Taking our Snakes out of Brumation!

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hey everybody today is the very exciting day where we get to finally wake up our snakes from burmation for the past three months our bull snakes are hognoses our a lot of our rat corns fox snakes all of our breeders have been chilling at about 55 degrees Fahrenheit while we kind of simulate a wintering period for them so that's what we call brumation which is debatably now going to be called hibernation I guess oh they changed it again yeah I think they're actually going to call it hibernation with reptiles no I don't know if it's official but it's being discussed anyway this fridge has housed a lot of snakes since December 1st we've got some bull snakes over here we've got some fox snakes and rat coins and hognoses over here and what we're basically going to do since they're all still asleep even though we did turn off the fridge just now we are going to wake them all up and put them in their bins who's the lucky snakes to start with let's start with right up top we have Buck our scaleless rat snake oh he's so chilly hello buddy how are you good morning are you asleep you're still asleep aren't you oh he doesn't want to move okay well what we're actually going to do is pick these up put them in their bins but not turn on heat because we don't want to put their systems through kind of a shock by putting them directly on heat so by just doing this oh he's so chilly this is also the point where we do a health check on all of them yeah look at those slow tongue flicks are you a little cold oh it's so cold he doesn't even stick his tongue out all the way he fared through I mean we've been keeping an eye on them throughout formation too but this is just I guess the final check as he comes out but he looks good look at that beautiful lack of scales so he's gonna go in wait where's his card okay I'll grab that yoink there we go we have to go back in here yeah he's got some caves enrichment nice nicely set up freshly cleaned bin we just have to get him some water which we'll do after we film so here we go good morning good luck getting that on there because it's not a second it is not backing to it oh good that's great you do it I believe in you I'll do that later and now we get to do that about a million times yeah really [Music] okay here's a fun bin this is our male hognose brumation bin I think all those tags yes there's so many boys in here we did all of our boys in One and our girls since we have so many we had to do oh my gosh that looks like broth wiki wiki oh no I'm cold leave me alone does not want to wake up but there is a little nose in there can you flick your tongue again oh there's a little flake a little yeah this looks like Farkas our red our purple line het toffee who else is in here oh I see an exanthic down there who's that this is Christopher Turk our vibrator boy hi buddy oh the slow tongue flakes those are just the greatest they're so chilly to the touch oh that's a rock here hissing this is something but it's a rock oh Yep this is Afternoon Delight our hit Sable mail really pretty boy he looks like he's he fared well oh I see Beetler down here good morning Bueller look at you oh did you have a good Slumber yeah you have a good Slumber good morning okay what's under this rock oh it's a coconut I bet there's a hog nose under the coconut there is who is this this one looks too generic this is Lumpy I think is that lumpy well we did mess lumpy up with another uh snake last year this is Lumpy just keeps getting mixed up with other hognoses let's look different some kind yeah somehow look a little bit different lumpy okay that's got to be him I'm really curious to see where our Lavender is here's a couple more good morning yeah this is Spider Pig the exactic and then we have our head lavender I believe male here right yeah which other condo is in here Honda lavender Dropkick Murphys Dropkick Murphy there he is who doesn't like to breed for us because it's too high strung yep exactly but we've remitted him anyway now we just need to find Shane Co our lavender shanko where are you to take this out I found him I found him oh here's Shane go hey dude good morning did you have a good sleep I hate everyone what good morning way too early to be walking up yeah he is not happy right now Tada it's not all of them but it's as many as I can pile close to our boys most of our boys uh lavender azanthic albino kinda normal yeah purple line example look at the difference in the examples that's so cool super super cool all right we'll put them in the bins put them in [Music] all right who we got now this is a fun one lots of different colors in this bin we've roomated together blackmail and some of our variable Kings since they're all technically king snakes we figured they'd be good to roommate together so this is our female black milk who's in shed why are you in shed your information and then we have a couple of our female variable kings that we hope to breed soon these are a little bit too small to breed this year but we just decided to brewmate them all together anyway yep also these are really small but they don't move around a lot in groomations yes so yes you know it's one of those things where there's more actually we have one milk snake in here too one point milk snake they're gonna be getting upgraded into like bigger bins than this and that's what they live in yes yes they're just Brew mating in the small bins it's cold they do it in the wild they all cram themselves into a small little void where it's a little pocket of warmth or at least not freezing in the wild and it's kind of interesting you will see bull snakes roommating with Timber rattlesnakes in the wild here so all different Snake species roommate together I think they found like under cabins and stuff like that a teeny little hole with like a hundred fox snakes yeah they have yeah they're just all they're just crammed in so we're just kind