Tales of the Jedi--A Waste of a Good Premise

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hey hey guys and gals ladies and germs it's your friendly neighborhood shiver man here with another Star Wars Review tales of the Jedi is a show that exists now and I figured I might as well talk about it because I got stuff to say and for any of you who know me you already basically know my standing on all the latest Star Wars stuff that's been coming out so I won't really bother repeating myself on that front too much though I will say Andor has been pretty good so far and I intend to do a full video on it once it's all over though probably not until I finish part two of the Kenobi video yes there's quite a lot of Star Wars stuff happening right now to keep me plenty busy which is something I really wasn't expecting to ever say again after having my soul sucked from my body and fed to the almighty Global Lord by the Kenobi series I had initially elected to never watch any new Star Wars thing ever again I figured this franchise is pretty much Beyond saving at this point so there's no real reason to give a and to be honest I still feel that way by now I basically just don't really care about the new Canon I get my fair share of great Star Wars content from the Mounds of EU Books and Comics that I've read as well as those that I still have yet to dive into and the old expanded universe from before the Disney buyout is so much better and a lot more consistent in World building than Disney Star Wars continuity is just not a thing that exists in the new stuff anymore so there's simply no reason for me to be invested any longer at this point I'm going into the new stuff and just taking it as is if it's bad then it's bad oh well but if it's good neat good for it and then I move on it's a peaceful life lonely I imagine Star Wars I guess and the reason I decided to tell you guys all that aside from so that you can better understand my mindset going into this series is because I'm pretty sure this show contradicted two different canon books which is something I've raised hell about in the past the books in question are the Ahsoka novel which I've never managed to finish reading because it's boring as all hell and Dooku Jedi lost which I have read but frankly didn't find very memorable apparently because I don't recall it well enough to know for certain if the show actually contradicted it or if I'm just misremembering the point is whether it does or it doesn't I simply don't care anymore that's not to say that that's not still a flaw but again continuity is beyond broken at this point so I'm just here to assess these stories as they are and as they work in tandem with the films nothing else so with all that cynicism clearly established and out of the way let's jump right on into it tales of the Jedi is an anthology series set during various points on the timeline and as the name implies it focuses on different Jedi and their stories therein or I say that but in actuality the show really only focuses on two Dave filoni's oh so precious OC and Jedi Master Dooku and right off the bat this is one of the biggest problems I have with this show there are only six episodes and each of them are only around 15 to 18 minutes apiece and the title and premise of this show imply that there will be multiple Anthology stories telling the tales of several different Jedi from across all sorts of eras on the timeline and there's a lot you can do with that you could use familiar faces in new settings sure and I'm totally down for that but you can also introduce us to new characters take us to different places explore new eras that haven't been very well developed if they've even been explored at all in the new Canon we can see the foundation of the Jedi Order stories about the Jedi in hiding during the Empire Jedi during the Old Republic the Hundred Year Darkness post-sequel era the possibilities are practically endless but instead we focus on two Jedi who we've already met and know a lot about and we only get a few stories for each of them that are extremely short and have very little to offer and don't get me wrong there were some episodes that were pretty intriguing some that even had me absolutely enthralled in the story I was watching particularly the Dooku episodes as I had expected going in the fourth episode of this series is easily the best one and I think if you had just given us this story but stretched it out a lot more and gave us nothing else I would have been completely fine with that there's a lot more I want to say about this episode in particular but I'm gonna save that for the spoiler section of this video for those of you who haven't seen the show yet you're just gonna have to take me at my word when I say that episode 4 is the only one of this show that I actually consider to be great and I'd rather that didn't get ruined for you the thing I most like about the Dooku episodes or that they really start to flesh out his journey to the dark side as he slowly grows more and more disillusioned with the Jedi and the Republic as a whole as well as starting to question his own place as a cog in this vast machine of corruption in a way that the prequels in the Clone Wars TV series never really managed to do the films gave us small nuggets of this sort of thing but they weren't really all that well developed so I was particularly happy to see that here but once again the same problem Remains the episodes are too short every time I found myself invested in the story I was watching we cut to credits and that was it we're not getting any more of that we're moving on I really like seeing Dooku and Windu on a mission together I like watching their ideologies and the way they each choose to go about doing their