Synology NAS 教學:自架 iCloud 雲端空間給全家使用
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Channel: 科技爸爸 Lee
Views: 5,483
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Keywords: synology, nas, setup guide, DS723+, DS720+, DS223+, DS220+, DS723, DS223, DS720, DS220, Cloud Station, 雲端空間, 雲端, 雲端服務, 雲端儲存空間, Cloud Storage, storage, 連接埠轉送, port forwarding, router, 路由器, 伺服器架設, 外部網路, 創建帳號, Account, External Internet, Server, DSM, Drive, Synology Drive Client, Client, DIY, cloud storage service, Synology Drive Server, Synology Drive, 教學, 路由器設定, 網路磁碟機設定, DS213J, DS223J, 223j, DiskStation, Disk Station, 伺服器, DS220J, setting router, DDNS, NetWork Drive, shared folder, privilege, iCloud, OneDrive, DropBox
Id: lP9LA0Tlu3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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