Sweet Valley High S04E06 A Kiss is Just A Kiss PART 1

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Oh gorgeous he's just like me aren't you happy for me Jess you come in here every other month claiming to be in love yeah but this time I really mean it okay who is it this time Devon Whitelaw and he feels the same way about you all the signs are there he waited five days after her first date to call then he didn't ask me out again for two weeks and they say good men are hard to find I know Devon's like Luke Perry before I got old let me guess you never felt this way about a guy you do understand when I never thought I'd say this but I think he's the one [Music] [Applause] [Music] pod tragedy has struck my life that for your cables out my papacito has given me a new car from my birthday but I do not have my American driver's license you need me to take the car off your hands even better I've selected you to help me get my life I don't know you do not have to drive Jess yeah good then you can teach me the American rules in Brazil we had no rules it was much easier to pass the test that way there's gotta be someone else you can ask you are right Devin is the driver of race cars I will go ask him why do I he couldn't bother with you no wait that's okay I'll uh I'll help ya Liz Todd has volunteered to help me get my American drivers like really tan that is so nice of you well I didn't want her getting any bad tips from Ron Juan over there take this pull it back really slow hey I'll be right back do not worry Todd I've had very many cars with relatively few casualties what are you doing playing pool don't you have a date with my sister yeah shouldn't you be there already I guess I'm late come on Devon that's your turn guess I'll be later [Music] so anyway how's our saying we have my [Music] now or not the first thing you want to do is check your mirrors I have and they look perfect in all of them now I will drive but first make sure you look to the right then to the left and then pull out very slow Renato we don't just plow through senior citizens in this country I would never hurt such sweet little old ladies you people much better you can't just yell at people crossing your street pedestrians have the right-of-way but watching them scoring is so much fun well it's not done like that here I will never learn to drive in this country just relax take a deep breath think of something that calmed you could go to your chills own what is this shield song well for me it's Hawaii I spent a week there last summer that must have been wonderful it was until the last night I uh I who look too close to the tiki torch and my grass skirt caught on fire you are funny like a cloud so just think of something that calms you I will think of my old boyfriend [Music] next time don't slash your eyes when you're making a turn this is a disaster what's the matter they have an eyelash clock [Music] are you trying to get us killed do not worry an eyelash clump it's not dangerous I can't take this anymore find yourself another teacher no dad don't go I promise I will be more careful it's just that I cannot drive with my makeup is not perfect makeup you look beautiful I do [Music] hey did Devin end up coming by last night he showed up exactly at 10:00 he was two hours late so you knows me considerate he'd know I'd never be ready on time Jess hey I was reading that look there's something you should know about Devin that he's perfect for me I don't think he's the kind of guy she'd get too attached to too late Jess she doesn't call you for a week he waits forever to ask you out then he shows up two hours late for your date and and every time I see him he's got tons of girls hanging all over him can you blame them besides he's not taking any of them to ryan's party tonight he's taking me he is why do you care anyway I just don't want to see you get hurt don't worry about me I know what I'm doing [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you see it hard to get this is rage don't try to be the life of the party at this time don't try and chop my body [Music] beautiful man she's so strong and Grenada we've gone over this Devon's my date they've been talking about Todd he's taught me so much about driving did you know the policemen do not like it when you go faster than me fascinating yes and he's been so patient with me he's very mature not like these other high school boys I just know I'm gonna pass my driver's test now straight one have an incredibly short attention span for stories that don't involve me I'm going to find him [Music] I'm so glad you found me I do not think I'm ready to keep my driving test sure you are true by just not much more to show me Thanks are you here with a date someone who looks like me yeah it's too bad so you ditch Jessica and ditch her it's not like we're attached to the hip maybe not but it's not fair how you're leading her on she really likes you girls like Jessica did a lot of guys she is a different boyfriend every month every other month but that's not the point are you always so interested in her sister dates no it's so then you're interested a new ID I couldn't care less I just don't want to see my sister get hurt [Music] it's like she's being taken care about you [Music] if I were him I wouldn't leave you alone you're the last one I wanted really [Music] [Music] this
Channel: SweetValleyHigh1994
Views: 36,441
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Sweet Valley High, SVH
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2010
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