How to Find a Power BI Job (Guaranteed!) in 3 Genuine Steps 🤝🏼

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No games no gimmicks We're going to show you how you can find a Power BI job in three genuine steps and as a bonus we're also gonna tell you about the biggest interview mistake that people make and how you can avoid it. The three steps I'm about to show you are simple and straightforward. These are the same steps that I've shared with students in my Learn Power BI program and we've had some amazing success stories. You can watch them later by clicking in the corner and I Guarantee that these steps are going to help you find a Power BI job and not just that also shorten the time to find one. Now these steps are simple, but not necessarily easy But if it were easy then everyone would do it, right. I want to give you something that if you choose to follow would give you a tremendous edge over everyone else and land you that Power BI job. I'm Avi Singh Microsoft MVP and a best-selling Power BI author. And I have helped hundreds of students become successful Power BI professionals. Now if you want to become a Power BI Pro, make sure to subscribe and click that bell So you're notified whenever I go live to answer your Power BI and career related questions. If these tips helped you in any way make sure to leave a comment. Now let's get started with step one in a journey to find a power bi job now What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about looking for a job now? I can tell you every time that I had this moment when I gosh I should look for a new job The first thing that I caught off was working on my resume and then I dragged it on for months people often think about resume first or their next thought is about some sort of training or certification but I'm gonna share something different with you now this comes from this Book, what color is your parachute by Richard Wallace. Now. This has been published annually since 1975 not just that they've had more than 10 plus million copies sold And has been named all-time hundred best non-fiction books by time So the the lesson here is if richard baller speaks you listen And this is what richard has to say about how? Employers actually hire not how we like to look for a job and what's convenient for us and whatever myths are Around and and you know, we follow as well, but how the employers actually like to hire now can you guess where does our Typically preferred approach of just working on a resume and going from there publishing it on job sites and things like that Where does that rank? Well that ranks at the bottom off the list now there are some other options which we like focusing on like the internet sites and such and They don't rank high either now What options do rank at the very top of how employers actually prefer to hire? Those are either from within or using proof now if you think about that What are both of these options doing they're basically? Giving the employer assurance that they can trust your work They have seen it in some form and they know that they you have the ability to do the job makes sense, right? I mean only when you know that would you want to offer that job to the person now to back this up? we also did an informal survey on LinkedIn of power bi hiring managers and Nine out of ten said that they would prefer work Experience over a certification and the last thing I would mention on this is just put yourself in the shoes Off the employer if you are hiring who would you really hire? Wouldn't you hire somebody who can show and demonstrate and has real-world? experience well then that my friends is Your step one your step one to find a power bi job is that you should have worked on a real power bi project now it's quite possible that you heard me say that and you freaking out right and you're freaking out possibly because of two reasons, either you're in Group A or Group B. So if you're in Group A then you're saying avi, what do you talking about? I'm looking for a job What do you mean, where am I supposed to find and work on this real Barbie our project? Isn't that kind of what I'm trying to do? well I will share some tips for you that if you are looking for a job if you're an in-between job How you can go and find a real work on a real career project. Well, maybe you are in Group B Where you say that? Hey, I already have had opportunities for my current employer to build real power bi projects current or past employers I've done that maybe you work on a few different projects, but AVI it's still not working I'm not able to find my next power bi job Then my friend you're in luck because we're gonna cover that in steps two and three and make sure you get a power bi job That you desire So at this point, let's assume that all of you So I want you to put yourself in the state where you have worked on a real power bi project, right? So put yourself in that state and we're gonna move on to steps two and three. So let's talk about step two So let me ask you a question if a tree falls in a forest Does it make a sound? Alright now to add a tell me this if you did some cool power bi work But nobody knows about it. Does it really matter? Well, it actually doesn't and that's the change in today's day and age You can't just do good work. You've got to tell the world and there's so many different ways to do that So that my friends becomes your step. Number two after you work on your real power bi project step Number two is to showcase that project and hey I'm gonna talk about a really special opportunity right here on our channel because we want to make it really easy for you to showcase Your work and we want to shine that bright spotlight on you, which you so deserve Alright, but let's let's just go through a list of my brainstorm some ideas by the way If you have more ideas of your own Definitely add them in the comments below or if one of these ideas work really well for you help you connect with others And so forth maybe get interviews Maybe something like that then leave that in the comment below and that's gonna help everybody in this quest So once you have done your real power project, you can go post a link to an article about it You can mention that in your resume. Maybe you can even build a dashboard and link to that on your resume Definitely, you should definitely mention this in all of your job communication Maybe even put a footer in your email which links to the article that talks about the power bi project that you've worked on You should cross post and cross promote on all of your social media. Even on your personal Facebook page, right? I mean definitely let people know that you