces per and already mentioned time to aim so what usually happens is that your rate of fire is not actually limited by how fast your loader comportment into the breech especially the first couple of rounds he's very good towards after the first ten or ten or twelve rounds spending on the tank things really start slowing down though even in the modern Abrams for example there's what we call a sweet spot that you can take the round of that really quickly but then you start reaching around other parts of the ready rack it takes longer to get the round into the tube but for aiming purposes though the gunner still has to find the target lay on the target and then finally engage this takes time then when you fire around you've got obscuration the dust and the dirt that's being picked up you can't see where your round landed maybe so even if you hit the target you still have to wait for the dust to clear before you can see the effects on target and then either acquire a layer onto a new target or service it again so by and large acquisition is at least as important as how fast you can put rounds into the tube and finally have Auto loaders well nice thing about Auto loaders what are several advantages one of which is they don't get tired but when your magazine runs out that's it goes so what happens when you shell hits the target so you have a shot which is basically a solid piece of metal armor-piercing high-explosive armor-piercing composite rigid aka high-velocity armour-piercing armor-piercing discarding Sabo the these are all kinetic energy rounds and that's quite simply the mass by the velocity the round into a area of a certain size once it makes the hole you will have little pieces of metal fly around inside the target vehicle and generally gives everybody a bad date over penetration is a thing if you fire today let's say a modern saber round at something as totally armored as at BRDM you have an excellent chance of around going in one side going at the other side nothing not hitting anything important or anyone important on the way and all of a sudden people inside they're going what the heck was left there's two little holes inside the vehicle to deal with those you need a different type of ammunition those your chemical effect rounds heat is the most prevalent high-explosive anti-tank and that is a cone of explosives that when it detonates it collapses creates a plasma jet which then punches through the armor the advantage of that is it doesn't matter how far away you are when you shoot the effectiveness is always the same and finally have help or hash the US Army has gone away from Happ since I went to the 120 the British still very much like it and what this does is it it lands a cowpath of explosive onto the armor faces off against it then detonates and the shock waves will then blast through the armor causing bit on the inside or fixtures to break off and then fly around and give people inside of that day what effects penetration well as a general rule for kinetic energy around how fast is going and how heavy it is so that's why a lot of them are made a depleted uranium tungsten heavy metals for a chemical effect around is how wide is the shell the diameter Robin goes up in a on an exponential basis and finally you also have little quirks like normalization shatter gap and so on normalization is the tendency when around hits to turn into the armor plate and it increases the effectiveness and that was one of the problems we had with those tanks that saw tracks on the outside and additional armor was that the tracks are made of a softer steel the not armored plate so what would happen if an incoming penetrator will hit the track hit the softer metal turn into the soft metal a lot of normalization does and now it is going at almost the same speed directly into your armor plate and the cost for this increased vulnerability is that you've increased the wear and tear on your tank and that's again a topic for another day go on depression perhaps the most important step in the game that nobody pays attention to as a general rule tanks more depression will provide a smaller defensive target and they will shoot earlier if they going over hill if your tank is good gun depression the chances are it is a taller tank and easier to hit if it's not in a defensive position so the two pictures we have here one is enables one is a tee Bobby is 72 and you can see that the t-72 although it is a smaller tank actually is providing a larger target because that has to go further over the hill in order to get the good loan of the shoot but if you're attacking over open ground if you're in an offensive oriented army you'll probably want the t-72 because the smaller and harder to hit so the effectiveness of armor and this is now a trade-off between weight and volume it's still awake good more volume means more room inside the tank that needs to be protected this means you need more metal to protect the tank which means that for the same amount of weight you have less armor effectiveness and that's one of the reasons for all the loaders you make the tank smaller you get more armor for the weight angled armor increases protection but reduces internal space so that's why you don't see it as much anymore you the t-34 for example is lauded for it had our angled armor everywhere yes it did it made it pretty hard to penetrate it also made it pretty hard to operate because you didn't have the space but way of an example of what the plastic effects are again you can get the their calculators online you can if you are that curious you see with a little bit of slope not much happens for the first 10 or 15 20 degrees once you get over a certain level though that little bit more slope starts really increasing the effective horizontal thickness of the armor plate the last our requirement today and this was the top we had one of the operation think-tank discussions was oK we've had the Holy Trinity should that be modified and the fourth answer that came out with communications the ability of a tank to talk to every other tank let them know what it's happening situational awareness in World of Tanks terms that means look at the little mini-map in the bottom right corner of your screen too many people seem to ignore it but today it's radius so it used to be signal flags way back in the day when you start off if you recall that you used to be like the lights to tractor head signal flags in the radio that was what they actually use and you had to hope that somebody's looking at their little slip in their cupola in the right direction at the right time to see what was going on then you got up to the radio and yes that is actually me on the radio there on the left and that a simple verbal communication now you got battlefield command systems they're called so FB CB 2 blue force tracker you probably familiar with it it's a little computer screen inside the tank that can use to indicate where you are where the enemy is send email messages to each other what have you but they say the most dangerous thing on the battlefield is a man with a radio