Switchfest 2019 - Mario Tennis Aces Top 6

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Watching people who take me to the cleaners daily get bodied that hard by xeno makes me happy and sad simultaneously.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ToTouchAnEmu ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 06 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Great commentary PKK ;)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/tyschab ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 06 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Were any Simple mode games played at Switchfest?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/supermann423 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 06 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
like bottom three so things have changed a lot in the time span and the game is a lot more balanced now so I highly doubt that you'll even see a junior in top six at all so very different looks like we're starting up right now mm-hmm let's see what character choices yeah and of course you can switch up your controls got him remember that sometimes people play on their default like a switch for so long they didn't forget oh I said controls a really long time ago you know right yeah regardless of who wins this match I gotta say the winner for Best Dressed has to be in sushi yet he's been rockin that getup for the whole tournament and he looks fantastic alrighty yeah but we got the PD a very well represented character actually I remember a lot of people were excited for for that character when they were coming up so oh yeah all right a lot of dedicated PD players and we are seeing the Rosalina format sushi so Rosaline is more of a defensive character the slices that she has curves so JJ's gonna have to watch out for that but she also has a bit of power to it so we're gonna see how that effects that match and here we go starting on hard court just making sure I have all right there we go yeah so I sue she's gonna be the Rosa and yeah JJ okay they're already starting off with a drop shot it look like ya getting first serve can be a really big help if you get it at a nice speed you gain a little bit a meter and meter is everything in my rotation so usually the character that has the meter advantage is going to be the one scoring the points yeah yep that's what both of these two racking up demeanor that's gonna be your first lunch that's when you don't quite get into the range of the characters normal hit oh that's really bad actually and you see right there he took advantage of that positioning knowing that if he went across you're gonna have to burn some meter with that trick shot exactly PD unfortunately is one of the worst lunges in the games you're gonna see that giant monster fly across the court JJ is he careful all right trick shot perfect trick shot actually if you time it correctly then you do get a lot of meter off of a trick shot like that and we here we go we get the SPECIAL in yeah as you can see special shot you can aim it anywhere on the court and just like that gets it right by you music right over people's head yeah even if you block it you do get stun properties so it can be good to drop shot uses a little bit of meter we do have zone speed as well it slows down time so you can position yourself better it uses a lot of meter so you do have to be careful and we got another special in let's see if blue JJ can try and respond back with a point because I've - she's kind of rolling the ball so far yeah I'm interested to see how he blocks it not able to try to predict it going backwards some if you can trick block a shot which means that if you hit it with a trick shot you'll gain no stunt properties so and you also get a meter off of it as well yes it's the most optimal way that you can stop in the game it's also pretty high all right a drop shot yeah I'm just gonna go ahead and try and take that drop and lob that's gonna be a common strategy you see trying to make them go up and down the court depending on the characters up and down speed we could definitely hinder or hurt them yeah he's definitely one of those characters that gets what's a lot apply lobs and drops because before and backwards momentum is slower than his left to right yeah another special coming out it looks like JJ has tied it up yeah very nice angle too especially when you want to be in the front of the court and use your special shot and you can get some nasty angles and makes it pretty much not worth it to go get it yeah most players is the gyro go ability and there are controllers to aim it it crazy good angles so even if you try to trick shot it you won't be able to reach yeah it's basically like if you see people like kind of letting points go it's kind of the same thing as in smash where because I know we got a lot of smashed players in the audience square you kind of just like accept that sometimes you'll get hit with percent this is kind of the same idea basically letting a point up is pretty much letting a joker do his stance like 50 percent or a few Stewart or 70 sometimes yeah buddy here we go just doing some flats both of them gaining some meter we got the rally on 30 so far and I got a max tower shot yeah I got that twice yeah it's gonna be a harder for these characters get the ball past each other just goes with such big bodies and their shots while strong don't really have too much angle to them that's why we're seeing a lot more special shots coming out cuz that's gonna be the way that most of these points are gonna be scored as we see again with that sushi yeah I'm not so sure if like the strategy has just changed in a couple weeks but I'm seeing a lot more specialist a bit way before usually players in na do not use special very often because they like holding on to that meter to use for trick shots but recently in this tournament they be using a lot more special since they find that one of the best ways to score against the Japanese yeah I mean it's a it's just a way of like different playstyles in different regions it's very interesting to watch which is very important for like the development of the game obviously absolutely Japan and na and also EU have very distinct play styles and you can be great to see them on played today yep all right continuing the rally neither these two really making a mistake a lot of times especially in the mid to low level play a lot of mistakes are made like oh I didn't know my range or anything but these two are immaculate players so we're not gonna see any like weird misses anytime soon I take something big from both players usually and you'll see this in tennis a lot characters move up towards the net to try and make more of a play to stifle their opponent so you're seeing JJ kind of do that now but has to back up because the LOB is the best shot to use when your opponent is going at the net okay trick shot yeah have just enough time and this is what you kind of want to work for like getting them into a vortex where they start rapidly losing leader and then in this case using a special on a lob actually gives you the best possible angle so this might be a point for blue JJ if she gets it yeah it decides to let it go now it's like she's gonna start with a lot more meter just I'm around so PD is gonna have to work a little bit to try and get it back up but we're just giving them free shots so yeah max charge shots that's gonna get a lot of meter back for them right and you'll see that they'll stay at baseline and that's mainly due to wanting to build up their meter because you give them a lot of time to react to whatever shots and like I said both of these characters don't really have strong angles so they don't really have much of a reason to leave baseline other than trying to make a move but like JJ is right now yeah alrighty here we go you can see just the strength of those flats and oh so in the MTA community we do call that a gym B Tech based off of the peach player Jim B that's when you read your opponent and hit it at them and they try to read a trick shot hitting it at the other side and in that case that's who she fell for it yeah especially when they're lunching it's pretty much like calling on a panic option when they go through trick shot the other side so that can get a free hit right there yeah sometimes your person is just like oh man I got to get this trick shot in order to say and yeah they totally call it out okay perfect block and I needs to letting out they're actually moving up the T so they're trying to push a little bit more aggression they no-man's land right now nice oh another lucky shot DJ right there and also very lucky cuz now JJ has full meter and that's who she's got to work to build it back up and another special yeah that's pretty much a free point no meter for at sushi so unless he pulls off an insane perfect trickshot or something like that no very smart hitting it right down the line no chance for a sushi to get and this is match point for JJ yeah JJ looking like they're gonna get a point number one on the board of course and quickly you do have to get seven points or if it's a do situation now you have to win two more than so that's data to in that situation so if I'm JJ right now try to make a sushi lose that meter and then once it's low use the special try and finish it off like this is definitely not the time for Teja to do anything risky she's gonna want to keep that meter yep this is the zone speed neither these two really in danger losing a lot of meter another trickshot that's who she's starting to lose it a little bit faster all of a sudden back down into the yellow gotta make something happen otherwise blue JJ looks like they're gonna try and get that first point here in the side for strong flats gonna push them back i sees a trickshot approaching the net and that drop shot calls off the trickshot and it looks like JJ's gonna be taking Game one that's yeah Petey piranha mhm the horizontal range or actually the vertical range of the horizontal trick shots not the greatest for a lot of characters so if you're not in the right lateral position then can sometimes be a free point even though you think you're in the right range yes there are four different types of trick shots one forward one back and two to each side so in that case we went for a side trickshot when should have gone forward yeah also each trickshot actually produces a different type of shot you'll see that side tricks produce slices back tricks to produce flats and board trick shots to produce a drop shots the only exceptions are for certain cares like fire piranha plant which every trick shot is a topspin and what's his name dry bones his back trick is actually a lob which is crazy compared to a lot of the characters in the game right and I'm expecting a character change here from that sushi let's see they're out they bring out a little PD dance going on right now got a luma amputee dance going on right now switching up the rackets I'm switching up rackets it doesn't change too much unless you are a tricky character in which the curves go a different angle but we are seeing the luma coming out from that sushi this is what as sushi used to take down Jake and Hart a battle back in February yeah all righty this is gonna be interesting let's see yeah this is gonna be going on Night Court so this is gonna be faster than the hard court pick that we saw in Game one so Shawn's gonna go a lot faster and they're gonna definitely go a lot faster we're gonna see with luma you hear that little jingle that is a jingle shot if the ball bounces before luma hits it i luma gets a supercharged shot which goes super fast and has some extra properties to it so you're just gonna need to be aware and position themselves correctly definitely encourages luma to stay on baseline for sure yeah but also luma just doesn't have the range so he's gonna be careful and have to use those trick shots well in order not lose a lot of meter and getting it back yeah all righty keeping up with the rally I got a max try shot a little bit of stun not too much to worry about for blue JJ and now something that is now in play with this matchup is going to be knocked back so smooth on such a small body PD has the ability to knock move my back way way far mm-hmm if he gets like a supercharged shot and if at sushi were to miss a counter right now after she's keeping it pretty strong and both of them are near full meter yeah neither these two really letting up of course a lot of times sometimes on the rally you're just trying to see how they figure out their positioning what they prefer what shots they prefer you're getting a lot of data during this downtime yeah usually the first few points are for downloading and thankfully neither of these guys are losing that much meter because if you don't have a lot of meter at the start the match can start to snowball yeah it might be interesting to see if that happens at any point in this top six where a player might just completely overtake another one just through meter alone yeah neither them really letting up okay just gonna go trickshot to the other side got plenty of time I have them really make a move there's a big lunch let's see what he starts with okay gonna spin horse out of chick shot man but if you look at that chick shot just like no meter was lost doing that yeah an interesting thing right now Walden I could go up to the net and volley a bit more to make PD a bit more on edge like I said before I'm hitting the ball before the bounce oh there it is hit the ball after the bounce does produce a stronger shots yeah looks like she's trying to do that but you see now right as the approaches special shot comes out okay got the block this is a meter reset basically both these dudes gonna start off in the red now all right but now look at this fully charged shot let's see how far yeah luma getting puts way back but unable to capitalize this JJ and a huge lunge look how far our PD has to fly off the court and that's the first point because of it yeah that was a very hard-fought point but very great stepped on sushi that was a very smart pick with a lob shot to trying to make Petey go as far back as possible yes you can kind of see if they get that little sparkle on the racket that means that they're performing a fully-charged shot and that's where these stunt properties come in with the lobs you saw how crazy high and curvy they can become so there are off players and a zone shot coming out down the line yeah very rare actually you usually don't see the zone shots happen a whole lot they're very easy to block and usually the mead a lot of people say the meter is really not worth it for what you get out of it you trying to miss trying to get that charge and completely misunderestimated that range of luma yeah well it looks like they're not gonna be losing too much meter because of it all of that that's gonna be really strong yeah she's playing a little bit nervous I feel like I see the zone speed a lot more when he's not really in too bad of a position I think he's just wants to confirm where the ball is going so he's still not losing meter but I think blue JJ's playing very confident so far yeah JJ's defense well besides that lunch right there I'm really good I'm still staying and it hasn't really dropped below green meter other than having to use the special yeah I've been really huge because PD arrives on meter and once he loses it it can be really hard for me to get back in it with a poor mobility I hope you guys aren't tired of that little jingle sound yet and definitely oh okay oh that was a jingle shot and there was nothing that you could do without losing a bunch of meter mm-hmm it's got a way for that right moment and the the hole in the defense and you just got to take a shot sometimes man and it works out for us to see right now that's right and right now looks like it's too cheesy being a little bit more offensive utilizing those jingles to great effect and JJ trying to find where on the court will best suit PD try and move up at time trying to call out these side tricks but also moving back in preparation for a jingle shot yeah both these suit yeah not letting up okay tries to go for the same side that's more funny anything that's interesting a sushi is really not going after these side tricks because after the side trick usually you can try to board texture character and make them lose a lot a meter but it's who she is choosing to stay back and go back to baseline uh-huh to avoid any mistakes ooh a big push back oh actually tries to call out a Jimmy tech maybe but not quite able to find anything right big drop oh the big ones this should be oh right down the middle I think maybe they're trying to catch like a blind spot on trick shot but yeah usually there is a dead zone with trick shots especially these side ones but in that case it looks like JJ was just in the right position in order to get it but we are seeing a lot of meter drainage coming from JJ so they're gonna need to build it back up another big lunge that's really bad oh and they gonna go get it right now nothing on JJ's side of the board every time I sushi gets the point you can hear the Japanese players in the bag just rooting rooting for him absolutely but JJ also has their fans yeah very wholesome oh yeah there's there's a blind spot unfortunate yeah I believe that luma is at Sookie's best character I think is definitely the stronger characters in the game at the top five in the tier list yeah definitely I don't like the 80 range I believe a lot of people up there thanks she was really strong flats but I would say that luma is a better character than PD and can definitely attack you to you better than most characters in the game mhm yeah both these characters have relatively good representation I feel in the scene so yes all right let's see drop shot Oh trying to push a little bit on into the front yeah but the lavas just gonna go ahead and reset position here you have to lose a little bit of meter though to get that this is a big chance for JJ had at sushi in yellow meter and it's got to try and make him lose meter in any way possible you can see that JJ is now coming up to the net gonna try and start something maybe a vortex yep there's some more meter loss but you have to watch out for those dingo shots they just come by too quick ooh oh that's unfortunate really big missed there from blue JJ yeah luma is a technical character so those angles on the star shots are really really good and it can throw up a lot of players even ones at the top level yes we got a lob on soo she's ready for it though but here we go close to low meter for X if she this is JJ's chance of maybe sneaking a point well looks like they're both going back and that's what you're gonna have time to vote the back up to green Oh perfect Rick shot yeah this resets the situation now here's the LOB pb's tall enough to catch that of course yeah funny fact PD was originally a boss character in the story mode so they had to size him down so the camera when PD place is actually pushed back farther than any other character in the game just so that he can fit on the court yeah oh that lob yeah okay there we go got the El cancel so you can cut you can cancel your charge with an with the with the L button and then you can feel free to move around in case you don't think you're in the right position so JJ taking advantage of that making sure that they're still in the game here yeah of course the problem with that is that you don't get the full charge and you yeah I'm seeing the meter that if you get full charge you get a lot of meter on your side of the court we didn't help out a lot when you're trying to score some points or do well on defense a great call it on that lob yeah just goes in on the slice and JJ's not going down on this game without a fight even though they're downright like five-oh right now yeah like this is a lopsided match but it's certainly not in the case of like each point has definitely been a battle for both players yeah they're definitely going in all right what's the trick shot the other side I think sue she's definitely getting more out of their charges though man we're on a 90 rally right now my goodness I just happened to catch it on the side of the screen but sometimes you're just so mesmerized but hit the ball going back and forth such an interesting thing to see yeah that's just what you're gonna see with these bigger characters like PD is that they tend to have these longer matches just because they can reach the ball fairly well yeah that's sue she being such a great player being able to utilize these trick shots they can stay in the match for much longer than most players yeah it's funny because in heavies and like other games sometimes you think that are really aggressive or something or like they really want to go in but usually the big character okay finally gets a point yeah people are getting high for it yeah the the heavy characters like the big ones are actually most of it for the most part they're pretty defensive all across the board yeah we do have a defensive class and that's where characters like waluigi and boom-boom stay PD is a powerful character and you see that with the plots being as strong as they are and especially on full charge and calling out the lob there even though luma was way far back but we are seeing some meter loss yeah luma without meter Oh a jingle shot yeah thought they were in the range and I thought it was there in the rain shoot I thought they were got at least got a lunch but looks like not quite so this is a match point of course you get the different music change when we're on match point oh and I mean the technical character of being luma those flats can go right down the line yes and if you don't call it out it can be a problem so Jay Jay loses that game we going to Game three yeah and the last game for either one of our competitors was a very strong response from at sushi actually oh yeah after starting off well actually Jay Jay actually had a pretty solid lead the first match but the Lumis which definitely worked out now I'm curious to see if Jay Jay would swish up something else I know they have a Mario but they do have a Mario but they haven't played it in quite a while yeah is a humongous Mario fan it was playing Mario for the first few months of the game but then Mario just what sticking around he's usually low-tier all those NL plays I'm pretty dang well yeah so they moved on over to PD I'll have to see what's gonna happen here if JJ might switch off of PD and maybe go to Luigi who they have played in this tournament hey we're thinking we're seeing tomorrow I think no no got me excited already