Suzerain - A Vote of Thanks

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good afternoon L Jen I'm John this as many a true ner welcome to suarin a political simulator thing you know make decisions accidentally set the country on fire that's been recommended to me a whole bunch of times so let's have a look see at what I've been missing okay the year is 1954 and I'm going to be running the fictional nation of the Republic of swordland and there are good or bad things about this nation like by the ls of it I am you know bigger and more powerful than some of my neighbors brilliant if there's a problem we can just invade take them over that'll be a good way of making some easy cash and speaking of which yes apparently the economy is like you know on fire oh I suspect yes things are going to get worse before they get better oh and apparently yes I need to like you know build my character RPG style so right the year is 1908 so I'm like 50 years away from running the place and also right back in these days it was a kingdom I suspect there's going to be you know a bit of trouble before I'm ready to take the Reigns of power got it so right wealthy middle income or impoverished we'll go for Middle income that's fine there we go an ordinary childhood that seems good to me what seems less good though is um yes apparently there were fights breaking out in my family home so okay was like you know my mom a monarchist and my dad a Republican or something well we never found out because instead we're skipping forward quite a few years and apparently yes the Kingdom's no more we're now Republic and okay sounds like it just sort of you know happened without anyone being shot possibly excluding the king somewhere so okay I'm going to call this a huge win right up to the point where you know we're going to skip forward 6 months and everybody's now being shot Okay it's 3 years on and no one's being shot yet so honestly I'm going to call this a huge win so right I went to University I could study low economics or oh yeah absolutely history let's cocky go oh never mind the so have arrived as SP too soon so right um elections apparently are accompanied by a large number of troops including teachers being arrested never mind it's all going to hell sorry about that as I say got a bit ahead of myself there and you know what I'm going to say we joining the protest marvelous the soldiers beat me and apparently it was in general not a very good year fair enough I suppose and then the civil war broke out so okay basically yes like you know it's been a bit of a messy history in our country got it right fast forward a couple of Decades of economic collapse several Wars revolutions counter revolutions etc etc and it's finally my time to shine because apparently yes during this entire time I was rising up through the ruling party so right time for me to you know stick the knife in the existing president and give a go to running things the john way and apparently I ran on a platform over yet either Democratic reforms or preserving National values right well both of them are incredibly vague but sure let's say Democratic reforms because we never said in which direction okay we've got to make some more campaign promises as well so right step one economic Direction either planned economy or market economy okay the problem is I know like you know very little about this country right now and usus which would be better for us given our situation but what I will say is is in the event we commit to a planned economy it's me that's doing the planning so in general yes let's like you know avoid that for the time being just you know taking my hands off as much of this country as possible seems like a really solid idea meanwhile right obviously all the countries are fictional but it's 1953 and apparently yes there's a major Global rivalry between anasia in the west and United contana in the East so capitalism versus communism right it's just the cold to war got it so for now until I know more we should commit to neutrality like you know eventually someone's going to come up to my country with a big army at that point we might pick aide for now let's just you know try and stay out of it okay so the previous president Chas had a fairly relaxed immigration policy we can either keep it or toughen it up so okay this one's nice and easy if we keep the previous administration's policies then if it goes wrong we can blame them okay we can always change it later if something goes really wrong on in terms of my focus obviously education like defense law and enforcement okay Health's quite important I'll give you that one's important but like that's also really difficult to improve education I think we can improve like you know more quickly so we're going to do that one damn it let's get some education sorted out are you sure about your decisions not in the slightest but we're going to say yes anyway okay let's get to grips with what we've got here so right I've got myself a want a map here of like you know Nations around me and on top of that right a national map focusing on the internal situation so right I'm guessing yellow means important we'll get you in just a second let's like you know figure out what my place in the world is first because oh blimbing kind of but noticed it yes like right next door and by far our big land neighbor is the gigantic Kingdom of rumberg oh good they ha us and also have a gigantic military good good good good beatric me and you let's just be chill okay okay by comparison yes our other lands neighbors are weak but way more chill so yeah AG know you're up here me and them are apparently getting on just fine okay lesia can we like you know maybe be friends too neutral okay that will do in fact you know what we should make friends with lesia if me and lesia are BFFs then you know them coming to our Aid in the event the beatric attacks us that's got to be a good thing and okay they're aligned to with the yes fictional America being a parliamentary Republic that SED towards capitalism whereas just over the water right you guys you are I'm guessing yes Allied instead okay right