Sykkuno Team-up with James Charles in "Among Us"

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could you be anymore oh well we changed to light green he'll get it next round um james just deafened himself in discord this is gonna be something um jay in chief and def thanks for the subs pog this is gonna be interesting but here's the thing guys i'm bad at imposter james is fairly new to the game this is gonna be an interesting round um also known as we're probably gonna lose because i don't really know what i'm doing um because i'm bad at this and james is you know he's kind of new to the game so he's still learning um did you just pop out of that vent james all right um let's fill up the gas um all right how do we do this guys how do we do this okay you guys i don't know what to do i'm not bad at this okay val ray just went into here did she james was going for a vent oh literal only person i was gonna clear that was so quick i just saw her at the door turned on the i flicked the thing for the power and then i went around the corner and she's dead sorry can you explain where the uh right outside comes so somebody i think oh man it literally just happened and i didn't see a thing which door outside comes right between shields and storage okay closer to the shield side um i was at the cameras um uh i'll just be two minutes oh okay okay wait what did who said that that was good okay um so between calms and shields i passed poking cafeteria i'd be surprised if it was her because the timing's a little like mm-hmm yeah the only people i saw go right that time were james and toast oh that was from that was from electrical you and i we went right at the beginning we were the only two there for like that all around and then we finished in admin i was going to say i cleared i'm kind of soft clear corpse on this kill okay this movement was super crew-like and i was on his ass like that whole round okay i believe dave what was your route this round i went down to actually sweetheart i had a plan we went in and who went out and everyone seemed to be checked out and fine so went over to my long task and someone interrupted in the middle of it which long task the one on the far left with the simon says thing oh okay okay i was just in reactor i didn't see you but okay all right i feel like i should have something i'm gonna skip before someone dies um james got away with it all right nice job james i'm scared how did james get away with that i'm also scared i'm shocked yeah okay oh don't be scared uh i'll see you guys sorry if i missed subs um sometimes i miss them but thanks a bunch ruby and avoca uh caleb connor jay um thanks for the subs guys all right i'm gonna chill on the cameras all right there's pokey um ah dave is here sorry dave that was for killing um goodness goodness me what do we do uh why can't i move um hey guys i can't really walk is that where the body wait who's the cam's right now that's me um how did you not see where's what's happening actually i saw you walking yeah i didn't see it i just went right into cams hey guys i can't move for some reason i was uh you might have to bug okay do you mean you haven't moved this whole room no like i'm i'm bugged i can't will it fix after a meeting or maybe maybe okay well i'll just chill um you know i'm not killing anyone or doing anything because i'm okay it looks like i gotta oh wait there's a meeting right now so charlie oh okay good luck guys i'm going into wait i just got away with it i just got away with it because i'm i'm frozen i think it was five people on the right i'm frozen i'm gonna get away with it and wires i think toast you were right next to him i think he and james were also there too right yep yeah i'm just gonna say i had the movement how did you not see whoever walked in is on the right side i had the movement yeah hopefully it fixes after the meeting did you stay at cafeteria table this whole round then uh no it happened after i walked a little bit i don't know what oh galaxy brain movement bug saves me i can't believe it the movement bug actually okay and later okay check the vodka i mean don't check it now but um if i come from a weird angle it's because i the weird bug yeah are you able to move cycle now yeah i can move now i just spawned in a weird spot guys guys galaxy brain movement bug saves me in one imposter round i figured i would just call a meeting right now to say some things and also we can explain some things to james so james there are certain uh group numbers that it is more favorable to skip for example seven it's better not to kill someone on seven because if you get the wrong vote and there are still two imposters they easily get a double kill and win whereas you would rather just uh vote on even numbers okay like eight or six where you actually have to get someone out what i also wanted to say is that i saw sean standing standing on a vent and i forgot to say it during the last round uh jack i mean so excuse me okay no let me explain it could have been a misstep but i ran down to shields and he ran in from khan's side i was running down from there and he didn't go to shields but he went down a bit and kind of just stood on the fence it looked really funny so i didn't know if it was worth mentioning but i went down to look at you to see if the bar went up and then you left and i like went after you maybe he was gonna jump in but then you showed up maybe he was trying to jump in it and he showed up so he couldn't so um charlie is saying that he got on cams and then he didn't see anyone walk in meaning the body would have happened early and you guys like can you guys 100 percent confirm that everyone was right there was