not quite all right now who we are going on to inferno Island the highest bounce in the game so these shots are going to be flying once they hit the court mm-hmm you can see that the it's also fastball speed so if you're not careful just like on my car this trucks gonna go right by you yeah okay yeah I was looking at the mecca Coopers and making sure they're not gonna move whether the hazards on they kind of interrupt the game this is a huge moment right now as you see has no meter yeah so if Beauty does have served if they can start getting these points out like this JJ might be able to get off to a strong lead and that's who she might not be able to recover yeah not able to get that just power on those shots like we said before and of course inferno has that high bounce and fast speed so it's looking a little bit difficult yeah burned out meter again this is really big for blue JJ but because of the bounce the drop shot wasn't able to drop fast enough and look like that's what she is gonna be making way back to get some more meters that's what that lunch happening mm-hmm I know JJ looking like they're starting to lose a little bit meter Otsu she's starting to get their footing that's like we're back in the green it looks like they're gonna be more comfortable with their shot selection now yeah that's definitely a really big 20.0 so for JJ yeah very big especially against the caliber the type of players we're seeing today sushi is not one to go quietly into the night so JJ getting those points is very huge for the start and those flats are gonna be really strong on this part as well so I mean if JJ can stay strong on defense they might be able to use those points with the advantage and take the set a little bit right out of the range but the trickshot works just fine trying to go a little bit aggressive at net yeah and decided to go back knew that the LOB was coming and I sue she's starting to burn the meter really fast yeah I gonna burn it pretty much completely with this trickshot not looking too good but the rally boy that's good lunge and get the perfect trick that's a huge thing for us to be able to get the meter back mm-hmm sometimes you just gotta risk it man well there we go the meters just burning so quickly for our sushi can I get a little bit of charge here but yes uses his own speed but that's a big lunch is gonna be able to get a max charge shots out of that to keep himself a little bit more alive in this game you own another big ones from Jay Jay Jay Jay actually burns it all and we got a meter reset here either these two players could definitely get in that snowball period we're talking about yeah once especially PD if p2 gets up to that low meter I mean the movement it's just not there but a huge one oh yeah right outside a rake a trick shot looks like Jay Jay starting to get a little bit of momentum back yeah Jay Jay fans are going crazy and stands right now against the fully charged flat oh man that's looking so good for Jay Jay oh no oh man just little bit muscled mixed mixed up the zone speed with the l-cancel and lost that point and now it's sushi back in the green that was a big mistake by Jay Jay yeah nothing too big still three one yeah still got a lot of potential here of course that sushi is pretty much I think the favored to win so if Jay Jay does get this set that would be a really big upset and my books yeah you know would be the final Japanese player left in the bracket will be repping all of Japan oh did you see that angle I think I was a single tap and really nice stuff yeah those that Lang goes from luma are super strong down back to the red yeah uses own speed oh the slam comes in oh that's perfect time for a trick shot and a shot at the rally bonus too I think really bad for PD low on meter he just can't lose it because you can't use those side tricks and then boomer can build up the meter from these shots yeah asou she's trying to apply the pressure going just across the side wherever PD is burning up the meter this is really bad I think that's gonna be a point yeah yeah you can see right there like just did not have the movement speed to get to these angles and this is where ETSU she can make a big rush to get these points okay at least JJ got the nice so gonna get a little bit of meter back on that surf JJ acted doing a very good job getting themselves back to yellow meter at the very least yeah keeping him themselves a little bit more alive in this game oh that's some pretty nice angle but on soo she's ready for it gonna go for that blob now I think in this match JJ's actually been going up to net a lot more frequently I think relying on Inferno Island to get those angles that PD needs to get it past LUMO yeah and we're actually we see a reverse in the meter yeah just slowly starting to burn it got a little bit of rally bonus okay nice a fade back didn't have to use too much meaner Otsu she's still burning meter old that's a really big lunch though I get the pulley chart shot so that meters back in the yellow and now in the green these two are trading meters really frequently yeah it says a lot about their play styles and their mental that they even without all this meter free points stay alive probably just let it go by hopefully PD does have serve right now so they can get a nice room and get some meter back yes he doesn't get it oh that's a big lunch yeah I'm just topspin across that's very big for ETSU she's very very bad for Jay Jay has no meter to work with and that's who she's sitting on so much and these jingle shots can be really hard to react you without any meter guess the perfect trick that's gonna help out so much okay space back tries to go out the net with no meter actually very interesting to see oh and they're gonna have to fade back uses it all up on the zone speed get a little bit more space with the law but not enough to do it that's another point fraud sushi yeah the problem here is that wall JJ would like to stay back and get some more meter these angles from luma like he has to be up and to prepare for opportunity here always saying look going with cross-court goes the same side oh and a perfect trickshot that's just the that's kicking my legs down man yeah being able to get the full meter now and who a lot of meat are having to be used just to stop these angles and infernos happen to be helping because the ball is just gonna go faster once it bounces and this is match point set point for at sushi that's big lunge gonna get a little bit of meter there can JJ bring this back getting the meter back going into the yellow potential all back in the green and got the rally bonus - that's gonna be really big to try and keep themselves alive in this game here yeah this is gonna be very cute for JJ they're gonna need to find a way to drain the meter of at sushi walls of keeping their meter high but once again back in the groove red is both characters oh man all those down again I think that's a free point unless JJ can make this guess and they do guess the slice there but still not enough meter the drum shot another opportunity for our sushi does brings it down on the slant goes in and that's gonna be the point a Tatsu she takes the set there man great play by JJ came off to that early lead but once PT's meter was drained there's just nothing that PD could do but both of them played great and a really exciting set to start off this top six man the first set of the morning man yeah man that woke me up real quick oh oh it's such a great sign hope you guys enjoyed that one that was incredible to see it now I believe if I'm not mistaken that top three is gonna be best of five yeah so we're gonna be getting our next match real soon huh huh man I can't get over that set they played their heart out yeah I mean of course we're na so not too much with just a little bit so it's Japan versus na right now like this is the storyline this was going in anybody that can be you know who was able to win hard to battle back in Japan back in Japan back in February I mean that's the big goal for everybody here yeah okay well up sushi gonna make making that losers run we're gonna have to see who his opponents gonna be because this next losers match is gonna decide what we got in semi yes we got the best player from Canada ibuprofen is gonna be coming up next going up against Mike a player from New York who usually doesn't play too often in tournaments but has showed up at a lot of off lines and usually places very well got second place at Gator land in Florida against bits who you might also remember back in heart a battle I kind of got destroyed by Zeno but other than that sit super well yeah there well for na Sanders very well but Mike very good player usually plays chomp so another big character but has also been dabbling in other characters like boom boom as well as kamek okay going on with all the the villain characters it looks like yeah but it which is funny because he's like the nicest guy you'll ever meet alrighty here we go let's see I think we're setting out they're getting their controllers put in all righty yeah so I've been around the game for a very very long time all the way back since July and total labrat like we're talking about like day one he had the Google Docs open had like 20 pages of notes talking about how to play in standard also created the standard guy that you'd be find on the MTA discord and Mike kind of joined in a little bit late but like I said doesn't join a lot of tournaments but when he does he gets really good placings and showing it today being able to get top six yeah barely stack tournament mm-hmm all righty yes they're just gonna go ahead and get things out well that stuff is going through our headphones right now there we go oh yeah there we go yeah all righty yeah this is gonna be an interesting one to say yeah i IV Pro Finn I think this is their first time offline as well so first offline yeah so we're gonna have to see how this goes down gonna be very interesting to see yeah I'd be super good player I'd say top five all-time just like going through timelines like I said they've been around for so long yeah be playing Yoshi who's his favorite character also has a peach but from what he's told me he's gonna be sticking by Yoshi yeah and what Mike's gonna choose I think it will be chomp but he's also said that Ivan can kind of destroy his chomp so we'll see if there's gonna be any character changed on the part of Mike yeah all righty looks like we're ready to get things started let's see these character choices also hoping that they remember to change their carrot ooh and if this is true I'm gonna be super excited because we got Diddy Kong oh yeah mic at my main is also like my favorite Nintendo character so I'd be super hyped to see Diddy Kong being played against this Yoshi and looks like we are so yes yeah I mean PK I know he's a up here commentary right now but he's also very fantastic player got a win off of a gym raid another day yeah I remember yeah so don't think you don't think he's just a commentator easily actually a credible only lost to my candidate you all are wondering you representatives do shoutouts to him for being able to make it all the way from illy yeah the diddy kong and they're going to play so this would give me a very interesting matchup too speedy characters who are gonna be able to get around the court very quickly while the ball moves kind of slow okay alrighty oh there's a slipstream I wonder what happen okay anyways here we go let's see how this goes down for both these players already I pull off to which you 2 meter lead but with helping Mike in the clay court can help me stay alive a little bit longer but no meter to stop this special shot coming from either yeah that's gonna be a free point basically right Adam oh yeah I try to go to check shot alrighty yeah of course the clay court you're gonna see those drop shots drop a lot faster it's just gonna not move at all basically it's gonna be up to Mike to find some type of pole and I blues play and I guess that's good that's gonna be one of them yeah okay this guy got a blind spot there with that angle so yeah the side trick from Diddy Kong has a bit of a curve to it so if you're not ready it can throw you off you needle and the main goal for titty Kong while he is a speedy he actually goes better more as a defensive character so you're gonna see him play back more and try to build a meter and then try to go up and get some decent balls yeah alright perfect Rashad comes in there we go oh and love that's gonna be really big Oh and there we go so we got a special on the law which is gonna give him a good angle let's see where he aims it mm-hmm hits it right at I boo okay gonna get that block burns up a lot of meter for but still in the spin animation that yeah so that's gonna use up the meter now we got the meter reset oh but a big lunge did his backhand is not very good so Mike probably wasn't ready for the rains and now Mike with no meter I let's see what the options gonna be okay actually catches it even the able to get the counter but still slides back very far yeah something that I Bou does very well is make sure it's to charge the shot as much as possible because he made you get the correct counter like if you charge it so much you're gonna get knocked back really far and get he is a light character alright I'm gonna go in with the slam and another love you oh she won't make it back can I get a little bit meter but actually both of them will perfect trick shots all around yeah getting trick shots through the back of the court is one of my specialties when I play against them he's always able to find those side tricks another side trick yeah she's gonna burn up a little bit meter going up to T I'm gonna refuse a little bit of that metered shortage backhand slice is one of Diddy's better offensive tools so you're gonna see that quite a bit trust trying to find a way to get it passed I boo both of them at decent meter but Mike's kind of off the court so that ya go by I boos can be really nasty all right there we go yeah that's really far push back will he make it back okay well we'll Annie got to keep his meter I thought for sure it was gonna be a pop up so he's staying in it but both have red meters so this might be a chance for her yeah there it is yeah of course if you haven't caught on already when you do a trick shot but you have no meter then it pops up in the air so it makes it a very easy setup for a free point just like that as example yeah what's the option gonna be topspin gonna have to slide too far back yeah all the way back to the court that's what happens if you miss those counters yeah of course all the way back nothing Diddy Kong can do yeah pretty crazy when you go back behind the rests in this game yeah the toys just have to be like whoa drop shot fully charged it I think but not enough to get pass I boo and have to go in cross-court both of them at yellow meter these jobs like said she's been saying are going to drop a lot faster on this Court so it's gonna help out did it come quite a bit cuz it does have a decent drop against Yoshii who another pushback big opportunity for able to get the point a little bit a topspin on the other side keeps himself in the game yeah something to note is that lobs are usually the most susceptible shots to being perfectly trickshot so it can be really scared to do cross court law like that when your opponent can get those trick shots as well as these players can all right gets a special their body shot in the morning for sure yeah body shots of course will be points for whoever the initiated the shot so yeah I mean Michael hasn't really been down on the meter I think just i boosters making some good plays like in positioning so it makes Michael in a bad position yeah able to get points off that instead one of the issues with Diddy Kong is that he doesn't really have a winning condition you've been kind of seeing that what I've been doing is charging up the shot a lot and using the knock back that Yoshi has to push Diddy off the court Diddy Kong doesn't really have that kind of option so the best that Mike could do right now is just build up the meter maybe get a special or just try to get a shot by him or get lungis like that yeah alright yeah red meter not gonna be looking too good yep just another pop-up that's gonna be another point for Ibou unless unless no for the LOB he's been mixing it up each time and that's been throwing Mike off guard yep he saw he was even like up at the net like expecting like another just shot to go right past him but nope just uh gonna be another point for hypu here we go 5-1 goes for the drop but it goes right to I boo fully charged and Diddy is back at the court again and this is a match point for I boo in this game one all the lungs from diddy that's gonna be huge this will likely be it for Mike unless you can pull off some craziness yeah pretty low meaner III don't have too much faith right now that that's not me and not having faith in Michael that's just me not having faith in Danny Kong kind of with low meter Thanks yeah and then here comes a special likely we'll be aiming it down into the left or right not really much the dead Kong can do especially with that meter doesn't have one of the reasons that any players don't do specials very often is because they don't like to use their meter but they can also do that and name it right down and hit the net and all right be the second point from Mike and maybe a breath of life I'm gonna get that slam right in okay yeah just building off the meter very slowly good let Michael got a second prep of life here yeah now he's back in the yellow meter gonna be able to get back to green and gets knocked back a drop shot yeah that forces Ivo to use up a lot of meter would be ridiculous that Michael can somehow pull off this comeback just based on that missed special shot by Ibou yeah that would be crazy it's already back in the meters that back in the game actually gonna go with that trick shot yes keeping himself alive yeah neither of these two letting up right now I think we tank and that's another point before the diddy kong yeah he still got a lot of work to do as a score three more points just to get into a tiebreaker situation but he's got the meter to do it yeah oh my gosh I'm so mad I still mesmerized Mike but the second second chance it was exciting that we're gonna be getting this match point music for like the rest of the set yeah I mean we're gonna be on edge for the rest of this time yeah Michael really trying to start the aggression here oh when the LOB has to slide back a little bit but still pushing that advantage position here a little bit of a lunch but gonna be fine this is using up that meat her I was gonna need to find a way to drain that meter from Michael and get it back to where it was before that MS special shot yeah and then I'll definitely give him the best opportunity but Michael liked it one of his best things is his defense and he will not say no to saving the ball even if he doesn't have any meters so it's gonna be a bit harder for iboot to get this especially when mike has all this meter yeah the perfect trick shot comes in those angles on the topspin Oh immediately on the block with the net oh man there's so many lunges coming out but he has enough meter to keep himself alive so he doesn't have to worry about too much I feel like a special shot might come out soon though just because he's at 1/2 meter I might have to use it up yep there it is okay so didi Kong does have the meter to stop this special shot but we'll have enough a meter to survive the stun that's gonna come with it the big block ah not cool I thought he had the right position there but just a centimeter off on that yeah clay-court coming in clutch for IB right there making the ball drop just in the nick of time so I does take that game one after a scare with the special mm-hmm and though and while I am happy that my fellow conquest member was able to throw the Diddy out there and top six I do expect the character change and a court change depending on what character he chooses yeah but could you have imagined could you imagine if the miss special caused a five-point comeback yeah it almost did I like even though he only got one point out of it it was like that the threat of it was really there there I mean once he had that meter back at full just a few more reads maybe you could have brought it back mm-hmm but I mean specials can be really hard to come back from especially when drops are as strong as they are on that Court sticking with the Yosh and there's the mic branded Chain Chomp unfortunately the switch doesn't have the chomp hats that Mike loved so much so he's gonna have to go Barenaked chomp but here we are going to a hard court yeah unfortunately you can't unlock the hats after the event ends yes all righty the rival thumb for the chat for the chomp hats everybody yeah all right here's a good boy with the serve already yeah you see it is a very very big boy like that's a bad start playing with chopped against I boot just because I just tends to steamroll him but this is his best character and he is a defense he's like a weird mix he's like a power character but it's also a bit defensive but he also has really good angles so he can be a really strong character once he has meter but his main goal right now is gonna be to build up the meter with these side tricks and be able to come into this match yeah okay got a little bit of meter to work at all but that's his own speed yeah I'm making him run all across the court like a dog not quite working out balance that's another plop see what the option is gonna be laughs spin another big difference here is Diddy Kong being a lightweight he was gonna get pushed back by those shots a lot more chomp has the highest knock-back resistance out of any character being the giant metal ball that he is yeah so you're not gonna see him get pushed back on the court too often unless he has a really bad counter oh it has to use up that meter for the yeah we're seeing a little bit of drop in lob strategies just to make Chomp have to use zone speed rather than trick shots and burning up a lot of meter for him that's usually the fall for these big characters that they can't move up and down quite as well as the other characters especially Yoshi who is in the speedy class drop shot yeah not much you can do about that once you already pick the wrong counter for that right Mike still in the red so I mean he's still got a lot of work to do just to feel comfortable against I boohoo at any point to just approach the net and attack them all right on the charge here yeah easy slice just to be able to counter that okay finally back into green