"SWAP LUCIO You're Throwing!" (Overwatch 2 Toxic Moments 6K special) #special #halloween #toxic

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you f no I literally just didn't I literally had an an with me just my back yeah just don't in okay our tanks but why are you on Lucio against real bro we were bash and ring that did nothing the r is throwing but so my Lucio so evens out yeah basically 44 it's like over watch 3 they will also have a ball one trick so this is good please play better this time did I play with you before yeah I'm pretty sure we won together world we didet oh yeah no no I that was the Hollywood game right uhhuh I was complimenting you then you still yelled at me no no you started off negative you were very much implying it was a tank problem then you started actually playing the game and we crushed them I jokingly said ball is a good tank see how about we call a truce you you were very much implying that you needed me to swap cuz you were feeding the only time I yelled at you is when you gave me away when I was invis yeah I know I rolled through choke and you stood behind me so you admit it new game Me 2 one attack com don't let him get toxic for no [ __ ] reason at this point we're going to keep track how many times my other DS size Reaper don't make me meld deployed enemy spotted somebody don't your for now I don't really get to game I'm not going to lie oh no see that's what we not about to do police lock his ass up make better choice of child this I'll come back fast the ey of hor watch is over you oh yeah let's break it he's in in the back because we Sports see if someone can touch unfortunate again that was painful yeah the Luci with ball somra is kind of a weird pick not going to lie you said no I literally just didn't I literally had an Anor with me just my back don't need to complain no one blamed you no one complained about you just just chill out you fed it's okay okay I one you okay hanoo go go go go down go down go down bro please stop already Lucio you're not him you are not himle Bri doesn't die again oh the BR is throwing the whole game the brig is throwing but so my [ __ ] Lucio so it evens out yeah basically 4v4 it's like [ __ ] OverWatch 3 Dragon I lied oh we have be anymore no no no we have be what be yeah they have no pull fine uh three two I got touch I got touch yeah that's fine early Reaper one no wait wait nice one no on we have no fear killer oh wait never mind funny ability just go right just go right [ __ ] it what do you mean funny that's so skillful right I love canceling out mistakes y speed wait wait no it's fine it's fine it's fine yeah wait going grack behind you can kill him where like right here oh my God what just happen it's fine it's fine it's fine just come back so stupid people like that like what do you do bro you know what I mean doesn't make sense like it fundamentally does not prep but it actually get value because it's a mistake cuz nobody expects it on theack ready go huge F just just walk walk through the WoW I broke it you're good oh it doesn't matter they grab our tank they H our tank wait it doesn't wait how did you die he jumped in it with you the beat okay bro brother doesn't know how beat works I like what she going chase me to the end of the Earth I'm backing up how's he [ __ ] dying on Lucio bro we can't touch he dragging me we can win we can win I we don't anymore I can't thatou they got on point so they got it faster the one time we needed them they just got on point where the point where [ __ ] on [ __ ] it I'm going far my God so we don't have defens defens yeah yeah they just have free dragon yeah he just [ __ ] does that for free and we lose holy this guy makes an unable why whatever I'll take it okay that was disrespectful that's horrible like what you type I hope he loses now this now I am going to struggle against the pocket just saying yeah about to get Capp get P let him rest please yeah yeah we pushing that an enemy no PL spotted an enemy in the right room I'm coming coming I just I can't fight her I need a pocket no we lost last Point make sure we'll take care you just drop the r drop the r drop the rer you're nothing without a r here so you got to be careful you have to charge up can't do anything even speed the ry's charge no he didn't one dub they're going to Res [Music] it like we we need our B to be together or a mercy one of those two things merc's going for brage shoot yeah again we can't split a right Bastion keep trying this it's not working you did the SP yo yo yo yo yeah it doesn't matter your fault the same place who are you fighting bro who are are you fighting where are you going thanks for the UPG this get this lot he's just he's just talking his [ __ ] it's pissing me off call him out I guess I have pouch got it just literally just just have mercy that's it Mercy yeah just don't get in okay our tanks are but why are you on Lucio against for real bro we were Bas and ring that did nothing we won the point we were supposed to swing Corners the problem is is that either our Bastion fell or Ryan fell and they're not the same place that's how basally but we just played ROM with the Lo steal or bash with the but there's always going to be a Lucio yeah thank you guys for getting me 6K Subs hope you enjoy your Halloween even with how cold it is and remember I have a Discord in the description [Music] below
Channel: Grotech Gaming
Views: 12,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Overwatch 2, #Trolling, #Toxicity, #montage, #Rage, Toxic, Toxicity, Rage, Trolling, Ranked, Montage, Funny moment, Overwatch, Funny, Recommended
Id: t7HZlIGFqjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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