Suzanne Morphew's Death Ruled a Homicide: Autopsy Results

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>> Oh Suzanne if anyone is out there that can hear this that has you please. >> We'll do whatever it takes to bring back we love you miss you the girls and. >> Now for what's trending in true crime autopsy results have determined a cause Colorado mom was killed and drugged after her mother's Day disappearance Monday the Colorado Bureau of Investigation released this statement on their results that the autopsy report of Suzanne morphew is now complete and determined her death to be homicide by undetermined means we understand that it was done using tranquilizer drugs. The 49 year-old vanished after a bike ride back in May of 2020 her remains found nearly 3 years later her husband Barry initially charged charges were dropped in 2022 investigators were getting closer to finding Suzanne's remains and so our question this morning Sperry morphew going to be charged. Again we've got great power panel standing by we've got the state attorney and Palm Beach County Florida is hosting a brand-new show it is the true crime Mtn podcast Dave Ehrenberg we've also got with us forensic death investigator professor in Jacksonville State University and the host of the body bags podcast Joseph Scott Morgan and criminal defense attorney and the host of the defense diaries podcast Bob Mata great to see you all this morning. >> Oh boy you know I keep thinking back I know you all are to that cap from a tranquilizer dart found in the bed sheets in the draw higher Ed Barry morphew so many so I had just shot an animal disposed of the solution blah blah blah is this key for prosecutors. >> Now knowing that tranquilizer solution what was what was found in Suzanne morphew's bones, Dave aronberg would you start us off please. Yes. >> So much for the lawsuit that he filed against process commuters right from wrong for prosecution. And now you have some real evidence is why the prosecutors wanted to drop the charge that the time because once you charge you know you've got the speedy trial. Clark clock running and now the wait is over they've got the body and they have evidence that there was tranquilizer. In there and who used to tranquilize well the husband has admitted that that's what he does that even though wildlife officials say you know you do really use tranquilizers the hunt because the animal comeback in each a hate-fueled usually use by wildlife officials only so you have a guy who said it uses tranquilizer dart when hunting. And that's the evidence now that we have found that was related to the death of his wife that's a good piece of evidence for prosecutors. >> Yes Dave thank you for that and speaking of you know animals even people I think we all remember that mountain lion comment that Barry morphew made let's take a look back at that. the by the way I play the kind of look like it, but there's >> Yeah apparently wasn't a mountain lion, according to the state here Joseph Scott Morgan would you weigh in please on these drugs used and your thoughts on how this may change the case. >> Well it certainly puts it in a new light Julie. From what we know remember that cap was recovered at the home. In the dryer that is associated with this Trank it's fascinating that they were able to extract. Extract This com from the head of her femur that they recovered at the scene. But but again had just a position to the trial of chief. We don't have a manner there. We have a manner here homicide. But we don't have a they're merely saying that those drugs were there what's fascinating about this is a fact that in the grave have now stated that they found a Jason. A weathered project all I want to know what caliber the project all it is there's no soft tissue. I know that so you can appreciate hemorrhage we're in the bones fractured and were those fractures related to gunfire, we haven't heard that as well they're still we don't have the answer polity report yet we've only got a 4 page autopsy report so let's see where this goes, but it's certainly compelling. >> Yeah, it certainly is we're going to talk more about weathered bullet just a moment. Thank you for that professor Joe. >> Last but not attorney Bob Motta good to see you on the show tell us your thoughts on this please that. >> What it may mean for new charges against Mister morphew. Well there's clearly at least the metaphorical smoking gun at this point. So they they released been able to trying to substantiate their theory with respect to the tranquilizer. Now they found the subsys inner in her DNA or their bloodstream during the testing. So I think they need more I really do I think remember one of the reasons that this case when away the first times the state was in turning over evidence which included DNA from an individual who is known to have been committing sexual assaults in the area in the vehicle. So I mean you have to look for when you're the state. You know they're in the business of of not losing so I I think that they're going to need more and just this kind of this connection year I think they're going to need to to show a kind of a motive. You know like even though we don't need to prove it. >> You know we want to know why why. >> Why would you have done this you know was there something else going on so I'm assuming the state is he vigorously working to build its case. They know at least feel like they have a soul Foundation and from here we'll see what else they can they can get a in terms of moving forward on a case against him. >> All right Bob thank you for all of that yeah and I like what you're seeing there about motive and I wondered perhaps it's going go back to their relationship at time and and turmoil there. Let's also talk about the the weather bullet a little more professor Joe glad that you brought this up so yeah way back when Barry morphew accused investigators of not testing that bullet for DNA evidence and he was saying you know that could have been key to solving this case. >> Your thoughts on that could be key to to the case. >> Well I suppose it could particularly if they find any weapons in his home or in his possession that it might marry up with the rifling that is left behind on the surface this try shuns left behind on that checked out and not just him but any other weapons that might be in system remember bullets are Salman they go into the ATF database which is staggeringly robust and so any any weapon that could have been used in the commission of homicide in the past. It's going to be in there they've recovered jackdaw so that's going to be that's going to be Again. I don't they haven't said anything about trauma related to a gunshot wound new be on its way to do it you don't have much to work with that this point as far as the body goes. >> Another great point. Yeah her remains obviously have deteriorate deteriorated considerably from the time that that she went missing. Final point here do want to go back to you in terms of how concerned Barry morphew ought to be this morning a with these autopsy results being released what are your thoughts on that. >> I'd be concerned you know, I mean we know that the state like some for it. It does not help that they've been able to make this connection with what they believed was a a theory that they were moving forward to the point where they're on the eve of trial so far from Barry morphew I'm not sleeping. Well at all I'm making it really concerned him on the phone with my lawyer and saying you know what are the odds that that they're coming after me again. It it he's got to be feeling great great discomfort. I would imagine.
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Id: xdFKe7Mj36I
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Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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