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His soup dumplings must be mixed with cheese and drink. It tastes like an Italian pizza, not like the oyster omelette you eat at Temple Kou. It's already half past two, right? There are so many people! It's full! The skin is very crispy . Eh!! Wow! It’s so crispy! Well, before the video starts, let’s thank our sponsor today, Venuss Ice Cream. Their ice cream is their flagship product , making ice cream no longer just a dessert but a kind of product. There are five flavors, three are tipsy and two are suitable for adults and children. First of all, this is strawberry cherry elderflower ice cream. There are super large cherries in it, which look super awesome and they are really big when you scoop them out (this cup There are 15 pills in the big cup!) There are 4-5 pills in each cup. Take a look. This cup tastes a little tipsy. I think it tastes like strawberry milk ! It tastes like an adolescent girl. The taste of love , hahaha , very pure and green , um, sweet, this one is very suitable for girls, this one is really delicious, I don’t like all the strawberry ice cream on the market , but I can like this one very well. It tastes like chocolate brandy. It smells good. Let’s try it . Hmm~ The chocolate is pure and thick and not very sweet. The milk chocolate is very fragrant but not too bitter . To be honest, I I originally thought it might taste a little bit irritating when drunk, but I think every one of them has no taste of brandy and the taste of chocolate blends well without any inconsistency. It’s really delicious. This is super delicious! ! This is something that I think both men and women will love. This is very suitable for couples or couples to watch dramas and eat together. Haha , the third tipsy flavor is rum grape whiskey . Well, if you are looking for a strong tipsy feeling, if you want to eat ice, just like in If you want a whiskey-like feeling, this one is your first choice. Then there are two other options : Caramel Crispy Salt Flower and Ultimate Matcha QQ Ice Cream, which both adults and children can eat. Matcha has a QQ taste in it, which is quite special. It’s a flavor that’s not easy to find on the market . And its salt flower also has a chocolate chip cookie similar to OREO’s. It tastes pretty good. My favorite flavor is strawberry, cherry, elderflower. I’m chocolate brandy. I think Venus's ice cream tastes as high-end as Haagen-Dazs, but with a different kind of enjoyment. It really makes your whole body relax after eating it, much like lying on the sofa. It's very comfortable to watch TV and movies and enjoy the tipsy atmosphere and atmosphere. If you want to buy it, you can check the purchasing information in our information column below. It's very hot in Taichung today . Thank you for the great weather. The sponsorship of Venus Ice Cream allows us to shoot today’s episode of Taichung delicacies. Today’s episode is great~ Because today we have collected a lot of popular IG delicacies in the greater Taichung area . Or talk about them. You can I know it must be a representative delicacy in Taichung. There are so many Google reviews with more than a thousand reviews, but the delicacies and snacks with 4.8 or 4.9 stars are very impressive. So let’s go and eat it quickly. First of all, this restaurant is here. Well-known people in Taichung say Goubuli soup dumplings are soup dumplings that even dogs won’t eat if you throw them out (then why don’t you introduce them) ah??? (I don’t know who taught me this when I was a kid haha) Hahaha yes Is that so? But his soup dumplings are different from what I imagined. They are not the kind of small soup dumplings. They are big dumplings. This one is now 19 yuan. The price has increased a lot . This restaurant is really It's very famous. You know that its soup dumplings must be drunk ~ So it's famous for drinking. So let's eat and see, okay ? But I seem to have finished all the soup... just now The soup spurts out from here. It's just a little bit. Does that count as a little? It's a little different from what I expected. I thought it was a lot of soup and then I drank it until the whole mouthful was filled with soup . And after I finished drinking it, there was still soup. I was scalded just now when I took the first bite of the soup dumplings with soup . The burning sensation was very obvious, but after the scalding, there was no more soup . Haha, the Internet is exaggerating ! Really? Hey, but he is really in Taichung It's very famous and it's a place like this. When you talk about it, you'll immediately think of Taichung. Is there a place like this? There's also a lot of soup? Yes, it's really juicy inside , so I actually sucked up some of the gravy, but it's The filling is quite juicy, right? Isn't their hot sauce famous? The one right opposite us is all peppers. Hahaha, I don't know, but a lot of people are eating it with his peppers. Seeing that we added this pepper, this pepper water will increase the saltiness , but I think it tastes better if it is spicy. Well, it is not the kind of spicy that is