Talking to my wife about her Power BI analyst job (how it started, the hardest part, salary ...)

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hi guys uh i'm here with a power bi reporting analyst uh but most importantly my wife uh do you want to say hello to the audience and say your name hello i'm joe okay so you were not a reporting or data person before isn't it you are a developer so how did you end up getting into this power bi reporting world i think just by coincidence let's elaborate that like what was the coincidence like so as you know i worked as a developer for a couple of years and then i took a break so when i wanted to go back to the go back to work so i thought you know i would uh i need to do something different rather than doing the same old coding yeah so that's when i i thought you know why not into data management because since i already have some experience with the data and the data management tools yeah so that's how i ended up uh doing a role in one of the ministries where dealing with the data and some basic reporting not with power bi though yeah that's how i got interest into data management and then i moved to the other job uh where i had the opportunity to work on power bi so that's how i ended up doing power bi yeah cool let's continue working so i mean i already know all of these things but i'm just going to ask like a dumb person what was your academic background uh i did a bachelor of technology yeah with you yeah so we we both studied computer science uh bachelor of technology together and that's how i met her really and uh yeah we even ended up working together for some time as software developers before each of us going on different career paths just to kind of give you guys an update she started working as a power bi developer was it september last year or august september yeah and after working for a few months with a government agency here uh she recently switched the job to another ministry uh but the same role isn't it power bi reporting analyst yeah so we when i ask her questions i'm gonna talk about like old job and the new job and you know switch between those two things so was it hard getting into that team jumping into power bi all of a sudden uh no because the job didn't really require the power bi experience they were just looking for somebody who's good with data management so that's how i ended up getting this job uh so our team was a very big team with a lot of analysts with uh a few of them having like five six years of experience so yeah i got good support and i learned from them so that is that is my first power bi role anyway so i just started looking at those reports and uh quickly got into the work okay that's good and apart from looking at the existing power bi report how else did you learn power bi uh of course i joined your course online you remember that yes yes so that's my first online course i ever did with okay so yeah so that course was really helpful because that gave me a basic understanding of how it works and how i should be looking at the reports and then i had live data and live reports which i kind of you know using this knowledge and that knowledge i was able to create the power bi reports okay that's cool and um was it like which part of the whole power bi thing the data management or dax or the visual design which was the hardest to understand when you when you started in this journey i would say tax okay because tax because visuals because since i've already used excel a lot so i'm pretty much comfortable with the visuals like you know what visuals go for what but dax is something new to me though i come from a coding background tax is little bit different to the normal uh language so i've i found it a bit hard so initially i just started with basic syntax and then one thing i would like to mention here because you know the row context and the filter context that was very confusing initially yeah i didn't understand how it actually works behind the scenes and there is no way to know actually how the calculations work behind the scenes yeah but as i worked on i got the idea of you know how exactly that thing works so i would say dax yeah yeah i mean when i was learning power bi also i think dax was the trickiest one and that's why i spend a lot of time in my classes kind of making sure people understand how dax really works with many many examples all right i want to move us and talk about uh some of the actual questions that people have submitted in the chat as well all right this is from aparna what topics do we need to know in msbi power bi and how much knowledge of dax is required to grab a job as analyst all right let me answer that for you uh i think more than the dax knowledge i mean in some interviews they may ask you dax questions but i feel like more than the dax knowledge if you have solid business and in the context of that reporting platform that might be more useful at least for the couple of interviews that i've been on both as a employee and as a hirer we never really focused on whether somebody knew dax or excel formulas per se we wanted to understand if they know enough about the business and this life cycle of developing and deploying reports you know that that's is actually more important but i feel like you know you need to have some tax knowledge it's not super important but it is also very easy to develop this is an interesting one this is from pedro considering a data analyst focused on power bi what other tools should be learned to be attractive in the market um what do you say you know you know sql of course sql is a must because that's yeah that's the basic uh to deal with the data so and a little bit of excel knowledge will be also helpful because sometimes we have you have to clean the