Susan Boyle, Amazing Grace, 6/23/2019

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ten years ago an unknown singer from a former mining village in West Lothian became an overnight success since then she's had several chart-topping albums and collaborated with some of the world's greatest singers but her fame hasn't entered her strong Christian faith as Claire McCallum has been finding out what bottle of the Catholic and religion featured very prominently in my life still does I believe it can't get any food were so cold you can't really do anything you've been on such a journey Suzan 10 years since Britain's Got Talent if I could take you back what was the feeling going through you at that stage it was very logic at the time I was nervous have you been flustered as well and yes wait in the wings then becomes you're done you're gonna play every when you've got the such a warm reception what did that feel like justice is a cover once you know like it's a sense of my dad who was a singer himself was with me there's obviously been times in your life where you've had to lean on God more than others how's your faith would you say ever been tested faith has to be tested quite a few times especially 2,700 a loss of my mother that life sort of pulled in my life so to speak and her lady gave me the strength to keep going and she still there so you've had so many experience as Susan and so many albums is this this is your eighth album was that right eighth album for ten years and one of the most moving moments of the 10 years with the book and that before have a pelvis apart [Music] what was that like that's made me so many other faces I think they couldn't believe it special moment very special moment you're performing amazing grace worse why did you choose this particular you get grace from God you get blessings from God amazing grace for people who have been lost and found again [Music] [Music] me Oh I'm [Music] I [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we go [Music] oh sweet [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] next week we're at the historic Canavan castle as Katherine Jenkins looks back at the formal investiture of the Prince of
Channel: TheSBFII
Views: 2,704,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NOaKuQcOxaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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