on the meter here potentially might see a special shot yeah right on the lunge or whenever I boo makes a mistake right and this he actually be really good for I boo because it's gonna force oh oh no try to go for the trick block but did it too early thankfully in this case no rackets broken so he doesn't have to worry about losing the match oh yeah in quick play they only give you one racket so if we had rackets on that would've been the end of the match right there yeah alright Mike works best when he has the meter and he can utilize these side tricks and then he feels more comfortable attacking the net all right there we go yeah perfect trickshot Olin says this nice use it for a special shot let's see if they can get the point careful yeah of course you'll see oh there's the example of the trickshot no knock back sustained and didn't lose any more meter than the trickshot allowed oh yeah I win for I boo there it's very difficult to pull off if I if I say so myself like it's very rare that people actually get the right guess and the right timing on it as well yeah because for special shots not only do you have to be in range with the trickshot you also have to press the button at just the right time in order to get that trick lot to happens yeah very great by Ibou in order to do that and you can see how big of an impact it's made on this point hong-man yeah that was that was just such a clutch play for my boo I thought that Michael thought okay I'm gonna try and push my advantage here with the special shot and then I who just denied him the satisfaction of it we're looking at potentially a bagel right now that's true a bagel being a 7 Oh in the case of this match yeah that'll be like a JV foreign smash so we'll see how it goes down guys because this is the plop yeah this is gonna be Michael's game plan right now is just try to find drop Chuck yeah try I think maybe called it as a flat got pushed away far back because Yoshi actually does have a decent amount of power for him despite being a speeding and last chance oh my goodness and that's how it is okay all righty that's it imagine that was on purpose yeah but okay yeah well take well and we heard a golf claps from the audience here yeah very interesting things happen that bad who say so myself but if I had to take a guess on what was happening I think that maybe he was trying to position himself in a way so that he can get a good angle on the return shot but he just missed the timing on his shot he got body shot yeah poor dog poor dog all righty are we moving on into the loser Sammy's here gonna be Ibou again and associate this time all right so best in Canada versus one of the best in Japan going up against each other another two out of three she's gonna go because he did well with the luma but he started off with the Rosalina and we have to see which character he feels comfortable with against one-month likely be a Yoshi from IV yeah we'll have to say is it interesting in a sense pretty much everyone carries a Loyalists for the most part no matter what happens to their character be they're there for whatever most of the time people just still play whatever whoever they like so for the most part that is the case I do see him over toad toad definitely not a played character at least not a character that many people play shoutouts again RTO who usually plays them but toad our toads counterpart though tonette toad at one of these scariest characters in the game I don't think we'll be seeing toe dead unless one of our winner or winners finals competitors decide that he might need to throw it out there little biggest Jake but I doubt that will be the case mm-hmm don't connection lost all right looks like they gotta set it up again yeah all righty yep there we go anyways yeah toad ed oh man that's uh that's it that's a character a lot of history so pretty much how junior was considered really good at the start of the game toad out was considered that at the midpoint yeah got a bunch of buffs was originally consider a load to your character but then got a bunch of bucks having has amazing angles incredible side trick the defense is actually the best part of toadette because the side tricks are just so strong and Jake came out and just destroyed everybody for quite a while until Angie come in and win some more tournaments yeah all right yeah let's see this is pretty big for Ibou because I know he had to lose to Zeno in order to get here unfortunately so he really really wants the run back but and I'm really good to see how he's gonna face off against that sushi I think that I who thinks he can win but it's sooo she's such a strong competitor and we saw that even in the face of a 102 sit against JJ he was able to come right back yeah so we'll have to see at sushi definitely has a very strong mental resilience when it comes to being put under pressure so I mean you guys think about it you know and that's easier the only ones a flu or actually and Bazzi Toma by the time oh yeah place I believe ya got ninth place losing to Mike and Lopez Jake yeah but an amazing boom-boom player that came by yeah and we were happy that he was able to come yeah but they like flew 2,000 miles they were the first and second place of the tournament and they got more competitors this time to have to worry about thankfully yeah so it was a lot stronger than yeah we do have the Yoshi from I boo I'm interested to see what that's ooh she's gonna be choosing he is hovering over the Luigi but is the default place your token is placed all right oh yeah okay we saw before that those jingle shots from luma could be really scary so if I boo were to go into a meter disadvantage she would have to try really hard to climb his way back I get those powerful shots all right and we're starting on night this used to be the only stage that you can play the finals like about online tournaments in they did change that thankfully yeah it's true but it also is in my opinion one of the prettier stages in the game it's very true like I see with the blue and the red and also the names in the back of the court yeah Oh starting off already with a nice and look like a sushi wasn't ready for it yeah it did get a jingle shot on it so I did have to react quickly but I blue we'll be starting off with the meter advantage which is very big on the start of this match especially on the court like night like I said guys hope you're not tired of the the luma jingles yet alrighty here we go yeah I'm sushi starting off with low meter but luma can make that back reasonably well as long as they get the max charge shots yeah starting to get the meter in today yellow now but I've got a pretty significant advantage yes I saw a special but does have luma in yellow so even if they return it they'll probably be too stunned in order to get the return and gets a good angle from it mhm that's who she decided to why not try but not quite gonna be able to find out with it being infinite racquets there's no risk in trying which usually leads to a lot of pipe plays uh-huh oh yeah so there is some oranjee in this game coming from the net sometimes a shot will hit the net and will result in shots like that where it pretty much acts as like a de facto drop shot I can throw a lot of players off it can definitely help you depending on if it just plops right in front of you while you're charging or it can completely mess you up and you have to move forward and cancel your shot and it's huge meter advantage for IB right now full meter on his side nothing for at sushi at least until he got that nicer yeah still in the red only a quarter of a meter available and I'd be looking very comfortable so far doesn't look like they have to really worry about a meaner loss so far yeah it looks like I bruise goal is to build up meter and then stick a tee and use those really strong slices of Yoshi to throw luma off their game because although they are really strong they do have poor range so if one of them get past and get a good lunge like that you might see some meter loss all right here's slice to the other side and this is the vortex I'm talking about look at all that meter that that's what she had to drain just to stay in this point yeah look at those angles from luma though really trying to make eye boom move all across the corn and there we go the LOB shot finally gonna be able to try and burn off a little bit of meter off of him yeah not too bad of a trade Forex sushi because he was able to make I believe drain a lot of his meter as well but still I does have the advantage when it comes to that aspect of this match oh now both of them in the red at sushi with nothing I do only with a little bit yeah all of a sudden we got a meter reset here oh but the rally bonus that gave a lot for Abu actually a trickshot so I'd sushi for the first time has the lead in meter but there's a lob has to go really far back for that maybe a drop shot okay goes for the topspin right down the middle and there's gonna be the slam sushi gonna take his first point finally yan I'm not sure if I like that choice from Abu because it did give at sushi a chance to charge up into the shop yeah and got more meter president yeah sometimes it's not even if you can't hit the ball back sometimes it's not worth it just because you can do another lob shot by accident and then cause a lot of cause a lot of metering loss so or meter game for your pony excuse me have one of the best lobs in the game you can see how they go like all the way to the corner of the court so having someone as fast as Yoshi has a lot of trouble getting there in time on a court like 19 yeah just keeping things even now I booth still gonna be oh okay got the chip attack well actually no that was more of a dead zone yeah about it got right in the middle I think I kind of mix up there unfortunate while these perfect trick shots man getting so much meter off of it perfect trick on the lob and now both of them I think for the first time both of them in the green yeah neither does I'm really opting to use a special yet they're just using that meter for his own speed to get into a good position oh that's sly single but yo she's ready for it that might not be good for oh yeah hey I boo had to have that little bit of jump so he had more landing lag when he landed smash but he has to use this special oh yeah had the right range had the right idea not quite the positioning for it all right so 14 4i boo and does have the meter advantage once again although it is close okay perfect trick shots oh yeah I've lost a lot of meter there but they got the rally bonus front tricks stopping that fully charged topspin usually those can be used to stop and stun all righty the LOB fully charged one of courses I go all the way back oh that's it Jimmy Tech right yeah all righty all across the court Oh the front trick this time actually you don't see those too often anymore yeah usually it's good on courts like night and grass and that can be used at really good angles but a loo mode can charge wall moving which makes them a lot easier for them to reach these shots and Yoshi being a speedy character you can get to those shots fairly well on it too yeah right yeah there's a lob both of these two about 1/2 meter now I don't think we might see a big play sometime soon with one of them gets to meet her advantage looks like that sue she's taking a lead on this oh come on a big lot a big lunch yeah now this is a big chance for Ibou draining all that meter that at sushi has just hitting it back and forth forcing him to uses don't meter just stay in the point oh these mistakes my eye boo of course gonna lose a lot of meter and now he's in the red as well oh that's a big lunge what's often gonna be Oh right down the middle on a dead zone yeah oh there's a nice serve to Ibou all of a sudden way back in the lead what's barely able to get that trickshot that could have been a problem since Ibou was only two points away from taking his first match all right there we go the perfect trickshot comes in trying to keep themselves alive here yeah and I'm gonna have to burn up some meter not quite getting the right positioning so I have to force these meter to keep themselves in game here I've been trying to stick to tee but as since you're doing a very good job at baseline getting these jingle shots and forcing him away so he can't get a lot of charge on the shots yeah okay this rallying back and forth gaining a little bit meaner on both sides yeah this is one of the bigger rallies that we've seen between these two since both of them finally have green leader but we do see Ibou trying to make an attack and here it goes okay another perfect trickshot lunch yeah that's gonna be a very strong lob look at all this meter yes the bird just to stay in it yep yeah and no meaner being lost on those trick shots now that they have so much to work with as I'm moving inches like centimeters on the meter screen I mean I've been trying his best but it's just doing a very good job with using these trick shots and being able to gain back the meter that he loses yeah one no longer rallies we've had so far like you said we just hit 60 oh man we hit 70 yeah these two going back at it oh I had a little bit of a stutter step and now this is a good chance for at sushi both them in the yellow but perfect reggae now they're both the back to green but now they're back to yellow and they're just trading back and forth yeah they're really trying to push each other on these shots the maxing out their range on it trying to catch them making a mistake it's not quite happening both of these two they just have enough meter to say face and then come back into the groove of it oh but down the middle yeah that's big for at sushi only one point away from tying this back up yeah same time mix-up not quite falling for it okay yeah I like the spacing when I was to see make sure he's in the range with a trickshot oh the star good sales right over his head and we got a tied match here in Game one yeah if that happens a lot actually where people think they're in the star and it turns out they're in the height this is like you got to keep your eye on the star if you're in it then you get that blue indicator as you just saw but looks like I just was out of range yeah unfortunate oh but look at how offensive I booze being like he's going right up to the net trying to force something from that sushi but he's doing such a good job on defense all right that flag going all across and there we go the egg girl comes in and get that perfect trickshot unfortunately while luma has been staying way far back and thinking like oh man we should go for a drop shot that Night Court does have a medium bounce so it's not going to work out too well and usually takes the lead three points in a row and other than switches chance to take Game one yeah it's actually really making Bank off of these dead zones for sure really tripping up Ibou sushi with the opportunity to make a point here you'll have to bring it to do so with one more point it starts at 6 so and then you would have to win by 2 after that yes it does have a sushi finally in the red is slowly but surely draining that meter from at sushi although he is building it back up yeah he's got to be careful though because these dead zones have been really hurting him yeah I mean I boo even though he has been getting horsing on sushi to lose meter he doesn't have meter himself to really force a situation where you can try and get gained a point so these two are really just trading meter and then slowly gaining it back yeah but I think that a point is gonna be happening soon that sushi with no meter to speak with even with no meter either oh and goes with a lob oh I'm gonna make a back now enough quiet Oh write it on sushi very nice stuff bring it all the way back after like a four point lead like I saw at least three points on it sushi but he stuck Shawn stated the baseline didn't mess around and was able to sneak by with that game one yeah that's crazy oh my gosh I think pork counter pick is gonna be very big for this choice interested to see what I was gonna choose will likely stick with thee yo unless he thinks of someone else like I went on sushi like there under the character select screen he checks the controls every time to make sure oh yeah like but we've had a couple of times in pools where they forget that their controls get set to default so it's always good to remember to check your controls before the start of each manager and we're going to savage see okay there's a first time we've actually been on this map so yeah obviously one of the DLC maps I believe I don't remember when but it was a free update right yeah it's one of the ones that you can get through Adventure mode by beating kamek unlike the four engine ball rally which I remember a lot of people have any trouble with at the start get takes place on this ship thankfully there was like we said DLC to remove the pole in the middle Jack made this not as competitive of a map oh yeah they took it away and so it's like a good middle ground between night and the grass board as fastest transport but also has like a low bounce already Wow already starting off with very strong angles I boo had a really strong start with that a nice serve but we're not really seeing that this time around now we were going a little bit more even Oh another dead zone yeah I was got to be ready for those he's lost like maybe three or four points off of that yeah I really haven't seen much of a difference in playstyle between its here at the start of this game looked like we're pretty much right where Game one left off and even though I bow has been able to get a couple of lunges out for matsui just hasn't been able to drain the meter effectively to a point where he can have a strong advantage both these two yeah it's going at it and that movie feel really letting up so far I've decided to stay a little bit farther back but Yossi doesn't do quite as well at baseline especially get to star shots if these star shots have a bit of a knock back property to us charging as well and the return shots are usually pretty weak so it's a very easy prize duty to return them all right back up yeah finally finally responding back with something this time okay so both of them in the green meter once again I've been trying to start something up at the net gets a fully charged slice and gets the perfect trick so this is looking pretty good for him but still essentially doing a great job conserving his meter and staying alive in these points very outgoing in gets to love the time decides to go into position okay at sushi no Oh a very rare case of the side trick going off usually those types of trick shots always go into the court but I guess he was moving back and very rare yeah I didn't even think about it because I just thought okay he's gonna get a trick shot and we're gonna continue to rally and then it just would decide to be out what the the dead zone gets him right back yeah brings her back to even animal really big fry but he really wants to make it farther in this tournament and prove that na it's stronger than their Japanese players but he's gonna have to win this and the next game and it's who she's just so strong on there another strong angle coming in both of them building up their meter yeah so she does have full but like he hasn't really been opting for doing any specials he's making back and he's been serving it utilizing the jingle shots that you've been hearing so much up and using as AA look at the thing oh my gosh okay you can reach it yeah how do you use all that meter just to get to it he couldn't even get to it oh man yeah that really sucks actually for Ibou but oh wow brought it back with a nice search okay yeah that's a very nice point I do you see that angle like you'll see you'll see the players they'll use gyroscope controls much like splatoon where you can snap to the the correct angle much easier yeah some of these angles can be like straight horizontal like an 80 degree angle and it can even if you think that you're in range it can just slip right past your racket yeah crazy stuff the perfect trick at sushi in the red for the first time in quite a while but I mean like he just doesn't have the punishes to keep him there yeah I gonna have to use up a lot of meter on that one [Music] yeah you're really letting up as soon as they drop down a meter they play a little bit safer and then they're able to restore the manner that they lost very good control from both of these players both these guys like their best chance would be fly goes in the net and hope for some great angle and getting them into a vortex but they know that the most optimal way to play is to stay a little bit more safe utilize these put the trick shots and getting these charge shots to build backup meter yeah once they do go in like I was doing now they have something to fall back on that even though this is a faster court I do kind of want to see I'd be going for more job shots in this instance because if you can get a good charge on him he can force that Suchi to come closer to the net and that's where more lunges will happen for the character but he's sticking mortise license yeah whoo wow that's he hit towards to the right of the stage but I still I ended up on the left side of the court afterwards yeah really threw him off there yeah all right sue she's still trying to play from behind here gonna have to make something happen or get a rally bonus very big big lunch oh there was a rally balloons actually so got a little bit of a drop shot look at all that meteor guess to use there's the love oh these two going back and forth one shot this is Ivy's chance using the meter to get himself into a prime position that's what she's saying alive I mean he only got so much meter but he's doing such a good job staying in the game uses a front trick to throw I belong yeah Oh big lunch I'm that's gonna be out we're moving into even now man 3 3 that was a very long point but now this is i brews best situation he's been in probably started this match yeah god that's douchey in the red and can hopefully move up to net and move him back but man that's who she's just so good at conserving that meter yeah it's already back into the green had to use a little bit for his own speed but he's still in it he still got a lot of trick shots left in him before he has to worry about cracking Oh but that's a big lunch what's after gonna be goes for a topspin guess that counter with a slice the drop shot comes in and he's got soku little meter now oh and he's in the tea this is what I'm who wants because now he's gonna be lunching a lot more alright there's a lot play cards slice and now I put my thinking about using a