data in the excel before you bring your data into the power bi so excel s sql and yeah yeah i think those are very good starting points and uh i mean there is alternative so for example you could learn power query and do the same things that sql does but in many places i feel like they will already have an sql database or some sort of that so dealing with that interfacing with that through queries is more natural than bringing everything over to power query and doing stuff there you know i've never done power query in excel yeah but it is there and it once you know it is there you can use it this is a question that many people ask i don't know whether you can answer but i'll ask you you're just out of curiosity how to get a job after learning power bi and excel how to start that kind of like career flow like so how to get a job or what you do after getting how to get a job so i think you know in my in when i got this job in this current ministry so they they looked mostly at how i am with the data management yeah uh so they are not really keen about the how i used power bi or attacks but one question though they asked about dax is uh uh what is the syntax of caliculate so that's the only thing they asked so what was the question yeah so i think how to get the job in in a way you got the job without having any prior power bi experience or to a good extent skills i mean you you have coding background you have data background so it helped i think basically they look uh if you have if i think they'll be happy if you have some sql experience and some kind of data management at least in the excel in excel yeah i think that i think that should be good enough to get a job in power bi yeah that's good okay this is a good one sanjay says what are the steps to learn power bi for a new learner when you are a new learner what like eight months ago yes yep so my starting point is definitely joining your course again not playing i'm not paying her to say this of course she will say this because it's our business so that's that's definitely one of the starting points and then i also watched a couple of videos on youtube so whenever i used to have time i'll just go and watch your youtube especially guy in a cube or don't worry don't bring guy in a cube no i watch a guy in a cube as well because because i really like the videos because they're very short and they'll they they tell the point like you know if you are searching for one particular topic then you know you can definitely go to kind cube and uh you can find the answer so yeah so i used to watch a lot of youtube videos and then once i started first i learned power bi by just looking at the reports which were already designed um and then slowly i started trying to recreate the existing report just to make sure that i understand the concepts yeah and then uh try to redo the dates as well yeah uh just just to understand you know how it works behind the scenes and uh once i'm comfortable with that like i would uh that i have i was able to replicate the existing report using my own tax then i thought like okay at least i know some power bi now yeah and then yeah it's an ongoing process and daily i learned something or the other okay we just wait for that flight to go where is it so what was the most fun thing that you did in power bi in all these jobs uh creating beautiful reports okay you got a lot of appreciation for that isn't it yes yes because you know my first ever report i still remember it yeah i did one for finance people and i really got a huge appreciation because of how i put together everything and how i was able to tell a story uh from a report yeah so since that was my first report it's like my baby so um that was one of the best thing that ever happened to me yeah okay this next one is uh i mean nobody really asked but i thought it would be beneficial to have this question in the interview do you want to tell our audience like what what is an average salary for somebody doing power bi reports within new zealand like you can't really compare with other markets but at least in new zealand like what's the average salary like i would say the starting salary would be somewhere around 80k okay per annum yeah and then if you are experienced like you know like at least you have like two three years of experience then definitely it will be somewhere near uh 9200 yeah yeah that kind of aligns with my experience too all right that's uh that's a wrap i think uh i kind of addressed some of the questions that our audience wanted you weren't really keen to do this were you are you glad you did this interview or you're still nervous to talk in front of camera and still nervous okay yeah because i never faced a camera before yeah yeah yeah it's natural i mean i'm i've gotten used to it but i still feel crazy looking at the camera lens when i'm talking as if there is some imaginary person behind it of course there's people there but oh well my hands are freezing i don't know about you i think we should just finish it up and go home it's getting cold see you guys that's all uh if you have more questions leave them in the comments and uh enjoy and i will try to answer them in a follow-up video or maybe in the comment section you want to say bye see you oh but it's going
Channel: Chandoo
Views: 83,667
Rating: 4.9381952 out of 5
Keywords: chandoo,, Excel, spreadsheets, power bi, power bi consultant, power bi training, power bi career, power bi jobs salary, business intelligence developer, What does a power bi analyst do?, what does a bi analyst do, what does a business intelligence analyst do, interview with power bi, power bi data analyst example
Id: tScP7oRZey8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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