S.Yusuf, 54-55: Qualifications & Confidence

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salamualikum' after liberica to rule billahi min ash-shaytaan-i'r rajeem waddle-waddle medical tunis be he establish wooden FC fella Mahalo Mahalo in Nakayama ladina McKinnon I mean college only other father in of the in half even eileen frobersher Sabri were silly I mean listen I only handle Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah well the early he was happy he attained and about once again everybody Salam aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh so here we are at is number 54 and 55 today we've talked quite a bit about the two quotes the two statements that were in 1550 52 and 53 that could either be attributed to use the funny salam or to the minister's wife now we're coming to the part in the story where it's the king that's going to speak so the the matter has been resolved the case has been closed everybody said what they had to say and now it's the king's turn to give certain opinions because for the king there were two matters right so the first issue was his own dream so it was a personal matter and the second was resolving this case which kind of erupted he didn't expect this to become a situation but it did and it became a big you know expose on a bunch of people of power you know in his in his administration so now all of that's been settled and the king is going to speak these two eye out that we're going to talk about today 50 54 and 55 one of them is the king speaking and the other one is Yusuf Ali some speaking so they're the two that are having a conversation now it starts off as follows well call el médico Tunis be he the king said then bring him to me this is the second time we're hearing the words bring him to me the first time that entire exchange transpired but now that the case is solved it's as if the king is saying okay now bring him to me alright now it's time for him to get here I'd like to see him please so now before he even gets there the fact that so many people testified to his truthfulness the truth has come out he's always been honest the fact that he said those things when when the true was in fact exposed before even meeting him the king is pretty impressed and he's so impressed that even without having met him this is what the King says a stuff'll is Helene FC I'd like to keep him exclusively for my service I would like to have him and my service exclusively is the class from who loose hollows means purity and Hamas in Arabic also means purity from it we get pure intention like so totally floss right is from the same origin of the world so the idea behind that is this is important now the King recognizes that he's at the top of pun intended at the top of an organizational pyramid right which makes a lot of sense for Egypt but anyway he's on top of that pyramid and what happens in management is you're on top like the CEO of an organization a company and he's got executive managers and they've got branch managers and they've got like these these tiers right and then there are people at the way bottom right like and by the way when the cupbearer spoke out of turn he broke protocol right you're the king is supposed to speak to the top advisers and the people that work under the type of top advisers are supposed to speak to them and nobody breaks the chain of communication now that's supposed to be how things work in any organization whether it's government or any other institution right even company's corporate or whatever if you're working in a big company with five hundred a thousand employees and you have a manager above you and then there's a district manager if you write to the district manager or talk to them you know skip one chain of command you're gonna get in trouble because you have to keep the person above you in the loop right so and this helps things from turning into chaos because otherwise people can't be managed because if I'm gonna get jumped over every time then there's no point in me being a manager so on the one hand you can understand why there is hierarchy and chain of command of course that's the same exact way how the military works the military is probably the supposedly the highest example of organizational institutions in the world because in that institution organization can mean the difference between life and death chain of command can mean to mean the difference between life and death and in favor of chain of command I D I'd even say that the prophet sallallaahu army said I'm said and this is nary in context and even outside the context of the Battle of offer do you remember when he placed archers on top of a hill and he met made one of them in charge and they're not to leave that position until certain instructions are given to them besides that there's still someone in charge now there's a hadith of the Prophet on mine - ah a meaty Secada Thani and Manasseh amida Dasani whoever obeyed the appointed leader that I left behind has obeyed me and whoever disobeyed the appointed leader has disobeyed me so if the prophets are some left somebody in charge of a job and you're not listening to him and saying I'll just go talk to the Prophet well the prophesy son left that purchase person in charge so until he comes back they're in charge kind of like in school for their kids that are watching a substitute teacher you can't say you're not a real teacher you're until the teacher shows up they have a really every respect that has been appointed to them in place of the full teacher full-time teacher you understand now I say that in favor of chain of command but chain of command has a negative side and the negative side of it is sometimes people at the bottom have really good ideas and they want to make sure that people at the top hear those ideas so they take it up to their manager and when they take up up to their manager the manager says you know much just do your job okay let the big thinkers think about the big things you know let the big people think about bigger ideas you worry about the lower job that you've been given because they either dismiss that some good can come from people at the bottom or they feel insecure that if this idea makes a this person might get a promotion better yet they'll even try to steal your idea and pass it off as their own we saw some of that in this story already right so what happens then is there is a chain of command in which at the person at the top of the organization is not able to receive some of the most creative ideas because the people at the very bottom are stuck in the chain of command they can't get through and the King just saw that him not being being able to communicate with first of all the cupbearer happened to say this so the King must have realized there are some pretty good people in my governance and in my kingdom that I would never have had access to because of this ridiculous approach to chain of command so now we've got ourselves a paradox do we believe in chain of command or do we not believe in chain okay because you can't have it both ways well actually you can have it both ways you're supposed to have some sort of hierarchy in any organization for it to survive people have to be appointed jobs and people have to be responsible for other people and one person on top can't manage everyone but you're supposed to put people in charge that can be trusted and are there to do their job not to further themselves and those kinds of people become transparent so even if they hear ideas from the bottom they relay to the top additionally there needs to be some kind of mechanism in which everybody has equal access so ok the King can't speak to everybody every day but there needs to be some kind of public forum some kind of town house some kind of open gathering in which