Swan Lake Ballet
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Channel: ballet5sponch
Views: 8,399,104
Rating: 4.7965589 out of 5
Keywords: Swan, lake, Scala, ballet, 2004iPod, H264, DVDripwith, chapters
Id: 6LKyWPmtX7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 58sec (7978 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2011
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Swan Lake (2012) [USA:PG-13, Color, 2 h 0 min]
a.k.a. Swan Lake in 3D (2012)
Drama, Music, Musical, Romance, Thriller
Richard Winsor, Dominic North, Nina Goldman, Madelaine Brennan
Director: Ross MacGibbon
IMDb user rating: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 7.7/10 (37 votes)
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