Swing SLOWER but hit the golf ball FURTHER. 99% of the BEST golfers do THIS!!!

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so hopefully today's video is going to be an absolute cracker i'm going to show you how you can swing the club slower but actually hit the ball further than ever right so i think most golfers don't hit the ball as far as they'd like and we all understand that obviously if we can swing the club quicker the ball is going to go further but too often i see this the golf has really gone at it flat out we can see there 89 mile an hour club head speed ball speed 107 nearly 108 smash factor at 1.2 launching at 29 degrees and only carrying the ball 135 yards now i know probably a lot of you're watching and going 135 yards with the seven irons i hit the ball that far and i definitely don't swing at 89 mile an hour and that is because even though i've had lots of club head speed there we saw my smash factor was only 1.2 now just to explain smash factor smash factor is the efficiency of how we transfer energy from club head to golf ball the higher the smash up to a maximum of 1.5 with driver the more efficient the transfer of energy now what let me down there and this lets most golfers that i see down is at impact the shaft was almost leaning back adding loft to the shot which made it go very high and unfortunately not forward enough now you don't see any of the best players in the world like that impact what you see all the best players in the world like is that that shaft leans forward they're deloft in the golf club and les loft delivers more speed so like i said at the start the idea of today's video is i'm going to show you how you can actually swing slower than normal and hit the ball further than ever and i know that sounds like a dream doesn't it because we all get told swinging slower but we also understand that a lot of times swinging slower the ball is going to go shorter and shorter and shorter so how are we going to work on that so what wants to do is particularly when i look at the gold swing from this angle a lot of golfers as they swing back let that club face rotate and try and get that toe straight to the sky unfortunately i see probably even more of this as golfers make that nice full backswing we see that shape a cupping to the wrist and then on the way down that club face is wide open and that in itself is a huge issue because there's only a couple of ways you can square that club face up the first one is as i did there let the clubhead overtake the hands to square the club up or you hang back and again release that club early now i know a lot of you watching will say i know i want that shaft lean but if that club face has been open all of a sudden that club face is going to point 45 degrees out to the right and nobody likes seeing one of those it's not a shank but it's not much better and we can see the shot there on track man 82 mile an hour club head speed less ball speed because of the glancing blow and the smash factor under one so absolutely don't do that there might be a whole other video about that so what i want you to work on and it might feel that you have to be a little bit shorter in your backswing which could cost you that little bit of clubhead speed but you can also swing slower and get more out of the club so what i want you to feel is as you swing back we're going to try and keep the club face looking at where the ball was so that checkpoint halfway back we're going to see that leading edge very similar to the spine as we swing back instead of the wrist being in a cupped position it's going to be much more bowed now that in itself for a lot of you once you get back you might feel you can only swing back so far i don't mind that what you might be doing to get to the top is using that wrist to get extra length in the swing but it's costing you an efficiency so first of all we're going to try the little half swing just hit some shots have some practice swings get used to how it feels so like i said clubface looking at the ball feel that your knuckles are going to be more down to the ground and then keep those knuckles down into impact and you can see straight away what a very different impact position that would be so let's try a couple of practice rings and this is something i work maybe not as hard on at the moment as i have done in the past but very much knuckles down little half swing and don't mind if they go a little bit left for now that club face is closed de-lofted so we can see a club head speed at 77 mile an hour ball speed 106. so we're already getting the ball out as far as the full swing before and the smash factor at 1.37 but the big change there we went from 29 degrees of loft to 13. now something i'm going to talk about later in the video potentially that could be a negative but for now with seven iron that is going to be a massive bonus so again let's do a little half swing as a practice ring that feels good let's hit one more half swing probably a little bit longer than a half swing there but again 78 mile an hour club head speed smash factor at 1.36 just under 106 ball speed but all of a sudden 142 yards carry so even with what feels like a half swing i'm already hitting the ball further than i was swinging at 90 mile an hour before so now we're gonna feel what feels full still retaining that little feeling of knuckles down and then on the way through and let's see i don't think i'll be as quick as 90 mile an hour again for a nice solid strike 