Switch Emulation Asus Rog Ally EmuDeck Emulation Station Setup Guide

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what's going on mobile Gamers today I'm going to show you how to play Nintendo switch on your Asus Rogue Ally using muud deck and emulation station so let's jump in learn some more about emulation in 2024 so how to play Nintendo switch on your Asus Rog Ali using muud deck first we're going to go to Google Chrome so I'm going to open up Google Chrome here now I'm going to open up my keyboard and I'm going to type in Yuzu Keys now of course your keys should be generated based off your games that you actually have using a tool on your computer but I'm going to show you the site that you can get them from I'm not going to navigate to that site but this site is where you get the latest Keys which is version 17 so next we need to get the firmware the firmware is very important so you're going to open up your keyboard by pressing your back M2 button or M1 button and the up arrow and type in Yuzu firmware just like so now the prod Keys website is the best one to get your firmware as well so we're going to scroll all the way down I'm going to click on download a little window is going to pop up for Mega Drive and then you're going to click the download button right at the bottom right hand side and let it do its thing now that your firmware has been downloaded you're going to navigate into your downloads folder so exit out of Chrome go into your folder go to your downloads you're going to click on the firmware folder file with the little checkbox or can just use your right stick with your joystick or your mouse if you don't know how to do that just change your control mode to desktop mode and then use your right bumper for your actual Mouse so now you're going to right click on that and you're going to go to extract all you're just going to let them extract into the downloads directory so just press extract and then let it do its thing now this is going to extract a lot of files into one specific folder so wait for that to be done okay and there's all your files so click on the check box for all of those files make sure that they're all highlighted now click on the copy icon right here now we're going to navigate to our folder that was our emulation folder mine was on my external SD card wherever yours is located you need to know where that is so if yours was just in your PC then navigate to the emulation folder that you chose at the beginning of this setup guide now you're going to navigate inside that bios folder double click on it now you're going to navigate into the Yuzu folder you're going to go into the firmware folder and then you're going to paste all those firmware files into that firmware folder now once that is done you can open up a tab technically up here if you want to to make this a little bit quicker go back to your downloads folder go back to wherever your keys are so my keys are right here I'm going to navigate inside my keys folder again navigate again I'm going to select all of these keys I can just copy these directly out of that zipped file by clicking copy go back to that firmware file tab go to emulation go to bios go to Yuzu go to keys and then paste those keys in there this is very important to actually set up your games now go back to your emulation go to ROMs scroll all the way down until you see switch and there it is right there so click on switch and this is where all of my games are located this isn't a video about how to get your games you need to dump your own game files or try to get them elsewhere but that's basically where you place all of your games your NSP files and everything and so forth now click exit click exit again go back into your file folder go to this PC go to OS go down to your user's name go to whatever your username is so if your name is Jimmy then that's your username for your PC mine is I'm new go down to where it says muud deck go to emulation station go to emulators and then scroll down to Yuzu so you need to go down to the Yuzu directory now as of right now we don't have automatic configurations for the Rogue Ally so I noticed that even with the steam deck it wasn't autoc config for the buttons so go to Yuzu go to Yuzu folder now we're going to open up Yuzu and configure some settings in here so go all the way down until you see Yuzu which is just the application and we're going to open it up now you could double tap and click your folders that you actually just set up to actually load your games to make sure that they're actually all loading properly with your firmware and everything by selecting your external drive which is mine go to ROMs and then scroll all the way down until you see the switch folder so we can open up our keyboard and there it is right there and then select that folder and then it'll load all of your games into a full directory if you want if you're not using a front end now as you see at the bottom here we have our hot kind of whatever you want to call it uh setup settings for our Graphics I don't select docked ever now nearest neighbor is pretty good but we can use bilinear with this device and even our FXAA can be set up now that does slow down the performance a little bit so I use handheld because this is a handheld device I use bilinear and of course Vulcan and normal for the back end now for the emulation itself we need to navigate to the emulation tab we need to go down to configure we need to go down to controls and now we have to click on any we have to go down to the Xbox 360 controller now we have keyboard and mouse set up right now so if we switch over to our control mode mode to be gam pad mode then you'll see that we can actually use our Gamepad inside of our game now of course we won't be able to use our Mouse anymore so we're just going to have to use the touchcreen for this point but I'm going to turn that off for now just so that you can just see that that Xbox 360 controller is set up I'm going to go to Graphics now make sure that your drop- down menu for your actual device is set to your Radeon graphics and this is set to Vulcan because Vulcan does work a lot better than openg GL for a lot of these games select borderless window GPU decoding all these settings just make sure they actually align up with the settings that I set up I did test out all these games even tiers of the kingdom and everything looks really great go to Advanced I end up turning on enal a synchronized Shader presentation presentation because that does help a lot with your graphics