special once he gets it if you think that the opportunity but looks like he is opting to stay more I hope that choice drop shot is considered a slice so you can use that to stop this really charge lobs and called it out and stop the side truck from happening yeah very great stuff oh but another dead zone these guys are just going back and forth back and forth yeah no knives easy I've had it like more than a two point lead yes actually crazy it's really great these guys are tit for tat all right there's a trickshot oh very nasty angle have to deal with before since I go onto the other side of the court both these two starting to be on the aggressive at T but the front almost tripped up I blow but he came back to it still in it we're trying to call out a side trick maybe to stop an angle there but I was privy to it yellow it's just staying at team staying firm and moving back when he needs to be get enough charge today in the lead meter wise but that side tricks going to bring it back to even oh man these flats Oh a but a big lunch both of you still have plenty of meter to work with though Oh a little bit of a mistake there from I boom I think yeah it's a little bit of a zone speed and then couldn't adjust himself yeah that look really weird I think he just kind of froze to when he was thinking about what to do yeah special has to come out here no other choice I think this is I was like first special of the match so we'll see where he aims it the answer she could do there once again we're tied up getting it back to even well we have a we have even meter as well though so none of these to really get into yeah that angle was really strong fighting man got people in the back they're super hyper yeah they're really into this right now great crazy stuff utilizing the slight slices like I said I would want to expect some more drop shots but instead he's sick more tea slices and at times it's helping but he isn't able to get a strong enough punish to keep at sushi at that low meter mm-hm oh there's a lob though putting him back already and he use that flat on sushi was really low meter right now but he forces I bow to use a drop right here no he decides to go for the flat instead now comes with the job okay goes with the flat sushi still keeping himself alive but that's another big lunch doesn't get the perfect trick he a little got it and not quite enough but Ibou going up six five all right he's got the meter advantage this is the best situation by me we've seen it time and time again once someone gets a lead they get it right back to tied all but this is gonna be big the fully charged slice oh and a lot that forces up a lot of meter but a sushi basically has nothing right now finally gonna get a little bit of extra with that charge shot oh yeah that's gonna be a plot gonna have to find the read on this one once I call gonna be only catch the block but a lot of pushback that's gonna be a drop shot and I feel keeps himself alive here taking Game two there we have it luma once again alight character also a floatie so the knock back was just crazy in the crowd is going wild for IB right now we're tied back up another game three situations oh man that was crazy dude I can't believe it I mean we see we saw at sushi after losing a game to JJ come right back so I'm not him to falter for this next match but I do I mean he's got a little bit of hype to him right now I mean do you see how sushi right now in this chair he has not he barely moves he doesn't pitches at all he's absolutely yeah I know maybe some robes keep some composed oh are we keeping with Paloma alright a matchup going into Game three poor choices this time hard court this is at Susie's choices it is his counterfeit yes all righty sprite and sunny outside let's see how this goes down man yeah once again I sushi one of two Japanese players in the bracket so he goes it all up today no to rep for Japan mm-hmm gonna be a little bit more aggressive that's issue with no meter to work with so far perfect trickshot though he's just so good at getting those right where he needs it yeah man every time I try to get a perfect trickshot I get nothing and when these guys do it they get a like every single time dude it's I'm so jealous I like even though I've been playing the game for a long time even I don't really get the spacing of trick shots quite as well as these guys do yeah another shot yeah all but calls out this one with a drop shot and I blew takes the lead in Game three yeah I'm sushi Kenny a little bit too creamy he's like oh I gotta get all so much meter off of this and I've been decided to deny that from him yeah some players you'll find them on ladder they always utilize trick shots to try and get the meter with the perfect tricks but sometimes something like a drop shot or a really good angle shot can get them out of their phone yeah there's a slam and get a little bit of extra meter off of that [Music] oh man yeah okay so I was gonna be back into the into the green now well these two have a lot to work with with their meter now and that no steamrolling is gonna happen to me I don't think in the green so they can be pretty comfortable for this next shot there's all been this second point is something quite the rally and I have flat to the other side hasn't quiet gone for like those dead dead zone shocks and I think it's trying to get I do a little bit comfortable with a with a cross-court shots instead yeah conditioning is a huge thing in Mario Tennis if you can make it so that your opponent thinks one thing is gonna happen even just a little bit of asunder stuff can force them to use some meter to stay in the match yeah I could be really huge a lot of meter we used up for at sushi oh but another perfect trickshot for sure that was gonna be a dead zone as well but if sushi just placed himself in the perfect situation yeah very good positioning with that drop or he sees me that lob shot as well sushi is now starting off a little bit a meter oh right outside the range yeah we call that an el cancel lunch so Yoshi was about to lunch for that shot but I cancelled it which means that he just stopped in his tracks we might see an attempt at a point with a special shot never mind I thought for sure he might have gone for something because Yoshi was already down into a third of his meter yeah both of these guys not I don't think for specials too often I think both of them that maybe done it like once or twice yeah it's really been about getting these angles and posting them to use the meter and then attack it yeah oh we might see it though he's not using the zone speed we might see something happening approaching the net and there it is yeah I gonna get that special shot alrighty let's see where's the angle going to be still in the spin from their fully charged slice yeah I blues gotta work hard to get this meter back cause it just needs to feel comfortable because his main goal is to stay at t--'s yeah attack at sushi but if he doesn't have the meter he's gonna have to really work hard mm-hmm man Brody's is going in okay there we go there's a flat we've got the perfect trick now he's got special on line you're gonna use it precisely you go for it well at sushi use up the meter or will he opted for like the meter lead on this next shot go the hat trick oh you got it what a call-out from at sushi the hat trick being you use the zone speed to get yourself into position and then go for the trick shot block use this up some meter but he's still in the match and now both of them at very low meter a points surely coming soon one perfect trick shot from a sushi throw and he can put himself in a great position when the ingles forces out the trick shot I can't I just can't get over that shot and actually I boosted just enough meter to be able to respond to that as well I'm gonna keep saying I feel like you should be going for a few more drops because that is sticking back I feel like a good drop might force out to more meter especially since that shooting has none go in the front you're the perfect trick keeping himself in the game right here no meter fraud sushi well it's gonna force out a trickshot big lunch he does his options Oh call out on the law yeah sushi even though he's playing from behind keeping himself in the game here and this is all for just one point mind you yeah it's the only two one right now yeah no meter frets back up but look at that strong shot oh my gosh II completely let that slip by him my gosh she was gonna get this point and another perfect trick he's back in the green yeah oh he's so much meter work as I boo has to use up so much I'm gonna go right down the middle I boo doesn't have enough meter on sushi for once in the second I have a two-point lead right now yeah that's true it's been a while since we've seen someone be up by two I was gonna to stick back work to build his meter back up cuz he was in a very dangerous position after that point seen a few mistakes from ibuprofens this is first offline event so the nerves might be getting to him a little bit but for the most part he's been sitting strong yeah already right down the middle I was ready for it now they finally got meet her back but I was still sticking a little bit behind I'm waiting for the special shot to come in I'm gonna wait for an issue then I creep up a little bit see if he can get that special shot but he's gotta get that meter back first he's been forced to use his own speed a lot right now I am seeing that he is going for drops a little bit more but because of the speed of Loomis shots he doesn't have enough time to charge it to be like a decent drop yeah level 1 drops that sushis able to get fairly easily yeah keeping it all to the same side ah finally goes to the same side mix up there's the strong drop you see he has to come up to net yeah slice right down the middle I be ready for it though I have these two letting up on this next point there's the there's a there's a lob though sushi back in the red but gets the perfect trick right as I say it oh I didn't think he was in position for it I thought he was gonna get like a dead zone or something but he just got into the range but still he still got quite a bit of meter to fill back up unless he gets another perfect trick and that lunge is not gonna help him yeah he did get the 80 rally bonus though so we're gonna have to see how he keeps himself alive it's just barely enough meter here's the drop yeah me too he got some nice no so he keeps himself in it Oh big lunge shot yeah lots of meter did you see that that was like pretty much a third of the entire meter bar now I had the lob to both of them at very low meter I was gonna have to stay back to work it back up there's a flat yeah now they both retreat to flatline oh but he actually goes for it's a terrific shot that's a big big lunch there but he keeps himself alive close to the tee keeps himself here fully charged flat but at sushi totally calls it off and we're back in the neutral yeah I was really pushing towards the tee now really trying to figure out what he can do and on sushi he's slowly building up the meter very conservative on the zone speeds but he keeping himself in the match here angle a shot that will throw at sushi off but at sushi and his defense is so strong this whole set with oh I'm so scared when someone we out of range for a shot but just able to get that just fine oh the side tricking would tide back up I've been making the comeback yeah I tried to get a call out on the direction of the slam not quite finding it both of them are halfway from getting the six points they need to move on in the bracket and I booze in the better position with this meter yeah but he's slowly making me back you got the rally bonus as well back to a third meter the truck has to go up he's got to use that meter and now he's in a bad position he's not in the back where he wants to be oh that's a big okay I've finally taken the lead now in this last game here for both of these players it's a nice shot he's close to fall so you might see a special coming from him soon if he gets it right but decides to go for a flat instead what big lunch comes in gonna go for that lob that time yeah opting for his own speed this time around doesn't have meter to work with that's a big lunge get full the charge shot and see you later luma you're all the way back there yeah another point for Ibou right there five three one more to put himself at match point yeah this is the best position he's been in all set but a plate or shot is going to definitely help out on sushi a strong net flat but it gets pushed back by Lumas insane lob and he's out of range Oh trick shot okay yeah I guess he thought that he was in the trick shot range but not quite the angle was a little bit too strong on that and now all of a sudden I sushi with Alana me to work with he can keep himself alive here only down by a point keeping creeping up close to I boos position here yeah I've been trying his best to drain the meter of X sushi but he's also low on meat here so he's got a backup yeah he's back to neutral back to some meter build up oh the perfect trick that's gonna help a sushi get the meter lead and he's gonna go on the offensive yeah it goes on the LOB what's the next option goes cross-court trying to force out the meter another flat but the trickshot comes in another perfect tree and a big lunch comes in in the LOB and we're bringing it back to even five to five here in the last game the next two points will seal it so she's still in this Oh a push back with that very very crucial shot right there goes for the front trick on the flat an interesting choice oh he's gonna be out at sushi one point away from baking for taking out one of the last two na representatives in this bracket here [Music] oh the lunch is huge he's gonna fuse a lot of meter to get back from this lob and I doesn't even get the fully charged la flat from the star oh not sushi okay he's used to so he's playing a little bit safer with that zone speed wants to make sure he's in a right position what's the decision-making gonna be a flat across the stage a clack flat right down the middle man he's gained so much meter there's the drop shot a lob puts them back but a perfect trick shot oh man a Stu going back and forth no this is very tense I mean this is set point for Hyrule he doesn't want to lose it here especially when he's got the meter that he does now he's gonna try and be more offensive the lofts gonna push him back though okay very a lot of time for that topspin to be able to charge onto it now both of these deal with the meter available go through his own suite another love for some meters out range there he almost lost the point now you can hear in the audience the little heartbeat the heartbeat when you get match point it's making my heart beat yeah oh my gosh all right here we go flatten across the stage man these two have so much meaner to work with I don't think either them are gonna mess up on an execution here at such a crucial point in the match yeah these guys have stepped up their game a lot I wanted this match point start I mean they're both on full meter very little mistakes coming to both of them yeah we're seeing the longer rallies between these two he also already going to 70 I was gonna work I thought for sure that was a dead zone I can't believe it oh my god oh the pushback goes for the special shot what are we gonna see here what's the option on sue she's kind of pick he's got it yeah does he have enough he's gonna let it go it's a tie-break deuce now you haven't you need a two-point lead these suit going down to the wire here huge point for I'm staying in this match after giving up that two-point lead he had oh now he goes for his special shot gonna be a meter reset it looks like about half way for I food that's gonna pretty much leave it to zero oh that was great angle - now we got to bandage for on sushi here it's a fact at match point brat sushi but the meat our advantage is in idle sport he does he did have served those so get out that nicer that helped a lot yeah brought him back to even in this game at least for the meter now I boost gotta make something happen here to match points in a row he's on the brink of elimination and he's just got to find a way to get it past this floating star the law of consent but he does a perfect trickshot it sets up perfectly looking to go to net he's attacking so hard just trying to make him lose that meter a big lunch from ETSU she's back in the red okay go for the LOB though yeah decides to push them back a little bit yes the trickshot but it's not a perfect one he gets a second one this time who the net coming in there a little bit clutch fried sushi yeah one more time for him to get centered the tops of an angle kind of throws off Ibou of it place back into the position Sushi's still keeping it alive here okay now it's back to about halfway meter I'll get the perfect trick they're both in the green once again these guys are playing so well the lot comes in Oh another trick shot right in position Posey it's a pretty much full meter on sushi with full meter able to do the special shot if he does so desires almost fell almost hit a trick shot right there would have been a point for I ever brought back to deuce when it's dead truth perfect Rick shots in a row all right down the middle I've already for it though oh I Pig lunch though I've been just trying to stay at tea trying to cause I'd sushi to mess up in any way shape or form but I see she's just playing so strong yeah on a 80 hit rally bonus right now what's this gonna be it's gonna be a slam gives this up a lot of zone speed goes across the court I know he's so good at keeping up the survivability in this point Otsu she really wants to take this I both these two not letting up for a minute here even when they get too low meter like they're both so good at getting it right back oh another lob that's a big lunge right there okay gonna have to use up a little meaner but he's fine the offensive he's going up to Ned hoping that one of these license causes another lunch at forces that suits you could use more meter all began go comes in sue she's ready for it gets another perfect trickshot now we got the special coming it drop whoo both for the pulley toward slice instead of a lob throw I blow off his game oh and there's the love butter we're ready Oh 130 rally bonus dude and I already put down to a halfway meter okay uses the special he does want to make sure that you get this point get out of match point make it a two point game once again and that's gonna do it my goodness gracious we're still in a 6 6 tie breaker man they were fighting so hard between these two I know and the resilience of a blue man like two match points that's where your hearts beating and you're going crazy but he's stuck with it and he's still in this match and we're tied up yeah alright there's the love house he's a little bit for his own speed but so does that sushi yeah back to 1300 that's a big line support oh my God look at all that meter that just got lost there on that trickshot all in another fully charged blob and a sushi match point once again three match points here so far yeah this time at suits in such a good position he'd be just built up in a meter he might be able to go for a special but man oh the drop shot on another big lunch a lob to the other side gonna have to build up a lot of meter back for the situation to come back when he goes our boat shot can you get it oh we got the block oh it's another one okay they're both low on meter Oh I said she has not basically open a bagel on the LOB shot goes in that's gonna be a pump what's the option gonna be from Atsushi was he gonna pick goes all the way right down the middle and takes it over I poo here Hannah came three less bleep situation you can see it on that sushi face he is ecstatic to have won that match and I've you played his heart out but he's got a smile on his face oh my goodness gracious three match points they fought it out to the end man that was ridiculous I'm speechless man yeah here the crowd erupted when they finally got that match point it was behind me kkoma can barely hold himself together oh my god that was crazy welcome to Mario Terrace everybody yet exciting matches like that holy moly oh boy that was they really pushed each other to their limits there yeah that was something unfortunately best player in Canada goes down but I mean you saw it here he's a competitor through and through and he played him so well I don't think that with this performance there I think that he played his heart out yeah she-she's gonna get a little bit of time to rest now we're gonna be like oh my heart was really crazy you can imagine with how they were feeling right she was 130 rallies like being down to no meter I think one trickshot could mess up your entire flow like yeah and now a flip flop has happened we had four na competitors were down to only one and he's sitting up there little biggest jake was able to beat at sushi to get into winners sent finals but now he's going up against what many people would consider the best mario tennis player in the world you know yeah I mean I think from what I've seen he's pretty much oh she man oh yeah Jake of course a California resident a little bit more north than he's near Fresno area yeah so he's a little bit far from here but still making a drive down to come to this event and he's in winners finals they'll be going up against Ino right last time at heart of battle he lost at sushi two times but at that time he was in a bit of a character crisis he had been playing shy guy but then right before the tournament reigai got nerfed he thought that maybe he would try to switch to different character if he didn't feel comfortable with anybody and he personally feels that that's the reason why he lost what sushi and he was able to beat at sushi this time and now for the first time ever he's gonna be playing against you know we didn't get a chance to play him last time at heart of battle so I mean this is what many people consider one of the best players in na going up against the best player in Japan possibly the world yeah and I just remember like the first time at heart a battle I just saw Zeno lad I'm like who is this it was like got that Mario Tennis picture like for the profile there like everything this kid must be really into it I checked the Twitter and he's late a Japanese tennis player and I'm like oh god we're done it's over man very dedicated to the game he's got the Mario's aces polo that he was able to win for getting the top of the leaderboard yes God trophies from Japanese tournaments that he's played in he always shows up at the aim for the ACE locals that they have