Swapping Signature Hairstyles with Bernadette Banner and Rachel Maksy

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and controlling is really hard what happens when your hair is longer than your arm see my hairstyle easy is it [Music] hello and good morning I'm Morgan Donner and today I am in Boston which is very very exciting with a pair of very exciting ladies amidst all of our adventuring around the fantastic city of Boston have decided that it is time for a rest back at our lovely lovely B&B and we're going to do some some hair shenanigans we all have a tendency towards signature looks which we have all worn it would be a lot of fun for each of us to try somebody else's hair style with no no instruction with no help except for what we see in front of us hmm we will each get access to the same tools that the others use to create their hair things that are part of the hairstyle but you don't necessarily see them and we are going to take down our hair and give our literal hair pins to the next person over and see if they're able to replicate the look our giant hair spray can go with your a sling no no crash no Cova all right do your fingers out here cool I might take a picture oh yeah you got to photograph just casually I need to see what it looks like underneath that ha de sica my allowed to do that very Leia on Endor it's go figure to make it work okay so you got a little curl yeah oh it's cute [Music] thanks teddy she's got about 360 years oh no my resolutely refuses to the anything that sent departed this is going to be entertaining what you can have I'm gonna take like nine years for this the hairspray just cracking out okay there's so much powder in my hair right now it's this guy Wow never know what it is [Music] my hands are like covered and go there now it's a 18th century realness I only brought this because I usually use dry shampoo but I couldn't bring that in my checked luggage oh yeah the airsoft guess they're going to eat me I'm sure you know yeah you might - oh there's a hair tie in that is that one of those ones where you tie it in a ponytail in life thread it through don't know why I've asked me that oh my god I'm so glad I'm not doing yes those pins scare me what are going what staples okay you get two pieces of string I politics oh good okay so cuz you're doing mine yep yours [Music] deceivingly simple looking like never before I think I'm gonna need that mirror because that is fair it'll be fun I know I'm like I want to do that the signature Rachel Matheson zoom zoom in on your face tuning fork I don't know how do you see it's interesting sir your part starts in the center but then it then it goes to the other side for what - cool excavate just like the rest of my way to go the center and then the very kind of to the side that's not necessarily intentional I feel like the fact that we're changing our parts already is making it like the hair is like no no what are you doing this is not that we my hair rules much hairs oh no we have not not a thing very well oh wait no that's right yes because then it goes a bit pink curling is really hard long hair though I bet it'll be easy you're just gonna be rolling anew what happens when your hair is longer than your arm though we wrap it around your fingers first yeah Oh like that Oh does that count as giving hints I know you've heard nothing back does it go you can't do it wait I feel like I want to go the lower ones first we go behind the ear okay see my hairstyle is easy the hood sentence is it how you see what you're doing when your hair is like in front of your face my child you will see I watch must be powdering at some point yes I look my hair shining up curly what is this no brush nonsense come on straight straight just keep doing that I don't work forever I'm here that life it's not even all gonna because it's like not even oh no no my eyes don't we focus you'll just do it you can do it I believe in you'll have a good video content if it doesn't work the strings in there somewhere but where is it I can't put the theme of this video so far oh no oh no okay okay I have one pink Earl blue is it going oh no what's this no oh no this is amazing that's totally how it's supposed to go also madam hat yes hat that will cover all of my mistakes exactly I have literally not gotten past defining and like a holding my hair don't follow steak yes ma'am yes mama okay I have achieved one cool I think mine might be too fluffy well would you do that naturally though that's like what I aspire towards but never quite achieve absurd amounts of fluke yes oh I need to achieve not going though that's the string thing that you weren't like cat's cradle on I feel like I'm doing a moon oh that's not I want to give you like the tips how despite that's cheating you just watch me supper okay lose number 208 it is substantially smaller than you what hopefully this is good sisters not twins what's next I think the rest just kids gather aside carts are weird I should have done like a moving video of you sound like I want more angles I'm going to do more pitting of things on top of my head that feels right okay you've definitely done this in a video haven't you what these signals yeah I feel like I've seen that recall your subconscious and all my hair tutorials I've ever seen wait was your twist to the left or to the right do you like these more than Bobby that's right I will show you how I use them - what you're not cheating do you have to use like gravity I'm sorry I feel like I just look like a 1980s granny like putting her hair up Ivers okay it looks good with like a lot of hair in them oh yeah hairspray which was doing oh that's not right I still got two more okay so now I have to figure out where the Freak a hair tie goes nonsense what's happening here twisty twisty twisty they suspect yours maybe have more coils in mine now Punisher that is due to links or if it's because you coiled multiples I do not use the powder and all of that cheating I feel like it's within the spirit to attempt the hair flooping material I shall attempt to use it how do you use so few pins I need 20 more I don't my ways alright good enough chuff-chuff used it linked anyway just like shove this back she'll be like it's a nice secure do I like creative I guess this just goes to show that like you're not meant to like perfect a hairstyle immediately it takes practice for determination well especially