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this is great okay go this way guys oh man I just died want to keep up with the latest Komodo gaming videos be sure to subscribe and click that Bell hello YouTube komodo gaming here bring you guys another episode of beamng drivin yes folks we're back once again and today we are back with another challenge here so this is gonna be I guess you can call it either the monster truck avalanche or Stampede I guess it depends on how they get down basically from the last episode we played with an eighty te it was a big Star Wars creation and we spawned a bunch of them up here we rolled them down and we picked a car and we drove against them trying to make it through and survived so a lot of people said Komodo you've got to do this with monster trucks so that's what we're gonna attempt now the monster trucks have always been rather laggy for me so we'll hope they can get down I've only spawned an eight to start with here and yeah we're gonna do a little clean run here we won't be running up against them maybe we'll just call this a quick race so comment down below which monster truck do you think is gonna win so we've got the Nami versus the lol we've got the the bomb squad and the speedy u spark plugs we've got the Reaper and by the way these aren't the real monster trucks I couldn't find that mod for some reason and whatever the heck that is versus the Doge destruction and the generic beamng one so let's we run a quick race and then we'll uh we'll go down and actually do a full-blown survival against these all right you know I've got to run down with these so anyways if you guys have any suggestions for this challenge maybe cars I should go against let me know down in the comments section below and while you're down there maybe hit that thumbs up button it helps out my channel and I think we're good to go let's go AI and random Oh buddy oh you know what this actually isn't lagging I used to get a ton of lag with the monster truck what's going on here oh dear oh these are gonna blow the motors so quick that over the first jump here in third place okay got a hold onto it when that motor blows it's probably gonna make it go sideways a little bit Oh the motors just blew there all right there it goes yeah I was watching him up there he's so you can tell when ours was gonna blow hyung go this way you know this actually isn't so bad don't hit the bump don't eat the bump oh it's jump in sideways okay save it save it save it on can I roll faster than the other person hey these are actually pretty clean do I have a whole group behind me I do man these might be the perfect vein to go against on oh are you serious yep that was my mistake there I'm gonna get drilled it wait on I'm gonna be good boy and and we're yeah we're done okay let's go find the leader real quick so the leaders way down here if you guessed let me see which one this is oh the the lol yeah you won I think it just went off in the front row so now we know these are probably not good for doing the races that we normally do because I think they're coming down basically in the order they start it so yeah probably wouldn't be too exciting there but as far as driving against these so let me spawn in a couple extra monster trucks won't get this started all right so I'm ready to go here we have 12 monster trucks versus this Hill Climb car so we're gonna call this the easy mode because I feel like the faster the vehicle like this the easier it's gonna be to dodge the monster trucks so let me go ahead and get down to the starting line plus I just want to see this thing go down real quick oh that is incredible up over there there we go bottom not just a little bit up we even have more gears here dude how fast are we gonna get going we're definitely not gonna go up this fast but down horns hit jump and the wings gone no no no no no that's that good wait well we survived actually I think I'm gonna be okay yes citizen wing popped off when I got airborne it took off like the car really flipped real odd looking that was kind of cool alright so round one we're gonna call this the easy round I've got a hillclimb car here I've actually spawned in twelve monster trucks at the top of this hill so I think this is where we're gonna start for the fast cars and then if we pick something slow I think that'll will start maybe further up the hill now the reason I say this is probably the easier one is yeah it's fast its nimble I think I can dodge stuff but we'll try it with slower vehicles alright here we go three two one go you guys think I'm gonna survive this I want to say maybe do we're all in oh dear okay stay in the right side wait in there a jump up here I might have not thought this through Oh oh wait where is it at can we skip over it I don't know if we can or can't oh it's coming up oh this was a mistake oh there was a bump there okay come on oh why did you do this Oh No okay so we have to start past that jumping oh here comes the monster trucks oh they're coming down the hill dude look at that look how many made it down wait a minute okay I spawned in 12 that is definitely not 12 uh what happened okay I'm assuming they crashed there's another one there's another one all right so they're still going yeah that was a dumb mistake so if you're going uphill you can't make it up though something broke there oh there we go yeah if you're going uphill you've got to start beyond that jump because you just can't clear it alright I know what I need to do now so this is the new starting line here alright so we're back to round one here let's go ahead and go boom so yeah that first thing didn't count so do you guys think I'm gonna be able to survive here man I'm going to be coming at them so fast they might not even be to the point where they've blown their motors yet now where they at look forum okay here they come okay come on go in the middle go in the middle oh this might be easy oh they're boa motors when they come by okay this