Table of Nations

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Shem ham and Japheth now we're gonna take him in inverse order Shems the most important will take him last the one comes first as Japheth and on to them we're sons born after the flood what we're gonna find out is each we're gonna go through 17 aims a few of them will highlight because important to you but it's interesting I'll show you when we get to the end y7 he turns out to be an interesting number but we'll take the sons of Japheth Gomer and Magog and Madai and Javan and tubal and Meshech and Tiras and then from those seven you get a few more you get the sons of Gomer Ashkenaz RIF F&T garma and then the sons of Yavin elijah Tarshish kitten and de nunim by these were the Isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands everyone after his tongue after their families in their Nations I want you to notice something it's going to be important next chapter these aerials are areas or regions of Gentiles divided in their lands every one after his tongue the division that's in view here is not continental drift when we get to we're going to get to a place where it talks about in the days of Peleg the earth was divided and many people assumed that some has to do with continental drift I think if that happened that happened during the flood what's what's talking about is the division of the languages which occurred in chapter the main event in chapter 11 and this is one of the hints right here to help you get that into perspective but let's try to lay this out Japheth had Gomer and Horus I wrote assist who is considered the father of all history and Plutarch answer would talk a lot about the Sumerians which settle along the dab the Danube and the Rhine so their Ashkenaz is the son of his that speaks reading it much of Germany riff hath Josephus links that to the path livonians the word Europe actually derives from the rift language but to garma of course refers to the Armenians and as well as Turkey and Turkestan so these are Japheth Gomer and then his sons and then Magog now let me stop here for a minute have you ever wondered why all through the Bible it uses these weird names duta why it does that we make it do that it's our fault you see you and I we keep changing the names of things there was a city called Petrograd and then it became st. Petersburg then for quite a few years it was Leningrad now today at st. Petersburg yet what will it be next year who knows you know there was a town called Byzantium that became the capital of the whole world when when the capital moved from Rome big to cut through there and renamed it Constantinople when the Muslims over rounded they changed it Istanbul there was a there's a place in the United States called Cape Canaveral how many remember Canaveral now it's called Cape Kennedy and it came that close to being called Cape Hillary and let's see we keep changing the names of things but and so if you're Isaiah and God calls upon you you know Isaiah talked a lot about the fall of Babylon which is really weird if you realize it in Isaiah stay it hadn't even risen to an empire yet you see but even more interesting Lee Isaiah talks about the Persian Empire coming now how does Isaiah talked about the Persians over a hundred years before it shows up in history he talks about it as Elom who's the forbear of the Persians you see we don't change the name of our ancestors so if you're trying to talk about the descendants of Abraham you can do that because retroflex they don't change the name after he's dead you may change the name alive but I in other word your ancestors are those lives so we get to this may Gog and label which is very important when you get to Ezekiel to figure out who had Magog and fortunately there are a couple of writers Hesiod who was a Greek didactic poet in the 8th century wrote a great deal about the descendants of Magog he called them by their Greek name the skiff Ian's Herodotus who is called by scholars as the father of all history he wrote in the 5th century BC these guys are prior to and roughly contemporary contemporaries with Ezekiel the first place and so their writings are very valuable to us for vocabulary if nothing else so the skin thien's are the the the descendants of Magog and the skid Ian's in turn earng are the descendants of a number of tribes not the least of which are the true Russians the Skippy and Empire cautions the Empire the skin thean dominance was on the southern steps of Russia from the Ukraine all the way to China from the 10th century BC through the 3rd century BC they were they were a nomadic group on horseback so you couldn't conquer them they'd just retreat and they developed a thing called defense and depth and that tradition saved Russia against Napoleon and that tradition saved Russia against Hitler the whole idea of just retreating and letting the extended overextended logistics kill off your enemies and that's what they did they develop that to a fine art and that's why Hirata's writings are so important to the Greeks because they they tried to master all that interesting interesting people but also under Japheth we have Medaille who is the father of the Medes and you and I know them as the Kurds and citrusy how this this ancient group of people who have no country there's about 25% give or take in several different countries son part of Turkey northern part of Iraq some of the neuron and there they're a considered a thorn in the flesh by all the countries they reside in and yet there are people without a country the Kurds they emerged about the 10th century BC and made a coalition with Persia to make the Persian Empire in the 7th century BC the the Medes of the Medes and the Alam Elamites the Persians formed what Cyrus his mother was a Meade his father was a Persian and so he was at half of both and he brought them together to create the incredible Persian Empire they dominate the world for 200 years then there's a couple called tubal and Meshech they're both identified with major cities in eastern Anatolia which we know today is Turkey that eastern two-thirds of Turkey who was Anatolia and yeah and by the way