Sweet Hot Mustard Chicken Thighs - Baked Chicken Recipe

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hello this is chef john from food wishes comm with sweet hot mustard chicken thighs that's right i enjoy sweet hot in any context but especially food and when it comes to mustard sweet how it works amazingly well especially when you're talking about is a glaze for chicken and even though we're going to use skin on bone-in chicken thighs here I'm pretty sure this is going to work with any cut of chicken okay so step one we're going to prepare the chicken for the marinade like I said we're using bone-in but we're going to flip it over so the skin sides up because all we're going to do is make two nice slashes right into that chicken thigh and I like to kind of gather it up kind of bunch up that chicken so it sits up nice and high and perky and I know we're talking about thighs but still if you pull it together like that the knife is going to go through much nicer you'll actually cut through more meat with each stroke of the knife so I'm gonna make two cuts right down to the bone right in the center about an inch apart just like that and what that's going to do it's going to allow that marinate to get deeper into the thigh and it's also going to make it look even cooler and you know us we're always trying to make things look cooler and when you've successfully slashed all your chicken thighs I want you to transfer those into a ziploc bag to await the sweet hot mustard marinade which is the next step so in a mixing bowl we're going to put a whole bunch of Dijon mustard we're going to sweeten that up with some brown sugar and then to balance that a whole bunch of red wine vinegar we're also going to put in some dried mustard powder some ground Chipotle some salt some freshly ground black pepper and last but not least a very very generous shaking of cayenne I said very generous there you go and then we're going to take a whisk and we're going to mix that thoroughly and I'll be honest when I mixing something like this I'm usually daydreaming spacing out sometimes I'm humming it's raining men in my head but this time I was actually thinking what else can I put in here and then it dawned on me I didn't put any garlic in that would have been embarrassing so I minced up a whole bunch of garlic I added that I resumed the whisking and once that marinade is thoroughly combined we're going to pour it into our bag and then we're going to give it a very very thorough massage all right we got to make sure that marinade gets into all those slashes and coats every bit of every surface of every chicken thigh in that bag so really work it over good and you know my rule of thumb for how you can tell if you're massaging it thorough enough if someone were in the room with you it would actually feel awkward okay so mix it up very thoroughly we got to make sure that marinade is going into every nook and cranny crack and crevice we're going to go ahead and seal that up and put it in the fridge for a minimum of four hours but overnights even better and then once that's marinated long enough we're going to go ahead and transfer it onto a foil lined sheet tray but not before we spread out some onion rings no not too fried delicious kind just some regular raw onions cut and rings I'm going to scatter those across the bottom I've lightly oiled that foil by the way I'm going to place the chicken on top of the onions I'm going to spread them out evenly of course and at that point we're going to brush and/or spray a little bit of vegetable oil on top I really want that skin to caramelize nicely so I'm gonna give it a little spritz with the vegetable spray like I said you could use a brush but the spray is very fast and easy although it does make this bizarre foam which is a little off-putting but like most foams it's nothing to worry about and then once your thighs have been oiled we're going to go ahead and sprinkle a little bit of salt on top I do want to season this skin up and then last but not least a little dusting of cayenne this is after all sweet hot mustard chicken and at that point we are ready to place this chicken in the center of a very hot oven 450 degrees for about 35 to 45 minutes depending on the size of the thighs until they look like that and you can see those slashes we did really accentuated the color that's giving it a much sporty-er look and of course we can't just go by looks we're going to test it make sure it's tender I'm gonna use a knife and that should go into that meat really easily or if it doesn't it's either undercooked or you have terrible aim and you're hitting the bone but you'll be able to tell and by the way you're going to have a good amount of drippings on the pan don't throw that away we're going to use that so at that point I'm going to transfer the chicken and the onions into a serving platter I'm going to go ahead and pour that juice into a small saucepan bring it up to a boil over high heat and I'm just going to reduce that for about three or four minutes maybe by half and this part really is optional you can just Boone that juice right over your chicken and serve it but I do like to reduce it by about half and while it's reducing I will skim off most of the fat and then my second favorite part of this recipe we're going to spoon that juice slowly and seductively over each chicken thigh and that is look very enticing except for that stupid hanging onion all right note to self fire whoever's in charge of watching out for hanging onions and once you spoon over your pan drippings you're ready to serve that up and that really is a magnificent chicken dish and I was going to say assuming you like mustard but that's not even true by the time this is done it doesn't really have a super strong mustard flavor it really gets mellowed out by that brown sugar when you combine it with that vinegar and those spices it's just a really beautiful combination and then let's go ahead and cut into one of these so juicy and I know some of you don't like to cut around those bones too bad do it the flavor really is superior you know that old saying the closer the bone the sweeter the meat and it's so true it really does add a lot okay but of course if you're a little bit more delicate than I am you can do this with boneless skinless or chicken breasts of course you'll have to adjust your cooking times but I'm not going to tell you about how much that your penalty for not using the chicken parts I'm telling you but anyway just a really nice chicken dish and one I hope you give a try too soon so head over to food wishes comm for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy [Music]
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 1,736,061
Rating: 4.9248347 out of 5
Keywords: Chicken, Mustard, Sweet, Hot, Thighs, baked, Baking (Culinary Technique), Recipe (Literature Subject), chef, john, foodwishes, Kitchen, Cooking, Chicken Meat (Ingredient), Food, Restaurant, easy, sauce, dinner, entree
Id: Ch8-5XLXRew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2013
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