so basically I'm right in the middle of everything we've got the American Alliance people to the South the Communist Alliance people over here and a gigantic monarchy that cocking hates me right next door and I can also read reports about literally every major city inside my territory and okay right don't worry about that for now if they like you know do something important I'm sure we'll figure it out as we go so okay important cities that are currently highlighted in yellow what do you need me to do okay most of it was not good news it turns out most of the cities in this country are you know basically falling apart or currently on fire or something similar but over in narel apparently we might have like you know a new gas field that feels like you know good news at the bare minimum I do enjoy by the way how I have a selection of newspapers I can read though what I don't appreciate is it's literally cocking day one and apparently yes the big news is um rumberg is coming south they want to conquer us so right I may need to you know pick aide neutrality might not really work like in the long term okay let's jump into you know some policy here because right step one the economy which is apparently in recession it would appear that yes currently my government budget is eight I don't know eight of what but just in general that seems like a low number for a government budget so right I feel like we've not got much money but we promised to invest in education okay remember just bung some money at universities or something Gus do you really think that such an economically Advanced area is in need of investment and more than agon land which is apparently right that's the one up top bordering a couple of other nations apparently it's not doing so hot and okay I get the feeling yes the game's about to ask me to make some really difficult choices I'm not going to be comfortable with and I'm going to run out of money really fast okay Simon give it to me straight how's our country doing cuz as I say I feel like eight money is not much and okay GDP is okay 310 billion sish Ren that's way more than eight though oh right we're also in quite a bit of debt too got it meanwhile unemployment is at 16% inflation at all 10% okay like is there any good news could someone give me some good news no there's literally no good news we've been a bloody hell the economy shrank 6% last year okay there is literally no good news whatsoever great so okay for now we're just basically setting up you know a vague economic Direction either Central planning or free markets and we did promise we were going to do a bit more free market stuff though yeah that's also good to bring us more in line with the United States of arcasia which you know might potentially help us with the whole economic crisis thing like isolationism might not work very well when we desperately need to grow the economy so okay we'll do some free market reforms if only because I promise to do so in my election Manifesto but you know what I'm going to throw my advisor a bone because some of them want to go one way some of them want to go the other right are not selling the entire country certain Central institutions like you know some Public Services they stay in State control but like you know maybe those gas Fields I was reading about this morning we could sell them to the United States of arcasia all right nice easy cash injection no problem there whatsoever so okay because we've done that yes right now an active policy is promote market economy so I don't get like you know direct control over things not St I very literally just signed up to not having direct control over things but um yes I suspect certain consequences are going to start appearing over time I gotcha knowledge there a situation is a bit dire when it comes to the economy in particular you know just lot of stuff in red right now got it and literally nothing in green the best we can do in economic matters is yes three things are apparently sort of okay okay I had to go through like you know a lot of alerts and notes and whatnot but I finally found some good news in one town right on the edge of the country the wine industry is doing pretty well they're making good wine so right support that if we can right move over here to this place I'm pretty sure you're like you know a major port right yes the Gateway a large trade Port Hub Commerce good good good good very important potentially so in which case do we want to do a mega infrastructure I mean I'm going to be honest surely yes like you know what if this is our biggest port and our economic Heartland we've got to put some money into this so oh go on sure congratulations you see the problem is I'm going to say yes to everything and we're going to run out of money very soon and I don't know how long it is until this like you know fills up again if it does it might not also I've just been passed a bill I now need to yes either veto or sign who wrote this bill out of Interest like is there a parliament or something like I should probably know this I'm so sorry it's like okay it's not my first day but it's like my third day okay I've not found Parliament yet if such a thing exists okay so we're changing how we're funding a political party so right the previous system and number of votes so basically yes funds were assigned based on a functionally proportional representation versus now a system with yes the number of seats so basically yes established parties would do better out of that assuming we're running like you know a first P the post constituency by constituency system which are we doing that I should know that I'm the president but I don't know that okay the point is right now we've got a lot of seats so okay that would give us a huge amount of money though it does mean tiny parties don't get like you know any funding as much as I like the idea of having a giant pile of money I feel like it's the wrong thing to do then again me we promised democratic reform but this feels like you know in the wrong direction I'm going to veto this and I'm guessing someone's going to be a dick about that because me