Magog tubal and Misha are the prominent ones in this invasion of Israel is shipped I take place that may be on the horizon yeah banner yeah Ionian of course is Greece and a number of other groups and tea rasa the Peleg aliens of the Aegean the Etruscans of Italy and others so Gomer as I said had three sons Ashkenazi faith and two garma to guard the Armenians today call themselves the house of togarmah but that can be misleading because there's a couple other tribes that also regard themselves as descendants of to garment and that also comes up in prophecy a lot these that's why these identities are kind of important to us and Yavin has a number of these that I won't try to get into all of them but Tarshish is worth mentioning because there's not conclusive evidence but there's some suggestive evidence the Tarshish was probably in the British Isles most Bible handbook stuff figure it was Cyprus or maybe Spain they don't they don't have the imagination they know is a very distant island that's a source of Tim that's what we know from the scripture well the Britain is they is the source of Britain is the source of Tim and also we know from excavations at Stonehenge that they carried on worldwide trade in the Bronze Age period so the it's very possible that Jonah when he's trying to run a get us far away from Nineveh syke thinketh took a ship to Tarshish because that was considered as far away as he could think of analogous to our figure of speech taking our slow boat to China see he took a slow boat to Tarshish was the concept so Tarsus maybe the British Isles in that has implications anyway so Japheth we've looked at Gomer Magog made eye Javan tubal Meshech and Tiras those those are seven but there were seven sons under those four a total of fourteen we'll come back to that later then we get to ham the ham i'ts went south and the sons of ham cush mitzraim put and Canaan and the sons of cush were Seba hvala sub to Rama and septa and the sons of Rama or sheba and dedan and cush begat Nimrod and he began to be a mighty one in the earth many people portray him as a hunter his symbol also by the way was a bow as one hunter presumably except most scholars recognize that what it really means here he was a mighty one not just a mighty owner he hunted men he was the first world dictator we'll talk more about him in fact right here in the middle of this genealogy we have a little insert so we have Cushman put and cannon now cush settled east of correction cush settled south of the second cataract of the Nile midstream is a dual we have singles of furs as dual for upper and lower egypt and so this room is the biblical term for egypt put settled west of libya think of put as the north africans the Berbers and so forth there are different there are different genealogically than ones south of so think of cush is south and put to the to the western africa and canaan of course the Canaanites that's pretty straightforward we could talk more about that but that's that's pretty let's keep going in speaking of Nimrod he was a mighty hunter before the Lord wherefore it is said even as nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord who he under title he was feared at the beginning of his kingdom aha he's a kingdom was babel erech accad Cana and the land of Shinar or shine art Sheen or is probably more correct and so he is the founder of these cities and Babel of course becomes ultimately Babylon and it's good we were talk a little bit about that the next session because Babylon you can look at the Bible as a tale of two cities Jerusalem has God city and Babylon as Man City or Satan city and they're going to be in juxtaposition throughout the Bible they're going to be in juxtaposition and reduce here and they will be in juxtaposition the book of Revelation and we'll talk about that next time in the next session so the word Nimrod means rebel rebelling against God he's the first world dictator I like to call the coming world leader that typically is called the Antichrist I like to call his number of the second not reincarnated not necessarily genetically related but in terms of the role he's gonna play the first world dictator was a Nimrod the last world dictator will turn out to be a real Imran he was the founder among of these cities completing Babylon and Nineveh which of course are prominent cities in ancient history and will detail some of this in the next session out of that land went forth assure and build at Nineveh and the city of rebuff and kala and raised in between Nineveh and kala the same is a great city so we see the rise then of these cities and that's gonna give rise to the events of chapter 11 and MIT's rain began leading and then in LA haben and these are all plurals by the way neft Reuben mr. Ram is as I say is basically the term for Egypt and bathroo sim and cazilou him and the smothers I can't pronounce probably out of whom Felicity out of whom four listed now by the way the Philistines came originally from Egypt they went from there to Cyprus and then from Cyprus to the land that we think of the land of the Philistines many Bible handbooks point out that the Fliss teens came from Cyprus but they don't reach back far enough because they got to Cyprus from me from Egypt that's important to understand and I'm often point out that Yasser Arafat is not a Palestinian he's an Egyptian but he could technically lay claim because if he's Egyptian he could be a Philistine and and trace his line back if you will the word Philistine what when the Romans got fed up trying to administer Judea in in 131 one roughly 140 AD the Romans were frustrated by Bar Kokhba who led a revolt and bar kokhba's gang slaughtered the Roman twelfth Legion among other things that's something he never recovered from it took them three years to get their act together before they crushed the Bar Kokhba revolt but by then Emperor Hadrian had a bellyful of trying to run this region because of all the tensions so they came to conclusion they could never rule Jerusalem as long as there was any Jewish presence in Jerusalem so they leveled the city not just a temple that happened earlier they leveled the city they