Tamiya Mosquito NF.MK.II Timelapse part 2

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welcome back everybody this is part two in my time-lapse build of the Tama 148 scale mosquito night fighter now in this uh video we're going to see the kit go from primer straight through uh paint into the completion I will starting with the paint uh if you want to see everything up to the primer stage uh Down Below in the in the description you'll see a link to part one and if you haven't seen it yet jump over there and that shows that whole progression from box to primer and as I said this video will be paint to completion and on that note let's jump right into this we can see that build or the finishing of this 148 skill mosquito and as always my name is Shawn and this is Sean's Aviation [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so here we are with the mosquito now that it is uh painted I'm going to seal it with the gloss coat which is just a future floor wax uh not sure what it's called today it's changed names a few times um and I do need to buy some so I'll have to figure out what it is called so I know what I'm looking for when I'm shopping either in the stores or online it used to be called future floor wax and it was pledged with future shine again not sure what it's called now I like this clear coat I have never airbrushed it I've only ever brushed it on and it's easy to go on it settles nicely into any of the panel lines um it uh dries relatively quickly you can apply coats over top it will fog if you apply a second coat on top of the first coat but that will eventually settle out as it dries and uh I found it to be relatively stable the stuff I'm using now I've had for many many years over 10 I would say over 15 years in the bottle and it has held up um it hasn't uh degraded at all as well there's a few models I have that I've used it on there's a couple I've kept in a gloss scheme and I've used this as the sealant and it's been you know close to a decade and there isn't any type of uh yellowing or discoloration being a floor wax it tends to be UV stable uh so it won't yellow in the Sun or anything like that over time as far as I can tell now I haven't let it sit for 25 30 years but definitely in the 10 or so um that I've seen it doesn't seem to react so I I like it um everybody has their own personal preference right now this is my jam I like it it's easy to apply and like I said it settles out nicely so I'm going to finish these Wings once I'm done I'm let the wings dry before I do the fuse Lodge so I'll come back and do the rest of this once these wings are dry and then I'll get this thing gloss coated and uh and then eventually we'll get around to getting the uh the decals done so there we go [Music] so here we are with mosquito I'm at a kind of a milestone stage and that Milestone stage is that it is painted it is gloss coats it has been gloss coated I also have the landing gear they're not glued in they're just sitting there uh it just allows me to put the model down on its Wheels plus it looks so cool sitting on its wheels so I just just it also means that the Ling gear aren't going to get broken or anything by accidentally hitting them I just realized I pulled all the masking out earlier and I never pulled out the ones of the radiators oh that looks so good just enough weathering in there to make it look good anyways next steps for this uh basically decals it is ready for decals and then I can seal the decals do a little bit of weathering not lots just a little bit of weathering um and then um start assembling things flat coat and start doing all the little details so I mean this still has a few things I got to do the landing gears still need the um oil tanks mounted to them uh props and Spinners need to be assembled antennas need to be put on tail wheel has to be glued in um there's still some details inside the Bombay I got to do I got to paint the guns a little bit of a darker color and weather them I got to pull the masking out of the opening and then get all that put together so next steps on this the big ones for me are going to be the decals shouldn't take long with the decals it's uh I have a thumb print embedded in that why do I have a thumb print embedded in that oh I got a lot of thumb prints embedded in this how what happened to that h i wonder can I just polish that out or is that I may have picked it up with a uh I may have picked this up when it had uh before the the the future completely dried there's a bunch of of thumb prints everywhere although it might just be from now I'm hoping it's just for me picking up now and I got a little bit of oil on my thumb print and I can wipe that off with some with some um alcohol anyways uh decals I got to get the decals done I also want to work on the exhausts um the exhausts on this particular kit are going to be the uh flame dampening exhausts which you see here my plan for those I'm going to paint them alclad uh same time I paint the um the two f82 alclad so a base coat of alclad so gloss block then alclad I don't know stainless steel or something then alclad it's like an aluminum or a weathering exhaust burnt exhaust or exhaust staining or something along those lines paint that seal it then I'm going to paint it the same color that I painted this airframe which is how they would have been off the kit and then I'll go through with either some sandpaper or a cotton swab with some alcohol and I'll try to wipe the paint off the back side this so it looks like the black paint has been burning off the exhaust and you start to see the metallic look coming up from underneath so that's my plan uh for the exhaust on these and that takes there's multiple steps there's FL gloss black alclad alclad weathering alclad ceiling and then the black and then the weathering so I want to get that process started soon so I can poke away at it and step by step by step and step and step and work my way through and then at the end I'm not rushing so get those done and then as well as soon as I'm done decals with the gloss coat I can go ahead with the weathering and I can start doing the exhaust staining and making sure that looks good and then fitting those exhaust Stacks now the one thing I didn't check which I should have yeah I still have to do the normal exhausts as well so I'm going to have to uh get those normal exhausts all at the same time with the alclad so there's going to be a lot of alclad all being painted at once so I want to get that done but anyways it's coming along good it looks really really good uh I'm very excited to start uh getting to the next steps so um yeah decals and poking away at the exhausts and on that note let's get back at it and I'll check in later here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so you'll see here as I'm finishing up the decals I'm going along with a pin and I'm just popping any bubbles that have formed in some of the larger decals which tends to happen over things like rivets and panel lines and stuff like that and then and now once that's done I give the entire model another gloss coat just to ensure those decals are really really settled in there and there's a nice hard layer underneath and on top which limits any chance of scratching or those decals lifting down the line and then once that's done I I hit it with a flat coat I just use the standard Vallejo uh matte finish hit it with that and then you'll see here I can start pulling off the masking and all that kind of stuff and it's making it look like a finished model so we're getting close to the end and then after that it's just some fiddly BS [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just a quick kind of status update on where we are with this kit so I mean as you've