using a veto is inherently not Democratic but like this here appear appears to be the parliament basically voting for a giant pay rise for the parties that make up the parliament so no this is unacceptable I'm vetoing this oh that's what we've got apparently a grand assembly brilliant and okay no one's yelling at me about this yet instead friends RoR apparently also didn't like the new package so okay politician businessman leader of people's of freedom and Justice party that there that sounds like a good party I feel like I like those guys then again don't trust them just because they've got a good name okay they're advocating for yes some more democratic Constitution so right me and them we could be friends okay we're going to be chill with these chappies right speaking of infrastructure around our major port which I do agree is important in fact I already gave them one money so right one of my guys wants a rail network between Hort and Levan hang on it's the um that's the porch right yes so basically our two biggest cities ought to be connected by a better rail network whereas you want yes a proper Highway connection between these guys and arvory hang on where's arv right up here in what I understand to be a very very poor bit of the nation got it okay I'm going to regret this but I'm you know inclined towards taking our existing economic powerhouses and doubling down on them which is going to be really bad for basically everyone else but we kind of just need to sort out the economy oh I don't feel good about this I feel like you know this is all going to come and bite me in the ass later step one we're just going to like sort out the economy and once the economy is doing well then I'll spend all the money making everyone's lives better it's going to work out fine okay you know what I don't feel so bad here because actually this guy is telling me yes it's not just going to help out these major cities andri and gel will also massively benefit meanwhile if we just build a big road from here to here it's only going to help out ler like that's one town and a pretty bloody Tiny Town at that Plus in the long term we're probably going to lose this territory if we get invaded by you know beatric next door so honestly is it really worth investing in I don't think so okay and on top of like you know government money I've also got a substantial amount of my own money so okay there's an American upand cominging Tech firm I'm not spending like all of my money on this but I'm going to buy some shares in this United States of Arian company because I feel like you know investing in technology in 1953 could potentially pay offer really nicely given yes if this world is anything like ours technology is going to go nuts over the next decades okay I'm going to be honest I was just enjoying you know taking my family to a nice ball to celebrate the beginning of my term in office and um right I feel like possibly some violence is kicking off nearby possibly some people don't like the dire I'm taking the country two people gunned down in front of the palace the attacker is one of them we have reason to believe he was working alone so right this is not exactly a um safe job got it I potentially might make enemies and these enemies could assassinate me good good good good so okay the assassinated individual is Bernard kirkus who was okay a communist politician presumably there Ford not in my party whether he was just hit at random or whether for some reason someone's picking off the Communists in particular one after flipping say Okay Beyond them there's a national front on the right the freedom and Justice party right we know about them we like them and interestingly one more local party so okay bergier down in the southwest those guys apparently yes kind of vote less according to left or right instead they vote for their own politicians gotcha which is interesting if they have a lot of political clout then yeah if we toss a couple of Bones to De or other cities around these parts potentially there could be you know a political Alliance in the making oh speaking of which I finally found the assembly tab so right at the moment we control all we have a majority but it's a pretty cocky small one got it and by the ls of it yes the Communist Party currently doesn't have a single seat neither do the localists guys so okay never mind don't bother helping out their territory they've got nothing to offer me just keep sucking up to what's his face friends okay friends is going to be my friend it's an easy way to remember that and okay the following day we can confirm at least if we believe what we're hearing here yes the youth wing of the right-wing party basically decided to attack a communist sitting as an independent in the chamber so right I wasn't the target but even so we can't be having this nonsense all right oh this is going to get worse before it gets better isn't it right so immediately there are yes like you know retaliation attacks so the Communists are now bombing the NFP and I'm guessing they go to bomb the Communists right back so okay not entirely sure how we're going to like you know deescalate this situation oh but I tell you what I'm liking what I'm seeing here just you know up in the top left the economy is looking way less red than it was yesterday so okay it turns out I'm a genius of growing the economy however yes possibly the most pressing thing right now isn't the economy it's the fact that um okay there's now a lot of tit fortat violence and it's not small stuff it's like bombings Etc so rights label all protesters as traitors no I feel like that would make things much much worse and deploying yes untrained police officers well that's a recipe for disaster as well so okay an address on television could be helpful but I feel like you know going down onto the ground and visiting some affected towns that's got to be the best option right well the whole sord post agrees so that's nice at least okay let's get back to business proper here building my gigantic Railway okay because apparent yes and R you're one of the towns that's going to benefit aren't you okay so