plowed it under and built a Roman city on top of it called Alek Halina and they they made it a death penalty of any Jew cotton in in Jerusalem and they named the whole region after the Philistines Israel's enemies as an attempt to deny any Jewish presence there the word Philistine in Latin was Palestina and the word Palestine is a corruption of the Latin for Philistine it's a name that's designed to deny Israel's place in the land so whenever used the term Palestine you're using the label of Israel's enemies and you understand that and it all has its roots here in Genesis 10 and canaan begat Sidon his firstborn that leads to the all the Phoenicians and so forth see boring the legendary people in seagoing exploits we got sea got cannon begot sight and his firstborn and Heth and and the jebusite and the amorite and the gurga site and the hivite and the archite and the senate and the era by air evade it-- and the zem right and the Hamma fight and afterward there were families of the Canaanites spread abroad boy where they spread abroad do you know where the sin Knights went make a guess yes on you know what is that prefix imply China you bet you the Chinese are derivative of the cane of Canaan interestingly enough and these many of these tribal names will sound familiar to you because they emerge in the land of Canaan as the adversaries of Israel and Joshua all of that in the book of Joshua in the book of Judges that follows and sidon of course is to the north on the coast becomes the Phoenicians and what have you and so you can go through these Amer the capital DM rights of course was Jericho and sowing and those tribals are those are very important and the board of the Canaanites was from sidon as that comes to Guerard unto Gaza see the whole coach from sidon down to Gaza as thou goest under sodom and gomorrah and admah and zeboiim even to Russia these are the sons of ham after their families after their tongues in their countries and in their nations so if you take the Phoenicians and south include Africa you've included the helmets pretty much don't confuse him with Shem because we're to get to him next ham mr. iam Upper and Lower Egypt it's a dual by the way and Memphis and Thebes were the two capitals of the two parts that you know it's interesting you've probably seen movies and things where the Egyptians are wearing a headdress that has sort of a white cone thing and then a red crown sort of with it the red crown was which ones which I think was it was a Lower Egypt and the white was upper Jeeves and they put him together when they merged see when you see that crown that implies Upper and Lower Egypt the United Egypt each crown was strangely was was was identities of the two till they've got together and so and by the way if the Philistines are Palestinians then they're not the sons of Ishmael now one of the things I haven't bored you with through this discussion here is what is in Arabic because you'll discover if you try to attack that problem no matter what premise you use you'll end up in confusion if you mean geography you mean those that resin reside in Arabia then obviously you exclude Syria Iraq Iran and lots of other places if they know I mean ethanol ethanol a giclee descendant of Ishmael you've got a real big problem because none of the Palestinians are provable you in fact nobody can trace their lineage back to Ishmael because they didn't keep two distinct records they intermarried the tribes and so and furthermore they're not descendants of Ishmael in the first place because if you look at the twelve sons well it's Rebecca they were they were sons the better ones are sons of keturah and in in other studies we'll get into some of this and we'll do a chart when you see the the family trees you realize that much of the myths about the Arabs is at least it leads to confusion what adds to the confusion for all of these I should mention this right now is that the ethnic links get muddied up with the geography for an example if I say to you I'm a Californian that implies I lived in California it doesn't necessarily mean I descendant California and stock you with me and when we talk about tribal areas a tribe that lives a certain area gives her a name to that region other people who in that region then get called by that regional name Ephraim was a region for the tribe of Ephraim but many people that came from that region were not necessarily for meit's in the sense of being descendants of that tribe they were they happen to live in that geography that's where a lot of people get confused especially start getting in the Ten Lost Tribes and all the business so I understand there's a lot of confusion between the geography and the ethnic links so let's move on cush of course is Ethiopia the Cass i'ts and some even east of Assyria most of them settled south of the second cataract of the Nile thus become they come idiomatic if you will black Africa Nimrod of course was of cush and he did babel erech accad and calneh put settled west of egypt and so libya a parts of Ethiopia and North Africa Canaan side into Gaza and Sodom and Gomorrha and so forth and Kitty get links to Cafe the so Knights of course to China and so on so that's cush with his four key people let's go to Shem we're building up to the Shem as they leaving the best elastance because sham is the one were most concerned with middle of the perspective Shem also the father of all the children of Eber the father of Japheth the elder Jimmy the brother of Japheth the elder even to him were children born the children Shem Elam Asher and our fact said lewd and Aram and then he goes to then starts breaking them down the children of Aram was is who and gather and mosh and our facts had beget Salah and solid begat Eber we'll come back to him in a minute and and unto Eber were born two sons the name of one was Peleg for in his that means division the word means division by the way and PEPFAR in his days was the Earth divided and some people think that means continental drift I don't think so I think it's an anticipatory remark from that it'll be amplified in chapter 11 and his brother's name was Joktan and yoktan begat Alma