S&W M&P 40 Review - Perfect for Glock haters

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hey guys how's it goin it's gun loving Texan here and doing a review of a Smith & Wesson pistol probably you know what it is the MMP 40 full size on 40 caliber very popular gun when you get this it's gonna look similar to this you get 215 round mags for the 40 Cal you get 300 changeable backdrops a gun and all the paperwork go blah you get a pretty nice case to this gun is MP so I got this gun when I turn 21 two years ago as my first pistol and everyone gets excited about turning 21 so they can drink get wasted blah blah blah yeah I did that but I was more excited about getting my first pistol that's what mattered to me for being 21 and you know that was the first thing I did turn 21 went out and bought a pistol there is probably a million reviews videos of this already on youtube if I want to make it a million one get my own little feedback on it Smith & Wesson made in the United States very good gun been around for a few years now you know popular was military and police around the world and they're very good quality guns been tried and you know tried and true tested hell them back great guns these can range anywhere from $350 used to 535 50 new the $350 used are the police trade ins and that's a great deal for this gun you can get them in store online they're really not hard to get a police trade-in on this they're you know quite a few of them out there the police trade ins gotta get a better deal because sometimes they come with three mags and they come with night sights sometimes so for you know if you don't mind a used gun you know couple hundred dollars less you get more things it's it's a steal but uh I've seen these things go as much as five 35 50 new and that's a little bit much in my book but if you prefer new guns it's the way to go there's so many variants of these that's one thing Smith & Wesson did pretty good is that you know there's some states out there some regions in the country that have a lot of regulations and as far as pistols and things like that go and Smith & Wesson has so many different models and variants of this pistol a lot of is for each you know state things like that either tinman mag mag SATA mag safety you know slide safety you know frame lock whatever whatever they require they got you're able to get this gun in all 50 states so they did a good job getting the availability out there for this weapon you can get them in black and you get them in tan you know you got this is the big this is the full-size version you got the MPC compact you got the very popular shield which is the subcompact and you get the pro and core models and you know the higher-end variants of these for you know competition shooters or what have you so there's so many I can probably make my own video as far as the different variants of this gun there's so many out there so a lot availability for variants for this gun going to the specs of this gun the dimensions real quick it is a seven point six three inches long five and a half inches tall one point twenty two inches wide the barrel is a four and a quarter your trigger pool is six and a half pounds but with this trigger some people love it some people hate it some people don't mind it it's really up to the everyone's different how their triggers are but this is trigger it doesn't really bother me you get a short reset there you know brakes kind of forward back here you can get apex triggers which are pretty popular with the MMP series and there's other aftermarket triggers out there to lighten the trigger and make it more enjoyable the only problem is not the actual operation that the trigger it's the trigger itself it's how this trigger is designed because it's kind of like split in half right here this part comes and then the whole trigger goes and it's made out plastic I mean it's durable but it just it feels cheap it feels like it's gonna break and I just don't it's spongy and I just I don't like the way it feels but it doesn't it doesn't bother me shooting just you know I'm taking that time to look at it mess with it kind of bothers me but the actual uh you know the operation that didn't trigger doesn't bother me it bothers some people so give that a try first before you buy it it's just the design of the trigger that really the only negative about this gun in my opinion is a trigger just some final thoughts real quick since this gun is so organ Amish when you get this you first put in your hand it just hit melts in your hand it just feels amazing in your hand especially since I got three and you know big medium and small back straps so it just it really form fits to that person and they did a great job at that these are very comfortable to hold very comfortable to shoot easy to shoot especially for 40 caliber it's very easy and fun to shoot this gun they're very reliable they're very accurate you know like I said they've been around for a while and been tested and they're very good reliable duty weapons out there and for the Glock haters out there this is in my opinion you know your best choice if you don't like a Glock you know people they are good they are very reliable and they always work but so do these guns and it has a little bit more features in your Glock and my Glock haters I recommend this yeah the XD XDM series are good but you know the MPs are lighter there's a lot more options and variants available for them and the XDS XDM they just seem bulkier and thicker than they should be these are these are lighter and slimmer than the XD series and it's just how how much it fits to your hand and it's very comforting and welcoming to your hand that's uh if you if you're a Glock hater don't like Glocks and you want something different I recommend this gun that's what I did I first got a pistol like everyone has a Glock everyone talks about them I want something different I'm tired of hearing about saying about it so I went and grabbed this and I highly recommend it if you can just you know determine whether you like that trigger or not and it's worth to get the gun and replace the trigger I recommend it is a great gun easy to use fun to use reliable and a great second option so if you guys have any questions comments please let me know and stay tuned for more
Channel: GunLovinTexan
Views: 45,834
Rating: 4.8337951 out of 5
Keywords: smith and wesson, guns, gun review, overview, unboxing, 40 cal, 40 S&W, shooting, firearms
Id: 0EQM0T1uSlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Sun May 01 2016
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