when it's your signature thing like for the personal is all hair so it actually is it's easy yeah okay okay final countdown I can do this right let's see this view is not right okay this is definitely not right okay no it does mostly cover interaction you don't actually see much [Applause] I feel like a little schoolboy no way it goes to the side that's my boy I'm glad we didn't go outside I mean we've been adventuring all day it's very cute man in a Lincoln I'm not cheating good lens like so similar to what I normally do except with strange equipment that's falling out I don't know honestly I really do think gravity is just holding music together I don't know how the next is we have to wear it out in this wind I would make one step out the door and you would never get your hair pins back they fall through together we've completed the thing you are the most absurdly cute thing I have a very big fan to ever found two hats are good that's are very good so the hair still works with your outfit oh yeah it would get happen to Edward it has been like literally like absurdly on top of your head unfortunately I do not have hatchet for you it's okay wait I mean that's a lie but it wouldn't work with this exile I wouldn't worry anyhow it would kind of cover up the whole point what did you think what do you think of your experience madama I've learned that I need about 50 bobby pins to function and I need your style that I do I don't know how this is still on my head I think you did a valued villians job it's I you know I got these little sounds good yeah you'll have to show me how to use these things because I don't think I did it right she did really good for like the amount of hair that you have yeah that that pin curling from like okay but like can you please tell me how the back works you kind of did it yeah you like flip through so I take I do the elastic and then make a little bun at the end and then you kind of flip up and roll up oh okay so you pretty much did it it's just that your hair is a lot longer than mine so it's a lot of rolling and harder to do those oh man the hem is adorable and yeah close the whole range gather it does cohesion all right what what have I gotten to what okay well I lose the powder to give it more like a fluff first before I do anything Fareeda I assumed in this case man I was like I'm fluffy yeah you're you have thick enough hair that it like kind of works on its own but they kick out of you trying to powder your already die hair though it's good yeah yeah yeah it's fine yeah you got these ones back here yeah I just do one up here and then one back here and then I just twist the rest up for one of the like for guys like keep this much hair back I'm gonna make this one fluffy and then make this one sort of swoop down a little bit mmm but that's just like the way that my hair sculpture works or the way that it's like laid out because I can't get anything to like not center part so that's my like a valiant attempt just like make it do something interesting well I think this was a lot of fun each other and OH Experion like you also have a good Mary Poppins look at that yeah there's really well on everybody and it covered here's a little like thank you it looks cute like set back on your head so you can see the loop lot who has flyaways nothing pile of your pants so now that we were all done with our fun little hair shenanigans break who you decided to go ahead and continue with our Boston adventuring we saw so many really lovely and spooky historical sites led by our fantastic tour guide Rachel we even saw the Freedom Trail which as we all know is exactly how you find the railroad Faction Freeza since the wind was particularly vicious this weekend so we stopped inside several times at various places along the way just to take shelter and kind of warm up a bit for our poor little frozen fingers one of our stops was actually brought to you by today's sponsor June's journey they're launching a big new update to the game and invited us to try it out so far the mobile game has primarily been a sort of single-player experience but now they've added several multiplayer features so that you can enjoy it with your friends we already created a club together in the detective lounge which is that new multiplayer area and then we shared a few coffees bowls in and out of game well except for Bernadette mark and daughter thank you that's delicious I prefer tea though then we played a game of spot the difference against the Joon's journey Community Managers our scores ended up being pretty even so we decided to play a second round with a new challenge Time Rush as a tiebreaker in this challenge you must buy a set of three objects in the scene as quickly as possible and unlike the regular single-player version it does not repopulate the object list as you find each sequel item you must find all three before continuing to the next batch and there's no hints guys this new game mode is really tricky and our team scores might have reflected that as we got into the swing of things though our object memory improved and we just barely made it out on top to learn more about how we chose our Club name coffee sharing and the new spot the difference challenge go ox Bernadette's video on historically in fluid stress in everyday life and Rachel's morbid history tour of Boston thank you so much students journey for sponsoring this adventure if you haven't played dunes journey before it's a really beautifully done 1920s themed hidden object game and you can download the game for free is through the link in the description [Music] fertility I'm going to ever so slightly adjust that's still recording should I like editing how are you we're not doing anything
Channel: Morgan Donner
Views: 1,191,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Morgan Donner, Morgan Donner's Sewing Party, hair tutorial, vintage hair, edwardian hair, renaissance hair, hair swap, hairstyle swap, signature style swap, Swapping Signature Hairstyles, Bernadette Banner, Rachel Maksy, hairstyle collab, boston, June's Journey, travel vlog, historical dress, historical style, unique style, historybounding, vintage style, vintage aesthetic, aesthetic dress, vintage inspiration, victorian style, victorian dress, style ideas, boston tour
Id: olEBJ4Jalx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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