Swedish Candy Taste Test

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let's try some Swedish [Music] candy Swedish candy has fully taken over my Tik Tok for you page so I finally caved and ordered some to try it for myself I ordered from sucker baby which seem to be like one of the few places that actually had stuff in stock online um because truly I think Tik Tok is like selling out Swedish candy but they had stuff in stock so I ordered the signature sucker bag this is a mix of sweet and sour you can get this in just sweet or just sour if you want to and then I also ordered a small bag of the fruit soda sour chewies and then these are the sour strawberry logs let's break into these and try some things oh my gosh I don't even know where to start okay really had to dig down there but I found I've seen these on Tik Tok they're strawberry but I think these are just sweet yeah sweet these are yummy they're very like you can really taste the strawberry like it's better than the sour patch strawberries for sure okay off to a good start okay I think this is similar to these guys and like I think this is like a soda kind of thing ooh ooh this one's very sour I think I've seen this one on my for you page too wow it's really really chewy kind of hard um very sour but I've seen this on my Tik Tok for you page they said that this is like a raspberry Cola and she said like it's this is not for the faint of heart like if you don't love sour things you probably won't like this and I agree completely you definitely have to like sour for that one there's another one let's see I don't know this looks like a this kind of looks like a watermelon oh it's not watermelon I don't think I don't know what that is it's very very sweet and almost bubbly I can't tell what that flavor is it's almost like like as sweet as cotton candy I think the only bad thing about these mixed bags is like it doesn't label everything that you get there's a lot of like sour spaghetti in here there's like gummy bears not huge into gummy bears okay we may have to come back to this one if I can like dump it out and [Applause] like see what all is in here but nothing I didn't like so far okay now let's do the fruit sodas if these are the ones that I'm thinking of apparently they taste like Sprite but these might not be the exact ones okay here they are no this is definitely the ones I'm thinking of this tastes exactly like Sprite but this like weird this pink one I swear like tasted carbonated like it was bubbly in my mouth this one's good definitely harder and not really all that sour I thought it was supposed to be a little bit sour it's not that sour but very yummy and now I'm really excited about these I don't there something about like the log kind of shape that I've just been dying to try okay oh my gosh okay here it is and it's like I don't know the white on the inside I'm not sure I'm not sure what to expect with this [Music] one okay I'm just okay I'm still very unsure what's on the inside of this but it's like the inside's kind of sweet and it's really again not super super sour I almost want to take like the white part out and see if I can taste it by itself wait I like separated some of it in my mouth it definitely is sweet versus like the outside strawberry part is where the sour is those were good too all right so far this is not disappointed one thing that I have been dying to try is the skulls but unfortunately I'm not seeing any in my bag they didn't have them in any like separate individual bags you could buy so I'm wondering if I just if they were out and I just couldn't get any in the mix bag either but cuz like even it's on the packaging itself like the skulls so maybe I'm going to have order some more I don't know okay that was enough candy for one sitting so I probably will like dump this out see what else is in there if there's anything else I want to try and maybe we need to find a place that I can order some of the skulls we're not done yet tasting candy we've got some more Swedish candy to taste test I ordered these from Amazon so we'll see how they are these are the more frequent ones that I see on Tik Tok um I got some some of the pink and blue bubs and then some of the Coca-Cola skulls so let's open these up and try them I will say these are much smaller than what I was expecting I didn't realize that these were like mini it doesn't like specify that they're mini I don't know but anyway they're much smaller than the ones I see on Tik Tok the ones I see on Tik Tok are like I don't know probably about like this big or so and you can like more clearly see it say bubs across it I also I've seen a mix of both like one where they're covered in the sour mix and one where they're like not so these are covered in like a sour uh mixture so okay these are pretty good um these are raspberry and blueberry although I'm almost getting like a little bit of cotton candy and I don't know if that's just like because these are very clearly like cotton candy colors like because my mind playing tricks on me but I'm just tasting a little bit of cotton candy I don't know I still want to try the big ones though like these are good but I want to try the big ones I don't know if it would actually be that different cuz I think they're literally the same brand and everything so i' assume they were the same