Take the Guesswork Out of Poached Eggs Using Sous Vide

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[Music] it's the simplest recipes that are the hardest to perfect because there's no sauce or garnish to cover up your mistakes take the soft poached egg for example it's just one ingredient but they're messy and they take practice unless you have a sous-vide machine in fact poached eggs have become the poster child for sous-vide cooking because the machine does all the work and you come away looking like a rock star but it all comes down to the temperature of the water and the cooking time which is exactly the kind of testing we excel at here in the Test Kitchen isn't it out that's right we've tested a zillion egg did all the testing we needed to do the nail the perfect time and temperature for cooking these eggs all right so I have here four inches of water in a container it's precise yeah it's precise we usually only have enough water to cover the eggs but here having significantly more helps to keep the temperature the same because we're starting with cold eggs and if you don't have one of these fancy containers it's okay you can use a Dutch oven I like this because I can see the eggs I like seeing it yeah I love that yeah that's super fun typically sous vide eggs are cooked at about 145 degrees for at least an hour mm-hmm but the result of that is kind of that runny white and we don't like that we don't that's not what we want because then we'd have to poach it again and that's an extra step that we just want to skip right the point is poaching it in here in the Test Kitchen we up the ante a bit and sent that temperature to 167 degrees cooking the eggs at a shorter time so that whites could tighten faster that's a significantly higher than any recipe out there yes it is we should get these eggs in all right and start so I'm using a slotted spoon because it's important to put them in slowly and safely and it's all about time and temperature so it's important to use the same size eggs these are all large and it's important that they're all the same starting temperature these are all straight from the fridge that's right and they're not cracked they have no flaws and starting with cold eggs from the fridge means the whites will pull together better all right gingerly dropping our eggs down so we don't crack any of them you're trying to get them in there as fast as possible yes they cook at the same rate it's the hardest part of the recipe so we got them all in I'm gonna cover them and they're gonna cook for 12 minutes only 12 minutes only 12 so most recipes for sous vide poached eggs cook the egg at a single temperature for a long time if the whole egg reaches that temperature that's both the whites and the yolks but in a perfect poached egg the whites and the yolks should be different temperatures now here's an example of an egg cooked at 144 degrees for an hour and you can see the whites are gross mess but the yolk is beautiful but in our recipe we crank the temperature to 167 degrees for just 12 minutes so that as the heat cooks through the whites it gently cooks through the yolks to the perfect degree then we pull them from the water and you have a perfectly poached egg okay so it's been 12 minutes and these eggs are ready to come out they're done dancing in the water they're done dancing and I'm gonna take them out the same gentle way I put them in using the slotted spoon you don't want to crack the shells and they're going into an ice bath for just about a minute until they're cool to touch they don't need much longer than that now using this recipe you can do a lot of eggs yeah you can cook up to 16 eggs at a time all right it's been a minute let's take these out all right so the shells have cooled off the eggs are still warm inside this is one of my favorite all-time recipes well that's good because we have plenty of eggs all right let's go although I'm eager to eat these right now who actually can make these up to a day ahead you can look for that information on our web site at America's Test Kitchen calm okay so I have some very high expectations and so do i time for the big reveal we've cooked them at 167 degrees for 12 minutes which means that our whites will have settled into the eggshell and I'm gonna show you how to open it it's ready to crack my egg I'm so excited oh that's perfect perfection yeah all right Oh gorgeous and you can see that the whites are still stuck into the shell now if you're using a traditional poaching method these would be the whites swimming in the water making it a big old mess but here it's nice and tidy I put a little salt on yours I'll pepper yours thank you ah now do you like to cut it open and smear it on the toast oh yeah look at that perfect white perfect yolks well you know it actually tastes like egg oftentimes when you use a traditional poaching method the egg winds up tasting like the vinegar of the water and tastes a little watery this has a very clean flavor it was worth the wait mm-hmm well these are perfect well done thank you very much so for absolutely foolproof soft poached eggs go sous-vide create one hundred and sixty-seven degree water bath using a sous-vide circulator then carefully add up to 16 chilled large eggs using a slotted spoon let them cook for exactly 12 minutes transfer them to an ice water bath to cool for one minute and crack and serve it's a very cool method that delivers perfectly poached egg every time from our Test Kitchen to your kitchen a recipe for foolproof sous-vide soft poached eggs thanks for watching America's Test Kitchen what you think well leave a comment and let us know which recipes you're excited to make or you can just say hello you can find links to today's recipes and reviews in the video description and don't forget to subscribe to our Channel see you later I'll see you later
Channel: America's Test Kitchen
Views: 69,731
Rating: 4.8791542 out of 5
Keywords: sous vide, how to use sous vide, joule sous vide, poached eggs, how to poached eggs
Id: jzTSyc6oRLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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