Tableau Dashboard Tips [Top 10 Tableau Dashboard Design Tips]

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hey welcome title Lubben and visual intelligence and today we're going to be talking about the top ten tableau dashboard tips now dashboards are kind of what it's all about right so we create our worksheets and then we put in the dashboards and hopefully you're giving the dashboards to the end user and so these are my 10 tips and that I recommend doing on every single dashboard just to make sure that the dashboard is user friendly and also visually appealing for the end user because like I said this is going to be the last thing the client sees so you're gonna want to make sure that that it sits as best as it can be alright so the first thing we're going to do is we're gonna format and resize our dashboard so I have a kind of pre-built tableau workbook that I'm already working on and I just opened up a new dashboard and I'm gonna resize it and I usually go with a 1300 by 900 but this can be something you know that you can play around with but this is kind of my go-to alright from here I'm gonna go ahead and change my formatting ossama do a shading for my background I'm gonna add some dashboard title shading as well I'm gonna make my dashboard title shading wipe I'm gonna add a border around my dashboard title and imma add a little bit of weight to it and I'll make this a little bit darker now you can of course pick all type of different colors pick the colors that are best suited for your company or for whatever company you're working on and this is just kind of my my co2 alright so I'm gonna add my worksheet tiles to be white as well and you can change your font and all that and you can do all that here as well alright so I'm gonna go ahead and exit out of that and I'm gonna then hit this check box to show my dashboard title and I'm gonna just make it a little bit larger I'm gonna double click in here and I'm going to go ahead and Center this so I have my dashboard title here I'm actually gonna make this a little bit larger as well so I'm gonna add this and make it about it 26 all right so you just kind of play with this and how you like alright so the next thing I'm gonna want to do is going to add in my logo so I'm gonna go to images and I'm pick a logo and I'm gonna grab that logo and I'm gonna hold shift to hover it and change it from tile to floating now I'm gonna float my logo on the top left over here all right so I got my logo so I'm gonna bring in it to my company I'm now going to start adding worksheets and when you add worksheets you should always use a container alright so horizontal containers you put things left to right of each other vertical containers you stack things on top of each other alright so I'm gonna first go ahead and just bring my field map out I'm just going to stack this right on top and it's gonna take up all this space next I'm gonna do is grab a horizontal container I've put it at the very bottom of my dashboard and I'm doing that because I'm be stacking or be placing a two worksheets right next to each other so I'm gonna grab my area chart and put it in my horizontal container and then I'm gonna grab my pie chart and put it on the right of that alright so now both of these are in my horizontal container so from here I'm just gonna shift things around a little bit and give my area chart a little more room and you'll see that my fit now is kind of messed up over here alright so now I kind of go through make sure my fit looks good only one is messed up is right here so I'm gonna go to the more options and go to fit and do a fit entire view so then I can fit my pie chart with the the working space that I have alright next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to update my tooltips um so I mele gonna do one just so you can get an example so I'm gonna go into my my actual map and I'm gonna go to tool tip and you'll see that I have kind of my standard tool tip here alright and right now we're only looking at United States so I really don't need country in there but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make this like a sinister format so I'm gonna say in and there's gonna say the state so it's gonna be like in Washington and then I'm gonna erase this and I'm there in Washington there are blank amount of customers all right and I'm I preview this and in Alabama they are one custom of customer so that is the sound right so there's one customer all right in Alabama there is one customer yeah I'm just gonna wrap this around with parenthesis just in case this is not plural so in Alabama there are one customer all right so from here I can then highlight this and make this another color if I want so let's say I want to make this my blue color so I'm gonna highlight both of these because these are going to be changing and whenever it changes its going to change too it's going to change to be my blue color so what I mean by that is is whenever I can change the state you see Colorado Wyoming 123 etc all those are gonna be this blue color and that's just to signify that those are gonna be those gonna be dynamic and changing alright so I it looks like my color is a little messed up so I'm gonna go in here and edit this and just to make sure I got the right color throughout all right so I'm gonna grab this and I'm gonna change this to light gray as well all right so now it looks good okay so from here I can change my tooltips and once we just change coloring in and add sentence but we can make it a little bit larger if we want but there's a lot of things you can do the tooltip so I'll go ahead and spice up your tooltip some as well all right so let's go back to our dashboard and the next thing we want to do is add a filter action now there are three different action types there's filter Highline URL you're probably gonna use filter 80% of the time so that's the one I'm going to show you all right so we're gonna do filter action and I'm just gonna call this map to all and only thing I'm going to do is I'm gonna say whenever I click something on my map it's gonna filter my area chart and my pie chart on select hit OK hit OK and then whenever I hit Texas it's gonna filter my pint chart and my area chart whenever I hit South Carolina does the same thing alright so now I'm adding some interactivity the next thing I want to do is I want to float my legends in the appropriate area and to save some room so for instance this customer count I have my legend over here I'm gonna hold shift and I'm just gonna float it over here I have segments over here and the segment actually goes with both and so I can either put it next to one or the other I have more empty space right here so