he can take in the feedback from everybody and hear all kinds of ideas and not dismiss them as though they're not they don't work for me who what are your qualifications he wants to give everybody a fair hearing this is so incredible that in our religion the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam was given the institution of the friday sermon and in the friday of Hoba you see usually every day he's not meeting everybody in medina and in fact it's hard to meet the prophets like salem because he's always busy with one mission or the other and the people that are closest to him have made the most sacrifices and somebody who just became muslim was on the other end of Talyn will not have an easy time just coming to the prophets lifetime they might even feel reluctant but what happens at Jamal Jamal are the entire communities in front of him anybody can approach him what happens at the prayers anybody can come and approach him and come and talk to him so on the one hand he has a chain of command he has Abu Bakr Siddiq o the allahu anhu on his side he has all my benefit all of the aloha know he has leaders of the unsought when there are high classified matters he shares them with the top brass he doesn't share them with everybody because there are troublemakers in the ranks too so he doesn't break the chain of command but at the same time he also has an accessibility that anybody can access him and not have to worry about anyone else now why am i bringing all of this up because when the King says I want him exclusively to my service he doesn't say I'm gonna make him part of this committee which has 11 other members so when he has an idea and the other 11 members get a little you know insecure about him they shoot his ideas down and I never get to hear them I need to have direct access to him and I no longer will accept any kind of filters between me and him he already experienced one filter which was the cub bitter right because he said I'll go get the answer didn't even name Yusuf Ali Saddam and then of course there's the matter of those who cover it up a crime that was never committed and they've created a crime that was never committed and jailed him and actually created a barrier for him to be able to do any good in society so now he says this is the kind of person that needs to be heard directly not through a filter and so I want him exclusively in my service now what that means also is you've got the king and you've got the King's right-hand man you've got his vice you know the Vice King the Vice President if you will you know the this vise kind of role in modern politics can become just a symbolic role right it's not really an executive kind of role but in some other government governments like unlike the United States you have the the president and then you've got the Prime Minister right and the president is actually more of a symbolic role even though it's the highest office in the land but most of the work day to day and all the meetings and dealings are being done by the Prime Minister and it's kind of closer to that that the king is up there and he's really got his advisers that give him all the answers that execute everything they're the ones that are the ministers are doing all the work he wants this to be his top minister that's exclusively right under him the problem also is he realizes that there's not many people in his administration that he can trust and those people when they conglomerate together when they group together guess who they are when when employees get together as a group who do they go after who do they back bite who did they talk against who do they make fun of the boss right he realizes that this is the kind of person that's so trustworthy and he's not going to tell me what I want to hear he's gonna tell me what is and what is it what makes sense and what doesn't make I want him exclusively in my service with no filters and I don't want him to be stuck in any bureaucracy he deals directly with me I have a straight communication with him okay so a stuff little enough see fine a McCallum oh so he hasn't talked to him yet yeah maybe I am moves forward and says then finally when he spoke to him now the he spoke to him there are two interpretations who is he and who is him when you say he spoke to him who's the he referring to and what's the him referring to so some of us didn't say the King spoke to you when finally the King spoke to Yusef or it could mean when finally Yusuf spoke to the king either way it doesn't really make too much of a difference however there should be some observation about why that would make a difference if it's the king who spoke to Yusuf it's as if the King confirmed by talking to him everything that he'd been thinking and when he finally had a chance to meet him he was holding something in that he wanted to say and he actually got a chance to meet him and actually blurted it out basically you know sometimes you go into an interview and you don't know if you're gonna get the job or not but the person about to hire you is so impressed with you without even having met you they've already hired you I've heard a lot about you I've actually watched a couple of your videos a lot you're a great fit for this university you know you're a great candidate for this professorship and actually before you even got here you've got the job but I can't and it's the interview is not so much that it's gonna evaluate whether you're being hired or not but it's it's such a pleasure to meet you finally I get to see you put a face to the name I've heard so much about you you see what I'm saying so it's all if it's the king speaking to him it's almost as if you've already impressed me so much oh my god it's this is who you are Wow and what happens sometimes is you hear about somebody impressive and you heard a lot about them there's a hype around them there's a you know an impression you have of how awesome they are and then you meet them it's a bust or like oh oh that's what you really like Oh hmm I gotta remember one time somebody came to me and said you're you look taller in videos they're disappointed right so the idea of you that sometimes you have this grand impression and when you actually meet the person they're not as impressive oh you're not all that you're just like everybody else oh I didn't realize okay now I know what you're really like and your your impression shatters or it cracks at least a little bit what seems to be the case is if the King spoke to him he spoke to him and the impression he had of him is only confirmed instead of it being shattered it's only confirmed on the flipside it could be that yusuf finally spoke to him directly now we know that use of spokes in the inmate directly yessir spokes of the inmate again directly and now finally Youssef is actually speaking himself like and when the King King has heard some amazing wisdom come from this man only by real a narrated about him but not said they're not heard directly from him now finally he gets to hear their hear this man speak himself and he says wow he's for real this is serious and it could be that in a Lama who there's some kind of conversation that ensued between the two of them that the Quran doesn't record simile says a conversation took place between the two of them and when that happens all the King said in Nakayama ladina makinen I mean today without a doubt starting today right now immediately you know that's the other thing when you hire somebody you say next week or the position secures in a couple of months I'm gonna put you I'm gonna put a strong recommendation for you right and you're anticipating that you'll get the job in a week or two hearing back from them he says nope today no doubt about it starting today as of now you are led indicated a Nina a Yamaha