in Japan usually wins them like clearly I would say one of the best players in the world yeah and a little biggest Jake I mean it's gonna be quite a struggle because I boo the guy that you just saw the guy that was playing his heart out against that sushi and was sticking with him for the most part like he kind of got walloped eyes you know before it was like 14 to 2 point wise yeah it was kids untouchable so he looks so untouchable like I want to see Jake have a have a good shot at this but my like my heart says my heart is mine say Oh different things man he's na his last chance this is the first time they're playing against each other he's going to be sticking with peach though Vegas Jake it was his original main back in September then he kept switching main switching mains he was spiked for a little bit of time but now he has settled on peach and you know will most likely go to his main Luigi yeah starting off with Luigi I've seen him pull out toad a couple of times but I think my most part we're gonna be seeing the Luigi but we'll see yeah here we go yeah green vs. pink and the court choice between the two will be night all righty all right and if I'm not mistaken this is the best 3 out of 5 yes it is so a lot of Jake loses the first couple of games maybe he might be able to find something and work his way back a lot of pressures on Jake to defend the home turf really a lot of pressures on Jake we had a few players that weren't able to make it out today from na like Angie and swelling that are probably watching right now yeah rooting for Jake in order to take it home for USA already starting off with a nice Wow just going at it t already yes I know even though he is Japanese and most people say that the Japanese play style is more defensive he actually is a really strong punish game just like that with this side tricks mhm and like he usually goes up to tea and he can be very strong up there with his flats in slices yeah I mean man that might be a reason why he's so good in Japan because he plays so different from all the other ones so there's something they don't expect right and most people I mean Luigi is up there on the tier list but not someone that people consider to be like s tier yeah definitely you know makes them look at oh you got a point you guys might be like what he got the point like but this kid honestly like he barely drops points in the entire bracket it was crazy extremely strong and the big thing that's gonna be here for Jake is that a peach also has a really strong slice that she can utilize to stop the pressure from szene oh my goodness look at him like even when he lunges like he's still in such a strong position yeah and these lunches from peach are gonna hurt her a lot she doesn't have this old that someone like no she would have so if she lunges she's in a much worse position the quick decision making from Zeno to go for it that zone shot like that that was so good he just always seems to be in the right position at the right time even when you think that you've gotten past them he's like in the right position and he's charging up and he's getting full meter yep alrighty but both of these two have meter available to use okay but yeah that's a that's a very Zeno tactic just goes up and if it can't hit the next shot then he'll just go for a special right angles gonna be pretty nasty oh it doesn't get the trick block though that would have been really big could have given him a meter advantage but it's yeah yep goes for the meter we have our meter reset now both of them at about halfway okay they'll push back the lob is not strong against topspin so of course speech quite a ways back I just goes out and run across the court and the lob man that I used up so much of Jake's meter and zeno still in the green didn't have to use too much but there's a lunch yeah and what recognition like Jake was totally going for a dead zone right there and zeno just knew and he was right there gave him the point I mean he just knows that thing he does like these little stutter steps usually Luigi isn't very good with this pivot he's one of the worst presidents in the game but they don't make him it look amazing right now he's in the right position oh wait there's a lob shot okay another one yeah and like we said before we can spool meter he'll go for a risk like that and then just reset the situation again right and aims it right Adam so no trick shot was possible there you could have raw block but he didn't predict him man you know we were saying like all these matches have been so close so far five one right now my I mean Jake is still playing fairly well it's just you know is staying so strong and this could be something yeah oh okay a good call out yeah this is the first time I see Xena on a red big opportunity actually for Jake and he's gonna get a point there we go and he's got the meter man she's got Zeno in the red yeah Jake hurt us he's like wait a minute wait a minute wait okay okay I'll close another point another point all righty Jake bringing it back the chance maybe some picton snowball here he does have quite a meter advantage and Peach does have the angles to make Luigi lunge yeah but another big loss okay using up a little bit meaner oh no I watch his own he was there but he tried to predict it too hard yeah oh man hey he's still he still got the meter advantage though bringing it back to a little bit even gonna be a good angle oh he doesn't gain four he doesn't fall for did that so he just goes in with the trick shot yeah but gets the dead zone right there another point six for only two points away from tying it up and once again it has the meter advantage what's the decision okay goes for a slam into a media trick shot right across the other side big lunch the allamanda uses so much meter you know Jake with the opportunity go through the front trick nobody knows they're like keep peach at bay do not want P to go to the net so he's lobbing a bunch to avoid those nasty angles yeah the top seven comes in another love I'm gonna go all the way to the back of the court that drop shot gonna go right into it oh what a call out with that double tap flat doesn't have the meter for a special so he has some of the tree oh hey here we go another drop shot is he gonna use it he's goes all the way no meters of use Wow risky you know n calls out the same side mix up oh and another lunch those Eno really playing behind shake on top of him right now we're gonna go ahead and get another flat to the other side so much meaner and so much opportunity for Jake to bring this to a deuce situation even think the resiliency you know like he's been a low meter for this entire point but he's still in it and he's close to making it even another lunge goes all the way with the LOB but he's in the position for it Oh another lob and look at all that meter that jake has to give up just stay in this point my goodness I'm tensing up right now man it's only the first game and they're already pulling out all the stops so far huge lunge oh that's so much meaner already to a quarter oh and he goes have to go on the other side Jake really going in with Owen ankles that's a point listen wait six five right now oh my god Jake looking like he's on top of the world right now Paul's out that lob great play by Jake but now he note once again slowly but surely building up that meter but man Jake's been doing such a good job making real quick yes you know not ready for the same time mix-up again all these lunges really throwing off Dino you're on his flow perfect trick staying in the green Oh big blob I slammed right down the middle it's a trick shot another lob ooh that's a big long actually bug gonna keep himself alive here just went to the other side so force out some meter from Z no overestimated the range of the region i top sent to the other side oh but didn't want to use meter there got a lunge it now is you know back into the green he's feeling comfortable but I mean Jake's been keeping up for him yeah he's gonna have to do another meter burn or something or getting like a crazy angle right down the middle Jake's ready for it doesn't want to preemptively trickshot this time yeah I mean it's still a smash point for Zeno so one mistake by Jake and that's gonna pull the don't shot ohh oh my gosh such a bad angle oh my goodness but I mean hey 6 5 against Zeno is something to be happy about yeah that's like two more gates that's like 6 times the amount of points everyone else has done though I would I think that's more points then that Zeno has lost here then he had lost in harder battle and that one gate yeah maybe even in this tournament as well yeah like that was really great okay pk we were diving Jake and as soon as we did that he started winning so we have to doubt Jake more there's no way chicken with double bagels not gonna be late like oh my god all right yeah make sure to take those controls man that was way too close for comfort I think even Zeno felt that one yeah I mean he was launching a bunch but like once again the resilience is you know like here that low meter for so many points there was so many opportunities that Jake had to tie it back up you know stay strong and he played so well but now we are on Jake's favorite court savage see this is his favorite he says that he gets a savage debuff every time he's here so he chooses to go there for the counter pick and he gets first serve as well alrighty Jake putting yourself in the position here we go already starting off at the T getting some nasty angles in yeah wow these two really on the rally what IP doesn't not even using don't speed yeah team Osprey look at the positioning of xeno and O'Reilly let's say that gets a lunge first mistake I'm waiting for a lob there he goes you know strikes with the first one there's the second one there boo both lunge at each other didn't want to use the meter for the sidetrack decides for it they're like alright alright alright we're not gonna use meter but we're gonna have to sacrifice some lunges instead who a lob comes in yeah good amount of meter here so Jake can stop it but this angle is gonna be really sharp oh goes right at goes over yeah okay I looks like Jake wasn't ready for it I think he was definitely expecting like right at the net or something like that right and for people to know while we do see it as a split screen they do not so he can't scream look to see where the ball is going yeah he just has to predict all right both to the same side yeah that's not that exact angle when he gets right at the net and then decides to flap to the other side that has really been making xeno burn a lotta meter great great setup for peach I mean that's been Jake's best part of his gameplay so far that he's been able to make Zeno Trina's meter and when he can do that that's what the points to start rolling in but once again xenos defense is so strong that even at low meter it's hard to get one by him yeah this building is so much metered Luigi staying at the tea here gonna have to be careful that's a special shot coming in soon like these guys are tea monsters and like I said Dino is so offense if we can go right to the net lunch and go through the special yeah that's pretty much gonna be a free point unless jake decides to burn it but i highly doubt it yeah yeah tries to trick shot it but decided rey in the green right down the middle to each other Wow Jason had so much he Nader man yeah they're looking more like the first few points of Game one where Zeno just had the meter and was able to do whatever he needed to yeah but still it's only three oh so he could make a comeback like he did in Game two but like it's gonna take some something on Jake's part mm-hmm already that cost a little bit of meter so at least we're back to even on the meter but Jake yet to get a point so far so he's really got a dig deep and try and find something yeah the luigi's range is really good in this game so I'm getting a shot by him can be really really tough goes for the dead zone but doesn't get dead zone mm-hmm Oh slam right down the middle you know ready for it I mean being a tea is such a good position for xeno because he can react to drop lob pretty much any shot and he still has all that meter to work with even if he gets tripped up you can use some speed right he mainly is using it for these special shot saying every single point has been through a special shot as another one it goes right by Jacob yeah and Jake was doing so well the first game and then it's kind of I think I feel like Gina was just is just figuring out how what Jake's strategy is with the game so far Oh cancel lunch right there yeah I mean you know probably someone that can adapt very very well so I wouldn't be surprised if like even after only one game maybe he could have he could read what Jake wants yeah nick has made him lunch quite a few times but like it really hasn't resulted in too much yeah it's not a really deep lunch it's a pretty short altogether just like a few a few meters off or something like that so oh here we go another lunch comes in are down the middle Jake trying to keep himself alive here but surely it was building that meter back up for another special that has been his main way of scoring against Jake and looks like he's gonna get it here oh but gets lunch so has the opportunity oh ok goes for a trickshot that time I thought you and I are gonna be special yeah when I'm really liking about both of these players that they're like you know they're not at baseline they're attacking each other so much up at the tee and then like every single one is just attack and a very rare special coming out from Jake and see where he aims it yeah let's see Missy knows ready for it Wow get the block okay that's okay yeah I thought it was gonna go for a drive shot for sure but see no it's gonna keep himself alive how is he back at full meter alright it's already a full meter and now if you can just get a lunge like that I'm sure that a special from Zeena's can come and see there it is yep all righty on another point probably going to zero here all aims at right Adam no trickshot could stop that yeah we have our first bagel in the making right now here we go he tries to go for a slam not quite in finding anything whoa whoa oh never mind yeah but he's in a really bad position he's look at all this meter yesterday just to get this shot is another one's coming yeah that's gonna do it all right that's that that is the bagel is a bagel the first one we've seen yeah this whole this whole block so far so close to tying it up and then falls it up with a bagel on his favorite cord as well yeah the the savage see buff was not enough man didn't really do too much might have been a debuff in this case mm-hmm now Jake will be sticking with peach I know that he doesn't only have any other character to go to and I don't see Zeno going off of Luigi especially in a 200 lead but like I mean anything can happen here it's still another quart counter pick for Jake so you might try to go somewhere crazy all righty I have faith in Jake I mean he's shown it he's shown a couple of times they was in a position to win yeah and I feel like that first game was the best print that he has had yet and hopefully I mean we're going back tonight for it we'll see if this might give him another snowball opportunity to maybe take a game yeah we'll have to see you know up to all right now he's gonna get the advantage if he gets it nice yeah and he does poof strong angles already starting off with tune both these players but a big lunge yeah just look at the slice of Luigi so fast even peach can't react to who gets the perfect trick on that - and the meter advantage is already so huge all righty Jake's still keeping himself alive gonna get that slam gets a little bit of charge and now he's back in the yellow finally I got 30 rally bonus we haven't seen a change in gameplay with Jake he's sticking to his tee line gameplay very similar to how Gino does it yep he's just one of those characters that gee she can be pretty versatile and she could stick back and maybe attack from the baseline if she needs to god but that's just not the way that Jake plays very competitive first point between these two one zone hey if he didn't move a little bit like towards the ball and then trick shot it I think he would have gone in it if he just straight trick shot it from where he was so that was oh man yeah I think the main reason being that when most people go for trick shots they try to aim it right to the edge of the court but see you know being smart goes for the dead zone with the front trick and I catch you take off guard oh the big lunch comes in big lunch gets right back in it yeah so jake has it you'll meet her but he's going to wait until he's in a good enough position to really utilize it yeah I think Finn his main goal right now is to try and get the ball past you know without having to use meter but like it's so hard yeah all right there's another lob slams right in but he gets the right counter for it big another lunch comes in drop shot oh the net okay actually tied back up yep Nick normally it's been a meme in the community that the net was always against Jacob that's really help them out yeah that was really huge for Jake helped him get the point but now he's you know like he's gonna have a straight shot either at Jake or angled all the way across the court he's going for it gets the big block but yeah - anything with it he's too busy spinning out yeah that's you know it doesn't have that much meter right now until they get the nice serve and now he does make me keep my words why don't you calculate it hoping that's some really nasty lunge actually forces Jake to use a lot of meter there that slice of Luigi's just so strong growth piece right off balance both of these - well they're increasing each other's meter now old they were I think you know didn't expect to go over his head like that yeah Oh psychic was really quick not enough to react using up some meter their forces them to go back though oh he completely messed him up yeah you saw him go back and forth he just didn't even know what to do yeah it was like okay he's gonna go the other side and he saw the ankle but then he thought okay right I do not expect this lamb to go right towards me he realized that he couldn't sidetrack it and by the time that he chose to try and go for it himself the point was over yeah get the side trick on that and it sailed over his head sometimes side trips can sail over their head when they're far back in the court and they do that and really saves in his behind because he was so far back and the drop was most likely coming right a front shake has enough range for it now xenos really losing in the meter battle here yeah he's got zero meters is a big opportunity all but a big lunch Oh force Jake to lose his meter and push him back yeah now Xena's back to the meter available it's like every time he thinks he knows in danger he finds a way to bring himself back into it immediately that's why we call him one of the best players in the world he has a way through thick and thin build back meter get the point right when he needs it both of them back in the green just trading shots back and forth that te the flats and slices and gets the dead zone alright we're going for Oh right now oh excuse me for one for one there's a lob what's the haps are gonna be not opting for the special shots this time around he's staying close to T though in case the opportunity does arise he's getting closer I get scared every time right that single top slice right there was definitely going for a dead zone but both of them at full meter and they don't feel like they have to attack too much they're just gonna hope that one of them lunges and then may be punished with a super strong charge shot yeah oh okay that's force with some needed up not quite though oh it does go for the special I was gonna say it this was a prime pump time for a special she knows all the way on the left side of the court you can hit it off to the right oh it doesn't get the trick block so that's gonna be another point for Jade all righty bringing in for two and he has the meter advantage let's see I don't think he has served though oh he does and he gets the nice yes you know pretty much in the red he's gonna have to hope for the first time Cena was playing far back and was able to build his meter back quite efficient all right still going back and forth yeah there's kind of allowing each other again meter oh but there we go that's a very nice angle takes out there picks up the meter from Dino tricked him up a little bit how to use the side trick to get that one and once against you know in the red look at that front trick I mean it happened so quick that Jake doesn't wanna react with a dead zone for three yeah Wow usually you don't see a Sano fall for those but really keeping it close to the wire here and the meter is gone from Zee no big opportunity let's see what they actually gonna be after lunch Oh an immediate reaction with the drug with the lob dude yeah I mean those are really important for Jake like once he gets Zeno to that point and he has the meter advantage he's got a score he's got to commit but see no just doing such a grand job especially with his lobs knowing exactly when it used them to push Jake off his tail across to the other side yes you know I mean there's a blink of an eye he's already got all of his meter back now yeah we're back both of them at fall so another special from Zeno might be coming if he gets a good core position also get the perfect I'm sorry about that I'm so mad about that dude I thought that was gonna be a dead zone after that yeah it's going back and forth they're playing more defensive this time they're staying more towards the baseline than they have been in past all the way across the court he's gonna be fine though are we gonna see the special shot coming soon no he's gonna use the four zone speed 80 if 80 hit rally so far yeah probably the biggest rally that these two have had I mean and they're just going at it Oh big lunch that forces up about a third of meter can we make it happen again oh and it's back like I said before lobs are very susceptible to getting perfect trickshot in and I think almost every times you know was ready yeah a hundred hit rally right now between these two Oh same side lob almost tricked up Jake this would be really big for Jake just to be able to say that he's tied up with 0 for 4 that'd be a huge yeah looks like xenos defensive plays is impeccable right now unstoppable defense right now yes the perfect trick shot though Oh big lunch comes in gonna have to pull another Peters ok yeah can I have to go all the way back for that one I think