Tales of Cursed Cars (RCR Car Stories)

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anyone will tell you a car has a spirit of its own maybe not in the literal sense but definitely figuratively they have different Vibes about them different behaviors Oddities and additions that make them distinct to each make and model so that no two versions are ever really the same it's why you see such varied prices on the secondary Market because those differences cause people to Value their cars in different ways but what happens when the figurative becomes literal what happens when a car takes on a life of its own beyond what exists in the gears and Machinery of its composition for this RCR story we're going to look at some cars that have been noted throughout history to be haunted or cursed and honestly I should have done a little more research before making this list because just about any other list on the internet about cursed or haunted cars are probably going to have these cars on them but hey you know stuff happens oh and on the subject of cursed cars before I start in the description I have a link to my RCR story on James Dean's cursed Porsche 550 spider it was one of the earliest RCR stories that I did and that partially got me really interested in making more of these videos so if you enjoy these videos definitely go check it out but for now let's look at a handful of some of the most cursed haunted or otherwise damned cars to ever exist would this have been a great video for Halloween probably but I work slow so let's throw some sand into the campfire and take a look at some really spooky cars not to be confused with my dream car now and for all time the incomparable AMC Eagle the golden eagle was the nickname given to a 1964 Dodge 330 limited edition that was at least as deadly as a pinto in the 1970s but without Ralph Nader waging a singular campaign against it and realistically he probably should have since this car has a lot of blood on its wheels or whatever the automotive equivalent of hands are you see the golden eagle was supposedly a police car initially when it was put in a service based out of the town of Old Orchard Beach Maine there was nothing immediately amiss about the car when it was put into service in fact it seemed downright ordinary because for all the subsequent talk of this being a deadly car its first three victims didn't actually die as a result of driving it at least not directly you see the car first acquired its car first reputation because during its time as part of the police force it changed hands three separate times why well the first guy to whom the car was assigned allegedly died at his own hands but not before killing his entire family in a gruesome and Unthinkable tragedy the second guy who drove it believe it or not he too would die by his own hand but not before killing his entire family in a nightmarish act that could hardly be reckoned with by the community all the more so because of the previous officers actions as for the third man well okay look he died by his own hand but not before murdering his entire family because apparently that's just what happens when you drive a Dodge for too long and I know this is exceptionally hard to believe which is why I probably should have led with the fact that many of these stories come directly from its most recent owner a self-avowed witch by the name of Wendy Allen since I struggled to find any sources to back up any of this not even a newspaper clipping about three police officers taking out their entire families so naturally take it with a grain of salt or however much salt you need to take as long as your blood pressure is doing okay of course the story of the golden eagle whether true or not only expands from here as the legend of the curse grows because you could call a car deadly if it killed you while you were driving it or even while you were sitting in it but that was rarely the case for the Golden Eagle many of the people to be affected by the curse supposedly died by other means yet it's no less spooky for how each person's gruesome demise is linked only by their connection to this Dodge in the decades that followed the Old Orchard Beach murders congregants of the local church tried to send the message that the car wasn't welcome in their little slice of idyllic America and they did this by vandalizing the car although what the vandalization actually entailed I couldn't find but it's theorized that it may have been an attempt at a sort of exorcism since the churchgoers allegedly believed the car was possessed by some kind of demon and if true it would kind of explain what ended up happening to them in short some of the vandals were killed in collisions with 18-wheelers with rumors of decapitations being among the manners of death in those accidents another Vandal was struck by lightning and now for her part Wendy Allen believed the curse was brought on by the people trying to prevent it and could perhaps be retaliation for the churchgoers targeting her for her occult lifestyle that's one Theory anyway over the years there would be rumors of other gruesome demises such as accounts of two children being struck by a car and being sent careening through the air before landing on the golden eagle and dying on its cursed hood or roof depending on the story another