very, very spicy that will make you feel uncomfortable. I think it is quite good. The food is quite delicious. The spicy taste has been greatly improved . Then I ordered all the drinks here by myself. After that, I had to fill them myself. I was about to say that I had ordered the soy milk, but then he said yes and ended it . Then I had to go by myself. There is a sealing machine next to the soy milk without sealing film , and the drinks are not refilled. You have to pay first for refills. It is not self-service. Come back to this restaurant. It is very famous and can be regarded as the origin of round croissants . Ode to Ode • This bakery is famous for its round croissant, which should be considered the first one to invent it. The first one to have such a round croissant shape , and the decoration of their home is very literary and very comfortable. When you enter a store , it feels like a small courtyard . Then it has a variety of croissants, most of which are round. There are also general-shaped croissants . Today we ordered a caramel sea salt flavor and a Lan. Yamahojicha is a cake in the refrigerator. It also has fillings inside. He said that this is limited every day. It is also limited in the refrigerator. Come and try it. I think I like to eat freshly baked croissants because It may have been in there for a while , so it's not as hot and not that crispy , but it's still crispy , but the taste is quite special , and they also have this here. In fact, there is a small inside area at the door. Chair , and they also have free South African national treasure tea that they can put in for you to drink, and you can eat it here. It's quite a small snack that's suitable for resting. It does taste a little bit like it's been left out for a while. Hahaha . It feels like the croissant has been out for a while, right? But its skin is still crispy, which actually means the filling is better than the croissant. It ’s delicious . Let’s try this different Arashiyama Hojicha tea. This one costs $100, so it has its own box. Hahaha. It tastes like bread spread with butter. Is it fresher than the fresh cream spread on a cake? ? No, let alone crispy. Hahaha, there is water in the refrigerator. Well, this is actually a famous store that is popular on IG. To be honest, its croissants. If you like the crispiness of croissants or are particular about the taste of croissants. If you come here to eat, you may feel that the taste is quite good , but if you like to eat more desserts or cakes, it is ok. It is a more creative dessert . Well, why do you come here again ? To be honest , I have never heard of , been to, or eaten at this restaurant . But when I searched, it appeared on Google with more than 3,000 reviews, 4.9 stars , more than 3,000, 4.9 stars, very strong. Yeah, so it makes me a little curious. But it’s an oyster omelet shop. What they are famous for is their crispy oyster omelet . Usually oyster omelets are soft, so this one is a little different . And I also I saw that he also made a note that adding cheese would make it taste better, so we just ordered the crispy oyster omelet with cheese. When the oyster omelet came, the oysters were not wrapped inside. They might be wrapped inside, but on the outside. I put several very big oysters on each of his oysters. Oh, they are so big . They are even bigger than your eyes. Hahaha. Eat and see how crispy they are compared to fried dumplings and scallion pancakes. It feels similar and crispy. I think this texture tastes much better than ordinary oyster omelet. It’s so special. It ’s the first time I’ve eaten oyster omelet like this , but there seems to be no oysters in it. The oysters are on the outside. There are some, some on the outside, some on the inside. The oysters in this restaurant are really not overly exaggerated. You see, each one is very powerful. With the cheese in it, it tastes like an Italian pizza, very much like eating Italian food. It feels delicious!! It really feels like pizza, right? Because the cheese feels like Italian food , so you will have the kind of grilled pizza flavor , which is a bit like eating at Pizza Hut. The feeling of pizza is right, and the crispy crust makes it feel like oyster omelette with scallion pancake. The thin-crust scallion pancake is very different. It has a crispy texture. It is oyster pancake with scallion pancake and then It also has the feel of pizza and the key point is that it doesn’t violate the rules and it ’s delicious. In fact, this one also has comments, likes, and some freebies or some lottery activities to see the boss doing activities . However, I think its products are different from others. The size and freshness of the oysters are actually on par and above the standard . True to his comments , they are really delicious. He has brought oyster omelette to a new level . Well, it is not the kind we eat in Miao Kou. The feeling of oyster omelet is completely different hahaha. The crispy skin is really excellent . The feeling of ice flower pan-fried dumplings will really make people fall in love with oyster omelet again. It