duties Clash because realistically they should these two could not be more opposite from each other and that's another thing that I feel like the prequels really could have fleshed out more but they didn't but we only get one short episode on that and then we never get to see more just as I'm starting to care the fun comes to an end as far as the Ahsoka stuff goes her first episode was fine I don't know it was just a story about her being born because filoni really wants to make sure we see every single second of her life and then her mom fights a giant cat there really isn't that much to say about that one her second one was much better and actually got me pretty emotional toward the end this was easily her best episode and her final episode was the finale and it was pretty lackluster but to really talk about this one I'm gonna have to jump into spoiler territory so if you haven't seen it yet and you don't want anything spoiled for you skip to this time code to hear my closing thoughts three two one Claude this episode once again suffers from just not being long enough we have her showing up at padme's funeral so she can meet up with bale and he can give her access to what will eventually bring her into the fold of the rebellion and then we time jumped to some Farm planet that she's working on and everything happens pretty fast she saved someone with the force exposing herself even though she didn't really need to do that and it ends up getting reported to the Empire who dispatch an Inquisitor to go deal with her first of all I just gotta say that this Inquisitor has a really cool design and I wish it had been saved for someone better than a Inquisitor who gets killed after like three seconds because that is such a waste I would have liked to see this designed used for like an ancient Sith Lord or something but oh well and then she calls bail gets the villagers off the planet and joined the Rebellion I guess extremely rushed and pretty dissatisfying I must say but I would definitely say that this was the worst episode and it wasn't really egregiously bad or anything that's the one thing I can say about this show it doesn't do nearly enough with its premise or the stories it's trying to tell but none of the episodes are complete dog at worst they're mediocre and at best they're pretty decent with a shred of real potential beneath them that'll unfortunately never be fully realized but before I end the spoiler section I did want to talk about episode 4 a little more because that's the only one that really impressed me which isn't to say that the episode was perfect there were a few things that I thought were pretty dumb like the fact that Dooku just so happened to be organizing the creation of the Clone Army and the Erasure of kamino from the Jedi archives at the exact same time that the phantom menace was taking place that's not continuity breaking or anything but it's a little bit of a coincidence that's all I guess that isn't really a flaw in the narrative or anything but I always just kind of assume that Dooku joining the Sith and manipulating sifo DS to order the Clones happened at least a few months after episode 1. if anything it would make more sense if the final straw in pushing Dooku to leave the Jedi Order was the fact that Qui-Gon died while on a mission for the Republic which would have fully solidified his beliefs that the Jedi and the Republic were more intertwined than they ever should have been that's even what this episode seems to be implying only he was actually already working for Sidious before that so I don't know just kind of weird but like I was saying earlier the Dooku episodes do a decent job of fleshing out his beliefs that the Republic is corrupt and needs to be taken down and if these episodes had more time to really develop that it would have been a lot better but I think we're given just enough to start to get the idea at the very least it's cool to see that at least at this point Dooku still feels remorse for the things he's doing and wishes it didn't have to be this way but he doesn't see that he has any better Alternatives he definitely doesn't want to kill yaddle but he doesn't feel like he has any other choice one thing I never loved about the Clone Wars was how Dooku was reverted to basically a mustache twirling villain with no real development beyond that because like I said the prequels didn't really do enough to explore Dooku as a character but at least in those movies there was a small sliver of nuance that showcased that he isn't just some evil who gets off on committing atrocities but in the Clone Wars that Dooku is completely gone I think tales of the Jedi Dooku is the best version of the character we've gotten in Canon and if I haven't already said it enough in this video my biggest problem with it is just that I want to see more give me more of this I'm kind of hoping this first season was just lucasfilm animation dipping their toes in the water to see how we might react to a show like this before doing anything too experimental and if that's the case then let me just be the first to say that I'm intrigued and hoping for more episodes as it stands now though it's a neat little show that you can watch in like an hour and a half and you might even gain something from the experience so I'm gonna give this show a 5.5 out of 10. not great but not bad either you're honestly better off just watching Andor though but thank you all a whole ton and a quarter for watching and I will see you at some point in the future you'll never see me coming ciao oh
Channel: Sheev Talks
Views: 42,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7KzDYLBQzhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2022
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