rumor tells of a teenager who was dared into touching the car he would lay hands on the vehicle only to later end up committing the same heinous act as the three police officers with whom the curse originated except with the Added Touch of burning down his entire house the car was on such a rampage that concerned citizens supposedly went full Chop Shop on the 64 Dodge taking the car apart and hiding the pieces like the car was the god Osiris or something but Wendy Allen fought back she searched high and low and with the help of the internet she was eventually able to get most of the car back at least enough of the car to make it drivable again which would come back to haunt her no pun intended I swear as Alan herself would claim that the doors would throw themselves open at speed among other malfunctions like seat belts mysteriously Coming Undone or the steering wheel locking in place while driving all things that would seem like Supernatural sabotage to the superstitious but comes across a lot more like the effects of driving a piecemeal classic car in only semi-drivable condition but regardless doors flinging open on the highway is just about the only bad thing to really happen to Wendy Allen with regards to this car perhaps it's the car respecting the so-called sea witch of Old Orchard Beach or maybe the car mellowed out with age or maybe this is all an urban legend who knows for now in the interest of Public Safety Allen has kept the car garaged and thus ends the tail for now of the golden eagle okay so imagine this you're walking along the road at night coming to a bridge in the aftermath of fresh rain the cold bites at your neck you pull the collar of your jacket tight against you the Moon is obscured by clouds and made crooked in the reflection of the puddles beneath your feet a black car pulls up windows rolled down a man sits in the driver's seat barely visible as seated Shadow voice emitting a dry Smoker's rasp do you have the time and here you're at a fundamental Crossroad in your life where the next dancer will decide whether you live to see the other side of the bridge or if you're just yet another victim in the terrifying legend of the black Volga this particular urban legend is of European extraction centered on a black gaz-21 vulga a car built in the Soviet Union between 1956 and 1970 by the Gorky automobile Factory although some Reports say it may have been a gaz24 Volga which was built from 1970 to 1985. the difference would mostly have been the more modern Western adjacent styling of the latter car but with a reinforced unibody construction and a stronger suspension to endure harsh weather conditions basically the type of car that will give you the freedom to be the devil incarnate year round you see this was a car used for abductions purposeful abductions as the driver of the black Volga was supposedly on the hunt for blood as the legend goes the car would roll up alongside young unsuspecting victims snatch them and take them away to be drained of their blood for what reason well as it turns out some wealthy people with leukemia seem to believe that young blood would cure them of the disease in some versions these were wealthy westerners and in others they were the Bourgeois class of the USSR another version of The Legend would claim it wasn't the blood the wealthy were after but organs either way if the black vulgar got you that was pretty much all she wrote this Legend originated around the 60s or 70s with various cars as the basis of the legend I mean I've read BMWs being the basis for the black Volga Legend but at least with this one what makes it all so unsettling is that for the time there were a lot of black volgas on the road which would be certain to put any superstitious citizens on edge there were all sorts of theories as to who was driving the mysterious car with some speculating the driver to be a KGB agent While others claimed it could be a member of the clergy some people even speculated vampires I mean of course with the whole blood angle hell I even read that some believe the driver could have been the Devil Himself which brings us back to the start of this story so you're walking along the road when the Black Volga sidles up alongside you the driver asks for the time and you have a choice to make this take on the black Volga Legend has the Demonic driver sometimes with a 666 in the license plate and horns in place of wing mirrors asking the person for the time if you gave the time you were either killed as you came up to the car to give your answer or you were essentially marked with the time you gave suddenly becoming the time you would die the next day and if you were marked there was essentially no way out of the curse like that one episode of Doctor Who with the Raven but at least that Raven was transferable one time not so much with the black Volga but if you knew a certain phrase you could avoid ever falling to the Curse of the Black Volga in the first place when the driver asks for the time one simply had to answer it is God's time at which point the car would disappear I mean I also suppose you could just ignore the driver altogether but then we wouldn't have a story except about a wise ass who beat a curse through common sense over the decades virgins of this Legend have been passed across Russia Hungary Poland