just bigger but I kind of want to see if I can get my hands on those but these are really yummy I kind of want to like suck the sugar off of one of them and see if it really does like say bubs still feel like you can't tell it does like show on the packaging that these are made in Sweden okay okay yeah you know okay this is kind of gross but you can see that it says bubs now that I like sucked the sugar off and yeah I kind of like it without the sugar a little bit better maybe it's a little bit marshmallowy I they're yummy and I like sour things so me saying that I kind of like it without the sour mix I don't know maybe I'm just dying to try it without the sour mix now on to the Coca Coca-Cola skulls again I thought I was getting like the big ones but they're little guys again which is fine I again I think it's the same branding just like mini you know how they make like Swedish fish but like Swedish Fish mini these are good I will say I think I prefer the big Swedish fish as compared to the mini that's I maybe I'm just checking myself into think I thinking that I need more but that's why I want to try the big ones but these are really yummy you can definitely take taste the Coca-Cola flavor I'm getting some like lime in it too or like lemon which I have seen that they make like a Coke and lemon um like I've seen the Coke and lemon rounds and stuff so I wonder if that's intentional but it doesn't specify on here I don't think but it's supposed to be Coke and lemon so if you like little lemon in your Coke you love these These are really yummy like not too sour but I like sour things so these were the only two new candies that I got but I want to dig back into this guy I did find something very exciting down in here cuz I was I didn't think that I got any of these and I got a I got a skull and I think I only got one I still need to just probably dump this whole bag out and see ooh I'm like finding more oh my God I did get another skull oh my gosh they're just like way at the bottom oh my gosh I just needed to keep digging I'm like setting all these out now anyway let's get into the skulls I'm so excited let's try these skulls okay I cannot believe this I like truly didn't think I got any but this is like about the size that I thought the Coca-Cola skulls were going to be cuz they do make like them in the size that's good I can't tell if it's like I'm assuming strawberry oh this one's yummy I like this okay it's getting stuck in my teeth little a little bit okay do we try all of them I think I need to take a bite out of all of them let's try the orange that is so orangey and flavorful wow I was not expecting that I kind of was going in order of like I usually like a red candy most then I like an orange I'm not a huge fan of yellow so that's like kind of the order I was going in I was not expecting this to be so yummy like the flavor is just spot on it's it tastes like a fresh orange and now let's try the yellow one he matches my sweatshirt that's good good it's definitely like a lemon flavor which isn't like my favorite flavor of all time but I did find out that these ones are just watermelon slices so they're supposed to taste like watermelon my friend told me that these are really good I'm glit it's called like Berry bites they have them in a couple different like colors or I don't if they're different flavors they taste the same H I'm not huge fans of those I feel like there's several things in here that are kind of like like a gummy bear and I've never been huge into gummy bears they've got these they have like actual gummy bears I'm just not a big gummy bear person but if you are maybe you can taste a difference between like herob of those then I don't think I tried these the other day but there's a good amount of these in here um they're very gummy but these are good too they're just some some kind of I think they're like blue raspberry something they're very yummy okay and then I realized they have two kinds of these they've got the sugar coat ones and non- sugarcoated ones which I think this one got sugarcoated in the bag but I don't think it was supposed to be sugarcoated either way I think they're kind of the same everything I just like licked off was like sour and the sugarcoated one wasn't sour these are yummy they also make these in like a mini I'm going to do one more of these These are the really sour ones um these are like their raspberry is it sour soda or sour pop these are really yummy they're very very sour but like I love sour these are so good but I'm probably going to finish off here but there is still more Swedish candy that I want to try so I'm going to keep searching the internet trying to find more Swedish candy that's in stock and available and we're going to make this like a little series kind of cuz I am not done trying Swedish candy this has been so fun anyway so if you like this video and if you made it this far thank you so much for watching make sure to subscribe like comment all the things and let me know what you want to see me try next is there other Swedish candy that you've seen are you on Swedish candy Tik Tok let me know so good
Channel: Alexandra Rogers
Views: 13,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qgEeO19sQuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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