been watching um I got a lot done um I didn't do any type of blackwash weathering on this uh post decals uh but I did uh do some exhaust staining down the side just the hint of exhaust staining on this and then um flat coat and I've pulled the masking you would have just seen me with the landing gear I got the uh oil tanks done they still to be weathered I'm going to add some black wash to those oh what happened there weird um anyways I'm going to add a little bit of black wash to this um in a little bit here uh just to those oil tanks just to dirty them up what I'm going to work on now is the exhaust so I've got the actual exhaust here they've been painted alclad um stainless steel with a bit of alclad uh exhaust manifold exhaust manifold just to darken it up these are the covers that cover them so they were painted same thing alclad stainless steel and then just the back end where the exhaust comes out I painted it with a little bit of um exhaust manifold but what I'm going to do now and then I brush painted on some of the uh Panzer dark gray that I used on the to the air frame and I got myself a little bit of isopropyl alcohol here and what I'm going to do is just start wiping off some of this paint and I'm going to do it in a bit of a semicircle so down the middle here I'll have more paint missing and down to the bottom I'll have a bit more and at the top I'll have less and the idea is that I'm trying to recreate anyways is that the heat of the exhaust stocks that sit behind this right the heat of that exhaust has heated up the metal and has caused the paint to flake can come off of these this rear section so obviously the rear as well as the bottom would be hotter than the top so I'm just going to go through here with this isopropyl alcohol and just try to wipe off some of this paint and just darken it up or sorry not darken it up just wear the paint make it look like a natural wear pattern that the paint has naturally faded and come off I've actually never done anything like this before this is the first time I've done anything like this and if I do say so myself I think that looks I think that looks pretty good so the outloud underneath obviously it's a um a locker and I've put a lock clear the outloud clear on it [Music] so yeah as I was saying before the um clear coat I put on top of the the alclad clear coat that I put on top of the alclad protects the underlying metallic paint from the upper paint as well as the um uh alcohol so now you can see when this gets m mount it in place something like that um it looks like the the I still have a little bit of work to do on it it's not perfect but it definitely looks like the uh the paint was worn off and yeah anyways it clearly looks like the paint has faded off has come off and it's no longer um the metallic undertones is coming out around the end where the exhaust would come out which is kind of what the look I was looking for um I'll zoom in here a little bit so we got a good look I'm just going to get rid of those so I'll zoom in and you'll be able to take a look at what I'm talking about here so you can see how the paint is on the front it's not on the back and if I find the right in the side you can see the exhaust stains there there's still the actual exhaust piece to go in but you can see that when that is mounted in place it looks like the rear half the paint has faded off the rear half the way you would normally with that kind of heat and and and whatnot in use so that's the the look I'm going for so we'll see how it turns out while I'm zoomed in you can get a good look at just what this uh mosquito looks like right now the detailing up inside the cotton and then the wheel well which I'm going to work on right now I got to get the flat coat on the wheels so I'm just going to dump these in there so I don't lose them and on this top m point I'm going to widen back out again and we'll jump over and I'll I'll start uh weathering those landing gears a bit more [Music] [Music] and here I start working on the props you'll see I paint the tips with a base coat of white and then I go ahead and hit it with the yellow tips the way it normally would and then I get the props all assembled and uh get ready to start gluing those onto the plane [Music] [Music] [Music] and here you'll see I start getting towards the end of the kit and I started having to deal with all the little parts that I've not dealt with yet and left to the end uh here it starts with the Bombay door actuators I get them glued in then I paint them the interior green color and then I paint them the silver color then I just start you know gluing in landing gear gluing on gear doors gluing on bay doors all those little things again that I've left off to the end to ensure things don't get broken [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so here we are at the end of the build for this must sorry mosquito and uh yeah it's done it looks great it's a Tama kit so it's really hard to screw it up the hardest part of this kit in all honesty was getting these little wing tip antennas on they they didn't really want to line up they're still off a little tiny bit the plot you know they're not quite perfectly parallel and straight but I've also probably knocked them a few times doing work on the kit so um anyways other than that other than feeding those through the rest of this kit they just falls together it's super easy to assemble it's the instructions are easy the decals are great everything you see on this kit right now is out of the box kit everything's kit kit decals I use the decal seat belts inside they look great uh just did some good weathering and everything made it look decent some post shadings some pre-shading and whatnot to make it look good so that's uh it's a great kit highly recommend this to anybody who wants a 148 skill a mosquito the only downside is kind of the usual issue you have with um Tama decals they don't really like to settle very well and they tend to bubble and crack and especially along this side here where they have this strengthening line that runs down the side of the fuselage there's some cracking of the decal in the seam that's just the way to me a decals are you learn to live with it uh but overall I love it it settled down really well it looks great all the decals look good um I mean it looks really good I've got a the glass nose bomber version I built many many years ago so have the two mosquitoes sitting side by side on the Shelf it's going to be really cool I'm looking forward to seeing that uh that uh what do you call it comparison of the two kits sitting side by side anyways so that's that and uh yeah we'll we'll move on to the next round of kits uh as I mentioned in the other time lapse if you haven't seen the end of those keep an eye out on my monthly what's on my desk updates I will introduce the next round of kits and you can follow along the progress on that until I get those time lapse completed uh so that will wrap up the build of this mosquito uh as always if you have any questions concerns anything like that down below uh comment down below um hit me up on Facebook or anything like that let me know what questions you have there's any anything you need to do with the build I will gladly give you any of my nuggets of wisdom that I picked up during the build and on that note let's wrap it up thank you for everyone who's lasted this long in this video and we'll see you all next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Sean's Aviation
Views: 135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oRo6mu425bE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 58sec (1858 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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