it's the least I can get a perfect trick shot of that he won't game meter but at least he won't lose extra meter interesting I thought for sure he was gonna go for the special considering how low meter jake has but I guess he just didn't feel it was worth it I think now he might go for it Oh interesting call again yeah he's changing up his play style a little bit before on savage she was going for specials very often yeah Jay comes back into the meter yeah 160 rally now dang that's pretty crazy these guys just going at it I mean this is a very important point if Jake and tied to stop then he might have a chance at taking this game 3 yeah oh oh not push back the drop shot it's gonna have to burn up a lot of meter but he's back into it so got halfway meters so he can still make this work this is probably one of the best rallies you know has ever had exactly one of the best for Jake we're nearing like 130 hundred forty right now they were at 200 where 200 ohm an both of you see ridiculous oh my gosh it's like I'm getting hypnotized by it you know it's like the rhythm of it apart me he almost doesn't want someone to sport exactly yeah I think we allotted three hours so I think we'll be okay but still it man this rallies going on Ferg's for a pretty long time actually I mean it makes sense both them are a near full meter they don't really have to use it too often sigh tricks don't use too much and even if they launch they have enough meter to recover it right back you can see all the smashers are looking at this is like damn that makes you a star yeah I'm waiting for it to 5250 order of a thousand to the drop shot and you know does get the point two points away from taking this game and taking the set the mental fortitude man 250 rally I've never seen that before yeah I've seen higher but we're talking about DK dittos like 900 shot rally but oh man that's way way back in the day and now that point proceeded oh yeah three I think we might be seeing a stamina issue because that was just two points that flew by in a second afterwards after that huge rally so yeah it takes a lot of mental fortitude to go through a rally like that and know I mean maybe he's used to it because he's looking as strong as ever okay oh yeah he's got it for him he's gone not quite that's gonna do it Jake is out oh three sent to losers by Zeno and into Grand Finals uno goes yeah and I think everybody watching is like yeah he probably has the best chance one of this yeah all righty so there's gonna be the run back Jake and at sushi yeah like their own set because that's who she's now up in sets to 1 this is Jake's chance to tie back up or maybe that's what you could take a 3-1 yeah we'll have to see because Jake double-lumen aided by its sushi and sushi can double eliminate Jake so he might have been saving him for the top six to surprise yeah I'm really excited to see what this will be interesting this will also be best of five let's see the let's see how it goes between these two because oh man but now you guys know what we meant by Zen Oh being a very very strong player yeah that's the first like three oh we've seen all right - there's no two O's or anything enough yes oh no I'm Mike Mike lost oh yeah yeah yeah okay this is the first three oh we sauce and that counts yeah that's all right let's see what Jake already doing a phenomenal job so far it must be really hard after going through a set like that and it's like okay your next match yeah yeah he's gotta like calm himself down get himself into a rhythm and possibly a completely different play style with that sushi yeah now we're very interesting man at sushi I mean he's been fighting through man he's been on match point a couple times yeah - game three situations that thing with Ibou oh my goodness and now here he is going up against once again were the best players in na a little biggest Jake like I said before unfortunately we couldn't have all of our players come out here Angie who many people would consider the best player in and a wins like almost all the tournaments she wasn't able to make it out today and uh you wish her luck in all of her endeavors yeah devil wolf couldn't quite make it either he's considered number one in Europe oh yeah but nom nom amazing DK player in Europe but we did have to Jule who came all the way from Italy so shout out shouts to him mm-hmm next which for us maybe we'll get all three of them that would be something that would be very exciting yeah I look forward to it I hope so if there is a switch yes why should question mark question mark maybe you all right are they ready looks like it looks so ready man he's stoic he's calm he's composed yeah Jake I mean he's gotta calm himself down see what can happen here I mean I feel like his energy he can always divert it he always plays in tournaments while streaming at the same time so he always splits his energy so I think it's definitely possible let's see are we gonna get a princess battle we're gonna get the luma would be interesting we haven't seen Daisy very much this tournament usually a front row Angie plays Daisy Oh Bowser Bowser there take me back to the days I'll be funny remember when Bowser was like kryptonite basically yeah that's true waluigi what do you do whoa Waluigi kind of mid-tier like it used to be super super good I think people remember this back in the day - he was like up there with jr. but don't worry he got his nerfs he's not as crazy as he was yeah but still everyone place a bomb like everyone always Renzo always did why something like ladder woz exists because of waluigi yeah so with waluigi he's a defensive character so he has a ridiculously good range and his main attacking option is going to be whoa twice I'm not sure what happened there yeah it's the backtrack I guess right outside the range of it that was unfortunate yeah so the thing that while we she's gonna have to go is the slice and what piece is gonna look for is angles because even though it's got a lot of range angles can really stifle them but render yeah that's usually starting off really strong mm-hmm I hope everyone's enjoying that way the entire match you're gonna be hearing that amazing trick shot the moonwalk oh yeah exactly he's so much fun to see mm-hmm if only real tennis could be like this cartwheeling everywhere yeah moonwalk on him all right here we go okay there's a lunch hey there's a lob okay gonna go right past him there's a lunch moonwalk to the other side na does have their share of waluigi x' but most of them on ladder they tend to stay in one place and try to build up meter for specials yeah what I'm seeing with that sushi right now he knows how to move around he knows how to Ella cancel and so it's gonna be really really hard to get a shot past them yeah yep just gonna quickly respond to that slam very easily yeah I'm pretty certain that his goal is going to be to get to take off balance and then go for the most stylish special in the game if I do say so myself I'd love to be able to show it to the street alrighty yeah both these two keeping up the survivability though it's funny because this is also grass this is considered Beach's best court but while the ouija standing strong yeah alright just goes top spin all the way to the other side even strong star shot like that wasn't enough to get a pass ball to me - he's just doing such a good job maneuvering himself and while also providing for his strong shots that jake has to contend with mm-hmm and that's ooh she rarely getting a lunch like you said before though that Waluigi strange is pretty great he's got those long lanky arms so wouldn't make sense if you didn't have a good range yeah but you can also see that his angles are certainly not great what he has in defense he lacks in offense so Jake being a strong defensive player that he is won't really fall too often for waluigi shenanigans mm-hmm because especially with immediately that he is now but there we go that's a while Luigi's trying I'm looking forward to getting because he can gain meter very easily so yeah I'm with the rose yeah and hits it straight down but gets big blocked whoa it's right Adam okay and we're back to a me Theresa it looks like Oh use this way too much meter on that trickshot another both at zero all right ice down the center Wow all right both of them at very little meter we'll see how this affects their game plan yeah sushi we've seen him before he likes to stick back when he needs to to build up that meter Jaime he feels comfortable staying a team Oh a couple of bad shots from waluigi's getting pushed back yep and here's yeah waluigi doesn't have too much meter work with here so potentially see the next point good uh oh my god what timing yeah that was crazy very nice stuff Ramon sushi Oh almost dead zoned him but didn't side trick they're both back in the green a big play by it sushi to stay in this point and keep his lead all right what's the option gonna be okay goes for a flat right down the middle there's the drop shot yeah and I leave these two letting up this has been a very pretty long rally - are we going in - fifty yeah waluigi tends to provide a lot of long rally situations just because of his range but once again we're seeing another special yeah this guy Wow he's he's the king of the of these uh of these trick walks right now very rarely have we seen him have to break his racket and he just keeps getting these trick blocks and he gives him the meter Benji needs and look at him yeah I'm gonna use a special yeah man I wish I was that flexible yeah exactly well is he surprisingly flexible fleurs frame what's he gonna do here right now no meters over Jake gonna have to get make something happen ooh but gets it oh okay sushi not going for a side trick to get that and Jake gets the point yeah but sushi gets a nice on the serve I'm gonna keep himself alive here he's gets it he's still got the 3-2 lead - he is feeling pretty comfortable and he does have full meter once again but like I said grass and peach go together like peanut butter and jelly yeah I mean these angles with peach are gonna be really scary for waluigi if he can't stay on on top of them the option okay goes for Thompson right down the middle and we got a special shot all right believe Jake is stunt right now so he might not even be able to get this it's angled correctly he's back ah good and boy get the trick shot there yeah we've seen the difference in play I mean that's usually got two of them in a row you know hope we get that one yeah the timing is different for every character and like I said before na usually doesn't play with specials so they might not even be to use to trick blocking as much as Japanese players are Oh comes right behind them okay yeah he gets the safe though he has to give up a little bit of a stage control though because of it well and also meters now while we she's back at full so didn't throw out a special at any time once again you got some stunts so that's more meter that peach is gonna have to wait to get this shot yeah who goes towards Jakes direction can I get that block but he's gonna be stunned right down to the left side okay I took it yes he can but it's gonna be a very slow shot yeah no meter now for Jake so he's gotta have to make a couple of Lucky guesses or perfect trickshot yeah the drop shop forced them to side trick it yeah and all of a sudden Jake brought back his meter I thought that could have been a point for our sushi but Jake with the defense oh oh no I know well yes a hypoxic hypothec is when you play peach and you back trick and miss that's done by hype i many times to count another special man i hope you guys are really enjoying that image burned into your mind there we go 5-2 at sushi playing so strong yeah he's technically doing better than Zeno yeah yeah all right there we go that's a special I think they're gonna have to trade special to special because like Jake just hasn't been able to score on how did he get another one how do you get another one I'm so upset right now he's too good at this like the one real scoring opportunity that jake has and he keeps stuffing it out yeah and look at him he's staying at the net oh that's another point probably no reason not to do it man is we're getting him so many points and this will likely be point number six ooh boy Wow alrighty yeah reminder that waluigi was first to create it through mario tennis so he felt like the mascot so he's kind of great to see you here in top top three waluigi takes Game one all righty here Luigi not so she's so proud of that you might not be able to make us any of the smash tournaments here but thanks thanks to this we were able to see waluigi here at switch fest yeah i mean probably in the mario kart tournament on some people are using em he's pretty good in March but yeah like the right wait yeah yeah yeah he makes a you make so you can stop accelerator like what easily yeah alrighty oh I don't expect that sushi to change character I don't think so either and once again that was his best port was Bratz uh-huh no for him to beat him on that court like counter picking is gonna be pretty hard for Jake right now maybe he maybe he'll get the savage sea level up this time yeah maybe it didn't work against Z Nova might work again it's at sushi I mean it did before Oh like biking the return of the spike societies bike society yeah and we're going to savage see so Jake for a while was a spike main but then switched off him deciding to go more towards peach for the offensive gameplay yeah I'm afraid to say but this might be quite the match in terms of time played because both these characters are baseline heavy and spike is very strong at baseline so he's gonna be stick me back a lot more often anything but I'm interested to see what Jake's gonna do maybe the angles at baseline might be enough to throw while it we cheat off all right this is the slow meter build-up between these two not playing too much at baseline Jake actually pushing to the tee right now yeah maybe because spike despite his small frame is a power character you know he might be able to utilize that to his advantage push waluigi back 40 and be able to charge up more shots yeah I love that trick shot sound that spike makes oh and there we go another special yeah got it on the lofts the tank is gonna be pretty nasty oh goes over hike but he gets it okay he's fine but he still has to spin a bit and have to burn up a little bit of meter but he actually gets a meter advantage now yeah that's what's scary about specials if it does get blocked and we saw it in the last game like it does put you out that meter advantage so it can be scary to use times all right guess that trickshot moonwalk to the other side all right but now spike getting a little more offensive indecisive youth the special here comes the iron bar you know I've never actually seen this before so whoa that's out of that got a lot of faces oh man that was wow she able to block it no problem and he gets the first point yeah I don't even know that's what he did he eats the rack and it turns into like a spike bar but that's what he doesn't in the Mario games oh okay okay yeah a zone shot coming out forcing a lot of meter out from Jake but not too much but this oh that's unfortunate yeah big shot goes for the LOB that time so Jake is deciding to play a tee with spike who's normally a baseline character I think trying to get it past him with some type of angle but I'm not sure what he can really do against such strong character alrighty a sushi with the impeccable defense still not letting a single slam go past him this is what waluigi loves just being able to wall out the opponent and then eventually wear them down with the slices and maybe get a special out of it reminder there's only been one point scored since quad I know yeah this might be a battle which I mean we saw that he can hold his own against Ino but this is a whole different beast yeah yep this is definitely gonna I have a feeling I have a feeling this will be one of our longer rallies already at 70 here yeah oh that's one of these to mess up it's totally possible it's likely possible like used to stay focused for that long like definitely put a toll on your bowl oh that's a point for Jake yeah big lunch though gonna have to force him to be in a bit of an awkward position trying to love it trying to call out Jake's approaches to the net but nothing happening so late but surely he's pushing Waluigi back so maybe he could utilize a job because like I said before bigger characters like waluigi have a little bit more trouble moving up and down the court yeah jobs can be especially scary Jake playing at the net very well so far forcing waluigi to stay back so there you can react to whatever shot he gets all but a lunge is gonna build that me to break up yep let's see I'm waiting for the rally score bonus on the top where are we at yeah 50 okay unfortunately Jake's the type of player that tries to make you play his game usually he likes to stay at e be aggressive make you lose that meter but he's really has to play with that suci and go in his pace which can be really really tough yep another zone shot actually I think those two she's just trying to mix up options maybe try to keep Jake on his toes too yeah but now they're both in the yellow and those slices from waluigi can be really scary when she's at the net but they're deciding to retreat and these angles from across court Wow even though you walk yeah go you can go that far okay here's a special all right get ready for that bass amp guys right boom if you're keeping track at home okay look okay he makes it look easy to do it is not easy to do guys okay I cannot stress this enough man that's like Jake's only way of like or like yeah that's one of the ways he can push offense but he can't yeah like I said spike is more of a baseline character he relies more on his strong shots from the back of the court but yeah waluigi can use that time to react and it's not really much that j can do other than use those specials i think maybe at some point like at sushi will mess up but after four in a row you just kind of think like i don't know if there's gonna work yeah definitely discouraging him from probably doing it again okay yeah yeah so this is a Mario Tennis ASIS guys so sometimes the points will go sometimes yeah I mean back back in the day when it was even harder to score like oh yeah like trust me back at 1.0 against the waluigi back then no way oh my gosh come on so upset right are you so good but look at him he's down on meter yeah this is Jake's chance or at the very least it looks like someone will be scoring soon and this might do it doesn't get the dead zone though Oh in a lob that's a plenty of time for him to try and react to a shot yeah he's gonna get his demeanor back I think now but still Jake is working it back up he might be able to go back up and even though he's been blocking all these specials like there's still such a strong option so if they can get it first but man all right back in the green yeah here goes will he get it this seven time is it what is it I think he's done it like five times going for six no okay guys the finally name right Adam so that he can't trick shot it right Jake actually takes the lead okay yeah you taught me so much about how great the defense is but it's actually Jake that has been playing better defense all righty yeah both of these two yeah both of them a half way meter I know that's like either these two are going anywhere soon yeah I mean the thing about this type of matchup is it does not as much to say about it like the defensive Waluigi super-strong spikes defense not as good but like he likes to stick back so he has time to react it really just gonna be those little itty bitty mistakes that are gonna result in points yeah instead of like a sword and shield fighting each other is like a shield and a shield like bumming heads the whole time yeah like they're gonna be these little dents but it's gonna take a while for that shield to actually crack mm-hmm yeah it's very interesting I did you watch the first set that they played yeah he didn't play waluigi at sushi he played Yoshi and Berto oh okay interesting yeah he's definitely mixing up the character diversity here just by himself alone everybody in the back following waluigi and joined his sound during the special shot pioneers moonwalk he's still spinning so he has to use up all that meter to get to the other side yeah once again meter is low another point should be coming soon or maybe not yeah I mean while most people would Peck Jake is being an offensive beast it's really his defense that allows him to get his office so even those types of situations still stay strong mm-hmm yeah it's a very interesting to see the spike is why he does working out so far yeah for Jake he's at least getting some more points and he's gotten some a lead oh we got to say yeah the power and play sets up a perfect trick shot though immediately if I'm hitting go for the special you got him in it the other side of the court maybe even if he does a side trick he might not be able to reach it if you angle it right oh my god okay well he got it back gonna call it keep tabs at home keep chaps in the chat I'm gonna call it sushi the the trick block monster he really is all right he wants to make it so it's a japan-only grand finals oh I sit up yeah really threw off Jake on where he was gonna go with that it look like Oh once again just kind of like these angles it's not expecting it and Jake's like yeah I guess that sushi who kind of got stuck in like a certain flow and then okay its own shot this angle is pretty nasty guess the trick block first one that Jake's been able to get for a while yep gonna go all the way back oh that's a lobby least wrong oh oh that's okay yep there it is that's we're talking about it always hinders Jake yeah at some point it's gonna hit him yeah okay but now Jake whoa one meter in the red so I suit you can play a little bit more but once again these like little lapses in judgment yeah like every single point that he scored on its sushi I'd say that in most cases he wouldn't make that mistake yeah the very interesting dynamic this match like we see for the most part and sushi he's like 98% great and though that 2% shows up and he loses the point yeah it might be it might be just like points of exhaustion it is pretty min a pretty deep racket so far that's true I mean he's had to play against so many great players and now he's choosing a character where it's like yeah I'm gonna stall you out but yes I have the mettle forward to court as well yeah it's gonna be down for three so far all right Jake going for these angles up at net but the LOB sends him right back yeah losing