Greece Mongolia and Ukraine to name a few in the Ukrainian version I read two girls had supposedly been approached by the car at which point they were pulled into the car and disappeared entirely with no evidence of the girls ever having been inside the car a passerby who witnessed the incident approached the car and was met with a bright flash waking up a couple days later with a terrible headache and no memory of anything that happened in the days since much like with the golden eagle it's up to the viewer or listener to decide just how much to believe which I know is an enormous cop-out but I will say I've watched enough episodes of Unsolved Mysteries to know this isn't entirely implausible in some form or fashion I just would imagine it would have a more horrifyingly grounded explanation which makes it no less terrifying really the next entry is a history lesson on Wheels the 1910 Graf and stiffed double fateen license plate a i i i 118. keep that in the back of your mind it was the card used to transport Archduke Franz Ferdinand across Sarajevo on the fateful day of June 28 1914. this would be the day the Archduke would be assassinated an act that would kick-start the Great War the Emperor of all Global conflicts up to that point World War One but more than that you could almost blame the car itself for ferdinand's assassination you see the Archduke and his wife had narrowly avoided a grenade tossed towards the car earlier in the day the resulting explosion injured other passersby prompting the Archduke to demand to visit the injured later in the day it was on the way to visit the injured parties that the car stalled leaving the Archduke a Sitting Duck for an assassin from the group young Bosnia an offshoot of unification or death otherwise known as the Black Hand a secret military group regardless of the reason for the killing this young assassin had caught a lucky break to finish the job largely because of the double fateen stalling as the driver attempted to turn around on a side street had the car not stalled who's to say if the Assassin would have had the opportunity in the first place however the car's failure didn't just kick-start a World War it also began a long path of Destruction wrought through the number of people who owned the car in the years ahead across 15 owners the car was rumored to have killed 13 people the person who owned the car after ferdinand's assassination was an Austrian General who would go clinically insane he was subsequently committed to an asylum where he would spend the rest of his days the German military officer who owned it after him only held the car for nine days before ending up in a bizarre accident that would claim three lives you see the officer had been driving casually when he encountered two pedestrians in the road in an attempt to avoid a collision he swerved and struck a tree but somehow not before hitting the two pedestrians anyway the crash killed the officer and the pedestrians he was trying to save a Yugoslavian Governor who'd come into possession of the car would go on to have four different accidents culminating in a crash that would cause him to lose an arm the following owner flipped the car but not the profitable kind of flipping no he put the car on its roof and crushed himself in the process all for a car he didn't even really want as Legend has it the man bought the car on a dare and this kind of goes back to the golden eagle and the teenager dared into touching it stop daring people to do things that are related to cars it's not going to end well but arguably the biggest tragedy to which the car could be linked was the tale of a wedding party meeting a grim fate the Romanian man who'd purchased the car was driving five of his friends to a wedding on Route and with seemingly no explanation the car lost control while at least one of the occupants would survive the others would not be so lucky leaving behind an unspeakable Tableau for the authorities to discover now I can't take credit for the following observation but the license plate of the car which was then sitting in a museum in Vienna where it couldn't get any other drivers killed had a surprisingly distinct set of characters if you'll remember from earlier the license plate was a i i i 118. the theory is that the car not only kick-started the first world war but predicted its end as well a for Armistice Day and the remaining characters symbolizing 11 11 18. the date of the war's end perhaps the car is a representation of the Grim toll of War its inherent cost and its terrible imposition on innocent people alike at least I guess that's how we English Majors would probably look at it I'm telling you once literary theory has its hooks in you you're not really going anywhere public transportation we've all used it some of us still use it not everyone is fortunate enough to have a car of their own and when we need public transportation man we really need it we depend on it which is why it can feel like a betrayal when it doesn't come through for us but okay so the bus didn't get me to my dental hygienist on time not the end of the world at least the bus was a real bus but the same cannot be said of the number seven bus in West London in the Ladbroke Grove area of Cambridge Gardens eyewitnesses have claimed to have seen the Phantom of a red