Talking about Health problem - English Speaking Course

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english speaking course [Music] sweetie are you okay you have a red rash appear on your face what really oh my god i think you have an allergy with seafoods mom i feel so itchy mom i feel a little dizzy now jesus christ hold her i'll call the hospital right away [Music] a rash a lot of small red spots on the skin that are usually itchy an allergy a medical condition that causes you to react badly or feel sick when you eat or touch a particular substance i think my son's having asthma can you describe the symptoms young man i sometimes have chest pain and i breath more slowly and cough a lot after running i also have a heavy cough i see seems like you really do have an asthma attack does he have to drink syrups yes but in some emergency cases like when you're going out and cannot take the syrup i'll show you some ways to get rid of the attack yes sir i'm listening you need to sit upright take long and deep breaths stop exercising or get away from the cause of the asthma most likely is smoke from the tobacco okay i'll follow your instruction thank you doctor asthma a respiratory condition where spasms in the lungs cause difficulty in breathing an asthmatic uses an inhaler to calm the spasms a cough the act of expelling air from the lungs with a sudden sharp sound [Music] ouch my back what's the matter lucas i think i have a backache yeah we've been sitting for two hours working on this project it's easy to understand what should i do now or it's so hurt i think you should rest for about 15 minutes how about some instant yoga exercises for office workers where should i find these exercises here okay i hope it will help you'd better take some medicines after work sure [Music] a backache a prolonged pain in the back how can i help you sir well i have a slight backache this morning does it happen frequently sir no since the beginning of this month i guess okay i'll prescribe you three types of medicines do i have to drink them every meal no you just have to drink every morning and before going to bed thanks how much does it cost it costs 14 euros here you are thanks you're welcome hope you'll get well soon [Music] watch out mike jesus christ are you okay dude let me help you ah i think my legs are broken we have to take you to the school health officer miss wheeler can you help my friend what's the matter i think i have a broken leg it has bruising over there and i cannot move it feels so hurt okay calm down we will have to use plaster cast in this situation him for me bill i'll prepare for this thank you miss wheeler be careful next time a broken leg when a bone in the leg is broken a broken leg is put in a cast to help immobilize the leg so that it heals quicker other parts of the body with bones can also be broken for example a broken arm a broken wrist [Music] hi uncle tom you're not feeling so well today aren't you i think so jenny i have had chronic dry cough and chronic headache for two weeks i also have difficulty swallowing that's why i always tell you to stop smoking uncle i think you should go to the hospital those symptoms are one of the cancer signs it's really dangerous i'll follow your advice cancer a serious disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells that kill normal body cells in a part of the body excuse me i have an appointment with dr brown this afternoon can i have your information please what's your name my name is tom johnson yes i can see your name in the checklist please go to room 203 on the second floor to take an x-ray [Music] i've just had my chest x-rayed is there any serious problem doctor fortunately your lungs are nothing out of the ordinary however do you smoke well to be honest the answer is yes i suggest that you should stop smoking as it is gradually damaging your lungs i know it's hard but i'll try doctor take care of your health sir smokers are likely to have cancer thanks for your advice doctor [Music] mike it's almost seven o'clock you'd better eat breakfast and go to school on time mom i don't feel so well i think i have a cold i've been sneezing all morning oh dear are you also having a sore throat i can't hear you very clear yes mom my throat really hurts at the moment let me have your temperature taken [Music] the temperature says 38 degrees celsius you're having a high fever sweetie can i take the day off from school today mom i think i also have a headache sure sweetie i'll prepare soup for you a cold a common viral infection which causes mucus to run from the nose gives a sore throat and often includes sneezing a sore throat a condition of pain in the throat typically caused by inflammation of it a fever an abnormally high body temperature usually accompanied by shivering and a headache a headache a continuous pain in the head [Music] why do you use the toilet for so long sweetie mom i think i have diarrhea i have water stools and frequent loose calm down do you have a stomach ache yes it really hurts be patient sweetie just keep doing what you're doing i'll prepare some diarrhea medicines when you finish diarrhea an illness in which feces are discharged from the bowels frequently and in a liquid form a stomach ache stomach ache the pain in a person's belly notice how the word can be spelled together or as two words depending on the country how are you today mrs white i think i have an earache last night our next door neighbors were so noisy that i could even hear them playing loud instruments can you describe the symptoms at the moment i can't hear you very well pretty sure it's not because i'm older everything's just happened since this morning let me check your temperature it's 38 celsius degrees higher than usual i feel so itchy around my ear as well i'll prescribe some medicines for you don't worry ma'am an earache pain inside the ear i think i have some symptoms of covid19 doctor can you describe them more clearly i have recently had fatigue although i don't work hard these days i have also had a dry cough and feel feverish since last week i went to the drugstore to take some medicines but it didn't work do you have difficulty breathing yes quite usually doctor it's hard to tell the difference between the influenza and the kovid covid19 i'm afraid that you have to be hospitalized for further treatment no problem i'm always ready the flu flu is the most common name given for influenza it is a contagious viral infection of the respiratory passages that causes fever and severe aching i'm full now the food today was delicious mom is the best cook i've ever known hey don't lie in bed after finishing your meal it will cause heartburn no it's okay i do this every day and nothing happens [Music] hey bro i think you're right see i've told you already now just sit up straight i'll call mom [Music] heartburn a form of indigestion felt as a burning sensation in the chest it is caused by acid regurgitation into the esophagus [Music] what's the matter sweetie honey our baby has red rashes full of her face and she's a little feverish [Music] let me check your temperature you're a little high today things seem not so right oh dear she may have measles is it a serious disease i think yes this usually happens during winter yeah the weather is moisture today let's take her to the hospital the measles an infectious viral disease causing fever and a red rash on the skin it typically occurs in childhood [Music] what's wrong with your legs millie well i have a sprain in my left ankle why do you have a sprain i have to work intensely for the running competition at school maybe i ran so fast that i fell on the street i couldn't move i could hear a pop sound at the time of the injury oh dear was there anyone there to help you yes my pe teacher took me to the school health officer and jenny took me home you'd better take some days off sweetie sports are good but too much is also dangerous yes mom a sprain an injury to a joint in your body especially your wrist or ankle caused by sudden twisting it [Music] welcome home billy i missed all of you i have some gifts for all dad do you have any pain relievers i have had sunburn since i came back from hawaii oh dear you forgot to apply the sunscreen didn't you yeah let me see your body i think it's not so serious ouch don't touch there dad i'll get the medicines for you don't dare forget sunscreen ever again i'm so sorry sunburn when the skin becomes red with inflammation as a result of overexposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun [Music] wow so yummy all of them are mine ouch i feel so hurt hey where are my sweets i'm sorry mom i've just eaten them all and now i have a toothache oh my god how many times i have to remind you not to eat so many sweet stuff i'm sorry can we go to the dentist now it feels so hurt mom okay this is the last time okay let's go a toothache a pain in the tooth or teeth don't forget to give us a like thank you and see you again
Channel: English Speaking Course
Views: 400,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: English, Lessons, Learning, Education, health problem, taking about health problem, english speaking course, learn english
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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