has a different interpretation of the perception of oyster omelet! You are playing What game? Haha, no, I was watching them making drinks. Come on, this restaurant is really what you are talking about. It is basically a must-visit store in Taichung . If you haven’t been here, you It’s out of date. This restaurant is just for tea. It’s different from what I thought at first. Because you told me at first that you were just here to drink milk tea . I thought it was an ordinary hand-crank shop. But it turns out that it’s such a big one , and it looks very big from the outside. It sounds very majestic. Well, he has turned tea into a concept museum. There are many different display places . For example , there is an Alishan tea tasting experience area next to the place where he first sold it, so he will directly Pour tea for you and then introduce to you that their tea is our Taiwanese oolong tea . Lishan oolong tea has five different grades and its brewing methods are all based on international competition grade methods . But its famous one here is Green tea hahaha, yes, it has three Michelin stars. The tea is pine needle green tea , and then there will be a star number on his menu. Yes, yes, the star number is the Michelin star rating . It may be three or two stars, so it is different. Stars: On the second floor, it is a humanistic tea art space. Then on the third floor, there is a sky garden. The garden on the third floor is really amazing. The greenhouse feels very comfortable and has a lot of phytoncides . He mainly talks about it. What he grows in the greenhouse is Lishan Oolong tea. What we ordered today is his award-winning pine needle thick milk pine needle green tea. Since you want to drink tea, you have to drink something sugar-free ~ Yes, and the bag is OP enough. Order two small cups for the super large one. Hahahaha, there is no bag. That’s because he is currently checking in and has activities. His current activities are that if you take a photo and upload it, he will give you a ticket to Hong Kong . So he will give you a brand promotion bag and he writes "Oil Cut Yeah"? Where? Why does sugar-free mean oil ? Cut? Oh, could it be that this is oil-cut green tea? Hahaha, it looks very much like camellia green tea. Hahaha , it looks like black pine camellia green tea . It tastes good because it has no sugar , but it is very smooth and it has a refreshing fragrance that is really like camellia. I don’t know how to describe it. I now think that because of the oil cut, I instantly turned into a camellia. When he was ordering. I will try it for you. I thought it tasted very good, so I just ordered it. And the taste he gave you was 8 points of sugar. It was quite sweet. It tasted a little bit like taro , so it was very special. Do you know why it is called the Hermès of the milk tea world? When I first drank it, I really felt like it was very high-end. It had a sense of luxury. It had a sense of luxury. It was different from the taste of ordinary milk tea. Later, it seemed to be because of its freshness. The milk is a little different from the fresh milk commonly sold outside. Then I later recalled that this tasted a bit like taro . I wanted to show you the inside , but it was a bit disgusting. So I helped him pull this picture... Hey, it was more disgusting if you filmed it like this . He really tasted like it when he drank it. It's pretty awesome. Even if I don't like milk tea, I still think it's pretty good. If you come to Taichung, you really can't miss this one. When you come to Chicha Sanqian , there's another store that you can't miss. This one is called Xiaochudian Xiaochu. What can we eat in the shop? Why does it sound so boring to eat ancient Taiwanese snacks? It is only about two minutes’ walk from Sanqian Tea and is very inconspicuous. But it has won the Taiwan Bib Gourmand Michelin in 2022 and 2023 ? What ’s more ? We are already at half past two, right? It’s so crowded! It’s full! We came in and waited. Today we ordered a braised pork rice set because it has two items , one is beef noodles and the other is braised pork rice. There is also the necessary half-boiled poached egg , but the braised pork rice itself contains one and a half soft-boiled eggs. The bowl of braised pork rice itself is very exquisite. Look at the color and luster , it looks delicious. The bento has a high-end feel and to be honest, I thought it would be very expensive, right? But the set like this is only 76 yuan, which is super cheap and the price is normal. I think it’s great because it has minced garlic, so when you eat it, you will have a strong smell of garlic. The aroma is paired with the braised pork that has been braised until it melts. It's delicious! When you eat it, you will feel that it is a very different braised pork rice . And it also has my favorite sausage on top of the braised pork rice. It feels like eating meatballs because of the garlic and the garlic paste. It’s very appetizing . It’s so appetizing. The first bite will make you want to eat it. Hurry up and take the second bite of rice. Add a soft-boiled egg . You know this one is the most extreme. What is it? What is it? It is not open on the 6th! It is closed on the 6th. So why do I think there must be many people who don’t know about this restaurant ? Because when everyone comes to play on the 6th holiday, you want to eat but it is not open. I think this one is really good. If you add egg liquid, it will taste thicker and more fragrant. It will have a glutinous rice feel, which means the rice will be more united. It will also neutralize a little of the aroma of minced garlic. It’s delicious and a must-try! It’s a set that everyone needs to come and remember to come. It’s only open on weekdays. Shifenfenyuan. Yes, this restaurant has been photographed by many people on IG. But on IG, it seems to be more popular in that market. Recently, it’s in The market is because of the Taichung Lantern Festival, so they go to the small snail market. They have stalls there. They sell rice balls in cups . This side is their main store . Because the time we came now is because of the market . The stall is short of manpower , so we can’t use it inside. It only has a takeout area. We ordered the popular signature, which has Thai milk base, fresh milk mochi, pink corners and pink balls. This mochi is super cool . This is mochi, right ? At first I thought there would be an egg in this rice ball soup. It looks like an egg . It looks like an egg. It looks very much like an egg in egg drop soup. Let’s take a look . Hmm~ Hmm~ It also has pudding, isn’t it a little bit like that ? It tastes like bean curd, so it should be bean curd because its color is marinated in Thai milk. Hahaha , the tofu curd is marinated in Thai milk. Hahaha, their signature powder ball is the powder ball. It is said that the powder ball will not harden over the next day in the ice. Is it true or false ? It is quite delicious. There are also pink corners in it. I was quite surprised. I thought it would taste super sweet because of the Thai milk, but in fact, it’s okay. Although it’s a dessert , it’s like drinking a drink. It feels like the mochi is fresh milk mochi and is very soft, not like the sticky kind of old-fashioned mochi. It’s not too sticky . It tastes quite special. I think if you come here, it ’s just right now. During the Lantern Festival, you can go to its market , which means there will be many different shops , and you can try the powdered rice balls of this restaurant. I think it is a must-order. I recommend their fresh rice balls more than the powdered rice balls. The milk mochi is great. I came back to this store. I came to Kupi Kula Pika Kupi. This store is in Taichung. It is a relatively new store, but it has a very different and eye-catching point . It is the Submarine Castle and it There is crispy roasted pork inside . Oh, the submarine castle sounds boring . The crispy roasted pork makes me feel like it~ It seems that I can come and try it . Yes, there are two big pieces of crispy roasted pork on the outside. Really. I didn't see two very big pieces , and there was one that seemed to be grilled, so the skin on the top looked really crispy, and it looked delicious. Every time we go to the night market or visit some shops, Every time I want to eat that kind of crispy pork belly , but every time it costs three to five hundred yuan, I feel a little bit unable to buy it , and I am afraid that eating meat will make me tired . Now that there is such a thing and such a store , hurry up and give it to him. Look, look, look, it’s huge. It has a total of 12345. Six pieces of crispy roasted pork. It’s very oily. In fact, I’m a little afraid to eat this kind of food . And it also has a lot of mayonnaise. Yeah, hahaha , I’ll let it go . It kind of reminds me of the taste of shawarma . It’s okay. Eat it and look at how crispy the skin is! Wow! It’s too crispy! Well, the skin is not ordinary crispy. It’s so crispy that it will become hard. People with bad teeth will feel a little bit. It's so crunchy that I can't bite it, but I think the sweetness of the mayonnaise has overshadowed all the greasiness . I should say that I think it tastes a little less heavy than I imagined , so I hope it does. The flavor could be a little saltier or a little more Thai-style sour and spicy. I think it would be more fragrant and delicious . But the meat is actually pretty good, as long as you don’t think it’s fat or greasy , and it’s not too hard, right. Yes, it’s not too fat , because when I eat it, I’m very afraid of fat meat , but the meatiness of this fat meat or the crispy meat is acceptable to me . But I think I want to eat that kind of meat. Salty It just tastes less sweet , so it might be better if you don’t add mayonnaise. So today’s episode of Taichung’s super popular IG-famous delicacies comes to an end. I hope everyone will like the stores introduced above. Remember, if you like our videos, please give us a like, share and subscribe so that you can share with warmth and record with delicious food . Goodbye everyone.
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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