Synology NAS 教學:免費自架智慧相簿給全家(換掉 Google 相簿空間)
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Channel: 科技爸爸 Lee
Views: 2,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: synology, nas, setup guide, DS220+, DS223+, DS720+, DS723+, photos, 相簿, google photos, 人臉辨識, 主題辨識, GPS, 地圖檢視, tag, 教學, 無限空間, 畫質不限制, android, apple, iOS, app, photo organization, face identify, 解析度, tutorial, synology photos, DiskStation, Disk Station, Server, 伺服器, album, 網路線配置, 路由器設定, QuickConnect, DSM, 網路磁碟機設定, 共享資料夾設定, FTP, 資料夾存取權限, DS213J, DS223, DS223J, 223j, DS220J, DS220, router, setting router, DDNS, NetWork Drive, shared folder, privilege, DIY
Id: BTswwx28TeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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