double-decker bus a ghostly Apparition that sometimes has a driver and sometimes appears to operate without anyone behind the wheel like some kind of ghostly Tesla this all began in 1934 when a driver was making their way down a long and lonely road when all of a sudden as if out of the Mist a bus appeared there was no indication of a bus having been in the road ahead nor was there any forewarning in the form of headlights or horns the bus simply appeared to materialize out of thin air naturally the driver of the car swerved to avoid hitting the bus and they succeeded Unfortunately they ended up hitting a pillar instead the driver died on impact and a bystander who witnessed the entire thing claimed that the bus disappeared just as suddenly as it had arrived on another occasion a man who encountered the bus told North Kensington police that the headlights of the bus were shining and both floors of the double decker were lit yet there was no body inside neither passengers nor driver like the first victim he swerved and ended up on the sidewalk smashing into a fence while he was unharmed he also had no way to prove that the number seven bus had truly run him off the road for all anyone knew he could have been dozing off behind the wheel and gotten spooked by something his mind had conjured up maybe he was drunk maybe he was looking for any sort of explanation to get out of trouble with the authorities I don't really know at the very least it's easy for me to believe that he believed what he saw irrespective of whether or not it actually happened which counts for just as much in some cases over time more and more people were involved in accidents that they attributed to the mysterious Phantom bus normally this would hardly be worthy of police involvement but regardless of whether or not the driver saw a phantom bus or not some of these accidents resulted in fatalities which decidedly is worth a look from law enforcement and so the story goes the police would interrogate the witnesses directly rounding up those who claim to have seen the ghostbust in order to get their independent accounts the details mostly lined up it was a red bus with number seven Livery with no driver or passengers that would mysteriously appear and then vanish just as suddenly one other detail also stood out the bus tended to show up at the same time each night appearing at 1 15 am before disappearing into the vaporous evening air there wasn't really a whole lot for the police to do I mean there wasn't any physical evidence and it's not like the accidents occurred as a result of colliding with the bus people were just scared into swerving and that was that really the only thing anyone could do was improve the road on which the bus most frequently appeared and so the intersection in Cambridge Garden Was Made wider and some issues with the road were fixed and repaired and sure enough the number seven bus appeared less and less frequently until there weren't really any reports left at all now not that that's what these people were doing but it does make me wonder as a Pennsylvanian if I could get PennDOT to fix some of these roads near my apartment by claiming to have been chased off the road by a haunted bus ah yeah probably not and so we come to our final haunted car as we travel to Cape Town South Africa for the tale of a Renault that felt a bit froggy one day in November 2004. you see it all started with a man by the name of Ian shirakat who was roused one morning by the sound of a Renault Megan possibly being stolen from the guest house he owned but what he ended up with was a mystery that required the involvement of the automaker themselves as The Story Goes Ian sheetacott heard the car and would later tell reporters that the car was giving off a quote type of roaring sound and gave two powerful leaps backwards before it was stopped by a hibiscus tree end quote the car had jumped back not only that it had jumped backwards up an incline now it would be one thing if Mr shitakat had been the only one to witness this but he wasn't not only did his family members and guests witness it two police officers called to the scene also witnessed the jumping car when it came back to life in their presence that's nine people in total now it's creepy enough that the car did this with no driver but what really threw everyone for a loop was discovering that the car wasn't even turned on there were no keys in the ignition and the parking brake was fully engaged it was as if the car had come to life on its own possessed of a spirit that demanded what jumping I guess naturally Skeptics abounded one of renault's technical coordinators in Cape Town told South Africa's news 24 that such an event was unlikely to occur quote where did the combustion come from if the car was not switched on I cannot believe it it is quite scary end quote a service advisor from Cape Town Renault would straight up discount the story to news 24. essentially stating the incident was impossible since a car can't jump if it's off this is echoed by a regional manager for Renault who asked news 24 if they were sure the people who witnessed the jumping car hadn't all been drinking tequila beforehand for his part a local mechanic would offer an explanation that would at least try to acknowledge the possibility that something had happened here