up a lot of meter both of them in the red I want to expect a point but not when I know that they either did psych yeah because whenever at sushi feels that Jake is on the offense he lobs it back there's not much that Jake can do about it being spike yeah and this is a this as a teo of mario tennis aces to this is probably the hardest part is that yeah you know that these sets can go on for a while there's no timer in aces of course timer in tennis yeah and the most legit rules that we've used so far has no ko I guess I could speed things up but then that really shifts the meta like waluigi would probably top there if there's a hola like if you like this type of gameplay then making racket breaking legal would pretty much provide a lot of this oh goes over his head ties it up okay yeah only three more points and someone can win this match he's trying to use the angles of spike to throw him off and he does there but she's just so good at positioning himself where he doesn have to worry about it too much even if he does longer all right there's the LOB goes right into it I was left a little squeaky sound that spike makes me into church yeah moving up to net expecting a lob from Jake but it takes to stay strong most players what they would do is that they would love it and he would just go for the special with the strong angle but instead Jake just continues to attack but the slice finally gets through and it sushi I think the first time in quite a while yeah that's believe he really had to play out the net there but he finally got the opportunity to actually get something started and the thing is I don't really know what Jake is if you were to lose this game and it goes to a game three like last game situation like I'm not really sure what Jake could do it was like this has been his best chance yet and he's still not really finding craps yep still at the net okay finally gonna go for the herd a lot that time mm-hmm forces out a lot of meter from Jake as well Luthor's are both still fine this little guy there that's where they gonna let up now trying to make someplace though you say that you saw that a fully charged law very interesting option coming from sushi yeah he's trying to mix it up because like at some point like one of these shots has to get through him but like I said before Jake's defense has been really outstanding yeah it's only been these specials that are throwing him off guard mm-hmm Jake I also like adapting to the immediate slice to the other side it looked like it was tripping up Jake earlier but he's been able to get the response and once again utilizing spike small frame hitting it over him so he has to adjust himself yeah here he goes this is chance with those slices of his maybe can score a point here nothing so far yeah oh absolutely actually it's a okay never mind I was gonna say he hasn't been gaining a whole lot of meter but he got the rally bonus yeah to Jake's better opportunity to score a point on them but it just hasn't happened yeah a lunch comes in nothing what's gonna happen out of it oh okay and once again like just these random instances where like y'all just let they go through and it's tied up two more points where either these guys will in the match mm-hmm yeah going back and forth this time around rather than the dominant match that the waluigi had the first time around yeah very different and oh he does have spikes spinning around so might be starting yeah I think it would go for the hard angle probably yeah yeah I don't think he's gonna get that never mind never mind no way I think it really didn't want him at match point but hey decide to go for it risk it for the biscuit yeah but now Jake does have the meter advantage going up to net trying to start something get the lob nothing always you can do we have yeah am I right yeah I mean do you see him run he's like alrighty here we go oh yeah go after and maybe maybe he might be able to take it right here let's see if we can utilize his range he's still upset Oh No it uses so much meter a big mistake from Jake yeah it's gonna set this back in a neutral real quick yeah that might cost him the deuce yeah and just like that a sushi back to full meter yeah it's such a big opportunity to do that yeah this might be back to deuce yeah yep okay really cost uh really cost a potential game there yeah really good to get whatever he can against this waluigi p this is this game like we got three game comeback against this yeah that's a very thing tough thing to do i got some other thing you can do is like trying to make him as tired as possible I don't know like yeah cuz I outside the game playable lullaby yeah he did have to go through like so many different plays it's like after a while it gets so mentally draining and now both of them are a full meter I I don't know when the points coming up yeah ever do I okay okay sooo she's making a move go he stalks his prey okay oh body shot body shot oh no that's why there's no way he meant he made her that happen yeah when you aim it down like that you might have a chance of messing him up and he walked into the ball that really sucks actually now once again at sushi on Matt's point open a big lunch yeah especially when you get your opponent to do a back trick like that it has to be a guaranteed flat so it makes it really easy to react to but a sushi outside the range so that was an opportunity for him to gain a lot of meter didn't quite find it now he's at zero meter oh but he doesn't get the double tap flat that would have maybe got him a point and brought back to juice but instead it's gonna keep going that was a really big mistake by Jake yeah oh doesn't get that zone okay uses up the zone speed Oh take lunch go to the other side no he stays on the same side that really that tricked me and that trick Jake - yeah oh no he stutter steps a little bit now he has no meter both of these guys have no meter yeah they're just really going at it still I even want to let up they don't want to give up their position especially at sushi where he can potentially take this next game yeah I think at this point his ideas just get the SPECIAL and it may be able to get it a strong enough angle but once again having to use a lot of meter just hit that lob yeah another lob counters the slam he's fine gaining the meter now both of them are back a full meter basically yeah even got the rally bonus as well at sushi looking like he's gonna try and stay in the blue there we go when's that special shot gonna come out that's the main question Jake still added on the defense gonna try it starting making him go all over the court and what's scary is like you would think like okay maybe this is now it takes time to special shop but we've seen so many times the special shop might not even be the right option because that's who she's just so good at trick blocking them whoa the back trick alright he's ready for it a hundred point rally man rallies have been going a lot longer now these days yeah job trying to throw him off goes for the special he does that ball over eg close up to the net so you might try to aim it towards the back of the court there's that base yeah another one that he said slammed the table and absolutely yeah that's such a bad player guys all right here we go cousin with another slam guys still got no meter to work with slowly building it back up Oh big mistake this would be a really strong shot okay he uses his own speed to be able to counter it not gonna be pushed back or spinning around that side trick I thought you might have missed it for a second perfect it's just one more point and at sushi might be able to take this game and send it to a game 3 up to oh but Jake just won't go down oh he goes going to oh what happened and in a rare case he just stormed the net sliced at him like 50 times and Jake just couldn't handle it boy sushi up to oh man I doubt he's going off the waluigi after getting two games on Jake oh man I feel like Jake especially is very easy to see visibly like how he how he's feeling at the moment the second that game was over he reared his head back like oh my gosh we're sticking with waluigi okay what stage were going to though probably back to grass yeah yeah so I mean after she won this a lot easier and Game one but like I'll keep saying it peach and grass like this is what Jake walks but like I said she's just playing too good and this is a four na if sushi wins this then it's a Japan grand finals yeah oh man I'm getting deja vu alright but here we go let's see try to utilize the really strong angles of peach to get it past waluigi but the positioning is just been too good oh don't shot okay interesting oh no meter for Jake he's gotta watch out yeah that's who she's got planning to work with blob yeah gonna force out a lot more meter - yeah forcing Jake to be on his toes but he's keeping up his defense he's fine just needs to gain up that meter again so he can be in a little bit more of a safer position oh but that lob is so good it forces him away far back yeah very good timing knew he could get that opportunity okay oh yeah first point goes that sushi get some nice on the serve - very nice obviously the game told him so perfect trick shot okay keeps himself in it would be so crazy if actually she wins this game and the loser run that he's had so far go up against zento his fellow Japanese player yeah I mean that would be crazy for I'm just so mad I'm mesmerized by I don't know like I said before it's pretty hypnotic I'm like losing my concentration just looking at the ball go back before yeah I mean that's what people go to tennis for like you just see your head turning back and forth trying to watch the ball see the next play yeah and I mean despite like you know we've been doing this for a while and all my stats are right there yeah you've been doing this for a while and it's like man these rallies are so long and these guys like the POE you can barely get the ball past him but like you really have to be thinking like every single point yeah where the ball is going what's gonna be the right counter and it takes a lot to be able to call out these shots like one after another yeah I think especially when you are a player of the game that you appreciate like the decision-making much more than like as like as a typical spectator so what I'm hoping hopefully you guys have a better understanding of like the decision-making that goes in with every shot that's with us explaining it to you guys yeah because like we stated at the beginning of this like each of these shots have their own counter so they've had to get the correct counter on these for the majority of these matches and then they have to think about like positioning like how could that force them to go into another place afterwards while also making sure they're staying in range and not getting lunges either exactly like right there I've got a lunge I'm not gonna really drop anything either though jake has the ability to get specialized mostly these two players now sushi caves let's see if he gets the point over you gonna get a mean a reset goes right at him over the head okay there's the block stuck in the spin animation has enough meter to get it should be fine yeah oh I don't want a lunch he's at a range yeah that's actually the point gonna cost him big time and now a big meter advantage for Jake if you get the angles that he requires he might be able to get some past that sushi but once again like just look at the patience yeah and now it's volleyball is hitting it up in the air at each other hoping to get it over the head of one of them wait I blinked how did he get back his meter already oh my god interesting ball placement think he's trying to okay you got to push back at least that forced up a lot more meter than usual please the LOB and that is a strong flat Nagase this is very impressive because like we I've said before waluigi is not a top tier they're always actually pretty mid tier most players they can't really do this with waluigi yeah the angles are too strong or the movement just doesn't work out for him so what he's doing right now is actually really impressive tearless wise yeah remember like when waluigi got nerfed while he was already bad yeah like he kept hitting dirt but he's been nerfed so many times kick him while he's down like it shows that if you're only player like at sushi you can really make him work and like think about all those specials that he had to block like if he had one of those points miss i think jake would have one game - uh-huh it takes a lot to be as good of a wall of what you play there as as sushi is being right now especially the best peach in na oh wow let's let it go right past them yeah that's an example teaches angles being too strong for waluigi yeah i think that you can get it but again okay the LOB goes in kind of tricked up Jake all right maybe goats into the maybe go to a deep angle on the other side yeah that's what I'm predicting he's all the way yeah actually it's right in the middle all righty get to the block he's spitting really far away from the ball even yeah that's quite a lot of meter gone yeah me to reset for for both of these to at least chance yeah if you can get peach to low meter is she's really slow compared to like the other princesses so ready got another special on deck oh my god you're right you got perfect tricks he got fully charged shots and this is gonna be a lot harder for Jake to get back okay I think this might be the point yeah I don't think Jake has gotten any trick blocks on these special shots meanwhile Atsushi has been perfect mm-hmm I think he's may have gotten one but like it's very significant that sushi is better at keeping himself clutch with those perfect trick box yeah slowly but surely like only three points away is that sushi from winning of this set three Oh a difference between the winners semi set mm-hmm oh no later go wrong yeah picked the wrong towner push far back on that and once again a two she's close to getting another special if you can just get off balance I might be another point Brett sushi and they'll be on set point all right let's lamb to the other side both of them at full meter mm-hmm Jake's really gotta dig deep he's been key I feel like he's been keeping him up with a to see rather than like trying to condition something from that sushi so it's really difficult for him to start offense not much that he can do right now in terms of offense because this defense has just been stellar like he hasn't been in great positions to get the angles that he needs and he keeps getting spun out or special yeah and this is it for a little village shake this is it for North America last chance for him to stop a grand finals from being Japan only but the special Mike clinch it's is he spinning around right down the middle he's just gonna go for a center block gonna be spinning out all right and flat to the other side should be able to make it yeah drop right there right on the other side no meter for at sushi actually this time around this pretty significant but the LOB that's gonna give them plenty of time come back around yeah and just like that he's back oh and a big lunge that's to be a lot of meter once again and he's so far back that might be it oh yeah okay zone shot interesting choice barely enough me to come back for what option after another one the double Oh too early it's a now oh no oh it's not it's right on the line Oh a little bit shaken out at sushi once again with a strong fist bump look at him go yeah I mean once again even though he's three oh that was a long hard-fought three oh so both of these guys are done they're drained very stoic pop off there we go sushi very happy with that one I'm sure reppin Japan all Japan grand finals can I guess I'm absent a chat for na actually the entire West yeah the hope I know you're in the chat well I was probably like oh you know what I think be enough and I'm them can take yeah oh my god alright alright yeah but this is it this is grand finals at sushi and I don't think she's going waluigi again alright I think that's gonna be for the waluigi i feel like zinno knows how to play against whether we cuz there are so many great waluigi players in japan I'm blanking on the name I think zombie might be his name but he's an amazing waluigi player that's over there mm-hmm so he's used to that play style so I'm particular of the luma or maybe because they got both in Japan maybe they'll just like have a bit of fun he'll go Rosa his true main yeah we'll see mm-hmm oh man we were approaching grandpa relatively on yeah yeah we went from 11 to 2 I think that was our predetermined block as long as they're not going past that actually I think smash you usually goes fast out even more most of the time than expected not longer than smash that you have double-checking everything you see Jake behind me he's just tried to talk it out like man that was pretty hard Wow whoo oh I wonder what I think she's going to get or maybe they break because they're ridiculous all long sets I mean he threw out this PG threw out the spike you throw out the peach again and just it didn't work out for mm-hmm I mean give it up again to to Jake for a very hard-fought battle for DNA once again he's probably scored more points on zento than anybody in na ever has yeah I think so too I mean that was huge I think in one of if some of our greatest enemy players like Angie could have come maybe we see something different but I mean for what we had this is a really great showing for any I'd say yeah definitely there was there was a hope but not quite today but here we go now these two players are ready I'm trying to remember I mean they did play a heart of battle twice I believe in winners finals and in the grand finals the signal took them both I believe both 3os yes I think that for the most part they know it does have that sousou's number yeah I like like he has everybody's number yeah well I mean but I mean think about I mean the losers run that at sushi is happening to one versus JJ to 1 this is I boo a really hard fought 3o against Jake like he's probably drained but he's also he must be excited to like get this chance yes I have half a momentum half half drains I'll have to see can he get some more adrenaline rush pumping in before he finishes off yeah and there's a he took off his jacket so there's the asus champ the asus champion polo champion polo the grand finals that's how you know that this guy's at the top of his game when he breaks out the polo oh yeah guys I'm actually sponsored by Nintendo hey that's why he comes to these tournaments often just kidding oh thanks oh who knows I mean he is gonna be bringing home a nice prize outside at sushi getting first and second so I mean depending on how this goes all right I'm curious to see what the characters gonna be he's got things like once again it's a no best player pan like this is a big play for him too not many people are expecting a sushi to take it here if he could maybe take a couple games that'd be really huge for I'm expecting the ouija from at Zeno sushi I'm expecting luma maybe while we do you get I don't know if my if I could take it man it's such a shame that all the new characters are kind of kind of getting shafted let's see all of all the DLC characters that we've gotten we've seen I figured he called uh-huh luma PD and that's it yeah no fire piranha plant and the waluigi already bringing it out we got the camp we got the cannon battle yeah that for a while you that at home did you know that why Luigi was not supposed to exist but the only reason was because at noir yo needed a doubles partner for tennis like I said waluigi is basically the main character of mario tennis like the name i know being the strongest that's why he had a cisco feet that's why he has a tennis racquet they say new alright anybody gonna go ahead and start things off now I'm interested to see cuz like Jake just couldn't break the defenses of that sushi what's then I'm gonna do to mix it up there's a back trick there's a lob yeah I think that's something that I don't remember Jake doing too often was la blobs are actually really good against waluigi because it stops the pressure of the slices uh-huh so i think we might see that a lot more from i don't know how sino does it but he just makes a luigi look so quick on the court you know like he looks like he's covering all the options so well and once again luigi his pivot isn't that good but he's maneuvering in such a way that makes it work yeah okay here's a special fight like we already have seen how specials go against at sushi so let's see where he aims it straight down okay yeah aiming it straight down makes it harder to trick block i mean he could have done a front trick there but maybe the timing would have been off a little bit more right all right another love forces a centimeter getting the side trucks on those logs is Zen oh and like is I think its goal it's just gonna be able to get those specials - yeah keep on sushi honest tones yeah okay there it is I'm expecting another straight down shop giving waluigi a taste of his own medicine man yup here it is okay that time he gets the block but might take him quite a bit to get over there yeah pretty much even meaner now yeah but look how far back is yeah he might be pretty nasty man oh okay no yeah rah rah mistake or rare mistake excuse me all right there's another love Oh volleyball yeah the imaginary net is much taller now yeah both of them very high on meter both trying to work to those specials you see that denno has been doing so well and this is what while we just trouble with Oh whoo an interesting choice but you can just special those although the angle is not gonna be as good as they would have liked look how far back he is yeah and he gets the front trick and now zento has to work his way back up what a good call by sushi yeah no no has so little meter to work with right now I think that's it never mind oh my gosh guys are so good yeah he's like oh you're gonna try to trick me no I don't think so he's got hurt you're playing against yeah just like that Dino cut brought back all of his meter that's who she's still a little bit behind but he's doing fine so far yeah man it's like one of those things where it's like oh I have such a great idea yeah you try to execute it Marty's got all his meter down it looked like he had it set but then I was just too good yeah it's like nothing's guaranteed in aces yeah and look that's being too much for waluigi mm-hmm Luigi's angles and volleys are actually really strong maybe I mean at the very least I don't knows how to utilize them much better another interesting zone show yep alright just goes to Internet Oh actually hopefully they did set