Talking New PS4 Jailbreak Updates

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what is going on guys it's modded warfare here welcome back to another video so this is going to be a quick update video on the whole jailbreak rumors the new jailbreak rumors for the ps4 for potentially 8.52 or lower obviously i did a video on this last week there's been a new piece of information that's just dropped today which is that the bug report from sea turt has finally shown up on hacker one obviously in my last video it hadn't shown up here and i speculated that it was possible that perhaps um he was communicating with sony outside of the hacker one program um and that's why it wasn't showing up but it turns out it was just delayed it took a long time some people did mention that his name was showing up in the thanks section uh even before the bug report appeared in the activities section so obviously if i had saw that before in my previous video i wouldn't have speculated that it was outside of hacker one because clearly it's not so as you can see it has shown up here so that is good news if you're unfamiliar with this whole hacker one bug bounty program and what this all means then definitely watch my previous video where i went into detail and covered a lot of stuff about this hacker one bug bounty program and how jailbreaks get disclosed and released you know how previous jailbreaks have been disclosed and released and what's likely to happen for this next one that was all covered in the previous video this is just a quick update to show you guys as you can see here that his report is now showing up so he received the ten thousand dollar bounty we already knew this from his tweet that he posted a while back when he initially got the bounty issued on the 19th of august and that he also was being sent to playstation 5 by uh the playstation security team so that he can also potentially try and uncover bugs in that system as well so now the question is is this going to be disclosed are we going to actually get this disclosed so that we could potentially get a new jailbreak for 8.52 or you know maybe it's 8.50 maybe it's 8.03 who knows most more than likely it's probably 8.52 which they've probably fixed in this latest 9.00 update but um yeah so what we've seen from like when this happened with the flow you know he reported the bugs to sony and you know they were disclosed three to six months later and then we were able to get a jailbreak once slayer's gore v inspector dev looked into the exploit and figured out how to reproduce it and then we got our jailbreak for the ps4 for the higher firmwares like 6.72 and 7.55 so now that the report actually shows up and we've got all of that kind of speculation out of the way we know that you know he has received this 10 000 bounty through hacker one he has the option to request disclosure via limited disclosure or full disclosure and we really have two two questions that i have anyway number one is is this a kernel exploit that's accessible through the webkit through a webkit exploit to give us a jailbreak and the second question is will he actually request disclosure and so that we can take advantage of this sometime in the not too distant future three to six months potentially so yeah with the first question is this actually a jailbreak my insinuation is that it probably is a kernel exploit that can lead to a jailbreak just based on the fact that obviously the other times that a ten thousand dollar bounty has been awarded it's been from some kind of exploit in the kernel so there's a good chance it's probably a kernel exploit the second thing is that he has released um a full jailbreak before a kernel exploit before and this is the kind of stuff he does so he has you know released a full jailbreak for 1.76 way before the whole bug bounty program ever existed so again there was no incentive to report it to sony back then so he just released it publicly so obviously he's doing it through hacker one now yeah i do think this is probably a kernel exploit i think that's probably safe to say for the most part obviously there's a chance that it could be some vulnerability in the kernel that's for whatever reason not accessible through the web kit and not able to actually you know become a jailbreak there's a chance of that but i think more than likely it's probably i think it's fairly safe to say it's most likely a kernel exploit for the ps4 so the second question is will he request disclosure now again he's released a full jailbreak before so why wouldn't he request disclosure it would seem weird for him not to well from what i've learned from alizah apparently he was one of the people who kind of quit the scene after all of the eta when people were kind of berating him on twitter there was a whole thing that was going on back in the 5.05 jailbreak because we were stuck on 5.05 for so long about two years uh with not getting a new jailbreak and there was a lot of people in the community getting very frustrated and feeling like the you know these exploits i don't want to call them security researchers hackers people like sea turt and spectre and others and there was this kind of insinuation from the community that they were keeping kernel exploits private and keeping it to themselves and not contributing to the community and there was a lot of people getting very upset and annoyed at that and you know it started with just the usual eta when stuff that you see all over the place even now you know there's lots of people asking about 8.52 8.03 you know there's always people asking in the comments section of my videos you know when's the next jailbreak coming out which is fairly understandable if you know if you're on 8.52 you're going to want to know you're going to want updates every so often so you're going to ask i don't think that's really fair to to hate on people who are just you know desperate for a jailbreak but there was a subset of those people who were just hurling abuse at the at these hackers you know biting the hand that feeds you basically is not a good idea but that's what they were doing they were going after people like sea turt and others um probably spectre i don't know how much abuse he got but so it created this kind of civil war i guess you could say inside the community because you had all of the all of the eta when people all the people desperate for a new jailbreak getting angry at the people who could potentially provide that new jailbreak but those people just getting pissed off about all the abuse that they were getting and not wanting to give people a new jailbreak when they were behaving in that way you know seeing them as being very entitled and uh yeah it was just causing this huge disconnect so that's what worries me with cetera right here is that he might just be like you know what the ps4 scene everybody who you know after all the abuse i got back in the five with the 5.05 jailbreak maybe i don't want to disclose the information and and you know give people what they want because because of the way that he was treated uh back then which is possible so yeah it's kind of 50 50. will he will he request disclosure or not now the flow went through the same thing um and he did request disclosure so big up to him for you know still disclosing or requesting disclosure despite the fact of the way he was treated in the community um but you know cetera might not be so forgiving so we'll have to wait and see i'm think i'm keeping my fingers crossed i'll stay positive and hope that he is going to do what i consider to be the right thing which is to obviously request disclosure um even if it's limited disclosure um to you know hopefully result in a jailbreak at some point in the near future rather than just keeping that you know this vulnerability to never be exploited and you know never really be used which is going to be a shame so yeah i'll keep my fingers crossed that um he's requested disclosure or is going to and that will hopefully see a jailbreak within the next maybe three to six months maybe around christmas time or january uh 2022 we might see a new jailbreak if this gets disclosed so so yeah that's basically it just a quick update on that i'm not going to be doing these videos that often if new information comes out i'll make a video i i keep seeing people wanting me to make these videos more often but obviously if there's no new news that's actually coming out in the scene then there's nothing for me to make any videos on this on you know just be me repeating the same information so because of that i'm only going to make these videos when new information comes out so if there's another report on hacker one that's another ten thousand dollar bounty anything like that then obviously i'll cover that but if nothing happens for the next three to six months then there's probably not going to be another update video on this for like three to six months unless some new information comes out um so yeah whenever there's new information i'll make another video keep you guys updated but otherwise um you know if you don't hear anything from me it's probably because there's not really been anything new uh to talk about so yeah anyway that's it from me hope you guys enjoyed the video or found the information useful if you did please leave a like and subscribe and i'll hopefully see you guys in the next video [Music] you
Views: 12,991
Rating: 4.9528561 out of 5
Keywords: PS4, PlayStation 4, Jailbreak, Exploit, Update, Updates, News, 8.52, 9.00, 8.03, 8.00, Talk, Talking, Discussion, Rumors, Rumours
Id: MU2Lbj-F-1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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