Dana Makino I mean in our company or with us you are McKeen I mean there are two words used in Arabic here McKean and I mean simply put and it's a from for soft students this is actually a pretty interesting word McKeen it comes from Makana and you may have learned even if you don't know much about Arabic many Arabic words or most Arabic words have three-letter roots right and this word is really cool because it experiences a concept in every cult oh wow what that means is originally the word is gana to be and from it you get a lot of which is makan so the love of Cana means to be makan is a place where one exists a location the place to be because the love you put am I in the beginning and you must find me freely and my father these are the patterns and what that does is it's a word for a time or a place so makan is a place the place of existence so makan is used for location for example okay but the word became so coined and so often used that the meme which is actually not part of the root the actual root is cough while in noon Koen that's where it comes from because of the coined usage of it it actually then became assumed that it's root letters are meme cough and noon Makana and from it you get uncanonical and moonkin and in cana you got all these other words that come from this origin which is actually a child derived from ghana from a separate three-letter root this is very rare in arabic that that happens but this is one of those cases now that's a geeky arabic thing on the side but what does that mean for you and me from from a mecca from a the kana origin what this would imply is that you have been given a station you are now someone who has a certain high level station it's also interesting that this word machine is used by Allah force one of his creations who has a very high station it's used for gibreel al-islam McKean and allah mentions and Adachi machine that he is right under the throne right by the throne he is stationed and the same word station is used are interestingly here you have a king a king also has a throne and right by his throne use of early Salam is what McKean so there's a parallel not with Allah but with that station with the idea of the royalty giving a high station and that's the word that's being used for Yusuf I listen to suggest that he's going to have a very high-level advisory position and he's like a like a Wazir okay and he's there in order to make high-level recommendations and McKean from the ism sefa also suggests that he's not going anywhere like this is a stable position it's not a temporary or you know we'll see in the next election cycle or bureaucratic position where you you can be you can be removed from your job no you're permanently stationed here that's inside the word McKee the word Makana also if you look at it from the origin meme cough and noon that the WA home origin then it actually has to do with animals that carry a lot of eggs inside of them and give birth to many at the same time like locusts and lizards and things like that and from it the idea of someone who has great potential inside of them and has great ability inside of them or gathers much resources inside of them became a figurative extension of the word so Tomic is someone who has great potential and m'gann is someone who has the potential to do something the ability to do something hollow um kanuni is I this is not possible for me meaning I don't have the potential to do this that's actually what that implies by saying McKean I have empowered you with a great deal of resources so not only do you have a high position you actually have at your disposal a great deal of resources you it is possible for you to do all kinds of things in this land so I'm giving you a lot of free rein also but still the word machine and you're in a very high place and you're in this advisory role is not specific and that's important to understand he didn't give him a title he just said you're right by us and ladina laDawn actually in arabic or la da is different from in de and dies in the proximity of you so you could actually say for example in Arabic and angle Masjid I'm right by the mustard you could be 10 feet away or 30 feet away you're still in the Masjid you could be down the block and still say on that angle Masjid but Ladell Masjid or I'll fire Sayed aha Ladell Bob it's right at the door right a little Masjid is actually right there right at the door standing at the door all right at the Masjid not just in its proximity so when he says ladina he's not saying you're in this room where I can see you he's saying you are right next to us so there's a chair right next to the Kings where use of Hani Salaam is position and that's inside the word Adina so you're in a very high position you're very close to us and Makino and then he adds I mean and I mean is I know I'm getting a little technical on the Arabic side but I think these subtleties are important for you guys to know what how meaning czar derived from the words Allah chooses to use to describe these events and these words that the King chose and on that note on the side I will tell you this was not said in Arabic this is ancient Egypt this conversation did not take place in Arabic maybe some words are related to Arabic somehow but it's this is not an Arabic conversation Allah is translating this conversation from whatever language it happened in to Arabic from ancient Egyptian to Arabic this is even pre Moosa right so this is it this is way ancient Egypt the thing is then why are we paying so much attention to these words we're paying attention to these words because you know when human beings translate they say there's something lost in translation but because I don't own all language so when I try to translate from one language to another I don't have complete mastery of the language that I translated from and I also don't have absolute mastery over the language I translated into and it's extremely difficult for me to take into consideration the cultural context of a word the etymology of a word the history of a word the psychology behind a word the same word could be thought about some people in one way and other people are different way and it's the same exact word that happens with English all the time right so now having understood all of that who is translating in this in this ayah Allah is translating Allah took the King's words from ancient Egyptian and put them in Arabic right that means that you don't have to necessarily think about it as these are exactly the words of the king the King may have said much and Allah took all of what he said and without compromising any of its meanings chose words in Arabic that have injected in them all of the implications that the king was suggesting and that's one of the reasons Arabic was the chosen language from Allah religion is because it has the ability to take a word and inject in it lots of meaning lots of depth and it's grammar is the same it's not just the words are like that it's it's morphologies like that it's syntax is like that it's etymologies like they're just different kind parts of linguistics all of them make Arabic a really powerful language for expression especially ancient Arabic so now we're coming back to I mean what is he what is the king mean by by I mean you see sorry in an Arabic can be used for an adjective so you can translate simply as trustworthy so you are in a high position and you are trustworthy but actually Fareed more often than not comes in the meaning of an ism of rule meaning a Teel is like a mock tool a Teel is like a mock tool or a sharif is actually Musharraf someone give an honor a Kareem is actually mcaren so these words when they set follow this pattern one of the implications that and another easy example is Hameed one of our last names is what Hameed