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[Music] [Music] [Music] hello one and all it's a boy Matt hope you have a wonderful day staying safe in all this craziness that is going on right now please folks we'll get through this we will I promise you stay upbeat stay positive we will fight along with this we will beat this enemy that we have against us right now with this you know pandemic that is going on so please look out for one another stay safe do what you need to do to protect you and your loved ones but to give you a little bit of background and to have some fun in regards to armored fighting vehicles today we're going to talk about the t-64 main battle tank now I am for one always mixing up tanks I do it all the time I'm supposed to be someone who knows quite a bit about military equipment especially tanks and I do make the mistake in fact recently I did make a video of the t-72 cross t-64 autoloading empty shell casing landing on the troops head if you want to go check that video out you can in the link right here but we are talking about the t-64 specifically today and I always get confused with the t-64 t-72 because they're fairly similar looking when you look at them from the front and you know a lot of people when they look at older russian tanks they all just kind of look the same with a dome-like turret low profile vehicle but the t-64 was quite unique now when we're looking at tanks from the 1960s and 1970s there can only be one correct conclusion drawn from the vehicles of that era the Soviet tanks were completely is superior to NATO ones during those decades it's just true to say in those times folks between the 60s and 70s NATO was totally outmatched for tanks this conclusion naturally disregards things such as crew training levels of morale but the Soviet war machines of that time were ahead of NATO ones I'm sorry but they were they were doing very well for themselves the technology they were pushing into the tanks and the capabilities that they had on paper were very very good now the t-64 series is pretty much the ultimate embodiment of this superiority at the time now the object 432 development the project name of the t-64 before is officially accepted into service was based on the object 430 project that had been terminated in 1961 the termination was result of the object 430 not being a significant enough improvement over the beautiful t-55 medium tank and as such the tank designers of the plant in Kharkov had to come up with something better and trust me they did the development of the object 432 started in May of 1961 in the KB 60 design bureau and the first actual prototype was ready in September of 1962 between March and September which was various partial prototypes and mock-ups were well tested at this time the vehicle generally resembled the object 430 visually but there was one significant change the object 432 would be the first Soviet tank to use composite armor the Soviets were well aware of the high-explosive anti-tank or heat shell potential from NATO the problem was that the enemy had them too and the crews had to be protected against them additionally at the time there was the British l7 105 millimeter rifled gun and the Soviets were well aware of it simply put the new tanks protection levels had to be upgraded to meet these new threats despite these considerable challenges though the Kharkov engineers came out of the entire program with flying colors what they designed was relatively light compact tank with state-of-the-art Armour for the time the object 430 to wade 35 tons and had a crew of three men commander gunner and Driver there was no loader because obviously the gun was loaded automatically but we'll get to that later first let's take a look at the vehicles protection levels as I mentioned before frontal armor of both the hull and turret was composite what that means is its consisted of layers of different materials combined to provide as much protection as possible while keeping the weight limited so that the tank still classified as a medium tank at the time not a main battle tank wouldn't become too heavy it was very common back then on all Soviet tanks and even today somewhat the the upper frontal plate was sloped about 22 degrees angle from the horizontal and consisted of the following layers 80 millimeters of armor steel 105 millimetres of tech site and 20 further millimeters of armor steel the front of the turret was composite as well featuring an aluminum alloy inlay roughly as such 120 millimeters of armed steel 300 millimeters of aluminum alloy and 180 millimetres of steel armor the alloy inlay and the steel armor were not distributed evenly instead most of it was concentrated to the front of the vehicle resulting in excellent protection levels for its time according to some of the Soviet data the vehicle was impervious to all types of NATO 105 millimeter rifled gun shells frontally specifically 20 greased each side of the vehicles axis however in order to keep the weight low the rest of the tank really wasn't protected as well only the front of the vehicle had composite Armour specifically the upper frontal plate and the turret itself the rest was armored as such the whole lower frontal plate was 80 millimetres of steel the whole sides 18 millimeters or 56 