SwimBait | One Day Build to Catch

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one day this is gonna be quite the one day I don't have much time either 11:26 it's not noon we're making a swimbait I drew this out just now we're going to put a joint right there and we're gonna have a fin coming off the back that moves too I want a nice wide s pattern going on but that fin on the back being loose is gonna hamper that a little bit which is what I want I want like a a quicker quicker s pattern and my experience that's what works it's enough of a movement to get reaction strikes out of fish but still it has a big drawing power with the s action I need to get started I'm going fishing with my brother this evening and I'll be using this I need to maintain confidence and I will catch a fish with this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] next thing to do is to cut the joint for this bait the best way to cut a V joint like this that I found draw a little square that's even around the whole body I just use a speed square for that and that is where the joint starts now you got to make sure this is all oriented right you want your bait to be facing nose-down you put it in the vise that way so you cut the joint the correct way little important step that I have messed up in the past might not be need to be explained to some of you but I needed it explained I'm having some of the line that I drew exposed that way I account for the width of this blade and I use the cutoff end here to pinch the blade in place and sawed down but not going all the way through just going that far with it so you can tell that those two cuts will meet up perfectly you can just stick the saw blade in there and finish the cut when it's ready to do so but now the bait can be carved out in one piece a lot easier to do it that way and you don't have to worry about cutting a clean joint after having all the rounded over edges and stuff so for the tail piece on the back to have enough room to wiggle back and forward I marked out the section of material I need to remove for that so back into the vise we're gonna cut that out [Music] [Music] [Music] for this bait I'm gonna keep the profile very chunky I want a lot of wood left over to give me a good chance of having a lot of buoyancy and mark that with a pen when you're carving your fingers always rub off the pencil and you have to remark I'm staying away from the tail piece back here I'm gonna carve all of that separately that's a small easy to mess up little section of this bait this is gonna be kind of a funky looking bait big piece back here holding the fin in might look kind of cool or stupid who knows it's the way she goes usually it it's kind of what cooler it's gonna look stupid it's very little middle ground here on YouTube I guess in life - life lessons from a lure maker valuable stuff the more you removed from a piece like this the weaker it's gonna be and you have to realize you'll be sanding this as well and that removes material I'm really over stressing all of this it's not that big of a deal just draw the lines where they need to be and don't cut past them time for some sanding [Music] already on to put some holes in this bait half-inch bit I'm gonna draw a big lead hole right up close to the joint right there because I want this to have a fast action and you know laws of inertia and stuff you got to put the weight next to the the part that you want to move a lot or else you're gonna make like a lever that stops the bait from moving if you put the if you put the weight way at the head or at the detail you know can you tell like I know what I'm talking about and stuff yeah that's gonna be a big chunk of lead right in the belly close to the joint what we're looking for I'm gonna make two more one kind of up here and another one back here on this piece also close to the joint but I'm gonna use a smaller bit quarter-inch bit for this that is plenty of space for lead in this bait you know what fellas I'm gonna cheat I'm just gonna straight-up cheat okay I'm gonna use a premade tail fin it's just sitting there I wasn't gonna use it on anything anyway I got some carving to do with it still the the base of it where it meets with the body's still too wide I got to trim it down but I'm not gonna not take advantage of this I'm just gonna use this why would somebody feel so bad about this like this is just like a YouTube video a challenge video that I made up no nobody else even does it let's keep going that's a pretty clean looking Gill pattern I like that I'm going pretty deep with this carving I don't know why looks good though probably because of the obnoxious looking tail piece back here it's kind of fitting that the gills protrude really far to those turned out beautifully let's finish cutting this joint I got the leaded pot heating up to right now that way it's ready man that joint ended up perfect perfectly centered beautiful I'm gonna take the back piece back a little bit sand it back that way this joint has more room to wiggle yeah I'm watching this edge right here and I'm not touching it to the sander like I'm looking around the corner and getting as close as I can but not touching that edge to the sander and then I want to bring all this material down to this line that's my technique it doesn't look like much from this angle like that's the only wobble I made but when you set the pieces apart a little bit it's a lot more room you get way more freedom in this joint when you do that now you get your calipers come up with a good measurement that you want your joint connections to be from the top and the bottom I'm thinking five millimeters you lock it there and you make the marks and I poke them out now I'm gonna drill them out using a sixteenth inch bit and as you can see that one goes right into the lead hole which is fine nothing wrong with encasing something and lead for strength perfect okay I need to weigh this bait with this tail fin in it so I need to mark the center what is this it with five okay it's right there so yeah there's just gonna be a big hole in this tail fin right where that dot is I don't want to mark it too hard because I'll split this thing in half but let's just drill it out ah fail yeah it's not quite a fail I can glue this back together and drill it again we'll save it come on don't die on me you're fine it'll make it okay there's a trick to this and you start with a smaller bit and you work your way up you don't be a reckless and just drill with the biggest bit you use some finesse Guerra we can still glue it back you know this might be an ugly fin when we're done with this bait but it'll be a fin we did it so this fin is going to exist on the back of this bait as something that just flaps around it's not going to bear any load in other words I'm trying to say don't worry about the fact that this thing broke twice while I was working with it we're still gonna use it and it's gonna be just fine see it'll be just fine nice and flappy it's just a loop of wire right there there's another the other one gets clamped in the vise use my other drills it clamps it tighter ha ha ha way up the other side pull tight [Music] and there is a joint connection very small that's ideal you want to keep these things small so the joints not too far apart that's like a perfect one right there okay that's the bait put together just I pressed those joint connections that