Taking 'The back roads' from the bottom of Australia to the top [ Adelaide to Cape York ] offroad

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well it's time to leave everything's all packed up look at that sunrise absolutely amazing fans being checked checked again we're about to warm the car up for the first time ready for the trip we're probably about 15 minutes away from leaving give or take ready to go freezing cold morning beautiful absolutely beautiful sunrises which is cool say the lead up to this trip has been interesting is an understatement covered just um throwing a massive spanner into work so we're going to be going through new south wales now we're going up the stras-leki track which we hope is going to be okay everything says that the track is looking okay at the moment it's recovering from being wet it can only get better over the coming days i think we're going to get a majority of it done today fingers crossed it's about seven o'clock at the moment we're getting ready to leave get the kids out of bed put them straight in the back ready to go and then we're good to go for the trip so we're all fueled up everything's packed up in the van cars all done new drawers are in uh everything's come together pretty well considering all the other crap that's been going on in the world so we're probably going to get going now [Music] it'll stop over in hawker we're going to get something to eat and have a toilet break we're about two hours from lindhurst at the moment we'll be stopping there nice little town here hawker there's a nice bakery there's a few fuel stations as well and a toilet and a playground which is really cool that's a great place to stop and just have a quick rest your taste is toxic it burns in my mouth with the things that i wish i could tell you about but i'm nothing special yeah you will have your doubts leave me limits easy how's the background we're on the strzoky track at the moment look at that sunset that's so and cool so we're still on the bitumen on the stress at the moment but even behind us pretty amazing stuff let's stop take a couple of photos and uh we're going to continue on to camp so john [Music] so [Music] good morning guys it's our second day on the track we're about 100 k's up the stress leki track we pulled over last night about 6 30 p.m just starting to get dark and we found a beautiful little camp on wiki camps you can see just behind us we've got this nice even ground and we've got a beautiful sunrise this morning it's actually quite nice we had an interesting second half of the day yesterday it started to get a little bit low on fuel planning to fill up at lindhurst we did check on the app searching for 91 because i'm 91 and our friends are diesel so they don't have to worry too much but uh we're carrying extra fuel and we were planning on filling up at lindhurst but lynnhurst on the app did make it look like they had 91 then we got to lynhurst and it was only diesel as probably most people would know and now we know funny enough we went back onto the app and had a look and it did say 91 ulp but underneath little tiny writing it says diesel so i'm not sure what that's about so yeah we ended up being fairly low on fuel at the start of the stress track and having to work out what we can do to get fuel to make it through the stress track so we raced back to copley and just filled up all our jerry cans and filled up the car which gave us a heap of range again obviously properly was 20 minutes away from lindhurst so it wasn't too bad really we just unhitched the caravan and darted back we were probably 20 30 minutes and then we were back hitched up and uh heading off down the strozleki track which is cool we're gonna have some breakfast and then head off to a solid day of driving we're gonna go through in amenka today which would be quite nice and then we should make it to the border today as well we might have one more person catching up with us from our group everyone was planning on leaving at the same time but we ended up leaving at different times with all the covered stuff happening some of us wanted to get out of here as quick as possible over the queensland border so we're gonna have breakfast this morning pack up and uh and get back on the road we're gonna probably have about 20 30 k's of sealed road and then we'll be on to the dirt should be good we're going to be heading on a dirt road today so we're going to let the tyre pressures down in the car i've gone 20 on the front and 25 on the back i think that should be enough to just cushion a lot of those bumps depending on how bad the road is and we're just going down on the band at the moment we're going to go down to 25 psion event and again we'll see how that goes and see how it [Music] rides but it's something that we can't erase you can't love me in the light of days so don't turn the lights on getting pretty close to enemy can now and we've just done some of the craziest roads ever uh going between mumbai and animenka was probably some of the roughest roads we've done for a fair while in the van we passed a heap of road trains massive massive trucks three four carriages and then there was a train of five or six