four people on the right side and the thing was okay the only one i didn't see was saikuno because i saw you go to reactor on cams i didn't see saikuno i had to move everything's honestly where did you end that i spawned in the bottom left area but i think i had a movement bug we're clean clean guys i 100 i couldn't walk around for some reason i i don't know what happened i'm going to try to excuse next time i'm in pop it really happened you could check the vaude you'll also know that i'm the imposter but um i actually you know did have the bug as the imposter so technically it happened hey jack guys we can't kill jack oh oh this is perfect good guys there's us of you that's because i am the imposter but we can't okay look i don't want to be paranoid but i saw charlie there standing still menacingly oh because i was i watched you and james go into the nav and i was wondering if one of the kills if one of the kills was gonna happen in there so i just waited okay oh no why would any kill ever happen with somebody else standing right there well i was out of vision range so i was hoping you'd think or toast would think that he was alone and trust me wait i feel like in this situation someone can see someone that someone else can't oh that's true wait what like okay i feel like either she's talking about see charlie when he's not supposed to be able to or charlie can see toast when he's not supposed to be able to but he thinks he's out of vision oh what well i mean i think in this case we can me and charlie can both agree we were with the individuals yeah we could see but wait but then why would charlie say i thought i was uh out of videos they went into nav so when they went into nav i just waited outside of now you know what pokey no no pokey i agree with you we should kill charlie that's true he should have been outside of vision uh i will say i want to like soft clear corpse just seeing him do tasks and stuff okay are you guys still playing yeah people keep calling me do you want us to speed run it for you speed run guys i meant were you in the game sorry oh yeah yeah all right we'll speak felix all right okay so just keep in mind that you're just killing someone or was alone in reactors and he's known for his kill self reports if you're voting me next um rodrigo and deep press and maxwell and galactic and johnny thanks for the subs wow i i thought we i thought we were the worst we could run ever oh okay okay we can we can redo it no i'll redo it no no no no like calling me to please items um they want to redo it i'll i'll redo it i'm crazy all right james let's go up uh over here [Music] um all right just follow him around is he faking a task in front of me when we're both imposters um okay where are you going oh okay um okay we're like just walking around together looking for someone to kill all right james look we gotta kill the dude camping the cameras right now so we we gotta kill the dude camping the cameras so i'm just gonna um go over there oh my god there's like five people camping the cameras um okay why are there so many people camping the cameras here how are we supposed to kill the dude camp there's five people camping the cameras um no man what oh all right i have some info here team i left pokey and james so james was with pokey just a second ago before that body was found hmm it's like we were sticking close to james what did you see um i actually left him when i went to the camera room but i just you know we said speed run it i want to try and keep him alive um it seemed pretty okay when i but i went to the cameras at the end i saw corpse there sakura was following me literally the entire time yeah he seemed pretty okay as far as i only split up for the last like one second but so why are you throwing stuff on james charlie because him and pokey ran through lower engines when i was coming up and then pokey is dead now which means that just happened james what happened to pokey um i have no idea i wasn't electrical i thought poking electrical in the beginning of the round how do you know that charlie if um because i'm right behind toast oh wow okay i will tell you yeah um two imposters here so we gotta kill something i'm blind um okay would be mirrored charlie we should have done that is it you taught us something for a good chunk of that if not all of it i feel like charlie has said one too many suspicious things is it youtube is it you james you want to kill charlie well well i'm thinking it's corporate games now oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait are you guys who are we voting mean this that pokey kill was james is sabotage on your screen right now james what james has not sabotaged at all all right one two three oh no okay i don't want to play anymore i went out i hate this like that all right james you got to get one kill in these seven seconds i really want to let james have it though james it's up to you james okay i wanted him to have it i was hoping james would get it wow wow good job james what you did such a great job you actually carried that round actually it actually did that time my game actually bugged that time so i was you guys should have known by how he was bottom left oh not a calf or like not answering yeah um well my game actually did bug but i bugged right on top of a vent because after i vented out my game froze and i couldn't kill the guy in the reactor oh that was like you know yeah and i was i was bugged on top of the vent like right you being both didn't make me so severe
Channel: Bread
Views: 608,941
Rating: 4.9586658 out of 5
Id: 3oss-d90YYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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