TAKE A REST by RecD | with Lyrics | Catnap & Smiling Critters from Poppy Playtime: Chapter 3 in osu!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Nirux
Views: 4,219,296
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Keywords: Nirux, NiruxStudio, twitch Nirux, nirux osu, osu, twitch, clips, osu farm maps, twitch osu, osu skin, osu!, osu farmer, stream player, osu stream maps, osu daily clips, osu weekly clips, osu speed, osu short, osu clips, osuclips weekly, derek osu, square jump, sotarks, hugofrost, blue zenith, wysi, stream, kariyu, godmode, pp farm, euphoria, 400pp, 500pp, 600pp, 700pp, 300pp, 200pp, koifishu, btmc, poppy playtime, smiling critters, dogday, catnap
Id: ahybfLOD_kQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 37sec (37 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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