of them all with three or four trailers each it was pretty cool to see so we're just at the turn off now to go to anamenko we're just going to wait for the other guys to get here and um and then we'll continue on to inomenco hopefully they've got some fuel for us so we're pretty remote at the moment on australia's i just remembered that um i did figure something out that i saw online we've got a fairly dense bit of foam and if i separate the door and it's probably going to be a bit difficult to do with one hand but basically the idea is that that foam sits on the door it lines up with our gas vent and we just close it on there perfect so that vents all blocked up now well we made it to innerminka you see the store in the background and the car we're just filled up with fuel and then we're going to continue on [Music] morning another morning we spent our night at a place called ero manga we were hoping to find a free camp but it was all pretty wet and moist last night so we uh we had to pull up where we are and as you can see i'll switch the camera around it's pretty field in erimanga we're just topping up with fuel it was pretty good to see that they actually have premium and unleaded premium at the moment was a dollar 52 which is pretty much what it is in town anyway so that was pretty good so i treated the car to some premium which was good for it so i reckon we pick a pump number fuel one select pump and push enter pump one enter insert card now we're just in line waiting for a car wash so obviously the van's covered in mud and clay so you want to try and get that off if we can i didn't know this but in queensland apparently it's quite common that they have these free car washes or free wash down bays that use the artesian water and it's actually a little bit warm as well so you can wash everything off which is really cool so we're just going to give all this a bit of a clean and give the car a bit of a birthday [Music] we are set up this afternoon at a rest stop in longreach i'm not sure if you can see behind me there are an absolute ton of cars i'm just going to go for a little walk down to the creek have a look it should be quite nice good morning guys um so thursday night friday morning we have spent the night at a place called apex holiday park uh it's on the river which is really beautiful you can see the beautiful foggy river behind me and also we've got a massive shelter here as well there's an absolute ton of caravans here it's amazing how many the just on the highway there was a caravan park caravan parking bay and they're probably 20 or 30 caravans parked in there in the uh city there was 20 or 30 in there as well and here there'd be easily 100 vans in here so beautiful little place right on the river um it's a little bit muddy at the moment because we've had a ton of rain here in queensland but it's five dollars a night you can pay at uh in this inner city uh in longreach in town sorry um or there's an honesty box here where you can pay five dollars as well um so it's quite a nice little place there's plenty of grass plenty of shelter no playground for the kids unfortunately but that's all right we're gonna head off uh very shortly and uh and keep making our way north um and then we're gonna have a nice relaxing drive today probably do five hours today and pull in ready to set up and have a little campfire and i'll fill you in on where we end up should be nice [Music] there's hope for me [Music] where the darkness [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we had a bit of carnage we've broken the stone stomper which is a bit of a disaster right now anyway tomorrow be right we're going to try and fix that [Music] back up there somehow give it our best crack we've given it a little fix i'm not sure how long it's going to last but this contraption so just lift the gas bottle up poke that in there it should do us for a little while cars pretty filth not sure if you can see right over there there's a little helicopter sitting on the thing that's [Music] i crazy my tears i'm done crying now i've made my choice [Music] this shortcut has turned out to be quite entertaining to say the least have a look out here the old google maps look like it's just dead straight for a long time [Music] [Applause] [Music] hearts are frozen we were chosen in time [Music] once upon a time [Music] is [Music] tonight [Music] [Music] hearts are frozen we were chosen in times [Music] looks pretty cool down here it's like a little oasis all sandy and nice [Music] is [Music] you can see all the little steam bubbles and uh coming up from the water it's actually crazy like it's too hot to touch what do you reckon yeah i almost felt my foot it's pretty hot hey that's how hot it is wow [Music] we've just arrived at fishery falls what a beautiful park i can't wait to show you this check it out [Music] easy [Music] you
Channel: Aussie Van Adventures
Views: 17,162
Rating: 4.8985505 out of 5
Keywords: Cape york, Offroad caravan, 4x4, 4wd, y62, David dash, Australian 4x4, Aussie 4x4, 4wd247, 4wd 24/7, caravan, caravan australia
Id: TYl3iRlheC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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