he is stated as having told news 24 quote maybe there were ghosts end quote when the incident made news back in 2004 Ishita cut family began receiving inquiries from interested parties offering up their own theories such as one caller suggesting that maybe there was a 666 on the license plate of the Renault you know just like the black Volga another call came from an American Exorcist who offered to travel to South Africa and remove quote the demon that made the car jump end quote now from what I could find the shitakat family didn't even own the car in question it was a rental by their two German tenants in the guest house the car rental company decided to investigate on their own and no real explanation was forthcoming in the immediate aftermath for what it's worth who's to say it wasn't ghosts we can't know for certain that the car wasn't oh wait you mean there's an answer really yes as it turns out Renault South Africa was eventually able to get the car back and conduct an internal investigation and they would publish their findings just under a month later from what I could tell the explanation a faulty starter cable yes it appears that the Renault Megan's starter jumped to life pun intended this time due to a rusty starter cable causing short circuits because the cable ran down to the battery supply relay box the short circuits would occur periodically sort of in intervals resulting in the car jumping more than just once that's how not only Ian chedicott was able to witness it but how his family and the tenants and the police were able to witness it because this car was jumping multiple times as for how it seemed to be jumping backwards Renault explained that this was a result of the car being parked in Reverse either way Renault made a point of stressing that it was rust and not the product itself that caused the bizarre phenomenon Renault was essentially saying hey this one is not on us it's completely the conditions of the area which basically just tells me this car wouldn't have had a prayer in Pennsylvania but I'm not entirely sure if I buy the rusty starter explanation of course that's just me being superstitious for no real reason I suppose it's as plausible or rationale as any other I couldn't find what happened to the car after but I can only imagine it isn't in the rental rotation anymore these days at least I certainly hope it wouldn't be considering it's been 18 years I'm all for the used car Market strengthening worldwide but that'd be a bit much I mean could you imagine if anything happened to the battery and someone tried to give you a jump nope I'm all set here got all the jumps I need with this bad boy terrible ultimately whether a car is haunted or not is immaterial to how it at least for a Time shapes and transforms the lives around it obviously this isn't as meaningful or poignant when we're talking about something that potentially ends lives too whether it's a curse or an accident of Fate who knows but then a lot of these stories are up to individual interpretation since I can't find hard records for a lot of this but I simply thought it'd be an interesting bit of Automotive Apocrypha if nothing else and a deviation from our usual Norm that I thought you guys might enjoy cars have Spirits we imbue them with on our own do they have Spirits beyond that Maybe we're at the very least maybe we can see a reflection of our own history in the details thank you so much for listening to this RCR story it will be going up eventually I want to say in about two weeks on our podcast feed so that you can listen to this wherever you go whether on the drive or in the gym uh and yeah the next RCR story I'm aiming for Christmas I don't know if I'm gonna hit that date I want it to be this year's Christmas special people who watch the RCR podcast where I announce the next RCR story which you can find over on a regular enrollment our second Channel know what the subject is going to be about but I've just been sort of sidetracked editing this because it was originally a second Channel video that I bumped up to being a main Channel video because I really didn't want uh the SOB video to just be the only RCR story that I did for the year and I felt like this is a way to get another one in there and hopefully a third with the video that I hope is coming out next month or by Christmas depending on when this actually drops so keep an eye out for that and I really hope that you enjoyed this if you did you know hit like subscribe uh share this with people and um stick around for more this good stuff and if you didn't enjoy hey that's all right too we can still be friends thank you for watching thank you for listening and thank you for sticking around and thank you for supporting regular car reviews have a great week have a great day have a great holiday everyone take care
Channel: Regular Car Reviews
Views: 50,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Regular, Car, Reviews, Regular Car Reveiws, Car Review, Car Satire, Mr Regular, RCR, Regular Car Reviews, Golden Eagle, Black Volga, Number 7 Bus, Cursed Cars, Haunted Cars, Ghost Cars, Cars, RCR Car Stories, RCR Stories
Id: QslWmYD5CXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 22sec (1762 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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