Taiwan 4k. Cities, Sights and People.

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hey guys Nihao and in this video we're going to talk about a country that is famous for its tea computer technology and warm weather all year round let's talk about time one Taiwan is a state in East Asia neighboring countries include China to the west just 160 kilometers an to the northeast and the Philippines to the south the official name of the country is the Republic of China but not to be confused with the People's Republic of China the island of Taiwan has a population of twenty three point seven million people with an area of thirty-five thousand square kilometers what is the history of Taiwan first it was the indigenous peoples that settle this island around six thousand years ago today they're still here but the only number 2 percent of the population then came the Europeans in 1624 the island became a Dutch colony and was called Formosa which means beautiful in the 17th century Dutch colonial rule opened the island to mass Han Chinese immigration which led to the island being eventually annexed in 1683 by the Qin Dynasty of China then came the Japanese in 1895 the Empire of Japan invaded the island and it remained under Japanese rule for 50 years until the surrender of Japan in the Second World War when the island finally receded back to China it was at a time when a civil Chinese war broke out in which the Communists under the leadership of Mao's Odone prevailed and the defeated Chiang kai-shek government had to flee to Taiwan along with 2 million soldiers since then Taiwan has for all practical purposes been independent but China is certainly not making things easier by insisting that other nations cannot have official relations with both China and Taiwan resulted in Taiwan having few formal diplomatic ties with other countries however despite its diplomatic isolation Taiwan has become one of the Four Asian Tigers in the early 1960s Taiwan entered a period of rapid economic growth Paul the Taiwan miracle today it has an export-oriented industrial economy which is the 21st largest in the world by nominal GDP being even ahead of Sweden Austria and it's the most advanced computer microchip maker in the world with companies like a soos and Acer that manufactured computers and phones don't take my word for it just look at some of your home PC parts and most likely some of them will read made in Taiwan the country is very progressive in 2016 syan one became Taiwan's first female president and in 2019 Taiwan became first in Asia to legalize same-sex marriages the infrastructure in the country is one of the best in the world the road system is impeccable actually the 11th best in the world even ahead of Germany in South Korea according to World Economic Forum and although the country has some of the best high speed trains that can reach 300 kilometers an hour I still prefer travelling by car because it makes it so easy to make stops along the way wherever I want to and to drive legally in Taiwan you'll need to bring your international driver's permit from your home country all highways in Taiwan are told electronically and the maximum speed is 110 kilometres an hour the population density is really high 644 people per square kilometer this is the second in Asia after Bangladesh but when you traveling around the island you won't really feel it because there are endless beaches mountains and national parks in the city the day starts early around 5:00 or 6:00 a.m. and the life on the streets is in full swing you'll see people jogging and doing Tai Chi Chuan you'll see a lot of older people who prefer to have an active lifestyle walking in the parks and hiking in the mountains rather than sitting at home this man for example is 82 years old and Luke is in great shape Taiwan is a pretty rainy place and so it's nice that a lot of parks and hotels and even museums will offer you umbrellas for free I've noticed that the Taiwanese adore at their dogs and on the streets he can find some very cute pets also they love playing lotteries and it seems like places selling lottery tickets are never empty congratulations let's take a look at the major cities Taipei is the capital the population of the city is 2.7 million people by the metropolitan population is over 7 million people public transportation is great you have buses and you have MRT which stands for mass rapid transit it's a very efficient public transportation system one of the best in the world in fact how you doing it's so clean and it's air-conditioned and it's totally safe and passengers very disciplined and to stand in lines before the train arrives the city has a lot of parks like this one it's called dan forest park I was lucky enough to get a room in the hotel right next to that Park and the view was incredible it was nice seeing people go jogging and doing Tai Chi Chuan in the morning it is also a bike friendly City and it seems like all the students go into the National Taipei University are riding bikes by the way this university is the best in Taiwan and it's the 50th best in the world and the campus area is just enormous and there are 32,000 students studying there let's go talk to that program are you studying finance you like it yes I think so good and what do you want to be when you graduate I'm not really sure about it because I used to think I will be police when I grow up what's the best thing about this university I think the people here my peers my friends and the teacher here is really good too the skyline of the city is crowned by the 509 meter told bamboo shaped Taipei 101 skyscraper this building was officially classified as the world's tallest from its opening in 2004 and until 2010 when they completed the Burj Khalifa in Dubai Taipei 101 is designed to withstand the typhoon winds and the earthquake tremors that are common in this area inside everything is first-class and state-of-the-art from upscale shopping experience and a great choice of restaurants to one-of-a-kind high-speed elevator that reaches 60 kilometres an hour in the world's largest tuned mass damper weighing in at 660 metric tons this technological marvel helps stabilize the building the city is also known for its lively Street food scene with many night markets including Shelley and Ralph a night market some of the major sights include Liberty Square and the Chiang kai-shek