Hamid is the one praised and if you go by that pattern Amin would mean the one trusted so you are in a high position and you have been entrusted and this is important now if I say to you somebody hey you've been entrusted I'm making you the VP of Bojana and you've been entrusted here's the access to all the finances the tax information here's the access to all the technology the keys to the building blah blah blah here's all of it you have been entrusted does that is that speaking necessarily about the reality of that person or is it speaking about my impression of them that's my impression of them whether they are truly trustworthy or not is a separate issue you understand but when I from where I can tell you're someone that's worthy of being trusted so when I say I mean I'm actually saying motormen someone who has been given trust someone who's been given trust these two words are coming from the point of view of the king now I mean can mean trustworthy to that meaning is there - but even if the King calls and trustworthy he's not talking about the reality of use of he's talking about his impression of you so this is important now I'm giving you a high position and this position is where you will be able to do much I'm not specifying what but I want you right next to me and you have been given a lot of trust by me I I trust you enough to leave the keys to the castle with you you've been entrusted yeah I think you're trustworthy enough okay so this is now the king talking to you so frolic Salaam now I want you to understand the logical connection between these two words McKeen I mean the king realized he had lots of people around him that are McKean he does but none of them are ledee no them are right next to him there's clearly an empty vacant vacant spot that's right next to him there's plenty of people around him but nobody right next to him so he's never turned around and told any of his other advisers who we've heard from a little bit before hey you sit right next to me that's never happened so clearly yusuf is being given a position that isn't even been they didn't even know the job existed before him they didn't even know there was such a position where he wants me exclusively for his service or exclusively right by his hand that's a new position a new cabinet position that the King created but then he gave a rationale for why he created that position because the King as much as he has Kingdom and resources and power and governance what he does not have no matter how much money and power he has what he does not have our people he can absolutely trust you can have material things you can hire people you can have people impressed with you you can have people praised you but people you can completely give your trust to without thinking twice about it now that's a scary prospect and that's not it's the scary prospect for you and me for anybody running a business or anything else but it's a really scary prospect for Kings because if you know anything about the history of King ships you know that Kings more often than not or assassinated either they die in war or somebody in their family poisons them and pretends that they died of old age or they get killed in whatever at some dinner this that the other why because whenever there's a king there's no one who can take that role unless they're dead so even when people say long live the king what they really mean is quickly die the king that's what really mean and the closer people to him are the ones that have access to the food he eats the Betty sleeps in they have access to his most insecure moments they have access to his travel routes his secrets the ones who are in a position to kill him best of the people that are closest to him so Kings the history of Kingdom is Kings end up killing their own family or exiling their own family or keeping them very close to them not because they love them but because they want to keep an eye on them or the son grows enough grows up enough that he's vying for the kingdom and the father and son are at odds because of the kingdom these kinds of things happen all the time if you study even today any countries that have kingdoms you'll see family drama in those kingdoms because that's the only way power can pass on so for him to put someone so close to him is an enormous you know level of trust it's not a small gesture for him to for a king to do that that's that's something that needs to be understood now these has you have these two you know these two descriptions of his position you're in this high role and you are being trusted Yusuf Hani Salaam hasn't even done anything yet he's just just carried himself truthfully that's all he's done and that's spoken volumes you know why because when you are in a society that doesn't believe in a line the last day and honest dignified people or hard to come by and when they come by they stick out like they're on a throne all their own without having a throne that's what they are and so the king at least recognizes that after his investigation every everything he found out I need him in this position now Yusuf Ali Salaam hears this how can you I need you to imagine the scene all these ministers that have served the King all these years and they're all like Hebrew slave wait hold on a second an immigrant that came into this country illegally an immigrant that has a crime record he's also served time these immigrants come to our country and then they go to jail isn't that the rhetoric around the world today about immigrants and this is an immigrant who came here by the way illegally and and then did time in jail and he's going to be one given the highest position in government and the Quran and he said what does the Quran say about immigration the Quran says about immigration that an immigrant that came an immigrant child that came detained that and someone was illegally detained had no legal rights can be the reason reason an entire country can be saved and can be the reason that a nation that used to be a nation became a superpower in fact the mightiest superpower on the planet for centuries because of an illegal immigrant that's the currents comment on immigration use of ali salam you know and by the way it's in the bible but anyway now coming back it's pretty funny people people like believe they claim to believe in their book and then they tell these stories and then they have views on immigrants right yeah are you reading the same look well who me I'll get out there the ones reading it's in your book too bro it's there you know and it's not just you know in America or some other European country or somewhere around the world there are countries Muslim countries where immigrants are looked down upon immigrants are looked with with the with a min inferior I everywhere everywhere and what do you will you learn about that in this book that you have to look at the character of a human being not the place they are in society the reality of it is people just judge people from where they stand what neighborhood they live in what kind of clothes they're wearing what color their scheme the accent of their language what's this guy worth you know if it's the city they're all like this if they're all like that we've already painted individuals as belonging to a certain way and they are all the same way right so well Carla but but now these advisors are looking at this slave Hebrew in the middle of the king's court being told he's sitting in a chair that didn't even exist that she the king ordered a special chair just for him to sit in under long if any of them were ever offered this position they would die of happiness isn't that the case any other human being would have been like oh my god and by the way just him getting out of prison thank you so much for getting me out of jail