who knows how to use it and if you've got a tank so much the better alright so we're getting to the end so how are these things applied in the game so again this is if you're a relatively new player and you you're trying to use real-world tactics or real-world knowledge in the game because hey I'm a tanker I know how to tank in real life like anti-tank well in the game real individual tactics do work for the individual tank level so those tactical things like berm drills moving on low ground hold down positions go to the cheats and teaches video on use of cover this sort of thing works however once you get above that inter tank tactics are a bit more gaming so in a real tank platoon each tank is shooting a different target there's no point shooting multiple tanks at one target it's inefficient one tension do the job in our game however it's the opposite as much as possible everybody focus on one poor bugger and just melted spotting is a bit quirky in the game compared to what you would expect in real life so just again go to the chief and teach it spotty I'll cover this and there are some pretty egregious cases of game ISM and artillery is a case in point and yeah well that's a topic of discussion for another day so other game isms how many tanks how many hit points as a real tank Alvin obviously the answer is none yeah generally speaking if a penetrate you're done in World War two one penetration might keep going to penetrations you probably get in the idea you're having a bad day and if the third penetration doesn't kill you the chances are you getting out of your tank anyway because you don't want hang around for the force a trend has started critical hits and this is now I'm going to divert a little bit and I find this is a cultural divide between traditional war gamers and say MMO players for World of Warcraft or what have you apparently and I did not know this in many online games a critical hit means that you don't extra damage and double the damage points or whatever I come from games like harpoon where critical hit is like it is in the game it's a module it made me do no damage whatsoever to the integrity of the visit of the vehicle or vessel but it would use in those capability so that was just a little little curious society I discovered comes from historical war games and then of course you've got the question of historical accuracy versus game balance well I'm hate I hate to say it if you have to lose one of you have a game balance will win because we're trying to keep this a fun game so the 10 class is in the game how do they relate to historically well in World War two of course you did have light tanks me in tanks and heavy tanks sometimes it will be known as the infantry tanks and Cruiser tanks if you're British but generally speaking yes did the roles are slightly different between heavy tank and infantry tank but generally speaking they have the same general characteristics tank destroyers generally would be glass cannons yes you have the yak Tigre and things like that but they tended to emphasize mobility and firepower at the cost of armor and of course artillery artillery it's a force multiplier artillery cannot do anything on its own it's useless on its own or nearly useless especially in the game but what it can do is they can apply its firepower in addition to someone else's firepower so if you're a one guy on their off on a flank and you have artillery on the radio you are not just a 120 millimeter cannon your own 20 millimeter cannon plus a 6 inch gun after the war light medium that correction light heavy tanks start to die off the rolls were simply taken by MBTs main battle tanks artillery of course remained and tank destroyers they changed their nature they became missile armed generally speaking or very specialized vehicles and finally in game effects well artillery controversial shall we say the idea is that it's supposed to hit stationary targets whether it happens in the game well you can argue it there are few penalties for moving in the game in real life you can you are you driving along your accuracies reduce your ability to reach ammunition is reduce in the game tanks can come along at full speed firing as fast as possible it doesn't matter what's happening to the tank so just watch out for that instant reactions you can go from full 4 to full reverse very quickly and we'll go tanks tank in a real tank you go full forward then you stop then you fight to put the gear shift into the reverse position and then you go off another the other direction what we call peekaboo tactics are questionable in real life spotting mechanisms well things will vanish in plain sight in the game I refer you back to the cheating spot chieftain teachers spotting video very short engagement rages in our game in World War two your typical engagement range was about 800 meters to 900 meters in our game everything is between 50 to 300 generally speaking or some for up to 500 you can Shuba generally speaking not what this will result in is a face hugging and ramming which we don't like to do in real life and what they argue is Russian bias and this is a sympathy matter in the game mechanics because the Soviets would not known for having the most accurate weapons and having to take armor which happens to work very well when you're up close and personal whereas the Germans who had the highly accurate long-range guns they can't really user advantages so much in the game which coincidentally did seem to happen in World War two so you go ran Normandy let's say those extra long ranges that the Germans had because of a closed terrain they couldn't use it so the Allied tanks were able to get a much closer before an engagement happened so that reduce the German advantages there and other things okay tracks get repaired really quickly in the game in reality what will happen your track will die in mud snow ice rain anywhere where it is not pleasant and not fast to fix so you throw a track you're at least I probably for an hour maybe four or five depending on how bad it is in the game 15 seconds I would love my loader to do that somebody other module effects well we can cover those plenty of game tutorials out there you can have a look at just things to note as a contrast to what you would expect from a real tank anyway that basically is tank 101 and how it goes into the game so hopefully I haven't bored you too much but again this is just designed to give you a basic fundamental of what a tank is and how to think about them in future episodes are going to go into slightly more historical issues I believe the next one is going to be the Battle of the River Plate that was that I hope you enjoyed it if you didn't know anything about tanks already if you did hope you still awake as younger [Music] you
Channel: The_Chieftain
Views: 315,783
Rating: 4.9457064 out of 5
Keywords: Tank introduction, Basic tank information
Id: ZRves6Mhun8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 39sec (2739 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2017
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