Memorial Hall it's a national monument erected in memory of former President of the Republic of China people come here to watch the changing of the guard ceremony National Palace Museum it has a permanent collection of nearly 700,000 pieces of ancient Chinese imperial artifacts and artworks eight thousand years of history there were evacuated during the Chinese Civil War longshan temple it was built in 1738 so it's almost 300 years old it served as a place of worship and a gathering place for the Chinese settlers elephant mountain or sanction it's a popular 183 meter high 1.5 kilometer long hiking trail that gives you a good view of the city the Malcomb gondola it operates between mal Cohen and place widely known as the most scenic spot in Taipei to drink quality locally grown tea and wonderful Taipei Zoo where among other animals you can see giant pandas another popular location is the Tom Shui Fisherman's Wharf it's well known for its beautiful sunsets and seafood within the past few years the wolf has undergone a major renovation process several new restaurants and hotels and shops have been built and in 2003 they completed the lava bridge [Music] you will come across another city named New Taipei which is basically an extension of Taipei City because it completely surrounds it and until 2010 this area was known as Taipei County if you feel like swimming about an hour drive from Taipei you'll find fulong it's one of the most popular beach destinations in northern Taiwan the sand on the beach is golden in color and they have sand sculpture art festivals at the beginning of the summer every year another major city is Gao Xiang it's a coastal city and a massive port in southern Taiwan a national center for manufacturing and shipping home to many skyscrapers such as the 248 meter toll 85 Sky Tower Yao Shan also has an MRT system with 37 stations altogether one of the most beautiful ones is considered formosa boulevard station's dome of light this incredible work of art consists of four thousand and five hundred glass panels that tells you a story of human life a beautiful subway station indeed some other interest insights include the lotus pond this artificial lake was opened in 1951 there are many attractions around this area including the famous dragon and tiger pagodas those two represent important Chinese zodiac signs the city has a lot of parts like this one it's called Central Park the focal point of the city is the love river with walking paths and cafes along its banks at one point GAO xiang was just another industrial city but now you have places like pier 2 Art Centre where you can enjoy the street art and the sculpture isn't and even take a ride in the local tram kitchen island is another popular place it's a great place to come for the whole day you can rent bikes and spend the whole day riding around the island this place is also popular with surfers and it has a lot of parks like this one there's also a good choice of seafood at the local seafood markets you can eat this is an open menu you just pick up you like right and the Kumari squid crabs okay how much is one crab another major city is tae-jong the city's often considered the third largest when in fact it passed gal Xiang in terms of population in 2017 this city was planned and developed by the Japanese it was cold the Kyoto of Formosa because of its calm and beauty tae Joon is an industrial city on the western side of central Taiwan it's a gateway for exploring the islands mountains interior at the same time it has bustling CityCentre with museums and temples an ornate brick tae-joon station a legacy of the Japanese colonial period the new parts of the city look amazing like this one it's called sea tune district once it was just a part of the countryside but now it has seen some rapid growth in the recent years with new malls and office towers being built in recreational areas like this maple garden and the presence of Ferrari and Maserati dealerships tells you that the economy is doing pretty well on top of that this part of the island has the most comfortable climate subtropical it has more sunny days and it's less humid a major downside is that tae-jun City still doesn't have an MRT system but they're expecting it to appear in 2020 some interest in sites in the city include national tae Jun theater it's an opera house in the c thun district a 21st century cultural facility that is not only a new landmark of the city but also it's starting a new page in Taiwanese Performing Arts National Taiwan Museum of Natural Science it's very educational and fun and it houses the space IMAX theatre Science Center live science whole and so much more tae Joon Park it's the oldest Park in the city it was built when Taiwan was still under Japanese rule and of course every city has its famous night market and tae joon's got thin junk night market one of the largest night markets and the whole of Taiwan they say on the weekends as many as 30,000 people will be passing through it Taiwan is considered the country that introduced bubble tea to the rest of the world also known as pearl milk tea if you didn't know this bubble tea is surf cold and it comes in a variety of flavors the basic ingredients are tea milk chewy tapioca balls ice and an assortment of toppings a drink that can now rival Starbucks coffee in popularity in tae Jun you can visit the original story chunsu 8 an original story the home of bubble milk tea have you guys tried bubble tea by the way another city we're gonna look at his tiny nun it's a historical City in July 1622 the Dutch East India Company textile merchant Cornelis weirds sailed to Taiwan in search of a suitable location to build a trading post in 1624 he established a small port named fort zeelandia Tanana was the islands capital from 1683 to 1887 and of the Qin Dynasty today it's known for its centuries-old fortresses and temples one of its most famous sites is chihkan tower and a temple erected on the foundations of fort provincia if you want to know more about the netherlands past without having to actually go there you can simply head to Fort provincia and Fordlandia for a glimpse of the Dutch influence that surrounded Taiwan in the 1600s and a place that definitely stands out from the rest is team a museum it's a private museum established in 1992 by Chima corporation Forbes magazine once said that it's one of the world's most