I'm so honored that you even I got to meet the president this is so amazing what an honor you want me to work for you normally sit next to you this is awesome doesn't say thank you so much what a great honor I'd love to sit in this chair he says no hold on King the thing is you said that you want me to have a high place and you trust me what does that mean high place I don't want to sit on this chair and do press conferences I don't want to sit on this chair next time maybe you have maybe you ate some you know some other food and you have a bad dream and then you come to me hey I got another dream for you I mean you might think that this is all I'm good for he's already put him in a box maybe Yusuf Ali some sense thanks for the honor but I don't want the impression of being someone important I'm not interested in a higher place where you trust me and therefore I'm sitting here and it's almost like the kingís saying I'm sure we'll find something really good for you to do but I want you here and you say something okay no I'm sure I know what I need to do so thanks for this position but let's be specific let's be specific nobody else who was offered that kind of position would want to be what specific in fact you're in that position you'd think to yourself may I could finally chill corner office side chair to the King I don't gotta do nothing you know where I came from you don't kind of work I put in you know the kind of slavery I did you know the kind of labor I didn't send the prison camp and now finally paid off in Hungary in the next case bring it I should relax now the I made it you know any for anybody else they would say at this point they made it you Stephanie Salem says this is not why I came out of prison I mean a thank you but the the thing is is your ideas are actually your honor he doesn't say that I'm adding that in I'll tell you his literal translation put me on top of the treasures of the land install me it make me the the the Minister of the Treasury basically what he's saying make me in charge of all of the treasures and resources of Egypt give that to me the Treasury of the land you're gonna be the tax collector you're gonna make sure the farmland is going to be irrigated properly you're gonna make sure that the vaults are secure you're gonna make sure that the banks are not cheating people you're gonna make sure that the people at Oh money to the government the debts are being collected you're gonna make sure that crime financial crimes aren't happening I want to make sure that the economy of this country and the Treasury of the land is being run properly put me in that job I don't want that chair I want that work that chair looks really nice and even rotates and stuff and goes up and down it's got a spring thing on it it's really cool but I want to do work I haven't made it yet this is not making it doing work is making it I need to do work now there's two readings of this it could be that the King one reading is it could be that the king is basically not sure what to do and is the kind of king and the people around him that are not very competent even though he did a competent investigation he's not a very competent King he sees a talented persons I'm sure I've got a good use for you just sit here right next to me I'm sure we'll think of something no that tells me that you're not sure of anything that tells me you don't know what you're doing you want good people around you but you don't know how to use them it may be and one reading is he clearly has very incompetent people around him right so he's not very good at human resources or management isn't it so even if you have good people if you're not a good manager and don't know how to put them to use then what good are they and so you Yousef is a great find but what good is if he doesn't get put to proper work just cuz he sits in a high position and you get to say I have a really good guy in this position look at his resume he's really impressive but he's there to look good next to me that's we don't want that I I want to do some work is basically where use of this coming from Ali Saddam another reading of it is and this is sex slaves leaning and I'm kind of sore there you know inclined towards it to the king is pretty smart I mean he did investigate the entire case and brought it out in the open and was smart enough to say Yusef needs to be exclusively communicating with me no more filters between me and him so that was pretty smart decisions on the Kings part but the King is almost testing use of runny Salam I want you to get a high position said right next to me right here because he's already demonstrated honesty over and over right and this is kind of like the last test the last test is a test were you not told it's a test and before he could sit on the chair he says no I need the responsibility over the Treasury hey Johnny huzzah Reginald install me put me in place over the Treasury the treasures of the land literally the Treasury put me in this position by the way this position will include policing it'll include security because when you're in charge of the Treasury you're in charge of the most delicate operation of the land right so he is now the most he's kind of a prime minister if he gets this job he is the most important role in Egypt everybody answers to him everybody because without the economy the nation's nothing he's in charge of the entire economy and all of its functions he's in charge of all of the farmlands all of the water reservoirs and all the jobs that come with it everything so when he asks for this position it's remarkable to me that use of alaysalam was not given this job he demanded this job and he didn't demand this job before he actually demanded this job when he was given something so high where he could comfortably live the rest of his life he good right next to the king but instead he says no that's there's work to be done and I know I made and I made a policy sitting in jail that people have to farm and work hard and store the crop from what I see here that's not gonna happen these people around you are not qualified for that I however am I need to be given this job and then he adds his additional qualifications now what are the two qualities that the king gave him the two qualities that the King gave him as a high position where you can do as you please you have a great potential McKeen and you're being trusted I trust you please you know you do as you please you do as you see fit but now he says in me half even I mean I am someone who safeguards half Eve I'm always watchful I'm always guarding vigilant on alert I'm someone who is going to take this duty and guard it with my life I'm gonna go to sleep thinking about this job wake up thinking about this job we think of profits as spiritual entities we think of them as those who remember Allah in all states but we don't think of prophets as administrators as politicians as economists as managers of human resources as judges of criminal law we don't think of them in that sense we think of them as we put them in a box you understand he's kidney putting himself out of a box and he's saying for the sake of Allah as his word as a service to Allah I will safeguard the economic well-being of a nation that doesn't believe in Islam agent Miller tacoman la me noona billahi wa yome Allah in Eva whom will you be noble of a humble after that young calf your own the religion of our people that don't believe in Allah and in the al-qaeda they are in complete denial and what does he want to do safeguard their economy I will watch over that responsibility is he talking about his prophethood or allah subhana wa ta'ala is he preaching anything yet nope he's just saying people are gonna die and i my response it if allah has given me knowledge to save people i will