How To Setup A NAS (Network Attached Storage): A step-by-step guide | Part 2 Configuring Your NAS

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welcome back to the channel everyone Triple M here and today is video number two of my Nas setup series last video I showed you guys how to unbox the nas how to get the drives installed so definitely if you just bought a Nas go ahead and check that out this video what I want to do is show you how to get it configured get it on your network and get your drives partitioned properly so we're going to jump right into it if you're new to the channel subscribe smash notification Bell let's [Applause] go I do have the ethernet cords plugged into my network power is plugged in at first it does a little boot up but now it's in the process of making sure my drives are recognized and if you look on the right side you should start seeing the lights from the drive coming online so we'll give it a couple seconds and once those lights are up they're solid green that lets me know it's time to start to configure this NZ the lights are green which means my dries are initiated my NZ is on the network what I want to do is get to a computer on the same network and start the configuration so there's two ways to get this connected to your network it's first one is to go to find. so that what that will do is scan your network it will look for devices and then it should find your NZ however in my experience it's hit or miss so you can see right there it found a couple of my network attach storage the one that I'm trying to set up which is the d423 plus is not currently listed so it does tell you that if that happens you can go to the sonology site you can download a utility called sonology assistant and that usually is pretty solid at finding the network attached storages on your network so let's go ahead and do that so what we're going to do is in the top we're going to go over to the right and we should see the tab that says desktop utilities we're going to click on that all right now we should see the sonology assistance along with some other utilities so we're going to click on assistant and now we're going to click on the Windows if you're on a Mac you click on Mac and so on and so forth so we're going to go ahead and launch that we're going to install it and let me just go ahead and fast forward through this part got it up and running now I'm going to go ahead and click search now should search my network once again and now you see that it is finding all of my network attached storages including the DS 423 plus and you see there's two of them which means that both network cards are active and remember we're going to do a follow-up video maybe a little later in the series just to show you how to set up that dual network our Network aggregation settings so first let's go ahead we're going to click on not installed we're going to click okay going to go ahead and read the terms and conditions and agree to them click okay again and now it should bring you into the actual setup all right set up your NZ we're going to go ahead and install all right we're going to click automatic so basically this is saying install the station manager it's warning you that it will wipe your entire system but that's okay because there's nothing currently on my device all right so I'm going to fast forward again and we'll come back when it brings us to The Next Step all right so finalize and the install right now you can see welcome to DSM this station manager 7.2 and now was going to ask you to set up your nask so it's going to ask for device name of course this is up to your discretion it's going to ask for an admin account as well as a password as well as confirmations let me go ahead and type this in then we'll go to the next step so now we're going to go ahead and select our update options I'm going to select automatically it's going to ask you to create signology account to receive more benefits definitely recommend doing this especially if you don't have an account already I already have an account and what I can do is go in I can access my devices remotely I can see information see error codes so if you haven't set up a anology account as of yet definitely recommend go ahead and do so let me go ahead and sign in then I'll come right back all right so once I sign in it's going to ask you to create your quick connect ID and this is how you're going to basically access your system when you're not in your household so you want to create something you remember but if you don't remember you can always go to your sonology account and it should have all your list of devices in that web interface so create your quick connect ID uh this will be used not only on the website but also for your apps as well all right once it's created we going to go ahead and click okay all right it's going to have some other useful tools you can either configure them now or you can go later I'm just going to enable these for now going to click submit it's going to give you some more options to register you have your extended warranty which you can go ahead and configure it is going to be a paid service so you can always do that if you want to you should see your prices again up to you if you want to go ahead and purchase the extended warranty I'm going to skip this maybe do it later click okay click next two Factor authentication is there as well I'll probably set this up later all right so you can see some information there how to access your device remotely from the mobile from the website so you can always go ahead and set that up uh enhance security something I'll probably get into later store and manage data again we'll work on that a little bit later it'll have the option to protect your data and all those options are still there guys DSM help it is on your desktop as you can see there with a question mark so you can always get back to that later so what we're going to do now is get our drives configured and then set up our shares that way we can access storage on our device all right so before we start setting up the drives definitely recommend going to the sonology website and trying their storage calculator this is going to give you the SRS or teolog version of raid how to best maximize your dri so let's go ahead and we'll try it out right now so we know that we have four 4 TB hard drives so what we're going to do on this page is just go to the 4 terabyte and we're going to click here 1 2 3 4 all right so that's step one the drives are there and it's going to give you some options of what you want to do so you can see it does have rate Five and rate six estimate so rate Five you can see you have a reserve space that's for the system so system is going to take up some space as far as the operating system and then you're going to have the Green Space which is available storage for you to store your files whatever you decide to do with it so um rate six you can see um it's going to take two drives so two drives going to be for your um backup so with the raid six