much so that when we arrived there were crowds of cheering citizens so right bare minimum we've secured a few votes by building this Railway Network beautiful okay so step one we need to decide who's actually you know building the damn thing so right the sish Stak company build it in a house with presumably a publicly owned organization though by the sounds of it yeah yes corrupt management structure not currently doing very well does not feel like you know the right company to take us into the future meanwhile there's underhall which is right a private company but still one owned by someone locally Walter Tusk alternatively right Cutting Edge technology did some work in a port expansion project that came in a well and budget and Arian you know what Taurus feels like a damn good bet to me oh and this feels like a big one so hang on I swear growth was looking better than that just two minutes ago bloody hell right so okay major economic relief plan given that things are not currently good we can either give stimulus checks out or bail out businesses I feel like we're already doing a fair bit to help businesses we're like you know our free market stuff and the train Network and whatever so yes let's send out some stimulus checks to people in need because we've got a lot of problems with um unemployment poverty etc etc it's all going to work out possibly oh hang on the assembly is back with something new for me so okay I kind of vetoed their last thing so at some point I should probably pass an act that they want me to pass so tourism and cultural preservation and I'm going to be honest that sounds like you know good I'm inherently well disposed towards that okay money is disappearing fast but I mean you know this isn't just spending money tourism could be a good source of money so you know what we'll sign it that's fine it's all going to work out oh yeah there's another green there the tourism industry is booming right that was a good decision okay next up if I want to yes rewrite the Constitution I need a 2/3 of the vote in the National Assembly which basically means yeah the PF JP they need to come on board and I mean to be honest me and them get on pretty well I feel like you know this should not be too difficult to arrange okay so it's the following day and um right I kind of been noticed that despite the fact I've spent half of the entire government budget growth is still going down and okay this could be of interest it would appear that today yes the Arian Alliance has pledged to significant amounts of money and military aid to agolia our neighbors to the north so admittedly the only reason they're doing that is yes to fight a proxy war potentially in agnolia against the Communist to the east so yeah coing up to America could in theory help protect us against beatric but it might open up a significantly worse threat against the Communists of the East who are significantly closer to May basically there's not good to be a good easy answer is there whatever I do someone's going to yell at me oh but this might be a good way to make some money without selling out my country to you know another superpower narell that's where yes the cocky gas fields are now we can sell those to someone that's not selling okay selling out a bit of the country but like only a really tiny bit okay I was just hoping to you know get in sell the place then leave but um okay somebody wants to talk about welfare health care and education and I did kind of promise that help out with education a bit so oh we are spending money way too fast okay so apparently our existing education system is free but it's outdated it needs reform so right in particular lack of Education in rural areas so okay fine the situation is good in the Heartland but down here and probably especially up in yeah angland that's probably not so good so okay you know what this feels like precisely what I promised to do you have got a deal but here we go down to business proper right flogging gasom to whoever's willing to pay the most buy it okay here we go the owner of gas ar has a great opportunity on his hand so a business Arrangement benefiting them and us too so okay wal lay it out for me oh or Al I think possibly this guy used to be president and I may have oh hang on I definitely stabbed you in the back at some point I'm really sorry about that by the way so right there's a wealthy Kingdom nearby and they're willing to maybe pour some money into gason so you know what that seems kind of interesting actually though oh yeah energy security that is a thing I should probably consider as president but I mean I'm going to be honest like how much money are we talking okay so we can just stay out of it alternatively yeah we could co-invest with a ria or entirely back at ourselves I mean I was kind of hoping this would make me money not cost me it but I mean if this goes well it's an investment so okay okay me and Ria are going to go into business together I was really hoping we could just you know sell this to Ria but as that's not an option okay but this bloody better make us money okay so that's 2/3 of the entire government treasury spent and um growth is still going down actually like not as much but it's still going down and our stability order just doesn't sound good doesn't right so yes while we we've been doing all of this the various factions have continued just shooting and bombing each other as time goes by so okay because people are dead we could in theory Force through an action to ban the organizations one the other both or nobody I feel like this can't be the answer like no matter what happens you're not going to meet people people calm down and you know stop being mean to each other by just Banning the parties there in that's never going to work no we're not Banning anything and we're also finally ready to start talking about the new constitution so right one thing people wanted to get rid of was me having a veto over everything okay we could get rid of it entirely or we could limit it a bit because the thing is some people want me to maintain it like I think at some point the uh the military were babbling