Dodd and skele and hazarmaveth and and Yara in harem and Musa and dikhhla and Oh ball and abdomen and Sheba and Oh fear and hvala and jobab all these were the sons of yoktan now the main use of some of these is if you're playing Bible trivia but other than that I'm not sure how useful some of those are we'll move on Shem Alam we've talked he that represents Persia or alarm if you were around if you will a sure our Faxon that's the important one for you and i for reasons you'll see shortly he had Salah Salah had Eber and under Eber had a guy by name of Peleg in which the earth was divided by believe that means the language is the issue and interpretive and he had a brother by the name of yoktan and then lude and aram are mentioned around being the father of the aramaic sand so forth but in genesis 11 we're gonna pick up on this and add children of Peleg which one guru sri Nahor tara and abraham and that's the thing we're leading up to all this is background for the rest of Genesis the the the from chapter twelve through fifty is a rundown of the patriarchs Abraham Isaac Jacob and Joseph and so it's all this is all a preamble if you will so that's why this particular chain is the critical one and they're dwelling with some measure as that goes from the CEFR to the mount of the east and these are the sons of shem after their families after the tongues in their lands after their Nations these are the families of the sons of Noah after the generations in their Nations and by these were the nation's divided in the earth after the flood no notice here again we're talking divisions but by language and by genealogy that will blur of course as life goes on but there they are that's the bunch what's interesting about these is that oh by the way if you really want to study this there's some strange divisions among these where the word bene meaning the sons of Jews 12 times in certain verses yell odd meaning he begot and some people say this is a rhetorical style others try to make a case here indicating perhaps there are some missing links and so forth not material to us Canaan's descendents are emphasized because they are the traditional adversaries of Israel so it's understand why those particular ones are underscored if you will interesting the boundaries of the promised land if you didn't notice we're in verse 19 so you can study that if you will and something else it's interesting that Shem if you look at the words that are listed there they're 26 under Shem there's 30 under ham there's 14 under Japheth the original seven plus another seven descendants of those the total it's listed here in the so-called table of nations of Genesis 10 are seventy and I think that's not accidental there were 70 nations descended from Noah under ham Shem and Japheth there were 70 families that went under Jacob and Joseph in Egypt the energy Egypt in Genesis 46 10 their boundaries are established according to Deuteronomy 32 verse 7 of 8 the boundaries not just of the families but of the nations of the world it's very interesting from the scripture you can make a case that there are 70 Gentile nations and there are 70 members of the family of Israel made up Israel they're both in 70 elements and both of them their boundaries are determined not by their foreign policies not by their weapons technologies not by their financial acumen by the ruler of the universe God sets those that's interesting that's interesting now in justice 26 they they speak of 66 of these and justice 46 they speak of 70 in acts you'll hear Stephen speak of 75 how people get all hung up gee the Bible contradicts itself no because there are Jacob Joseph and Joseph Stu sons that Jacob adopts are not included in the 66 that gives you the seventy and of course Joseph's grandsons in the Septuagint are listed the five of those that's straighten that mess out so you've got the 70 that are make up the nation Israel you got Sarah to make up the table of Nations and both of these both of these have their bounds set by God and Deuteronomy 32 verse 8 a little review from Deuteronomy thought you'd be interested I thought we'd just keep moving here the tower next session will be about the Tower of Babel very very important session we'll discover the all the earth had one language at that time most scholars please zooom that it was Hebrew maybe was a forbear of Hebrew there was a godless Confederacy organized by the first world dictator Nimrod which means we will rebel he organizes capital on the plain of Shinar creates a tower to heaven bab being tower el being God a tower to God it wasn't the I wasn't as naive they're gonna climb a ladder and get the heaven that's not the point some people figure was also high so in case there's a flood they'd be able to survive no that's all naive it's a it's a it's a religious thing it's an astrological temple and it's there that the zodiac gets corrupted we'll talk briefly about that you can look at the entire Bible as a struggle between two cities at least idiomatically Babel in the city of man or the city of Satan and Jerusalem the City of God so you really want to pay attention to the origin of Babylon what it signifies and how it's used throughout the scripture and we'll have some huge surprises for you in the next session that was the Tower of Babel let's stand for a closing word of Prayer well father we thank you for your word we think you've laid out your plans from the beginning we thank you Father your plans include your plan of redemption and you've gone to such extremes just so that we could live through the office and commitment and sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we pray father you'd help us understand these things that you draw us ever closer to you and ever more aware of what you would have of us in these days as you commit our way into your hands in the name of Yeshua our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen [Music]
Channel: Beyond Jonah
Views: 10,791
Rating: 4.5555553 out of 5
Id: EtRgjdI42TI
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Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2017
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