surprising art collection the museum is known for housing the world's largest violin collection and for its significant collections of ancient weapons it's called Bali and Phuket come to mind when you're thinking about a tropical beach getaway right but Taiwan has a hidden gem not many know about ken team is Taiwan sandy retreat with palm trees and sunshine canteen national park is located at the southern tip of the island it's known for its white sand beaches caves coral reefs and mountains the parks main resort henshin town is home to restaurants street food stalls bars and nightlife plenty of things to do here hiking in the national park exploring the area on a motorbike and various water activities like banana boat ride in jet skiing snorkeling surfing and scuba diving camping is also allowed in the national park the local said that the number of tourists has been significantly lower than normal for the last few years because China is discouraging citizens to go to Taiwan over some political issues tourism has always been good like five years ago tourism was it good five years yeah much probably more and more crowded Oh Lots so you have more people five years ago yeah because the government no okay coming the government yeah in Taiwan hello the China people they don't come here so the people may be doubt I think a fifty percent fifty percent yeah okay I think so now maybe some Taiwanese Europe or America Australia like that okay Japanese South Korea and before that five years ago all China did you know that some scenes from the famous movie Life of Pi were filmed on one of the local beaches well seems like we've covered most part of the island right oh no in fact we have overlooked the most exciting part of the island and that is the east coast of Taiwan people come here to enjoy pristine nature the lively city of hua Lian and to visit taroko national park which is renowned for its mesmerizing scenery taroko gorge with a stall almost flat walls is a true marvel to view besides the gorge you can visit aboriginal settlements temples museums and numerous hiking trails the highway that goes through the park is truly an engineering masterpiece by itself it's dangerous as it cuts through the mountains full of sharp turns and narrow paths but it's a lot of fun to drive and it offers spectacular views [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you know and have a great time lots of places that a Nakia tourist traps less than 20 kilometers from quali and city this is the largest lake in eastern taiwan the color of the ocean on the eastern coast is light blue some of the cool places to visit is the chin Shui cliff chi-ching time it's one of the most gorgeous beaches in Taiwan the water is incredibly blue and while swimming here is not allowed there are many other beaches to choose from if you love sinning drives look no further check out coastal highway 11 there's a reason it is often listed as one of the best stretches of road in all of Taiwan a lot of people say that food is the reason to come to Taiwan and although I'm not a big foodie I will admit that Taiwan has some of the best foods in the world hello piggy oh well let me ask you this when foreigners tell me in Taiwan what kind of food would you recommend they try it first even like five best choices couple one I think Toto the smell is not no good but is that what they call stinky tofu yes okay thank you tell then you can try the Taiwanese PIM burger so I wanna you said Wow Guam Bow Wow Gua Bao that you can eat like Xiao long bao Xiao long bao number four and you can try the bridge yeah difference how one need to prove these are very famous and very juicy sweet another you can try beep noodle beef noodle even though he's a famous power thank you for the introduction to the food good scene yep Taiwan is a tea culture while there are many coffee places around the island locals prefer iced tea with different flavors along being the most popular and it's extremely cheap why is Taiwan a great place to visit well let me just say that you get more than you pay for it when you booked a three star hotel you can be sure it will feel like a four star almost every room that I stayed in had a jacuzzi even though ours traveling on a budget people are very friendly I made so many friends during my two weeks why you see us any any home hello yeah so what's your name my name is Sean tell me three best things about living in Taiwan you can feel the people is weight and nice you can feel the weather is wonderful and a of course the Taiwan is a convenient and more than city I mean a contract yeah yeah yeah pathology nice to meet you people who just randomly invite you to all sorts of events and I was once invited to the scheme board in advance and we had lots of fun people were super friendly my first introduction to Taiwan was when I was in at an MRT station looking at the map trying to figure out how to get to my hotel and this dude came up to me and he said can I help you I said sure I'm trying to get to my hotel room and it's been something like 3040 minutes of his time taking me all the way to my hotel Taiwan's official language is Mandarin Chinese but in major cities a lot of people can speak pretty decent English it's always a good idea to pick up some Mandarin before coming here let me show you what I can do Nihao see how what's on my cafe why I honestly the trips been a lot of fun and I have a lot of respect for Taiwan let's face it Taiwan has come a long way in 1951 it was an agricultural country an agricultural production accounted for 35 percent of the GDP now today it accounts for less than 2 percent Taiwan today is a mix of big city life partying night markets and state-of-the-art technology and at the same time its traditional tea ceremonies bathing and hot springs an incredible nature around you from its rich culture to the natural beauty and its diverse cuisine there's so much to see an experience in Taiwan welcome to Taiwan 1 Yin 1 Yin thanks for watching guys [Music]
Channel: CoolVision
Views: 4,185,404
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Keywords: taiwan, taiwan 4k, taipei, kaohsiung, taichung, vacation in taiwan, taiwan beaches, cities in taiwan, roads in taiwan, is taiwan part of china?, taiwan va china, china
Id: A9fdHs1uxGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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