their control because something that had to be changed was if you hold down the CR button it can both be zone speed end zone shot aha most players change that so they don't fall into this problem of getting some traps oh yeah my hope is that he did change his controls before this and that these are purposeful zone shots and not mistakes yeah I think so like I feel like it would be because I think they they check their controls every time they go inside yeah they seem very method about it yeah yeah oh and again the dead zone case point against in oh yeah the the zone traps definitely was a thing when you couldn't set your controls but then Camelot was like yeah that's probably good yeah broken yeah I mean top level play back then you'd see zone traps a lot yeah players at the top level would utilize them to great effect but right now they know taking a 3-1 oh the the the flat to the other side cough sushi a little bit off guard but then I was got the angle possibly aims it right Adam back trick no problem but now he has to react to all these shots mm-hmm I wonder if sushi last night was just practicing every single possible way the trick block something I wouldn't be surprised wouldn't surprise I guess he had the waluigi in the pocket it worked on it last night cuz i guess i mean he's coming from losers he lost to jake but there was no waluigi in sight he kept this in his pocket ya know luma no Rosalina this is all from the pocket the push back okay he couldn't he couldn't have fun enough time to drop shot it though yeah good job on the survivability actually yeah even still I guess he was a lot of meter just stay in it because the volleys from xeno have been very strong yeah we've rarely seen any special shots from a sushi actually yes true it's really been say no that's been taking it to the offensive and that's what I do like say no as a player is that Wally does have amazing defense he is primarily focus as an offensive player going for these great angles and then volleys all right so once again mm-hmm and like it's just so Incheon I want to see where he aims it because he's been mixing it up Ames a straight down once again can't trick block it this time so he has to survive all this meter lossing yeah do it for one who just decide to give it up it doesn't have the positioning for it so how do you beat someone that can trick block everything it just can't don't let him trick one yeah straight down don't give them a chance volleyball once again it's my goodness another one yeah mm-hmm they just don't I mean I'm sushi just doesn't want him to come up close because he's doing such a good job moving up to net and hitting these slice volleys oh that's a really big lob fours you know their push back yeah he's sewing back in a good angle probably to the right will likely take this point yup there it is yeah right on the line he doesn't even use gyroscope he just uses the the regular like it gives you less chances for mistakes but it doesn't give you as much free range of motion yeah it's like an splatoon because most the time you want to use it to be able to snap towards your opponent so well I feel like a snap to a corner yeah when you're using gyroscope so it's a preference thing not not a make-or-break most of the time so it goes to another zone shot again I think he's trying to hit it over what Luigi but Luigi has decent height so it doesn't happen too often to Italy yeah he's a taller brother after all not not for waluigi and mario but yeah compared to waluigi not as much but just enough to not have to worry about these own shots yeah ah the lunch so while at sushi I mean he's been sticking strong but point wise it's 5-1 then only needs two more did you see that mixup yeah he change his mind can't see the way he's aiming it so I think that was like a personal mix-up me yeah yeah he looks at me it's like ah and he did get the point off of it that's another point rights issue yeah at least people can take points off him now yeah God so gods don't bleed but he's yeah whoa yeah uncharacteristic miss actually I even know that that can happen anymore yeah I was just accepting that was gonna be a perfect Rick was ready oh you know just a special whatever but yeah doesn't get it maybe it's finally starting to get to him mm-hmm match point presento only needs three matches to take the tournament bring it back home for Japan and keep his status as most likely the best player in the world [Music] all right slide to the other side so like for the first time waluigi has the meter to get a special yeah and i don't really know if he can utilize it to great effect like Xenon's been doing yeah i mean i don't think that's who she's not one special just at this game i don't think yeah and let's get into straight down no chance to trick walk it it has to take the stun gets the perfect trick but he gets in one of his own yep those are interesting pattern there cross-court or auntie yeah might as well say that it was cross court chaos yeah another lob moves right back in volleyball once again another zone shot trying to throw him off guard oh no a net not the net while we not the net what a way to end it but she's smiling about it he knows then I was so cracking a smile yeah from it's great I mean both these guys once they're in the zone they're like quiet but they're great friends and you can see it's very funny because in arms to one of the Japanese players the one that was considered the best before he retired he was he like never smiled on off whenever he played he was like yeah he was very stoic like xenos you know at least cracks a smile but pega I like never see him like at all you know looking as strong as ever he needs two more matches to win the tournament yes and I'm wondering I mean the Waluigi wasn't really the answer here could we see a character change looma which is another one of his stronger characters try drive out sir I just want to see driving dry Bowser the last character given yep prior piranha plant boom-boom-boom-boom that short-lived the STA the first playable appearance the Pauline oh yeah yeah I remember that one yeah that was like that was a good dlc surprise for Pauline yeah well it was funny because when we're seeing the Rosalina I think maybe changes the rack decided to which over to left-handed if I'm not mistaken yeah maybe to change up his slices and throw at sushi off when she came out originally her name was in big bold letters as opposed to being like kind of like how they are with that sushi no same it was the only character that had like Bilbo letters so every single time that came up everyone just go Polly yeah but here we go the Rosalita comes out this is Dennis favorite not so that's who she's favorite character you go on his Twitter it's all pictures of Rosalina yeah big fan mm-hmm but Rosalina considered a low tier in this game yep so and I'm pretty sure that say no knows how to play against them as we're seeing it yeah you can already see like the range is not quite there compared to waluigi yeah this is usually what Rosalina's try to do they try to stick back in the base line and get these charge shots rolling yeah and then once they build up that meter they just try to stay alive and then maybe miss a special very similar to waluigi but also really different you see a lot more movement you see how back and forth Rosalina has to go another okay well let's see what we're gonna do here goes for the block what's the play gonna be yeah I believe if I were if I recall correctly out of all the tricky characters Rosa has the the fastest movement while charging yes so yeah so she can navigate really well oh but the range so again not quite there yeah she does have good range that you can charge but she doesn't have very many offensive capabilities similar to waluigi so special is going to be the best chance but once again instead of doing a great job throwing rosalia off-balance because she doesn't have the range that waluigi hands yeah oh uh uncharacteristic lunge from zen Oh brings it back though nothing too crazy okay those were to lob yeah so you know was ready for it though like the main goal for Rosaline is to stay back but Zen no can just play that game it's played against Tyson she'd enough to know how to play against Rosa I'm sure yeah oh but here we go I think you spinning a little bit from the fully charged us slice this might actually be a point for him yeah there you go all right one three Rosa gets a point I get into consider that like five points because of the nature of the character yeah must be worth 500 Rob is too much on hard court yeah while roasting Lina actually has really fast charging speed moving forwards I guess it just wasn't even get there in time yeah and this angle from the lob is gonna make this special start really hard for at sushi straight down can't trick block it yep perfect Rick's offset will goes all the way across the court okay we'll be able to reach it though yeah even though the Rose is tricky is definitely the angles on the slices are definitely not as bad as say boo yeah the trickiest character in the game his slices go all over the place yeah is it much more conservative in that definitely a noob killer Boo is yeah we did have a boo neato the guy that beat puppy in pools and smash oh yeah actually played some Mario faces and got the top 16 so shout outs and eat oh yeah oh okay I go for the for the LOB here he's fully charged shots as is roses want and you can see his meter is slowly but surely rising oh-oh that dead zone yeah or Jimmy Tech yep alright so sadly the waluigi is doing the best so far like the range was definitely helping at sushi stay alive much longer in this case then it was just finding the holes where he needs to and the drop okay the lob it goes sort of her to slam on the other side that's like i feel like i sushi keeps up but then this is NO it just makes a play and it's like i'm gonna put it here and then not sue she's not ready for it you know yeah I mean Rosa just doesn't have the offensive capabilities necessary to really get past this defense from like we saw with Jake a couple of times was able to trip him up because of the angles of peach Rosalina just doesn't have it all the way to the back yep there's the block Rose up with no meter now zento still has plenty to work with there's gonna be a fully charged shot and now he's got special ready zone shot oh right down in the middle ooh too early yeah there is there is health on the rackets if you miss do break and they will result in a point if they do lose all three of their pips it's just that it rarely happens because we see stuff like this at sushi being so good at it yeah yep still uh still continuing the defense but special shot yep and now this angles gonna be nasty atsuta has no meter to work with this will likely be game two in favor of Zeno or it can be a god yeah yeah yeah nevermind that's wrong I thought it was just wasn't have enough time with the meter that he had but he asked me wrong oh but he couldn't make it with a drop shot all right one game away is Zeno from taking mario tennis aces here at switch fest 2019 and I mean I expect him to say Luigi is that sushi going to try another character yeah with this humungous character pool that he seems to have I was already all up there for him to play Diddy just for the heck yeah listen what does the Japanese did he look like I mean tone is considered like I think consider one of the best in the game right now tonette oh yeah but the range difference and I don't know I feel like with the way that Zeno plays told us give you a risky paper mm-hmm I mean you're already down to oh you might have fun with it yeah but like I don't know I think he also wants to win I'm sure he's got to find a good balance of like its character that I want to play but also might really stand a chance yes mm-hmm and he has a chance to once again go through the bracket unscathed no games lost and showing the dominance of Martinus aces I'm sitting there an anticipation of the of the character Yoshi Yoshi all right back to the Yoshi alrighty now he did play Yoshi against Jake earlier in the bracket it didn't work out for him but maybe against Luigi it might be a bit different he is a top-tier character kind of an all around her despite like he has better speed but he has great shot types you can pretty much do everything mm-hmm he does get first served here on savage TV and what might be our last match of the day and already I'm kind of seeing playing similarly to how I do play dumb staying at the T yeah even though there are different characters and they have different attributes like the play style among the like the same character it's usually similar because you want to keep up with their strengths yeah that's the same place though I think the hope with these front tricks is to call out a side trick but I mean then oh he's not wanting to falter like that yeah alrighty another front trick yeah they're not letting up so far they're doing fine trading single tap top spins mm-hmm both of them have pretty good angles so they can use them against each other to get lunges such as that hold them actually have decent lunges in terms of like recovery time so it won't even be too much for cropping for now I want to see his I'm sure that something's gonna be going for a special at some point does he know the timing for Yoshi like he does with Rosalina and waluigi oh yeah that would be something wow this is a really fast rally especially considering where they are yeah and now yoshi gets a great angle on this special shot all the way into the back has to back up a little bit but lobs it forcing s who should use a lot of meter but it looks like he might be able to get this point but look at all this meter that xennos using what's about shot gonna be oh he tries go for the single tap topspin yeah that was that sushis best opportunity to take a point and maybe even start to snowball kind of like how we see saw Jake do it earlier the bracket but yeah sense I know perfectly getting the meter back mm-hmm very interesting like even though they're far back they really don't go for drop shots as often right I fully towards drops because I feel like that would waste a lot of meter but then again the punish that the opponent has is actually pretty strong so I can kind of see what they're thinking this is a relatively this is a strong first rally I get far yeah we're already at 120 and no school no points have been scored so far yeah these guys are playing really well against each other the rows that definite wasn't the right pick waluigi he hung in there but he didn't do quite enough but the yoshi is really holding his own yeah at the same time like they know like getting the ball past them it's just so hard yeah it does Wow yeah this is a really really good defense coming from Anna to she so far Oh big lunch though oh yeah first point going is I know yeah the lunches from Yoshi are pretty bad all things considered suppose you wanted the big deep ones like that Oh Thompson just gets right past him a quick second point in a big difference in that first point all right back to tea both of them go he does have special but he's opting not to use it mm-hmm slide the other way well here it is and he looks like he's most likely be spinning around so this will be pretty hard for him yeah pretty tough angle is they gonna get it net oh oh yeah do we even ask why did we why didn't we doubt him even still he's lost all of his meter now and the slices of luigi are just really strong yeah got a nice good if he wasn't careful zenyk Oh Brent a train on him with his volleys yeah look at these another big lunch I think tier lists are gonna change quite a bit after this performance I think people were doubting Luigi but Zeno makes it look so strong yeah very consistent even throughout all the patches although it's kind of like it's not like any characters like absolutely horrible is that you can still perform relatively well with them so it's a question of like if Zeno is super super super good hammock is in the game yeah we'll take those all right this is gonna be a really good angle but I mean right behind him yep waste doesn't go for the drop yeah interesting but get this trick shot and you guess a trick shot all right so I was like that never happen to basically oh we didn't call that Malcolm yeah that's uh so while he's been playing a lot better within the points it's a four OH three points away from ending the tournament yeah can't really close out the points unfortunately all right back to volleyball goalie chart slice plane so strong I'm what I think that's what she's trying to do there as he's trying to call out a side trip with those fun tricks trying to throw him off the balance get a Jimmy Tech but I mean they don't knows yeah Oh thought he was he had the right idea but the angles at sushi trying to predict something couldn't get the trick shot in time actually that's that Zeno does mix up what he does on those lobs what most people do when they get into the star and they use those flats but Zen always mixing it up so often that's what you can't read it so when he finally does go for that flat it shock something yeah so much meaner on sentosa side yeah that's looking I'm gonna be real it's looking like curtains for a man at sushi who made such a great run today yeah I mean second place ain't bad at all oh that's still taking a pretty penny out of a $500 yeah I think those I think I was a lunch so you might have to we'll have to see because that sushi yeah he's easy God but now no meter but he does get the perfect trick so he doesn't get the whack ball yeah buy another lunch until a lob like he's gonna be fighting for his life for a little yes you know really putting on the pressure right there with that the back trick a special is looming as he's sitting in green especially with this right down the middle there's a special moving up she's gonna wait for a sushi to go for a lob when he's close to the net and will likely go for a special in that case until then he's content he's got a strong defense he doesn't have to worry about too much he hasn't scored on him yet I'm waiting for that special shot from Zen Oh anytime soon he's approaching than that oh he doesn't even need oh my gosh the toss and this is it final point tournament point for Zen oh here ending it with a bagel he's got the special chart and he goes with the zone oh you're not doing that to me so that was a zone serve that might been the first time we saw so sir yeah usually not very optimal at all like you never see that happening why against players like this but still these doesn't have very much meter to work with and then I was still sitting at green yep expecting a special shot you'll probably get it in a couple more hits I'm gonna feel it hope it doesn't get the fully charged slice there okay still got a little bit of a chance to survive don't count him out yet okay now I'm counting him out because of special shots available yeah he's in the green even if he does special he could return it yeah and I wouldn't mind a sushi being able to get one point here I don't want it to end in a bagel against them yeah we can hope press one of you think that a sushi can make it press two if you don't want to look back in the body just he'll rove twos Oh pray Brett sushi guy that's Yeah right oh yeah if you're if you have that emote definitely use that yeah yeah I mean we saw him before he was a match point against Ibou and he was able to stay alive he's going for it mhm alright he's going for the special okay here we go a fighter till the end absolutely Wow okay zento giving him a taste of his own medicine there got the hat trick oh okay tournament zento takes a 300 over at sushi doesn't lose a game rolls through the bracket and that will be in from Mario faces here at switch past 2019 very nice stuff very very proud of that no very much very good yep he's already dressed for the occasion he's a champion yeah oh man yeah so Japan first in second place yeah third place we got Jake fourth place I boo JJ yep very strong top six yeah yeah so shout out so all the all the players that came out today absolutely yeah and thanks for coming out to commentate that's so much like the one of the this is like man this is such a great moment for an MTA history I feel oh yeah this is easily the best offline we've ever had so many great competitors thanks to everybody that wanted to play MTA today like you were in your smash bracket like I'll give MTA a shot just cuz it was free yeah and thank you for playing thank you for anybody who's watching right now if you want to know more join the MTA discord that's Mario Tennis Aces Club got over 2,800 people there willing to talk to ya and all the people that you saw in the tournament are from the discord and you can see them there yeah I mean we have people from all time zone so you're always available to talk to someone and we do host tournaments as well Jake hosts some bi-weekly as I believe and then we do have tournaments on Tuesdays and Thursdays I believe for both standard and simple yes but those that don't know there is a simple mode of this game you don't got to worry about all the meter and the trick shots and all this craziness it's just straight up tennis shop or shot yeah that's more of your style there's also simple mode tournaments as well mm-hmm yeah but Sano the taking yeah yet another offline victory very proud of him very nice stuff very fantastic I mean showing why many people call him the best of all yeah so I don't know if we're doing PO connector or what's actually next on the schedule but looks like we're gonna be switching gears going into another game of course this is switch fest so we're gonna have plenty of other games and of course we're gonna have alternate later tonight as well top 12 so you guys should stick around for that but until then I've been set up in PK Kerby and hope you guys enjoy the rest of the show all right thank you guys you you
Channel: 2GGaming
Views: 24,126
Rating: 4.9117646 out of 5
Keywords: smash ultimate, Smash Bros Ultimate, super smash ultimate, super smash bros ultimate, smash switch, ssbu, ultimate, smash bros, patch, smash 5, tournament, gameplay, special, ใ‚นใƒžใƒ–ใƒฉ, socal, smash, highlights, final, top tier, 2ggaming, 2gggaming, 2gg, wnf, 2ggt, saga, 2ggc, msm, mega smash monday, civil war, thug, twitch, super smash bros, nintendo, championship, zero, smash 4, melee, brawl, 64, squad strike, summit, tier list, trailer, grand, dlc, GRAND TOUR, breakthrough, PGR, PGRU, evo
Id: coofA83DXc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 56sec (11456 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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