have worked on this you never really know where that connection is gonna come from which is gonna land you that job could be your Business or professional connections could be your personal connections. You never know You can talk about this at user groups you can present or you can just mingle with the audience and discuss with them You can definitely go to business groups and meetups and again, I'm sure there are a lot more ideas there Brainstorm your own ideas pick pick your own style. What works best for you? And again, if you have more ideas and share that in the group now, I want to talk about that special opportunity So again our prompt we want to make it super easy to shine this bright spotlight on you So once you have worked on these projects We have a great opportunity on one offered talk power bi regular features Now if you're familiar with my channel we go live every Friday on top RBI But but what some of those episodes are these special? Episodes where we do we call them dashboard makeover And the whole idea is to showcase and review your power bi dashboards. So go to learn power bi comm slash makeover we're gonna link that in the corner as well and And that it's gonna talk about how this works and how you can submit your entry here So that what's your what you have built your project your dashboard can be showcased in front of a worldwide audience Let's keep going. So that was step to showcase your project now Hey I haven't Forgotten about this group a and I will share tips on how you can find and work on the real power bi projects s stay Tuned for that. But again, we are we have just talked about step two and you can see that how Doing the step one of work real power project how powerful it becomes, right? I mean you you take that work and you amplify the power on step 2 so you can see how step one Feeds into step two and its really critical Now if you have done these steps and if you have then done them, right, right Then inevitably you would have landed an interview either formal or informal Remember every meeting is an interview That was Jack Welch code by the way So you never know the next person you talk to or they are or you exchange comments on LinkedIn could lead to your next job So again if you've done these steps Right, you would land a formal or informal interview and that's what I want you to do in step three I want you to ace the interview Now most people when they think about interview, what's the first thing that comes to mind most of them? Talk to me about technical skills, Oh avi What about Dax this tax question M and relationships and modeling Barbie a platform and all of that Folks I'm not dinging technical skills technical skills are really important and you should certainly get a good grounding off the core concepts and power bi in its application and Great way to start is my 60 minute power bi tutorial We're gonna link it up in the corner and in the description as well so by all means Go through the tutorial go through the other material You join me in my course if you need to and of course use all the resources available to you on this world wide web and get the technical skills, but What I want you to remember what's critical is that you are not just the technical skills if you just focus on that You will keep running into walls You'll keep getting to interviews but not making it through because you gotta bring your whole self So not just skills, but think about the attitude and aptitude in everything that defines you so that's my next Tip for you our next lesson that you gotta be. Truly you. You gotta bring your own authentic self Now when I talk about this people often get stuck and this is kind of where where they misstep Where they feel like every time they walk into an interview where they're looking for a power bi job They need to act like a power bi expert and again my friends the key is to be you so if you don't necessarily feel like a power bi expert and you try to act like one it's gonna end up a disaster and you probably may be Hopefully not but maybe you have experience interviews We walked in and and you you know posture doesn't on the part of the expert But once they hey people can always trip you up I mean, I'm sure if I walk in an interview they can ask me questions which is gonna make me look foolish, right? So so things like that happen, but what I want you to hold on to is that you don't necessarily need to act that way There's a more authentic way to act without posing like somebody you don't really feel like so instead of being a power bi expert you can be something else and Everybody can do this. So what is this? Keyword? What is this other word? Well, it's enthusiast right bring your passion about power behind and let it boil out and and and in fact them right I mean So a song if you're watching me on this channel You probably are passionate about power bi so you gotta let that come true and we're gonna talk about specific tips on how you can effectively do that, right So we're gonna come back to this one but let's keep going and what I want to share with you at this point to ace your interview is the 50/50 rule again. And again it's mentioned in this amazing book What color is your parachute now? This as mentioned in the book is based on a study done by the MIT and what they found was that people who? Who got hired were those who mixed? Speaking and listening about 50/50 in the interviews So half the time they let the employer do the talking and half the time they do the talking, right? So Imagine an interview where you're speaking too much Well, you gotta tune that down because that's gonna come across as maybe you don't have good listening skills Or you're not interested in finding out the other party's perspective or their opinion. So make it 50/50 Don't be speaking all the time. And of course if you're speaking too little That's not a good recipe for an interview either, right? so again follow the 50/50 rule now this leads us to the next point which is One of the biggest mistakes that people make during an interview But the good news is you can also flip that and turn that into your biggest opportunity so the biggest mistake people make is when this Question is asked so at some point in the interview so usually in an interview You're gonna be going through a series. You're going to be meeting multiple people, right? So in the final interview for the job So every interview your interviewer you are meeting at some point is gonna say hey, ok, cool So I ask your questions. What questions do you have for me, please? Don't blow this because most people do by saying either that no, I'm good any questions Dumb mistake, or