I'm gonna float it over here and then I'm gonna resize it some so it goes across and kind of just play with the sizing a little bit alright so now I have my segment here so I'm floating this these two I don't need this one this for my pie chart and so I'm gonna delete that one all right now we're gonna add our quick filters and my dashboard they they popped up already for me and they're popped up in a wave vertical container which is perfect so I'm gonna grab my vertical container and I'm gonna put it next to my map now you'll see that this is all in a container as well and that's and then it's kind of tricky I mean you got to kind of play with these container some so what I'm gonna do is grab my dashboard title and move that all the way to the top and just kind of resize this so that I have my vertical Taner next to my map alright from here I'm gonna add a text box in my vertical container and I'm just gonna call this filters and I'm going to size it and center it alright and I'm gonna kind of reposition things and I'm starting to create my filter panel alright from here I'm a format this and I'm going to make it a white background so I'm gonna go to background go to white and I'm gonna add a little border around this as well alright so now I have my filters my filter panel started my filters in here I'm just going to make these a multiple value drop down to save some room but of course you can do whatever you want and so I have my filters and my filter panel which I usually put on on the right hand side over here and depending on how many there is I just do the top half or the entire you know right side alright next I want to add a information icon then I could put some data or some some information about the dashboard or like a data dictionary or some notes or explain some you know calculations so you can put whatever you want in there and I want to hover it kind of right over here in this corner alright so I'm gonna build this for you so you can see how it works I just created a new calculated field and I'm gonna call it icon just because that's what's going to be and I'm just gonna do two quotation marks just so it's blank and hit OK and then I'm gonna go find it and I'm just gonna drop that on two rows from here I'm gonna change this to shapes and I'm gonna go to shape more shapes and I'm gonna find a custom icon that I import it now if you don't know how to do this just Google how to add custom custom shapes to tableau and it'll be pretty easy alright now this is going to be just a white quotation mark right here and I'm gonna use that for my my icon so I'm gonna hit OK I'm gonna then format this worksheet and make the background and light blue I'm gonna then remove my row dividers and I'm gonna remove this show header right here okay so now what I want to happen is whenever somebody hovers over it's gonna have some information so here is this is where you put the information all right so you put your information here and whenever somebody hovers they'll see that information and like I said it could be notes it could be equations it could be whatever you want alright so we'll go to dashboard and let's go ahead and add this to our dashboard so we got our icon and I'm gonna hover it over here I'm gonna hide the title and I'm gonna fit this to fit entire view and resize it and I'm just gonna float my icon right over here in this top corner alright so they don't whenever somebody hovers they'll see that information that you put over here is really handy all right the next thing I'm going to do is I'm gonna add a header summary so it's usually good to have some type of summary info I just literally just added the the this profit quantity in sales just in a text table and I'm gonna hover that on the header as well right no no reason to waste all this space up here so I'm gonna do fit with hide the title and resize it so that's gonna fit in my in my header box up here and I'm gonna float it right over here and you just kind of play with the positioning all right so then whenever I'm filtering different things and all of this information is changing as well as my header okay alright so that is my top ten tips I use layout containers and when you're putting the worksheets together and this will you know make it a lot easier for you as you're having new things add a filter and parameter panel which is what we did here and we can add different filters as well as parameters in here so it's all nice and organized make sure you you adjust your fit like we did here where we made this fit and tire width and so it got rid of that scroll bar add an information icon to give any of any information to your end user that you want to deliver such as data dictionary some type of notes any type of explanations of how to use the dashboard maybe add a header summary and like I said this is some empty space and you usually usually don't use so go ahead and put some important summary data at the top make sure you add your logo or your clients logo to give it a polished look as well as formatting the dashboard changing the colors changing the font and adding borders making it really clean and making it you know specific to your client you also can format the tooltips like we did here to make it more user-friendly for your end user add interactivity to your dashboard by using filter actions you can also use you know highlighting URL but definitely I use least use a filter action and then to save some space float any type of Legends that you deem appropriate near the the correct visualization that you have alright so those are the top tens ones that I use on every single dashboard and I hope that they you know at least help you clean up and and create some some visually appealing dashboards for your end user alright so now I have a free guide at the bottom here that you can download just click the link and you can get a all my top ten dashboard tips in a little PDF that you can take away and kind of look at whenever you need to alright well that's it for this video I'll see you later
Channel: Vizual Intelligence Inc.
Views: 304,637
Rating: 4.9177179 out of 5
Keywords: tableau dashboard tips, Tableau tips, tableau dashboard best practice, tableau design tips, tableau top dashboard tips, tableau dashboard tricks, tableau dashboard design tips, how to make a tableau dashboard nice, tableau visual best practice, tableau best practices, tableau layout tips, tableau dashboard formatting tips, how to design a tableau dashboard, tableau dashboard design, tableau dashboard, tableau dashboard tips and tricks, tableau tutorial, tableau software
Id: Lu0jrymqOGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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