put that to you're the best OMA for the service linen ass frigate linen ass for people not of people for people you're not the best of the people you're the best for the people he's the best for Egypt he says I'll safeguard this role then he says Ilene and I know what I am knowledgeable I am no doubt the one to safeguard this responsibility and I am no doubt knowledgeable in other words I will take this Duty seriously like no one else will and I know what I'm doing first of all because I've demonstrated that and allies helping me the revolution is coming to him isn't it I'm not speaking to you from whim I know what I'm talking about when it comes to this crisis so I am the right fit for this job it's so amazing to me and use a phrase Salaam didn't just apply for a job he told his employer thanks for the hire but I'll tell you my job description when does that happen he is telling the King my job the job description and so in doing so we learn something remarkable about the confidence of the use of Hani Salaam you see we often in our religion talk about the importance of humility right and the opposite of humility is arrogance right there's a two ends of the spectrum so we don't want to be arrogant therefore we have to be humble but there is a position right in the middle of too much humility and too much arrogance what's the position in the middle confidence there's a there's a place in the middle there's a balance now why is this important when you have too much humility you feel like you are worthless and before Allah we are worthless before our sins are many we are broken human beings we are you know we are flawed could you Bani Adam Papa all children of Adam make mistakes and make mistakes over and over again we aren't perfect we are not angels we beg Allah for acceptance so there has to be humility doesn't there but what happens when you have too much humility you start really seeing yourself as worthless and no good and capable of anything because you're just not good enough because you have to be humble it's like you have to walk around in life with Luke or no you make a good he'll Allah not to life when you bow before Allah it gives you confidence and everything else it doesn't make you humble and everything else as in you're weak and everything else you know what I'm talking about no don't say you know what you're talking about brother be humble I'm the best man for this job where's your humility no that's confidence that's confidence somebody's really good at teaching they have a talent for teaching kids when somebody says to them why don't you teach kids no I am just a worthless slave of Allah I am nothing I am worthless I have so many sins I am filthy before my abroad no no no I couldn't take such a responsibility yeah I think you're filthy too but there's nobody else teaching the kids and you're pretty good at it so why don't you just stop stop crying about yourself and show a little confidence you understand like I can't you know there's students I've met that like they are big University I've given this example before the other universities like five Muslims in this whole College in the middle of nowhere in America five Muslims and they want to have Jamaat together right and one of them has memorized the Quran and the other ones don't even know anybody and so the one who's memorize the Quran can you please lead the prayer no actually I'm just a 15 I'm just I'm a nothing I'm a valid that just wants to be invisible how can I stand in the member and lead the prayer the way the rasul of allah salallahu alayhi salam led the prayer i am just a mound of sins and i am dirty yes i think you're dirty too but you still gotta leave the prayer because this guy's gonna lead the prayer in English man so can usually leave the prayer and then be humble after that sometimes you got a step up you need to step up now stepping up doesn't mean you become arrogant you think you're better than anybody else or you're a know-it-all but what you do know you do know you have to be confident about what you do know those two things have to go hand in hand you have to be open to accepting your mistakes technology your flaws and by the way the humility of use of hell Islam has already been discussed did me say well malabar you enough see one of the ways Center I don't consider myself free of my nuts free uh you know free of blame I'm not saying I'm entirely innocent oh I don't have bad fog so I don't have to fight them he did me say that already so there's this on the one side you have this humility and on the other side a Hebrew slave that came out of jail is standing in the greatest kingdom on earth talking to the king in front of a bunch of ministers and saying I am no doubt the right person to be in charge of the entire treasury of Egypt because I will guard this job and I'm the one who knows what they're doing which is his way of saying none y'all know what you're doing you're gonna get people killed but he doesn't have to say that Jesus has to present his case in me the learning it's incredible it's just what he's done here is remarkable there's one more side comment before I want to show you something visually which i think is it's pretty cool I hope I'm able to be coherent when I show that to you but before I do a question occurred to me today about this portion of the story and I had a discussion with him about it and I'll share some of that with you we know from what Allah has described about ancient Egyptian society that they are not believers in Allah we also know that they believe in a lot of superstitions so they have superstitious superstitious interpretations of dreams and they they believe in omens and things like that right so they are a hodgepodge of different kinds of beliefs and they are you know superstitious enough that even people that aren't Muslim in jail or coming to him so a couple of inmates are coming to him telling us asking what is my dream mean and the King is saying what is my dream means so dreams are a big deal to them omens are a big deal to them and they obviously don't always don't ever get their answers from revelation they always get their answers from people who basically make up stuff and say they got it from the gods or they got it from the spirits oh they got it from you know the lotus tree or something they make up stuff and give it to them so they believe in all kinds of mythologies so in the middle of all of those mythologies Yusuf Renee said I'm interpreting the dream even though we know it's from Allah they don't see it that way they just see him as a quote-unquote priest like all the other priests that they have and they have their own gods and you know demons and angels or whatever they believe in so supernatural powers and he has his right because from their point of view they don't see him as someone who believes the right religion because if they did they would accept his religion you understand that but they don't so the question arises why would the King accept his interpretation of the dream with so much confidence that he would shape an entire nations policy around it put him in this position because part half of the equation is his honesty which has been proven but really his honesty alone doesn't get him the Treasury his honesty alone makes him someone who can hold the job but to get the job in the first place you would have to have qualification and the only qualification the Quran has told us about him so far is what his interpretation of a dream which from their point of view as a mystical spiritual thing it's not a scientific thing right and they have other mystical sources other spiritual sources so why be so hung up on this one why be so impressed with this and not any other it could be that it's just a thought that the King had or a feeling of love