83 mile an hour so six mile an hour back ball speed at 115.3 smash at 1.38 and 142. so again we're picking up yardage much more efficient with our delivery and the majority of the best players in the world not every player because every player is a little bit different but the majority of the best players in the world are retaining more of that feeling of flattening that lead wrist stuff so again let's go full swing let's see if we can retain knuckles down definitely feels shorter for me at the top of my backswing and as i turn my body out the way knuckles are still down and expecting see lots less loft i didn't quite strike that one so we see club speed still at 84 mile an hour ball speed was down a little bit but my smash factor was still better so even my mis-hit with that new feeling goes as far as the great strike at the start of the session let's let's go one more with 7n so again that felt nice and solid 87 mile an hour smash not quite as good but 114 ball speed launching at 20 at 20 degrees so 90 degrees less than before and just under 160 yards carry so we can see there a massive pickup with 7n now i know because i've done a video on this topic in the past and i had some lovely comments about how successful that had been for golfers but i did get a lot of comments which to be fair i'm going to address now is golf as we're talking about if with a seven eighteen i'm deloft in the golf club that much does that then become an issue when i move on to my longer rounds well very possibly and it might be a case of different equipment or might depend how you actually deliver the golf club so i'm going to switch over onto five iron and show you the difference right so five iron eight degrees less loft in this set so obviously if i'm really de-loft in the golf club that could be an issue so i'm going to hit a shot what was a 160 carry before so for me this would need to be getting out 180 so same feeling knuckles down feels shorter and retain that feeling through impact little pushy one so obviously my club head speed jumps up because the club's a little bit longer smash factor is good but the carry down there because i didn't square the club face up so let's go one more with 5n there's the little drawery one again 89 mile an hour club head speed smash at 1.4 125 ball speed 170 carry so we can see potentially when i'm exaggerating that the five i'm not going any further and what i would say is if your club head speed is on the slower side that could be an issue with 5n but the benefit of doing it with seven iron is because it's much stronger you're getting that ball and then turf contact so what i would potentially say if this is something you work on you really love the feel but your longer irons you struggle this is where a more lofted fairway wood could come into play right so 7 wood is something that's gone in my bag lately i'm not saying it has to be a seven wood for you but if i'm gonna de-loft that golf club i'm gonna strike slightly higher at the face on the wood which is where there's more loft and the design of the club head is to get the ball in the air a little bit more so i still want the same feeling because the golf balls on the floor want that low point ahead want to deal off the golf club so that one a little bit out the toe and we can see more club head speed because of the length of the shaft obviously more ball speed even though the strike wasn't great and i've turned seven wood into nine and a half degrees but all of a sudden 185 carry now you can imagine if you're getting that seven iron out 160 165 doesn't matter for me what the club says on it clubs need to be in your bag to produce different distances and as i've improved with this myself personally this is definitely where two iron never gets in my bag anymore three iron currently isn't in the bag because i know something like a 7 wood being more aggressive with that delivery i can afford to have less clubhead speed and still hit the ball further with great technique and the equipment that suits that technique right then guys so you could see there the key to hitting the ball further is not adding loft to the club is deloft in the golf club and if you can keep those knuckles down more rather than leaving that club face open even if you swing slower you're gonna present less loft give more ball speed make you more efficient and that's the holy grail isn't it maybe swinging slower feeling that you've got more control more control and more distance could we ask for any more so i hope you've enjoyed today's video if you have like it and share it comment below i'll get back to as many people as i can there's another video just there that hopefully will help your game hopefully catch up with some of you guys down here soon stay in contact
Channel: AliTaylorGolf
Views: 195,381
Rating: 4.9350991 out of 5
Keywords: golf, tips, advice, drill, coach, pga, launch, monitor, custom, fit, backspin, distance, review, testing, comparisons, ball, speed, slice, hook, shaft, flex, lesson, callaway, titleist, ping, pxg, cobra, taylormade, draw, fade, straight, hit your driver straighter, stop your slice, turn your slice into a draw, how to hit a draw, hit more fairways, ali taylor golf, how to swing the golf club, Swing SLOWER but hit the golf ball FURTHER 99% of the BEST golfers do THIS, swing, slower, hit, the, further, 99, golfers, do, this
Id: RnRHYlUD4k0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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