Susan Smith Up for Parole; Gets Marriage Proposals from Prison

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this morning we're shining a spotlight on the case  of Susan Smith she was convicted back in 1995 for   the murders of her two young boys and next year  the murder mom is up for parole but her family is   not offering much support saying they're not  interested in helping her and her ex-husband   David says he plans to file an affidavit urging  the parole board to keep her locked up wow she's   not getting support from her family the ones that  used to love her well she's got lots of folks that   love her right now she's been corresponding with  about a half a dozen suitors one man calling Smith   dearest Pooky sent this letter in August been  thinking of you and miss you so much hoping I   can do something for you soon anyways feels like  it's been so long since we talked later concluding   love you so much it hurts you're Pooky another  man allegedly offered Smith place to live if she   is indeed granted parole let's break it down with  a guy that knows this case very well the man who   prosecuted Susan Smith Tommy Pope with this good  morning sir uh let's start with uh her chances   at parole your thoughts uh you know I always said  I'd never get a job in Vegas handicapping because   it's it's it's hard to know you know if you look  at her behavior in prison you know the the the   Highlight or the low light was you know having sex  with the guard she's had some drug infractions and   different things uh so I think the notoriety of  her case uh coupled with the you know the heinous   nature um she probably doesn't make it next time  which will be a year from now she'll be eligible   in 2024 um but stranger things have happened I  mean you you know watching Court what you think   a jury will do what you think a parole board  will do you're never quite sure absolutely so   let's talk about those uh infractions and to what  extent they'll come in to the case you had uh the   the relations with the guard uh and uh was also um  they had a drug possession incident um disciplined   in a couple times but you know she's been in a  while to what extent is this Behavior Uh I guess   pull out the sex with the guard part but how much  of that is you know goes into the decision-making   process and I get you can't it's tough every Pro  Bo is different Etc sure I think that um you know   it's a factor I mean you hate to say it but you  know probably in prison wise that there's a lot   worse infractions you know what I mean assaulting  another inmate things of that nature you don't   see that um but I think too the parole board will  be taking in the things that you let off with um   the um David Smith's information you know they'll  heal from the prosecutor probably Uh Kevin bracket   that that tried the case with me this the solicor  now you know they very well may solicit a letter   from me and my standard is you know I believe  in truth in sentence and that life should mean   life the jury thought she got life that that was  what they you know were told in the courtroom but   that you know they did not know she was eligible  for parole and so my my contact with them will be   something to that extent you know that um the  Senate's ought of mean what it says what do   you mean why uh why do you think she has so many  suitors out there u i this is It's common we see   it a lot with someone a high-profile defendant has  people who fall for them uh for whatever reason   any anything about her that stands out I you know  even back during the case if you recall the days   when we were searching for the carjacker and she  was spending time with the sled agents you know   the state police officers and they would pick  her up you know to go um take the polygraph for   example uh she was flirty with them I think she  she's got an ability to kind of be flirty for lack   of a better term you know and and I think um she  that's what happened probably with the guard you   know from what I've read um she I've remember one  time with a sled agent you know that the kids are   in the lake she's going to take a polygraph and  she starts saying I wish you and I were driving   to the beach instead of uh you know driving to do  this is such a beautiful day and so she's always   U kind of had that ability with men and I think  she's just playing on that she's a siren the them   onto the Rocks uh one one of her suitors um said  publicly to the the messenger um said that uh I   don't know why my messages were made public I just  find her interesting and misunderstood she's not   what you think she is she's a good person who did  something terrible when she was young and not in   her right mind people can change it Ian that's  pretty accurate with most in I mean a lot of the   folks in in our prisons are are are are inherently  good people that did insanely horrible things and   it doesn't necessarily Define their whole life  correct I think I think that's accurate I think   what that that guy said is is accurate if we're  going to you know at least based on my faith   we're sure all seeking forgiveness for something  and Grace for something you know so I think you   know people can change and you know if these you  know guys make that choice and want to be befriend   her you know I I I don't think that's inaccurate  you know the first thing we always think um I was   thinking the case you had the other week um on  the death where the the the guys I guess went   back to prison in Peru and he's got a wife and  kid down there but he's in prison and you know   so somebody some people are drawn to that I don't  know whether it's the spotlight or the Intrigue   or you know maybe they do are wired to to help  those that they feel like have not gotten a fair   shape but uh I remember back early Susan had kind  of a Facebook page or something like that and she   had suitors back then too yeah Natalie Hollow  case and you on Vander slute you're to um it   is it's amazing so let's say she does you know  achieve her goal and get out on parole knowing   what you know about her is this someone that  you would feel comfortable uh being amongst us   you know um some people can get out and go on  and live their life you know some people have   become institutionalized I think uh she made  a horrible horrible choice and and committed   a a heinous crime and you know ultimately the I  guess now at this point the parole board and the   jury have decided you know what that punishment  should be and so um I probably would not have   her over to my house nor would she probably want  me to come over to her so um so that's about all   I could say about that that M makes sense in all  the cases that you prosecuted did does this one   Stand Out is this one that um obviously you know  he had the the notoriety of it so inherently it's   going to be you know always brought up like  we're doing today but is this does this one   is it up there in terms of uh things you think  about well I I actually don't I I I say tongue   and cheek I remember you know one time uh you  know cuz I went on had other cases other careers   other people on death row but but I I remember um  you know every time something would happen with   Susan Smith people would call me and go you know  I heard she was pregnant and so my running joke   was she may be but I didn't do it you know but uh  you know but so we've had um I'll I'll always be   the Susan Smith prosecutor for better worse you  know for me the case was a loss I was seeking the   death penalty because I felt strongly if David  Smith had committed it the you know people would   want death if the American guy committed it people  wanted death so I just you know thought she ought   to be fed out of the same spoon so that kind  of brings me back to the you know she should   serve a life sentence interesting yeah um that  that makes perfect sense um Tommy Pope thank   you um you're associated with lots of things  not just Susan Smith that's for sure Court TV
Channel: COURT TV
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Keywords: susan smith, susan smith jail, susan smith parole, susan smith interview, court tv, court tv live stream today, susan smith now, susan smith case, court tv full trials, court tv live stream, court tv live stream free today, court tv trials, live court tv full trials, susan smith confession, susan smith story, susan smith press conference, susan smith movie, court live, true crime story, true crime, true crime community, susan smith documentary, Susan smith interrogation
Id: GBlTk5qupz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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