millimeters potentially by the roadwheels whole rear was 50 millimetres hull top 16 millimeters hull bottom 20 millimetres and turret rear and turret sides 65 millimeters the turret roof 45 millimeters still though when you compare it to the tanks that it would face back in 1964 it was a huge leap forward as the Centurions in the m48 or m60 series were nowhere near protected enough to withstand its firepower as the Israelis had learned the hard way during the Yom Kippur War at the time the t-62 used the same caliber gun 150 millimeter smoothbore it was the same as the object 432 but the gun was actually different the t-62 used a gun called b2 a 20 or the u5t s Millat the object 432 used another gun derived from it called the - a 21 or D 68 the 2a 20 was generally a very effective weapon the shells of which would literally punch through Israeli tank turrets on the exit of the other side the gun was fully stabilized using the two e18 sirens stabilized system and the gun aimed it with the TPD 43 gun sights and range-finding system or the TPN 1 sights were firing at night its maximum elevation was plus 14 degrees in its maximum depression was minus 6 degrees like I mentioned before the gun was fully automatically loaded by an electronic hydraulic mechanism which was another new feature at the time the main difference between the two a 20 and the two a 21 guns was that the object for 32 gun used a 2 piece shell in order to make the automatic loading and work contrary to popular belief the automatic loading of the TC for series work completely differently than on the t-72 which is a mistake which I clearly made when I was actually making my video as I mentioned before which even go check out the rounds of the gun consisted of two parts the shell itself and the charge and there was a carousel below the turret but both components were stored in a t-72 the charge is stored horizontally above the shell and the automatic mechanism Rams first shell and then the charge into barrel in a t-64 the charges are also stored above the shells but vertically and in the loading mechanism loads both components at the exact same time the solution was basically a reaction to the 115 millimeter shell size and its rate of fire in the t-62 tank which was about 4 to 5 rounds per minute much less when the tank was moving however the loader just wasn't as skilled this automatic system along with the split shell increased the guns rate of fire from eight to nine rounds per minute the tank carried around 40 rounds 30 of which were pre-loaded in the automatic loader the following rounds were used on the t-64 the 3vb m1 sub caliber round penetrating 250 millimetres of rolled homogeneous Armour at 1,000 metres at 0 degrees or 135 millimeters at 60 degrees from vertical there's also the three V B 4k heat round penetrating 450 millimetres of rolled homogeneous Armour at any distance for modernised 3b k8m shells there's also the 3 V 0 f-18 aichi round which is just a standard high-explosive fragmentation round the sub caliber round could be fired accurately at 4,000 meters the other two rounds at roughly 3300 meters the object 432 was powered by a rather interesting power plant the 5 t DF 13.5 5 cylinder opposite piston two-stroke engine producing 700 horsepower paired with a mechanical planetary transmission with 5 4 gears and one reverse gear allowing the time to go as fast as 65 kilometers an hour at 35 tonnes although speeds normally have around 30 to 40 kilometers an hour were more common the engine was extremely light in compact thanks to its unusual design engine weighed a little over a ton but it was also relatively unreliable difficult to start in the winter and produced a ton of heat making the tank very visible to the IR spectrum the powerplant remained a signature feature for the Kharkov t-64 tanks series and other Soviet tanks use more conventional engines the vehicle used an individual torsion bar suspension system and can be recognized in difference from the t-72 series at first glance by its typical small road wheels the really interesting part on which was the fact that the tank did not have the road wheel offset of the typical torsion bar tank suspension designs that was because the torsion bars were not covering the entire width of the vehicle instead they only reached the middle which prone to them being quite susceptible to snapping and torsion bars needed much distance as possible and as much meat to them as possible to stop them from breaking additional protective measures included an NBC protection system an automatic fire extinguisher a smoke generator which basically allowed ejection of fuel onto the exhaust system which we see still on tanks today and from many other in ative features the tank was indeed a very advanced and therefore very expensive tank for the time three prototypes in total were built until December 1962 and were thoroughly tested until March 1963 the trials went well and the measure live plant received in order to get ready for mass production of this tank the first mass-produced vehicles were built between November 1963 and July of 1964 and the tank was officially accepted into service on the 30th of December 1966 under the designation of the t-64 when it comes to production finding the actual current number is very