I just made into the pilot holes it's not glued whoops I wasn't supposed to do that I need to seal this whole bait with superglue before I do that so one sec got a shop towel handy let's seal this wood I already glued in the line tie by the way I don't think I recorded that this method of using superglue to seal that would generally requires a lot of sanding when you're done but it's still faster just getting a little bit of the sanding out of the way before I pour the ladder there put some blood in this thing so those are the size hooks I'll be using for this bait let's see how it sinks its it should sink pretty fast and head first okay that's very head first maybe I'm going to drill some Lud out so that's a lot of blood I just drilled out it really needed it I think that's gonna be fine when it hits the bottom the tail piece still stays up yeah I think that's gonna be fine let's go with that this is gonna be an awesome little swim bait you guys are gonna wish I made this for sale I'm probably gonna catch so many fish famous last words time to paint what to paint what do we think this could be a Creek chub could do a baby bass can do a smallmouth I just did perch sorry I keep seeing things I want to sand and reshape we'll get to painting I swear we haven't done a bream pattern in a while have we let's do a bluegill kind of thing but like a really bluish like light a lot of white in it some purple let's do something like that I'm pretty convinced that's what I want to do starting with white right when you spray something on it you can notice oh I didn't sand that enough so the colors that you don't want to be super strong you need to apply first because you're gonna be painting over them a lot and one of the colors I don't want to be super strong on this bait is purple so I'm going to go with a fluorescent purple and we're going to apply it first to the flanks or the shoulders in this bait so I added some blue it's actually wicked Fastback green with some pearl gold flake inside of it but it's just blue and it's not gonna be this blue on the finished bait cuz right now I'm gonna add a little bit of yellow yeah I'm gonna add some fluorescent yellow that's gonna turn that kind of green but it's still going to be very light because this is fluorescent with some hints of blue so you know it's good to be painting stuff where if you're gonna look at it you get confused because that's usually what looks beautiful like that that looks really good okay next I have this stencil I made this a long time ago but it's a good one put this in my broken vise and we're gonna make the bars on this bream paint scheme using a grey and being very careful with it I feel like blasting this with some heat before just to make sure that's dry perfect any more than that would be too much now I just have to replicate that okay I got scales an orange belly an ear and paint the tail fan and then this beige stone not done but ready to clear coat so I got it wrapped up and now I'm gonna hold it like this when I paint it and I'm gonna cover that part with my thumb the gills and then just paint this stuff pearl white I'm just gonna wait for those to dry and we'll do the reveal here we go scales let's finish the rest of this detail up okie-dokie gonna glue the eyeballs on oh that's bad saved it painted the tailfin fluorescent yellow I thought that'd be a nice little accent you know we're gonna clearcoat it as well very fluorescent just got those in the tank its 2:54 those will take a half hour then I Drive out go into a lake first confidence is high I bet I'll get a fish with this thing it's not that big of a bait it's just under 5 inches and if it's got good action we'll get a fish gorgeous get a glove on you want to glue these joint connections in but you don't want to get any glue inside of the loops that can really stop the motion of the joint it'll move in weird ways if if you mess that up don't mess that up if you get a little bit in there it's fixable it's not the end of your bait alright last step is to get that tail installed this is my favorite one day build sofa so far I don't even need to see how it works I like this thing I mean that would be pretty sad if it didn't work good it better work good it's too pretty to not work good where's my scale it's a one ounce bait 1.1 ounces that's pretty light I think I'm just gonna bring my normal bait caster then should I put a split ring on the nose let's start out without one alright see you at the lake look at that beauty did not think I was gonna have this buck to myself today on this 4th of July weekend what I do awesome first cast it works amazingly [Music] I don't know man nothing one day let's make a change the spot sucks well lake was bad we're going to a Creek now going back to what I know works because yesterday I was getting a lotta bites here I know I'm fishing with a swimbait this is Creek fishing with a swim bait so we're gonna get less hits but I think we can still get some fish let's go its northern hog sucker did you see it [Music] oh dang three smallmouth went after it not one of them hooked up dang it I'm not getting hookups there's a large mouth I was just after it guys probably can't see that [Music] oh dang that was a decent-sized one this bait doesn't get very good hook ups I'll get lucky one of these times I think are you getting any hits I've had like five I can't hook them up man I can slide this thing in exactly where it needs to be a fish hits it but I'll never hook up it's it's really annoying right now [Music] finally I got a hookup don't lose it it's official small mouths like four-inch slim Bates without tail fins cuz it fell off I knew I should have made a better one but it still works caught a small mouth this was a difficult fish to catch yeah I've had dozens of hits that was the first one that actually hooked up yeah oh I was beginning to think I wasn't gonna catch one me too the tail fin came off of this bait now the hook ups better I really thought I was gonna catch more than that thank you yeah dang it oh well considering its a slim bait we really didn't do all that bad you know Creek fishing really beats the crap out of your lures look at all that paint chip I threw this at so many rocks lost the tail I'll have to make a new one maybe fill in these paint chips and give it another clear coat it's too pretty of a bait just to let be ruined like that you know that lures swam really good too like it swam exactly what I was going for I wanted the S pattern but I wanted to tighten up the S pattern and have it met like a cross between that gliding action and then an S action that a three piece one bait gives you that's exactly what it was in a sub five-inch lure that's you know trying not to toot my own horn but I made that happen - okay I'm feeling better about myself made that bait made that swim bait caught a smallmouth with it same day so I got some poison ivy to wash off of my legs and the nettles still burn me and Wes walked through some thickets to get back to the trail but success again that's what you guys get with this channel just success after success right get a bunch right on that note on to the next date
Channel: Marling Baits
Views: 364,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Swimbait, Fishing, Make, Oneday, Craft
Id: 19gFsMWy-oA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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