on at me about how they really wanted to stay cuz it's useful in emergencies so I feel like you know what on this occasion limiting it so I can veto you know stuff that's a bit 50/50 but a super majority can still push stuff past me that feels like a fair compromise and then yes we've got to get rid of these Supreme Courts Interac ction with the law apparently I've got no other options there so fine that's a okay then impeachment of the president okay assembly in Supreme Court can impeach with a majority in both president can't be impeached do not change oh no I've got to be impeached that's eminently reasonable appointment of ministers so right the assembly nominates a confidence vot is needed or don't change I I just appoint who I want I feel like the assembly appointing my staff is a bit too far so okay yeah I nominate the ministers the assembly gets a confidence vote that's fair right there so okay then election so okay minimum morea 10% of the national vote to win seats that definitely shouldn't be the case like I'd lower that to like you know true proportional representation but lowest we can get away with is 3% let's go for that next up presidential decrees so okay what do we need to do here either the assembly gets a say in them or I just don't do them anymore or we leave it where I can do them I feel like you know letting the assembly have a say that's reasonable y that's okay and then right term limits is that really necessary you know what that one can stay that's fine there's going to be some people out there who don't want the Constitution to change so leaving the odd thing as it is that should hopefully make them happy oh justices they should definitely be able to be impeach if they do something really naughty so yeah that's reasonable and then finally member of Honor rights of tonin Soul hang on what the is this oh it's basically just like you know a free permanent MP but without an election so oh that doesn't feel good also they get a special private residence so okay right now there's only one he just gets to you know be there forever I feel like no that shouldn't be a thing so okay I've made um a lot of changes like I feel like I'm about to upset a lot of people but crucially the PF JP should love this so This should get straight through the assembly I mean assuming I can get past you know my own party with which could be an issue given you know there are factions in my own party who don't want anything to change and I just basically changed everything so oh that might be basically unpassable oh perfect timing just as um yes the money's basically about to run out okay my entire cabinet's basically cornered me and they're now yelling about everything so education healthc care law enforcement the military yeah we're literally about to be invaded huge amounts of political violence is occurring on the streets like all the time I did promise to approve education no one's actually like said much about healthc care so far but like in general not dying does seem like a good thing so oh bloody hell okay if I want to make anything go up it's going to cost one and I'm going to be honest we're kind of out of money actually okay the money's going to go towards Law and Order because there is literally a campaign of bombing and counter bombing going on in the nation right now hang on whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa right some of those don't um don't cost one some of them cost oh right education turns out to be expensive but I need education and Law and Order okay those are essential okay the newspapers are not like hugely impressed by the fact that I have blown the small budget surplus we had and instead yes it just plunged the country into a massive deficit even so growth is still cooking going down so just to sum up what I've done is yes try to push through a ridiculously ambitious constitutional reform that I probably can't even get past my own party entered into a business deal with an autocratic Kingdom I know absolutely cocky nothing about handed over the construction of our core infrastructure to yes a small American company even though I'm trying to maintain a policy of neutrality and somehow I've managed to comp completely cocking below the budget while not investing at all in the bits of the nation that actually cocking needed it so right in conclusion don't let me run Nations got it but yes indeed how about we wrap things up there and if you think you could do better of bloody I think you probably could do much worse this here is zarain Link in the description below and okay I will say this is interesting like the amount of World building that exists you know with every every part of your nation and all the other nations nearby is really really cool like it's so in depth but I will flag one thing which is yes like this is not a nice light cheery game to play for 5 10 minutes at a time like there's a lot to get your teeth into here you need to be sitting down concentrating paying attention and even then you'll probably mess it all up still I won't deny it is an interesting compelling game I do enjoy political simulator on occasion so yes indeed if we're lucky I can find more like this in future we shall flipping see but in the meantime I've been John this has been many a true nerd and this has been suarin thank you very much and goodbye wait did people just vote out democracy hang on what have you just done oh go on let's have the greatest October Fest ever yay Spain and Russia raps a new alliance as a result of the warmongering of certain central European countries oh well excuse me my leader from now on no wakings will stand to the the way this country's path to Glory oh God Germany not again
Channel: Many A True Nerd
Views: 47,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Suzerain, Suzerain game, Suzerain gameplay, let's play Suzerain, Suzerain guide, Suzerain tutorial, Suzerain walkthrough, Suzerain review, Suzerain PC
Id: bTG3MDiuvk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 31sec (2071 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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