put in his heart and he went with it that's very plausible but I think there's a larger statement here and it's important to understand from up from those of you that are students of psychology you'll perhaps cover some of these aspects in the study of the psychology of religion or religious psychology Muslims in their peak not Muslims today Muslims in their intellectual peak were people that like for example in Andalusia Spain right we had people teaching in Islamic universities that were not Muslims we were studying astronomy from Jewish scholars we were we were having interchange with Christians with the Austrians with people of different societies were exchanging with the Philosopher's were exchanging with us and we were exchanging with them and there was no acerola if you talk to them you're gonna lose your style you know why because we had an intellectual foundation in what we believed we knew that we don't just believe in superstition we don't just believe in a story we have come to this faith after having thought about it with a basis and because we were so intellectually confident in our faith we could engage with other until actual traditions other religious traditions without feeling insecure we didn't get like don't talk to them it'll mess up your Iman because our Iman was not built on my mama told me our Iman was built on Allah Basia I was built on a foundation today the majority of Muslims can say I'm Muslim because my parents told me I'm Muslim this was not actually the original way of how Islam was established it's almost built on proper theological intellectual foundations we thought about how we got here we pondered the Quran and we understood generation after generation why is it that were Muslim and when you have that kind of confidence you're not afraid of outside ideas you're not gonna hear something and say oh my god I'm not sure I find it wouldíve anymore if everything you hear starts shaking you you know what that means you didn't build your foundation but once you build your foundation then you can engage in other ideas and maybe ninety-nine percent of what they say is false but that 1% that's true because of your foundation you can see it and you're not scared of it you're not worried about it but then and today in order to preserve the religion of our children we say don't expose them to this idea I'm so scared when they go to university they lose their faith if they if they watch this video if they hear these ideas if they hear this person then they're gonna lose their Islam why would Islam be so weak I can understand somebody of a different religion saying they'll lose their faith because they heard something else I can't understand why a Muslim would say that because a Muslim comes to Islam with a foundation with a solid foundation and the Muslim is not Muslim because people around him or her a Muslim a Muslims not Muslim because society is Muslim or because his parents expect him to be Muslim or because that's all they ever knew they're Muslim because they know why they believe in Allah they know why they believe in an afterlife they know why they believe in the word the Quran being the word of Allah they have a why answered and that's what settles them in their faith if you and by the way you don't not have to have that why I answered and you're still okay with your faith what the problem is the first wave that and hits you the first intellectual wave that comes and hits you that tree is gonna fall a slew ha alphabets Farahani Sufism ah that's the allah describes that root of la ilaha illallah its roots are deep its branches in the sky right oh if your roots are deep its no branches going into the sky now why am i bringing that up because in superstitious religious cultures and the sad reality as politically incorrect as it sounds I'm not afraid to say it because this is what I've observed in superstitious religious traditions and the fact of it is the vast majority or a huge population of us Muslims our families are only holding on to Islam out of superstitious or superstitious version of Islam a version of Islam where are the strength of our Creed is no different from a Hindu holding on to their Hinduism or a Christian holding on to their Christianity because it's just something passed down because everybody around us is that way but no other real solid founder and there may be some emotional attachment how dare you say that yeah there may be an emotional attachment maybe even a spiritual fervor but the intellectual foundation it's not there you know when that happens when the intellectual foundation of the faith disappears and people aren't actually connected to the word of Allah that convinces them that brings them to a solid foundation in their faith when that happens in any religion then that religion starts adopting different kinds of superstitions ok so there are different kinds of religious people there the ultra religious who say we're only gonna study religion we're not gonna study the outside world or outside sciences because they'll corrupt our religion so let's not study and even all of it is covered and that's a scared mentality this this light that we have is too weak to for it to be exposed to darkness which doesn't make any sense darkness should be afraid of light not the other way around right darkness disappears when light comes light doesn't disappear when darkness comes this makes sense John Hawk was a Huckle Barton Nigel Barton was a Huckle Huck in Alberta Larkin as a hooka not in al Haq talkin as a hooker but we have some people are protective like that I was just preserve our Aslam let's not deal with the outside world fine but then there's the rest of us who are exposed to society we're exposed to different ideas and we barely know think about Islam I put myself before I got into the Quran study of the Quran in that same category would be really knew anything about Islam and you know what my Islam was like millions of you my Aslam was the same it was I heard this somebody said this it's all it was you know I heard if you do if you eat this on this day then this happens or that happens and people write me mostly hey I my daughter wants to get married if we get married in this month does that mean she's gonna get divorced what are you getting this stuff from superstition on top of superstition on top of superstition right when you have a superstitious culture and that can happen to Islam it can happen to Christianity it can happen to Judaism it can happen to Hinduism it happen in any culture then you know what you start accepting superstitions from everywhere it will take whatever feels good you become the psychedelic religion we're all it's all good it's all completely good I told the story many years ago when I used to live in in Queens in New York in Forest Hills my neighbor was a Hindu lady every couple of months used to go to Atlantic City Atlantic City is a part of New Jersey it's on the coast it's a it's a gambling City so it's kind of like our version of it's a ghetto version of Vegas okay so she would go to anything to gamble at the slot machines or whatever so one day she was going to Atlantic City I came out of the house same time as she's coming out and she's got this frame under her arm I was like what's there I saw Arabic on it say can I see that so she she gives it to me it was I told Lucy this Hindu woman I was like were you going she goes Atlantic City I'm gonna gamble this weekend like why are you taking this you gotta take it for good luck cuz she thinks I don't go to Atlantic City for good luck you know what that's what happens with religions superstitions these dip shins are superstitious people they don't care where the superstition comes from if it sounds like it's gonna solve my problem hey bring it because now religion