problematic as various sources claim various different things the production likely ran from the late 1960s to 1968 the actual number of ICH was produced also varies though sources range from approximately 1,200 to as many as 2,000 of these tanks throughout the production the tank was constantly modernised and its teething problems and floors were fixed by around 1965 for example the Soviet anti-tank heat side shields that are extended in combat were installed although a few units bothered to do so during training the shield's tended to get stuck on things they got damaged Etra so just remove them which is why you see such few images of the tanks with those shields existing these shields would protect the suspension of the vehicle which were pretty prone to damage considering the smaller road wheels and the fact that the torsion bar suspension was quite susceptible to damage the t-64 never participated in combat truly apart from some large-scale exercises such as the 1973 denpa and was never exposed to any exploitation to other countries between 1977 and 1980 a portion of these vehicles underwent an overhaul to bring them to the t-64 alpha standard post 1965 production vehicles with the exception of the gun although some sources disputed that these overhauled t-64 s are referred to as object 432 R or T 64 are the older machines were phased out and scrapped the c64 R remained in service until the after the breakup of the Soviet Union when most of them likely ended up in Ukraine how many of these tanks remain is still quite unknown as various different models and configurations have been modified chopped to pieces or just sent away to random places the importance of this vehicle for the soviet war machine cannot however be overestimated for all its drawbacks it was at the time of its introduction anyway a cutting-edge design and relatively low number of them were produced only because it was very expensive and intended for core unit use only the NATO units in Germany would face these tanks in case of an invasion in any direction replacing the heavy tanks of an old Soviet elite unit with a more nimble still powerful and still quite nimble main battle tank let's say to be very clear here that I'm not saying the t-64 is the best tank of Soviet design ever made and it is the greatest thing since sliced bread and it could take out any NATO vehicle you could ever put against it that's not what I'm saying what I'm saying is at the time on the drawing board and when you look at the facts and the figures the t-64 was undoubtedly one of the most technologically superior tanks of its time it really was stepping outside the bar of armor in terms of speed in terms of the way in which the engine was designed making it more lightweight and the gun itself being a little bit more powerful than its predecessors and the upcoming Oh threat from the 105 millimeter rifled guns I have to say that the t-64 is one of those tanks that unfortunately others I missed identify all the time and I assume it's tank gender I have to be careful because it's hard to really push this against a t-72 because the t-72 is totally out of its league and in a different realm to this tank considering its time in the 60s this was a tank that really had to be contended with and I do have a lot of respect for it and I hope you do too folks thank you so much for joining me on today's video I really do appreciate you stopping by once again please stay safe look after yourselves if you didn't enjoy today's video please hit that little like button and also make sure if you want to be notified of any upcoming content in the future that you hit the little Bell by the subscribe button so you can be notified of any upcoming content as YouTube really is kind of kicking my butt right now and have no real interest in promoting my content even to my own subscribers so I would appreciate if you could share these kind of videos click that little Bell button to be notified so that I can actually get my content to you guys for those of you who've been supporting and donating towards my patreon funding page I really cannot thank you enough really though it does mean so much especially at times like this I would encourage you all though to please focus on yourself and your families right now it's as difficult times and you know a random youtuber and his patreon page is definitely not where you need to be focusing your attention but does something to consider when you're you know going on to sort of super chat and live streams and donating and patreon things like that to to look after yourself first and those around you so thank you all for joining me if you have any other interest in any of my content or blinkx and descriptions that are in the box below you're more than welcome to go check them out and I'll see you again next time folks all the best bye bye [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Matsimus
Views: 234,214
Rating: 4.9281435 out of 5
Keywords: T-64, t64, tank, T-64 tank, T64 tank, tanks, Main battle tank, Soviet Army, T-62, autoloader, composite armor, T-80, T-72, soviet, soviet tank, russian tank, Russia, Object 430, Object 432, T-64A, T-64B, cold war
Id: g5golyLpFFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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