two drives can fail and your system will be all right raid five one drive can fail and then you have to swap it out then your system will be okay but it gives you more storage here uh for this you can't play with it I think I'm going to end end up doing raid five but if I wanted to play with different raid option so the The Raid five is going to be equivalent to Sr and then sr2 that's going to be equivalent to Ray 10 so this is what I'm going to go with during the next step of the NAD is going to ask you how you want to format you drive and you want to just keep that in mind and keep what storage options you have so below you can see they have rate six rate zero so rate zero definitely not recommended you are going to have more storage however if you lose the drive all you files going to be gone rate one you can see most of your storage space is going to be for backup so I want to keep that in mind as well rate zero again so for me the best option is going to be um rate five or Sr and like I said they do have sr2 which is the equivalent to rate six all right so we're going to go over here back to the driver we're going to go ahead and start setting this up all right create a storage spool or volume we're going to hit start we're going to select which one we're going to do so I'm going to do shr it's going to give you the breakdown right here minimum number of drives default tolerance so one drive is going to be tolerance this is a recommended rate type for beginners choosing this type allows you to combine drives different sizes and future optimize volume drives ensure redundancy select drives I'm going to select all of them you can see the estimated capacity is 10 terabytes we want the maximum amount of storage for the drives that we have going to hit next does say BTF is recommended so BTF file system support Advanced features including shared folder snapshot replication and shared folder quota and Advanced Data Integrity want to go ahead and do that the xfa system is widely used for Linux operating system can be used to migrate technology Nas running earlier DSM so I'm not doing any of that so I'm going to go ahead and click next all right en Crypton helps protect your day from unauthorized access in case your device is lost or stolen all data storing the volume including the package lungs will be protected all right we can encrypt it encrypting this key system Genera storage all right so again up to you I'm just going to probably mess with that later so it gives you a brief summary of what you're doing drive 1 2 3 and four capacitor that we're going to have afterwards going to hit apply and it's going to tell you that everything will be erased however this is a necessary step guys in setting up your system so click okay and it's going to go ahead and start the process all right so you can see it is in the process of optimizing in the background it says right here enable notification notification setup so I can go ahead and do that I'm just going to go ahead and click out of these all right click okay there can restore all right so it is optimizing in the background so while this is happening you can actually start working on other things here it's a volume information if you go to SSD it tells you that you have three drives and they are healthy right so next thing we want to do is set up anology that we can go ahead and access our files so you can see if you click on file station it's going to tell you there are no shared folders if you want to go to share folders please create share folder and click okay we're going to go to share folder and we're going to get this started and click okay it is going to automatically um bring you to the setup just going to call this main storage for now going to leave the description empty all right so this is off the main drive as you can see there all right you do have the option hide the share folder subfolder whatever the cases I'm just going to go ahead and click next all right enable additional security measures protected by encrypting it again that's an option that we'll probably get into a little bit later going to skip this for now enable data check some Integrity if you're not sure what anything means you click on this this option is only supported with BTR RFS volume and can't be modified once the shared folder is created okay so again up to you if you want to go ahead and do it just going to leave that for now now we get to enable the share quota all right so I'm just going to Max this out again set it to 10 terab click next and it's going to go ahead and start processing now we want to go ahead and give whoever we want access to the shared folder all right so we do have an admin and a guest however this is myself want to give it to myself read right read only or we can do custom as well all right so I don't have a guest account I'm not going to enable that option don't have another separate admin account so I'm going to leave that as well all right you can see I can local users local groups system admins haven't got into any of that so I want to make sure at least I have access to the share all right let me click apply we can exit out of this all right you can see the main storage is right here now this is our main storage guys we can go ahead and if we wanted to create additional folders we can so if we want to put a Plex folder if we want to do uh folder folder we can go ahead and do that and we'll we can probably make a dedicated video of how to structure your folder definitely it's based on what your preference is but this is your main storage so now you should be able to find this on the network so let's go ahead and give that a shot so I'm going to go to my file explorer I'm going to search for this IP address which is 1.24 right now so let's go ahead and do that talking about file server I'm going to go back SLB SL1 92168 1.24 all right now it's going to ask me for my credentials this is for that account that I created all right so you can see the main storage is right here this is completely empty and the cool thing about this is that I can literally drop a file and it should replicate cuz this is just going back to the folder all right so basically I just created a a test image so I can just drop it on here and right here if we go ahead and refresh this part you now see that test image right there so so that's the basic setup of getting your technology configured getting it registered getting it ready for use the next video I'm going to show you guys how to set up the online access and how to get to your NAS from anywhere in the world
Channel: Triple M
Views: 1,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to setup a nas, nas setup for home, how to setup a nas drive, nas setup for dummies, how to seutp a nas for plex, how to create a nas server, synology, qnap, what is a nas, how much is a nas, what is a network attached storage, seagate, best network attached storage
Id: 9i-3rEo4hco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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