of replicating what they would experience in the wild yep oh we have a first really big bin yes we do here's our first bull snakes oh look at them good morning are you guys cheerleading oh Shakira we missed you how are you doing oh slow oh she's still kind of asleep so we have Shakira in here and we have Priscilla's in this is Priscilla this is the nicest you're gonna be I bet it's weird look I can touch your face without you biting me yeah you're not hissing for once so this is how you make snakes friendly you put them in the fridge for the don't do that don't do that here Rock it's gorgeous holy moly we made Rockets yeah this is one of our holdbacks from one of our first years of breeding rocket is beautiful this is a might be breeding age this year too I think so actually yeah so this is a hypo albino or hibino as they're called and yeah rocket is what was named because she was known for just like getting out of her yeah like what's the the monster in the movie that like shoots up from underground I don't like the Jack in the Box it's like it was like a big worm creature from underground it would like oh Tremors trim oh never mind Tremors was named Tremors because that's what she would do yeah I think she was just named rocket because she rocked it out of her launch out of the bin sorry yeah okay okay gotcha so yeah here's rocket yeah [Music] all right more bull snakes yes this is a channel favorite welcome back to warmth Brown oh look how chunky she still oh she didn't breed last year yeah she's extra fast she's extra chunky yeah oh my gosh look at you surgery and she didn't lose any weight information you can see the surgery still the surgery area you can it's all healed out it's healed up and there's just a teeny little bump on either side yeah that's why she didn't breathe last year's because of the surgery she had we didn't want to put her through any stress but she's all healed up and she needs to lose weight so so we're gonna have a breed this year oh look how thick she is holy moly yeah this is what happens when you take a year off girl yeah and you like to eat still she loves to eat I love food she says it's delicious uh with her we have a an unknown morph it was wild caught so we don't know if long-term captive too yeah who caught her in the wild we quarantined her and now we're going to breeder this year she looks white side it looks it looks white side to me but yeah we we don't know if she was like kept as a pet she has a huge attitude so maybe someone had her as a pet and then just let her go yeah that could go back into the wild yeah or she was legit bored in the wild so we're gonna find out this is kind of an experiment one this year [Music] I'm so excited for this bin who's this been this is the female hognoses I have missed these guys we got butterscotch in here Diamond desira waffle busty Rhonda Audrey and japina too yeah the purple line one that could be Azura it doesn't look like ah this is diamond yeah I'm pretty sure this is diamond yeah you lost a little bit of weight during brumation but not enough that we had to pull her so we decided to leave her in but we'll just be able to fasten right away oh yeah definitely I bet they're all under this cage you think so I guarantee you see a diamond pull the water so okay we have that are we ready for the reveal how many hognoses can fit under one cave three two one oh my God oh my God that's a lot of hog noses got one two three four oh my gosh maybe more one two three yep you're right forward go holy cow Butters wow wait did you gain weight no but it butterscotch is not anything oh yeah it is butterscotch or jifina two no I don't think japina two is this big quite yet this has got to be butterscotch butterscotch got chunky huge she didn't eat another wonderful I I have deformation you wouldn't think so but let's make sure we have here there should be seven in here okay here's this is busty this is busty Ross for sure she is also huge yeah okay so that's one five three four five six seven okay okay we have everybody oh my gosh this is jeffina too yeah and she's a good looking albino yeah she's gonna be an interesting breeding one this year she has we can't say why we can't say why because of promises that we would keep something not secret but we have to learn something as special about her yes and we can't tell the channel and we can't tell the channel sorry hey what is this on your note what is this on your head oh yeah she's got like a symmetrical weird yeah weird shape story skills what is this you could just be rubbing on something yeah who knows it is Diamond she's a newer one so two who knows and then we have Audrey our uh conda who is at albino we've had hers since she was a baby yeah yeah hopefully you have some nice eggs this year I can't believe how thick butterscotch is I know just a chunk wow an amazingly huge dog nose oh my gosh moly wow like small bull snake look at that you are ginormous like I have forgotten about all of the sizes of snakes in here I was expecting like male hognose size for these but of course they're females so of course they're gonna be bigger um all right so we are going to set them up [Music] and the female hognoses aren't done yet no we have two bins how many Kate um Tiffany forever spicy bacon Lily and Charlotte nice let's see I like how there's always at least one just on top usually an exam thing too which is kind of interesting who's this one wait who's the xanthic in here Kate uh yes this is Kate Kate's getting huge she's looking amazing and then we have a wild side is this forever spite well that's forever spicy are you hissing even information can you hiss for us can you show us if you are forever spicy she's like I'm too cold to be spicy leave me alone oh oh there's a little a very tiny little so that that this is forever spicy should we look under this cage yeah I bet that's where all the other ones are Tiffany yes we just pointed out Kate is get get with it know all their names it