is not about seeking the truth religion is about solving your problem this is the key why do people believe in superstitions because they want their problem solved I really want to get a promotion I really want to get married I really want this one to love me I really want those two to get divorced I really want this one to die I really want this one to be okay I really want that one to come out of the hospital I really want I really want I really want I really want oh yeah you want do this do you follow these superstitions and then make an oath or do this omen or light these candles or do this or that or the other make a pact with the devil whatever it is do you come up with the superstition people will follow it because they're hoping they'll get what they want yes the king has seen a dream and now he's heard the most compelling argument for what he wants to see and he's not even convinced that this is the absolute truth because if he did he would recognize that that knowledge that he came in my Lemony rock beats my robber who taught me he doesn't accept a rub but he does accept that this might work so they're okay with accepting different kinds of superstitions so long as it serves them in the worldly sense so the king is actually looking out for the worldly benefit of Egypt and between all the other hocus-pocus that he heard he says he from his point of view this one sounds the most plausible I'll go with it well yeah this one can be and on top of that his trustworthiness made it even more compelling his honesty made it even more compelling and actually it's the honesty that's the icing on the cake because everybody else could be or could not be telling the truth but this man has told the truth under the most impossible circumstances so it becomes highly Impala logical for me to think that when it comes to the interpretation of this dream that he's making something up you understand so that became a kind of credibility for him that stood over and above all superstitions and it's his credibility that was able to evaporate everything else now it's interesting also that Yusuf Ali son took a dig at superstitions because he said these people first of all can't safeguard this job and I actually know what I'm talking about Eileen I'm knowledgeable because these people don't know even if they interpreted something they wouldn't be doing it from knowledge they'll be doing it from wahum we're making stuff up but I speak actually from knowledge and this job that I'm doing I'm gonna take care of it from a position of knowledge so now that I've shared this guy with you guys I want to show you something visual Sammy if you can show them the screen that I've put here so I'll first describe this to you what I'm talking about here and then inshallah we'll make sense of it so the king and this goes in the Arabic direction so it goes this way right so he says he first called yusuf ali sam mckeane which means positioned high and then ameen which is trusted right and then yusuf ali salam described himself with two names in the next ayah Hafiz and I named safeguarding and knowledgeable right so there's four descriptions here it's really interesting that these two have a logical connection with each other first so the two that are mentioned by the king that's obvious right because you're being put in a high position because I trust you so much right and only a person that is trusted so much should be given so much power so trust and being given a high responsibility are logically connected to each other that makes sense Yusuf Ali Salaam when he says I will safeguard this role I will guard my responsibility as head of the Treasury he says the reason I'll be able to guard this responsibility is because I of all people actually know what to do I mean if I didn't know what to do my intention to wanna safeguard this would be meaningless without my qualification of knowledge I cannot safeguard this job until I know what I'm doing I shouldn't be holding the job and I in fact know what I'm doing and from a reverse it's the fact that I know it's not enough that I can sit back and just know I need to put my knowledge into action and I can't do that until I have this job so my knowledge is forcing me to step up and say give me the job because if I just sit back and comment on what the country should be doing and they should be doing and shouldn't be doing and I can I have all the knowledge but I don't do anything except comment it sound familiar most of the world then what good is that it's my knowledge that makes me say I should take step up and safeguard this job you understand so these two and those two are logically connected to each other let me erase a little bit so I could start over okay now that the the two rows are connected now we'll go this way so you've been positioned in a high place and anybody who's been positioned in a high place that's that set by the king right anybody positioned in the high place use of ads when someone's positioned in a high place their only job should not be to maintain their high place their job should be to safeguard everybody else I want to make sure the poor are safe the farmers are safe the streets are safe the economy are safe the children are safe the higher up you go in office in a position the more you're concerned about securing everybody else give me the Treasury because I will make everybody else safe you see so being put in a position of office isn't about you it's about them the higher up you go the more of a public servant you become you understand so those two are kind of connected to each other also and now I'm the one who's been entrusted he that's that the king has entrusted him and he says you should be entrusting me only because I don't speak from whim and the trust that you've given me means that when I speak I will speak from knowledge I won't just pass off my opinion I will put my knowledge to work this is how I will honor your trust you understand so top down also they reciprocate these two names and reciprocate each other so we went vertically and we went horizontally right one last one now we're gonna go across okay so the last thing the King says is you're entrusted I trust you he says since this dishonor that you've given me of trusting me I will make sure I guard that honor there's not a logical connection you know like for example a police officer is given the trust to protect and serve and he says I will honor that duty I will safeguard that responsibility you have given me trust I'm telling you I will safeguard it you see so he reciprocated the Kings comment and then on the flip side you have been given a high position King you gave me the high position and by the way the only reason you should have given me the high position is because I have knowledge knowledge should be the only thing that raises you if you know what you're talking about you should be moved up so that you can put your knowledge to better you so it's from her couple that these two names that the King mentions and the two attributes and the two attributes that use of release I mentions have this interplay across and above and below and then diagonally also with each other so that's something visually that I wanted to show to you in sha Allah barakallahu walikum feel for Hakim when a fanny yeah come variety what the chemos Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato
Channel: Bayyinah Institute
Views: 54,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nouman Ali Khan, Arabic, Quran, Islam, Bayyinah, Bayyinah TV, Bayyinah Institute, Koran, Islamic, Education, Muslim, islam, muhammad, muslim
Id: upYY9DBbqm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 34sec (3754 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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