rendering on the backend thread of your device and everything else that's set up in here I just leave it the same that it's set up to right now for your system I leave that you can actually change all of your profile settings and stuff in here change your name if you'd like I've already got that set up so you can add different profiles in here I'm not going to show all that kind of stuff but I will show you a game that actually needs to be configured so it runs a lot better which is Zelda links Awakening so click okay now when it comes to setting up different uh setups for each game so if you wanted to update your games like Super Mario Kart and stuff so you're going to go to file you're going to go to install files to nand and then you're going to select wherever your actual uh updates are or anything like that so I don't have my updates on here but if you had updates that you downloaded then you would go into that update folder and then click open and it would update now for setting up certain mods and stuff so for example a mod for helping out with Zelda links Awakening getting rid of the fog which you don't really need to to do for this device because it does render it well you're going to navigate down to Zelda links Awakening click the R2 button right click it so that'll be showing this little menu right here now you can open up your mod data location so we're going to click on that that's going to open up the folder located for where your mods are going to go we're going to minimize that tray for now and the reason why I was showing you that is because we're going to add the mod to Zelda links Awakening so right click right trigger so that's my right trigger this is the right bumper and then we're going to go to properties and then you'll see if your mods are actually in there correctly so if you don't see any mods here or anything like that that means that you didn't copy the mod over which I'm going to show you in a few seconds now go to graphics and you can actually change your graphics here if you want to as well if you wanted to change this to docked mode or whatever that's up to you now I think the handheld mode looks good for all these games because we are on a handheld device but if if you wanted to dock this and test it out go ahead and do so so click okay on that we're going to go down back to Google Chrome for a second and I'm going to show you where to get some mods so we're going to go to our keyboard we're going to type in Yuzu mods and this is going to be the Yuzu default website there are different websites you can get mods from but I'm going to use the Yuzu website go to switch mods go all the way down until we see the one for Zelda links Awakening and again this helps with a lot of games like um Bowser Fury and stuff so click the blur removal mod let it download and now infinite cheats you can do that as well clean UI stable 60fps all that stuff I'm not going to do the clean UI it brings you to the other site that allows you to get mods so stable 60fps this all helps with rendering your game really well now we're going to navigate and close this out we're going to go down to our file manager tab we're going to go to that file folder that we opened up which is is our load folder we're going to go up to that tab icon on the top right hand side we're going to go to our downloads we're going to extract this folder so right click it extract all click extract so now you're going to right click the stable FPS folder you're going to copy it you're going to navigate back to your load folder and you're going to paste that right there now you're going to go to Yuzu you're going to right click on Zelda go to properties and you'll see that stable as 60 FPS mod pop up so that means that that is turned on so let's go back down again and do this again for our other mods that we just downloaded so we're going to go to our downloads folder we're going to go to the blur removal mod now you could just technically just check this off and copy it I like to extract files just to make sure that they actually load properly go back to my load folder and paste now this is good for modding and getting certain games to actually render really well now we're going to close this out we're going to close this out we're going to close this out in this we're going to switch our controller mode to gam pad mode we're going to open up emulation station now emulation station had a huge update as of recent so make sure you go to muud deck and update it through muud mu deck is working on a bigger update for this now this is what the menu looks like now as of today which is 3.0 wait for your steam to log in if you have steam if it doesn't have steam then it will just kind of Crash and the emulation station will still work click a to play now I'm going to open up Zelda links Awakening directly from my emulation station it's going to open up Yuzu and it's going to be set up for all my configurations that I just showed you here today and as you can see all my buttons are working the way that I want them to able to jump into my game and play Zelda Nintendo switch Edition on my Asus Rogue Ally and it looks really great it plays really well no graphical major graphical issues pop up or anything and the game just handles really really clean and really really well and sits at a stable 60 FPS the entire time it's almost better or just as good as playing on the Nintendo switch have a nice day guys if you like this sort of content I will be releasing all of these guides this coming month in March for the muex setup guides along with other content on the channel subscribe like share share in the community does help the channel grow because it brings other Gamers that want learn how to set this stuff up for their Asus Rogue Ally or even their Android Odin 2 or any other handheld devices that I really enjoy sharing with you guys on the channel take care love you all have a nice day go enjoy gaming I think I'm going to play some Zelda links Awakening now on my Asis Rogue Ally this afternoon cuz it's a Sunday and I like to game on the weekend when I don't have to work now some of you are probably wondering how to exit your game well click the start and select button click yes and now you'll be back into ulation station bye-bye
Channel: DNA Mobile Gaming
Views: 1,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EmuDeck, AsusRogAlly, NintendoSwitch, Yuzu, HowTo, SetupGuide
Id: GPVBP9Y67d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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