Swati Maliwal, Kejriwal aur AAP - How far back does their association go?

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for those of you who have not read my book the rise and fall of up I'm going to give you a gist of what is in this book and also what Swati malal might know about Arin kajal Manish sodia as well as the arm admy party when do you think this whole thing started want to take a guess 22 years ago 2002 um Arin krial as well as Manish sodia they were involved in Ford Foundation backed NGO everyone has his own or her own Sancho Panza I guess for krial it is Manish sodia these two have been together since 2002 and they had two NOS basically from Ford Foundation that were formed uh called pararan and Kabir and there were also uh you know several ngos floated in the name of RTI act rural development women empowerment Tri welfare and so on and so forth so now you know where the the association with saati malwa started started way back then I think so she knows a lot of secrets in my opinion therefore uh AR Arin krial cannot wish this away I think he was trying to dislodge her and make her to resign her uh rajasa seat so that abishek Manus Singh we could take that place but I think that is not working as per plan now now look at the people who were funding these uh organizations they were not only the uh for foundation but Rockefeller Foundation again now they are in the SDI 4p this is the uh Palestinian protest and then many Scandinavian countries especially from uh Sweden Norway and so on and so forth and and there is a lot of other things that are going on so let me go back to to 2002 that's when the NGO started and from that point forward Arin krial and Manish sodia have been together and many people tell me that krial rarely worked as an IRS officer he's always doing something else and and amazingly he managed to be in one place for years together how that is possible only he can explain also 204 when Sonia Gandhi could not become the Prime Minister you know how she formed this thing called National advance advisory Council and in that she placed what I would call as the mentor of arind krial Aruna Roy and then in 2009 after the first time and UPA came back they reconstituted the NAC and krial was hoping to get into that unfortunately for him he didn't make it but yogendra yadav made it and I think yogendra yadav used to spend time teaching politics to Rahul Gandhi this is his claim to fame so all these people get their bonuses for example Leela Samson taught banum to Priyanka Gandhi and therefore she became the director of kalakshetra and she's got some other things also uh so anybody who's associated with the family even in a very small capacity gets rewarded richly that's what I wanted to tell you this is for the Congress but now let's get back to Arin krial you know in 2006 to about 2010 he was a regular in NDTV and he had something called as the RTI award and this was given to the best bureaucrat in India you can call it best Baboo of India and and finally at 2010 people started objecting look you are no one to start giving these Awards and finally they stopped it but he used to be a regular see how this thing happens you know Trump he had this Apprentice show for several years he ran that and suddenly when he decided to run for president people had a familiar pH because in knew him same way this man was trying to build this thing 2002 he had this this Nos and now in 2006 to 10 he had this program in NDTV now the other big deal that happened was that on March 1st 2009 Art of Living wanted to have an India against corruption it was called as March against terrorism against corruption believe it or not that was the name attack and they they wanted to uh invite somebody famous so what happened was I think a got in touch with Kiran B who in turn said that Arin krial might be a good fit and along with Arin krial they had said that will we need somebody who has been successful in doing mass movement so let's tap anah haare because he had just successfully implemented an rti in maharatra so anari became part of it so all these people were in the uh maida and there was a speech that Arin krial gave 10,000 people assembled him and the speech he had this one tagline free the country from the black British meaning like the um the UPA now remember that in 2009 he missed out in the getting the nsse seat and I think this was probably one reason because he had already given names to UPA and I think after that he saw the writing clear it's not going to happen for him in 2010 I guess he also lost lost his NDTV program therefore this uh this whole thing started capsizing for him but always remember these NGO ties Run Deep this man had even got the rayon Max award and these are all given to like staunch leftist Urban AEL and if you look at Aruna Roy is his mentor she's another strong Nexel Aruna herself quit um the NAC in 2013 I guess she was being you know pushed around or she didn't see any use there nobody was listening whatever be the reason so she was out by 2013 but all these things turned on a head when on November 14th 2010 and Mutu Raja was arrested for his role in the 2G scam in 2G scam you know how this thing blew up and from there on again this IAC India against corruption as a movement that became very popular I think in 2011 and um this then suddenly Arin krial became the face and initially they did not collect any money but then people felt that they should be collecting the money guess who managed the collection Arin krial and Manis sodia poor anah haar he was just sitting on he was actually fasting he went on a fast unto death strike in 2011 April if I remember correctly a lot of things happened guys and then uh ra Baba ramd also came and joined and then there was one night when everybody was caned and driven out of the place ramila maidan so a lot of uh things have happened much water has flown down the yamuna but most importantly STI has been around through all the thick and thin she probably knows a lot of things she probably knows where many of the bodies are buried I'm just saying about you know politically of course rhetorically not physically talking about bodies I don't think he has killed anyone although there is the news item that I have read where the student by the name of Arin krial had been accused of raping a woman in the outside the campus of IIT kakur I don't know if that's true or not this this newspaper clipping periodically does the news on on WhatsApp social media groups I don't know if it's the same Arin krial or not but this man's har were known from that point forward how he has managed to ride all these things and still stay in power and he's probably busy cutting a deal now with STI malal to give some crumbs or whatever I don't know but clearly there are a lot of things at stake here so more things will come out in the days to come we'll be always sure to give you all the data but if you want to know understand the thought process of how Arin krial Works do read my book the rise and fall of up it's available in Amazon you can get it from c.com also we are shipping it in volume so do feel free to um um get that book thanks for watching please like share and subscribe to our Channel don't forget to click on the Bell button for notifications namaskar
Channel: PGurus
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Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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