is yeah this is too easy Oh hon hon wait a minute we got one flippin okay watch for debris but you're gonna get over this wait how do I get over this part okay I just I guess I just fly over them alright so monster trucks they're almost too orderly I know that sounds odd but I think I need to make them crash on the way down because they kind of stay in two really nice straight lines and all you have to do is go up the middle oh that is terrifying okay goodbye monster truck yeah that's definitely gonna I'm never gonna have to adjust this because that's just too easy and we don't want the challenge to be easy alright so what I'm gonna do here I'm gonna skew these things out and get them closer together that way hopefully they just pile up and start flipping down because if not we're gonna have to maybe switch up the vehicle up here these might not work because they're just so clean compared to everything else that we've put up here like NASCAR's the big eighty tes like these things just run down so nice alright here we go so I'm gonna say we survived round one except for the whole fact that we flew at the end but yeah there's not much I can do to avoid that so here we go alright they're coming down at us oh boy okay so I jumbled them up a lot for some hope and they kind of crash and they get really stuck together coming down that makes it work I see an explosion up there with what what just happened up there I don't see anybody yet oh here they come here they come okay first couple rows pretty orderly Oh Manny took the wing off holy man okay turn around Oh something's coming turn around turn around turn around nope what happened up there I didn't destroy him that bad but I saw an explosion oh there's another ball of fire up there okay oh this thing is wait I think it clipped my right rear it didn't just hit the wing this thing is crab walking up the hill alright so does anybody want to explain to me what just happened up here Hong keep going oh I think the engines dying no oh and I think we still got this alright so yeah if you get to this point this might be the finish line here because you can't really go over this I think there is it done yeah there's a dead monster truck up here oh yeah I'll look at that this one's tumbling down so okay hon let's just look real quick what what happened kill resumed who explode it but that what happened how did this why is this even a thing you know I love the monster truck but I'm beginning to think that this just isn't gonna happen with them okay let me change my vehicle maybe I'm looking at this wrong what if I take a monster truck and go against the monster trucks and then maybe we'll just change the vehicle up there because the Hill Climb is just too easy alright here we go monster truck around let's do this up that is reverse that was a dumb mistake oh look at that it's Greta Poppa Willie all right looking for them I don't see an explosion this time so that's a good sign I don't see monster trucks though all right oh we might have to drop a gear here come on keep going oh you're the gum okay damn it oh hey look at this it's just too good look how perfect it is yeah okay so I think big vehicles unless you can completely stack them and spawn in like 20 of them Hunt's make a collision oh what the heck was that noise it's like it revved up and exploded oh oh there goes that one I mean you gotta admit it still creates some very very epic looking moments it's just not very good for the challenge that I'm trying here so I think we're going back to the drawing board that was a very very nice hit and I saw an explosion down there but yeah this just isn't working this way all right folks we're going back to the 80 tes we're gonna just spawn in a ton of these and I'm gonna try to get them three wide that way they block most of the track and maybe we can spawn it about maybe nine to twelve of these I'd be happy alright folks we're goin hard mode here so we have sixteen eighty tes these things basically block the whole track when they go down which is great because it's gonna create some sort of epic moment and my vehicle is gonna be in a little pigeon except for it's the eight wheeled one because I need that stability alright let's start this alright so I'm ready to go to my inevitable doom here so here we go they're rolling and I'm rolling this is not fast this is not good at all okay look for the Stampede keeps tearing up the mountain is second gear good here oh no I'm only gonna be going probably a little over 30 miles per hour when I meet these things okay look it up I don't see him yet it's gonna take a little bit longer this time because yeah I'm moving much slower than the Hill Climb still don't see anything oh no oh I see one it's tumbling okay avoid it avoid it go this way oh there's another one tumbler wait hon I'm still good we're still alive this is what I'm talking about okay they're tumbling I see a lot going off oh oh this is three of em okay two of them not one of them they're going off a lot it's kind of a bad thing I was hoping they'd stay on track a little bit more on Komodo is still trying this okay that might have been it that means probably he like half of them died they all flew off to the side of the mountain I didn't think that through I think it's gonna be random each time but okay come on this is gonna take like three hours to get up this oh I'm losing speed so I'm pretty sure my drivers dead but we got lucky I mean we really should have died there like completely I mean drivers dead cars okay is bad loser okay you know what we're gonna call this round a win because yeah I'm not going up here at like 10 miles per hour we're going down this way so let's set that up again that was awesome I'm rolling and they should be rolling so I might have to reorder the grid up there to where they don't kill each other immediately but let's just give this a second chance here uh-oh it's lagging oh it's lagging everything something big just happened yeah I know