Swap Your ISP's 'Router'. NOW.

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as an IT technician one of the complaints that I get most often is from someone complaining about their internet connection or their Wi-Fi connection and confusingly they often incorrectly exchange the two like it's anything like Wi-Fi is the same as an internet connection which it clearly isn't and I'm going to explain why but so I'm going to split this video into four parts one explain what Home Hub is secondly why it could be the source of many of your problems three my situation and four how I resolved my issue and how you can resolve yours hey guys my name's Ryan Thompson tech and this is why you should probably replace your ISPs multi-function Network device so our home hub is like a hub right no it's not actually a harbor tool and it hasn't got a hub as part of it and it's not a hub at all the reason that these companies kind of go and tell you it's a home hub is so that you can get confused and then they can offer you new services and stuff like that but a home hub such as the many that I have here let's take this one as an example is one that's supplied by BT now it's not the newest the newest is actually over here but this is going to be one that I'm given as example but a hub is like a switch so it has a box with a bunch of Ethernet ports or any kind of ports on it we usually Ethernet which is what you'd usually connect from your computer to the home hub this is confusing me already but when you send data over one of these or a typical switch it sends the data to the switch the switch knows where to push it so you might have five computers on your network Sally wants to send one to John Sally sends the data to switch the switch sends it to John because it knows that PC via IP addresses and a bunch of stuff that I won't get into right now however a hub distributes that data to every other device on the network so you can see what the problem is or Home Hub then is not a hub because when you send data to it it smartly selects where the data should go because you've told it where to go so we know that it's definitely not a HUD but another time that gets pushed around a lot it's a Rooter well technically this is kind of correct because it does have the routing capabilities or the gateway paid capabilities which connects many lands together so you kind of send stuff to the Rooter the router then sends it off to the Internet that's basically how a Rooter works so yes this is partly Rooter but it's also partly switched because it has those ports on the back meaning that you can send a to do it and from it wired but it also has something called a whap which is a wireless access point and it's probably what you're using to connect to your Wi-Fi which is usually up here this usually got some antennae this is a similar scenario just not quite bTW branded so this multifunction network device is part Reuter part switch and also part what and the reason that this is usually the cause of a lot of people's problems is the fact that it's not made very well I've had as you can see on this table loads of these I've got a BT hub three to BT hub fives and a new BT smart hub thing I also have a tp-link Rooter from back in the day that is a Rooter a switch and a whap so it is technically a multi-function network device so now that you know what a home hub is or a multifunction network devices I'm going to explain to you the problems that I had one is that I would constantly get drops between the actual Rooter and the Ont on the wall which kind of converts my optical connection which is fiber to my land connection that can plug straight into here there was some kind of drop and I know it wasn't the NT because I'd already had that replaced so I got sent out a bunch while I just got sent out to this one and this one there's another one in the bin well not now it's in the Skip and they weren't really doing much actually to my connection and we weren't actually making anything any better and I would constantly get drops and I'd also get a lot of Wi-Fi drops and my house is not big by any means I've told you that's a small house but it's actually made of quite thick walls quite an old house and so having a wipe that wasn't very powerful wasn't very brute force II was difficult to actually kind of pass data so upstairs our Wi-Fi was basically non-existent so after so many phone calls to BT my ISP and after arguments and arguments they wouldn't settle and they sent me a bunch of these and they still can get anywhere so you thought what we've given up on this customer however I remembered I had this which is an old tp-link multifunction network device I had it for years and years it used to be just solely an access point because a lot of these you can actually set up to do one thing other than all three or all four things that they do I found the settings online on a BT forum which are kind of the login for the router so that the Rooter can connect to BT and stuff like that that stuff I don't actually know about in further down the line however I managed to find the settings I put in the settings on kind of the UI that comes with this and I hooked it up and lo and behold it was actually very reliable I was getting better Wi-Fi this is actually not quite as fast it's N and it's an old standard versus AC on the newer stuff so it was nowhere near as fast as I wanted but it was definitely more reliable and I wasn't getting a single drop which was really important when I was playing Counter Strike because I really didn't want to lose connection during a match so then I thought well this is something I found didn't know box up in my attic maybe I can replace it with something a bit more substantial so then I went and I bought one of these this isn't a sponsor video I bought one of these which is a Linksys AC 1200 which they call smart Reuter and all that but like I said previously it's a multi-function device and I hooked that up and my gosh the speed the reliability and everything to do with this has made my life so much easier I went on Amazon Prime I ordered this Next Day Delivery I set it up and within the first hour everything was hunky-dory like there was never ever a problem at all now the reasons I think this is better or because the hardware in here is a little bit more specialized it's a little bit more of an expensive piece of hardware and isn't going to be mass-produced for the public for every bt customer like this one is it also was able to accept my settings like this one and has a much nicer and less buggy UI to actually connect to and install and update firmware however the one thing I can't quite put my finger on is that this is more reliable from the Ont to the router part of this multifunction network device so I'm not quite sure why that is and why the BT ones aren't as good as something that isn't designed for that OMT because it's a very specialized piece of kit so I'm not sure why that is but it kind of is so I'm not going to complain about that I've performed a couple of these upgrades in other people's houses and it's really crazy how much difference just something that's third-party can make and of course in an ideal world I would have a separate Rooter switch wireless access point and I actually do have an access point and a couple of switches dotted around the house as well as this but it's just it just takes up so much space when you've got one of these you only need one power connection one wine connection and whatever LAN connections you want whereas with separate devices yes it kind of makes more sense to do it that way with faster connections however it does take up more space and it's something not a lot of people to do so when people say my wife is down that could be to do with this however when people say my internet connection is danced down to this multifunction network device and my gosh have I said that phrase a few times in this video so my recommendation to you my viewers to long didn't read is that if you have problems because I know a lot of people who don't have problems with these but if you do to go out get one of the cheapest especially on abs and they have an amazing returns policy get one of these bad boys or any kind of multifunction network device they call them rooters so that's something to look out for and just buy it and try it out now the reason I got so lucky is actually because I could find the BT settings on their forum on a BT forum so I'll put them on the screen right now if you have a BT device which not a lot of people will but it's there for the few people that do and do want to try this out all right guys I hope you took something away from this video because it's kind of higgledy-piggledy but I tried my best to structure I've got all my notes on my phone also when did the UK turn into a sauna anyway guys thank you so much for watching please do like or dislike based on your thoughts and put those thoughts in the comments below and let me know if you want any more of this networking stuff and PC stuff please subscribe your new relatives and then miss video like this one thank you to has tech gamer thank you for Darren and Ross for supporting me on patreon go follow my social medias if you want it can help me out and we can also start a conversation over there as well why it's been Ryan Tech and I'll see you in the next video peace
Channel: Ryan-Thomas
Views: 79,092
Rating: 4.7609453 out of 5
Keywords: GH4, sigma 18, 4k, uhd, is it worth it, 2017
Id: lPcQoKvMY8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 23 2018
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