maybe it's even orders to ask a stupid question. Like Oh, how's the food in the cafeteria? don't do that, either and This is your opportunity to really shine through as an enthusiast ask some good probing questions Right prepare yourself for that and again My tutorial is a great recipe for that because what it covers is some of the classic problems that almost all businesses face, right I mean challenge pulling data from multiple sources or having multiple versions of truths floating around out of here, right? So this tutorials it's pretty compact, but it covers these key scenarios and that's gonna set you up So I would encourage you to if you can come up with questions yourself great Otherwise watch this tutorial and just take down good notes and hey What would make a good question based on what Abby's talking about the challenges that? companies face and and where power bi can provide a solution and just ask them about it that hey do you have this problem do you ever face that you ever go into meeting and people bring in different reports and the numbers don't match up and more often than not man, you're gonna you're gonna you know, kind of touch a nerve there and uh, Just let me tell you about it. And and that's the opportunity to kind of really listen and talk to them So again come through as a power bi enthusiast that is your golden opportunity to do that. So So to recap the a standing staff, make sure to follow the 50/50 rule half the time You should be talking half the time It should be the interviewer a great way to make sure of that is to ask great questions And and finally as I said be you be hundred percent authentic Yourself and be the Barbie enthusiast that I know you are All right, so I did say that I'm gonna share tips on how to find a Barbie a project. Let's talk about that but Which tips out of these did you find helpful? Let me know in the comments And again, if you have more tips about this then leave a comment as well and help out the community So let's talk about this. So how do you find a power bi project? well so for this I have really focused on this and this has been kind of my quest to solve this almost chicken and egg problem and the way I've done that for My probe Plus students are the real power bi project So let me show you and you can go that Yourself at real power bi comm and that's gonna redirect you to this space to learn power bi On my website and the idea behind real power bi is really simple we ask business users to submit their projects and And we match them with our students again, if you're interested, you can find more information about it We run this program a few times a year But the students that we match them to those are that's a pretty selected group Inside of Pro Plus program at the bottom of this you can also find information about our Pro Plus program But hey, we open enrollment too or Pro Plus program. Just a few times a year So if it is open or about to be open great, you can go find out more information. Maybe get on the waitlist and So if you're really interested you can pursue that route But I wanted to give you other options as well If you are not in a position where you want to wait for that, so let's talk about the other options here Now these are simple but they definitely work. The first one is family and friends and you know, it's funny that I have heard so many stories of Power bi professionals who were doing really well They're Microsoft MVPs at the start running training or consulting businesses But I'm always surprised how many times this story begins with them helping a family or a friend, right? So don't hesitate just go out there and talk to them about it And there's one tip that I'm gonna share which you must follow when talking to family and friends So I'll talk about that a little bit, right? The next resource is local small and maybe medium businesses Now a lot of these are doing well, they're kind of growing But they are facing a lot of challenges, right? so so that's also a Great area where you can go talk to talk to them and see what help is needed And of course you can meet them in meetups or business groups or things like that, right? So those are a great source for finding something that you can real power bi project But again, there's one tip that you must follow Whether you're talking to family friends or local small businesses and that tip my friends. And by the way, there must be other Other avenues as well. So the tip is that you should never use the word free never ever say Oh, yeah, I'll do this for you for free guys free in this world Means low value or there's a catch and right. So as soon as you say the word free either you're thinking Well, this can't be value. This can be worth my time or They're thinking that oh my gosh. What's just yeah. What's what's the catch? Right? So never use the word free instead when you're talking to family or friends or local small businesses say something like oh So talk to them like listen to their problems. Really listen. Alright, your listening skills are great So listen to the problems and then tell them a little bit about power bi not too much just keep it simple a power bi has a lot of Capabilities and so forth and it can I believe it can definitely help you So hey if you would like to we can run a small proof of concept we can you know work together for a few weeks and and See, you know, see how much we can accomplish and then go from there, right? So again, do not use a word free you can you can say that Hey, we can do a proof of concept and if they do specifically ask my pricing, we'll say oh Well, the proof of concept is no charge and after that point then we discuss how we want to work together All right, see how easy it is. All right, my friends So that was our three steps to find a Barbie a job and I guarantee that if you follow these steps You will definitely find a power bi job. So Make sure to watch our 60 minute power bi tutorial and watch our next videos. I'll catch you next time Paula Ron Hey keep watching more videos and deep learning power bi but if you did enjoy this video I would love to hear from you. So leave a comment like subscribe All the good stuff while we're on my friends
Channel: Avi Singh - PowerBIPro
Views: 50,866
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Keywords: Tags power bi jobs, power bi job opportunities, power bi developer job, power bi career, power bi certification, power bi tutorial, microsoft jobs, power bi jobs salary, mspowerbi, Power BI Pro, PowerBIPro, Avi Singh, power bi, powerbi
Id: _54w9_5XkHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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