was uh lavender uh no Kate's example okay this is Tiffany Tiffany's the lavender who's that one that's an omelette look how big a novel it is holy cow I want to eat more of my babies I forgot she was big wow okay and then we have Tiffany here our beautiful lavender she lost a little bit of weight information but again not enough to make us concerned and pull her out but she just needs a few meals after she has been asleep for three months crazy to me that like this can make it through vermation and not lose any weight and then the normal you know they can this is weird the larger snakes seem to not lose weight and the normal weight like the Pokeball how many snakes are in the Pokeball just one oh just Lily okay you're super kind to hit lavender this is the mom of the lavender babies from last year so we're lavender condo babies yeah the lavender kind of babies are we missing anybody um I have one two three four five we need two more okay oh you're oh you're just buried it with Aspen who is uh my favorite hognose in the world right now yeah okay so when everybody whenever somebody asks what my favorite snake is don't tell the others little fat face Charlotte but it's you well you did take Charlotte before you had Charlotte before she even had her first meal we did yeah so she's she's been fun look Bacon's out bacon good morning bacon oh they're all so angry right now look at them all look at those faces wow I'm so mad look at all those colors together too that is just so cool to see the different colors and patterns all mixed together this is the only time of year we get to see it I guess twice a year putting them in and taking them out that's true babies we also see a bunch of colors together cool all right let's get them set up last bin is the full snake here we have Enzo and Mr or sorry Mr Wilson not steal your girl um yeah they look so similar I mixed that I almost mixed them up this is Mr Wilson and then we have Enzo right here who is a nice big male red bull snake super pretty we do have some unfortunate news from this year's formation season we of course didn't show all the snakes that we took out like they're all in the hyper Labs but they're not in like actual filming so there's a few that you didn't see yet that we already took out of information but the sad news is that we lost still naughty during frumation unexpectedly we just went in during a normal check and she passed away and we brought her in for a necropsy and the results were inconclusive so we think that it was just too hard on still naughty for some reason even though she had roommated before so we really don't know and she was young so we don't really know but it does happen sometimes it's the risk of roommations sometimes snakes just pass away and that's why we check on them frequently to pull them if we see anything I mean she was still good weight too she was so yeah we don't know why out of the blue still not he just passed away but we suspect that it was just brumation being too hard on our system for some reason so so that was really sad but we do still have Enzo who is the male that we paired with still naughty last year and I think yeah yep beautiful Red Bull and I think we're gonna pair him with maybe Hannah again this year they produce some really pretty red babies but anyways yeah sorry sorry yeah getting ahead of myself this is Mr Wilson the old man he is um looks good yeah he looks really good maybe give him the year off last year gave him the the drive oh should we give you another another chance to breed yeah maybe we'll we'll meet him this year yeah let's see not breeding plans yeah so let's put these guys back yes and another brewmation is taken care of for the year yep now we get reading plans yeah we're gonna do breeding plans soon yeah you get to go through and fill a bunch of water dishes so much fun and uh I guess I get to no I get to do all this stuff why don't we ever film that why don't people just watch us do boring work they always get to see the cool side of things like dishes there's so many dishes in our lives guys you have no idea maybe we should just hyperlapse this for an entire video like doing dishes or if there's been people who want us do live streams we could just live stream ourselves doing dishes first live stream in the world a hyperlapse would be better than that I bet people would still watch it if no they would not all right comment if you'd watch us do dishes oh my God anyway thank you guys for I guess I'm gonna just be working on Waters for a while here so thank you guys for watching uh let us know what pairing we should do this year like let us know your recommendations on who we should pair with who we kind of have an idea but we still have to finalize it for the next video which will soon be um the breeding plans of 2023 so stay tuned for that thank you for watching thank you patreon backers as well one more thing I want to point out really quick we're supposed to have a rack right here right now but we don't no we don't well you will eventually and then marble snakes will go in there exactly I just want to thank or give a shout out to Jeff our old neighbor from before we moved he does window tinting and he tinted the door to our greenhouse and he offered look now you can't see Emily you can only see me yeah right over there that door is in front of it it's hanging in front of the burmation doors well we had to lift those up in order to open the doors every day to kind of burp the fridge but now he did a beautiful job just tinting the windows for us we'll set you in here yeah bye [Music]
Channel: Snake Discovery
Views: 435,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snake discovery, brumation, snakes, snake breeding, reptile breeding, bullsnakes, hognose, hognose snake, hibernation, snake fridge, rat snake, fox snake, breeding snakes, snake brumation
Id: 1uLa9KxwLw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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