if it starts lagging the whole game and you see the recording skipping yeah you know something Bad's happening up here uh-oh on its get a little bit better so I'm thinking something just clear it up oh no that one's coming full speed okay get over get over you know oh there's a lot of them coming full speed the game run hide here hider no no no oh that what so it's sideways this is great okay guys it's like guys oh man I just died this is what I wanted to see this is the most amazing thing I think I've ever seen and beamng drive yep okay I'm definitely dead there all right here we go man this stuff will get your heart racing all right let's go random so I'll probably get quite a bit of lag here when they take off and they hit each other so there it goes just skipping again sorry there's really nothing I can do about it so if you see the skipping in the recording but as soon as I free up and get moving everything actually gets a lot better all right so what kind of avalanche are we looking at here it's still skipping I don't see any of them yet okay here we go okay no no let's go this way dodgem that's one where's the other 15 okay here comes another one yeah oh okay we got one tumbling down really fast stay clear okay it flew off see it's so random like you don't know what kind of avalanche you're gonna get the last one was amazing this one I think the film must be dead because how many was that three that have passed by that's concerning all right I think it's official the field is dead yep okay I think it's gonna be a reset so let's do one more normal one like this see if we get another like really good result and I thought have another challenge how dark is this map at night what if I could only just use my headlights that'd be something you know with them going down in the lanes I know some people probably gonna say hey make them chase me that way they aim directly for me the problem with that is they're starting side by side so if they both merge into the same Lane it's gonna slow them down even worse than before all right here we go the first one always seems to get away oh oh okay oh okay we got another one coming oh he's flipping okay you stay on this side of there oh stay on this side no no no okay that's two where's the risk to field it but they all die again oh here comes one okay we got to dodge this one oh here comes a whole cluster oh no that's a solid wall okay go this way go this way go this way wait how am I gonna dodge this how am I gonna dodge this okay no but okay go okay Who am I get really lucky get lucky oh are you kidding me okay that was some like action movie stuff right there hon get over to this side oh don't come over this way no no no no no no no are you kidding me I looked up at that and I was like up we're dead we somehow dodged that in a pigeon that as a twills that's incredible real quick this thing has lights right oh yes all right well I think we're gonna call that a win round there all right so one thing I want to experiment with let's go ahead and see what happens here so we're gonna make this really hard now I wouldn't do a whole episode like this because it's gonna be hard for you guys to see and like what's the fun in that but if it's just for one round can I tell it to just a time actually coming out of just a time on this one is that disabled on this map all right what if we just made it foggy okay that's a little worse clouds yeah it kind of stinks I didn't know we couldn't edit time on this map it's a weird thing I don't think I've ever seen that on a map but anyways that makes it a little bit worse I mean it's foggy we're not relying on the headlights like I want it to but yeah this work one more round all right we're going up final round we're getting the leg it is really hard to see all right so well I see some sort of silhouette at some point like I could see the mountain outline but I don't see anything coming down okay here's the hole this just normally what I can see them this is scary okay wait for it wait for it okay I see something I see some oh okay all right uh something else is coming I think oh no oh geez oh geez okay that was a group I think something else might be coming up there goes one over there all right this works out pretty well are we clear I want to see smoke you see smoke oh something's falling off the track up there okay there goes another one are we clear we might be clear here wait a minute something else is coming down leave that oh okay wait for it there's something else up at the top of the hill but I'm not sure if it's moving it might be stuck up there actually I can't tell where did it go uh-oh wait a minute is that something coming down is that yeah something's coming down okay cool this way oh it's just barely coming down like it's low we don't worry about that at all all right well that was a that was scary that was not fun at all oh boy you could probably modify this so much and make tons of different combinations so if you guys have any ideas comment down below let me know what kind of challenges for like avalanches would you like to see maybe there's a vehicle combination just comment below let me know alright I'm gonna do one last thing here we're gonna fly off the cliff and yes this is gonna hurt oh there we go good to see you guys next time
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 986,811
Rating: 4.8913879 out of 5
Keywords: beamng, beamng drive, beamng drive gameplay, beamng drive crashes, beamng extreme crashes, beamng crash compilation, beamng crash montage, beamng drive mods, beamng crashes, beamng drive chase, beamng funny moments, nascar race, nascar crash, nascar crash beamng, car crash, car crashes, video game, pc game, beamng monster jam, beamng monster truck, beamng monster truck race, beamng monster truck crashes, beamng monster truck mod, monster truck, monster truck videos
Id: bqwblsJb_8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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