MONSTER TRUCK VS TROPHY TRUCK CHASES & CRASHES! - BeamNG Gameplay & Crashes - Jumps & Stunts

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want to keep up with the latest Komodo gaming videos be sure to subscribe and click that Bell this is incredible oh hello YouTube Komodo gaming here bring you guys another episode of beamng Drive and yes folks we are back once again and today we are back with some more chases so today's gonna be a little bit of a different episode at first I was like hey we're gonna do police chases but we still have this awesome trophy truck and we have this awesome desert here that I want to play with so I think we might set up some police scenarios I think we're gonna do some monster trucks and of course we're gonna start off here with the lks runner and we're gonna do a little bit of a land rush start and hopefully get some massive error over these dunes so anyways if you guys are enjoying beamng on the channel maybe hit that thumbs up button and helps out my channel and if you guys have any suggestions for future videos maybe comment below but let's do this alright so we're ready to go here so we're gonna do a chase here so this is gonna be like a land rush start I do have five of these trucks spawned in if I spawn in a sixth one it gets a little bit laggy so we're just gonna go with five to start we might do six once we spread them out but anyways we're ready to go here let's go AI and chase me oh no I should have got a head start that was a mistake alright can we go with the take to here alright so I'm gonna give myself a little bit of a head start let's get in the middle there we go alright so we have four trucks chasing us are they gonna crash oh here they go okay they're coming alright oh boy this is actually a really good spot to test this new trophy truck out look at that yeah it's actually keeping up here two of them have crashed together way in the back but man these are doing it all right so let's keep it wide open here home let's see if we can shake them I'm trying to debate and see how good a police chase would work here all right so this orange one man he is on it right now look he's catching me you got the blue one back there what the other two go we're gonna circle Oh got a big dude on hop over that oh this thing looks so oh look he flipped oh we caught in flipped art so we just had the blue one home let's let off let's go to the oh don't don't flip don't flip see if we can make our way up here where are the other ones I don't think I so I do see them oh oh oh come on land on four land on the four wheels no oh oh wait we all done huh oh no I see him coming I see two are they still arguing over position here hon let's see this what what are they accomplishing here I don't even think they know man we had to set up some monster trucks out here too this is like the perfect map this is actually an older map by the way it's not anything new the trucks new let's see what happens when these two get here yep they are coming with so much speed and wow that was actually kind of lame I pictured that working a lot better okay guys you can go ahead and stop all right so I think we're going to do that one more time and then we might spread them out because a police pursuit could be cool here I do think this map somewheres has some sort of town actually I think I see it from here might be hard for you guys to see because it's like pure desert but yeah I see a town up there so maybe we'll try like a maybe like a smuggler style police chase here in a moment but first let's do one more land rush all right so we're gonna play the fugitive truck here I'm gonna go ahead and roll I actually spread them out a little bit on this start that way they're not all bunched together and crash immediately so let's go ai let's get moving chase me alright let's see if we get out these I think the town is dead ahead maybe a little bit to my right here to the right of that big mountain in the background all right so we're good what are we dealing with here look at that they're in a nice uniform line but I've got a pretty good head starting geez could you imagine going this fast in the dunes like we're over 100 miles per hour this is absolutely awesome home let's go first-person real quick all that isn't saying oh oh oh dude oh man I must say this is oh oh that is a huge crash behind as oh there goes a will let's keep moving we'll see if we gonna break away from them here this is by far the best vehicle in beamng when it comes to jumps and just the ability for this thing to land it's absolutely incredible here we go hmm that's a big dune boom okay let's go check this town out real quick do we have oh we still have a follower is it the ways that that one's won again or is it oh and I can't tell which one that is kicking up too much sand here all right we're almost to the town let's try to shake him here let's kind of cut in and out of the dunes hold it's cut right here don't want to catch him flip oh man this map oh oh dude he's barrel rolling back there yeah this map combination is wow this is absolutely awesome and that is not a town that is ruins okay well I guess this is our escape point honk can we hide in the ruins ha let's go ahead and try to tuck ourself back here behind the buildings okay there we go all right do we have anybody following us I don't think anybody made it all right let's go check the debris out real quick this is so awesome this map is just perfect alright so I found the other three the tire we saw fly off I have a feeling that was actually a spare tire oh man that was fun let's see anything else notable here damage-wise nope I think these if our call they all took each other out oh yeah these things are torn up all right so I think we should introduce a wild card to the mix we're gonna go ahead and add a monster truck let's see if we can keep the same amount spawned in though all right so we're ready to go we're gonna do one more chase here and I might spawn some more monster trucks it appears that this was a little too much so I had to get rid of one of the trucks but other than that I think we should be good to go so let's go ahead and go eh I'm gonna get myself a head start here cuz I don't believe this thing's is fast but I could be wrong I don't know we're all in the middle in this thing I don't think this is a meant to go this fast though Monster Jam typically Islan like a they're in really tight arenas and stuff like that and that'll make the route on the dunes this is incredible oh oh oh no Joe look at the crash behind us oh that's cool oh we're still going oh dude that is so awesome looking fun let's keep moving keep moving oh come on speed I'm really surprised how well this thing drives two three wheels hon can I turn oh I can't turn oh oh oh we're dead oh there goes the body oh here comes a truck oh oh I thought he was gonna go under it's there oh here comes that one hon do we still oh it sounds like it's still running oh man the body is completely blown off this is somebody pilled it back home we might be no the red truck still coming okay so we got one more tried to contend with here you know we should probably try spawn in like a bunch of monster trucks and see oh that's bad on is that stuck in my will no no no no don't get stuck yeah I'm kind of curious how many monster trucks we could spawn in maybe we would spread him out or something I would be a little afraid because beamng a is kind of i would be a little afraid since beamng AI is questionable but it might work Oh truck has almost caught me I'm trying I've got it floored oh he's gonna get me no less he flips oh oh oh he's stuck on me oh dude we hooked bumpers okay up up nope oh oh that is incredible looking do I have any off-road police vehicles I think I have the SUV which I don't think okay I think everybody's out here let's see I have the police SUV which I think might work and then I think I have a truck but I don't have a trophy truck it would be nice if one of those trophy trucks over there maybe would get like a police body let's see yeah I think we won I think we successfully evaded everything okay maybe we should do a monster truck only round like that could be cool all right so we've got a new thing going on here I have six monster trucks ready to go I kind of positioned them all around the desert here my hope is when they chase me they don't all run into each other since they're so big who do I want to be actually you know I think we have to go with the classic gravedigger here so here we go let's go ai let's go chase me here we go oh that looks so menacing there's so many monster trucks out there actually I think they all flipped okay there's a couple monster trucks out there all flipping I'm not actually really surprised by that actually oh my god - in pursuit looks like three or on their backs like turtles so let's go wide open here is it getting later in the day it kind of looks like it it seems like the shadows have changed a bit oh oh okay I'm pretty sure we have the same speed here so as long as I can keep it on all four wheels actually we're to go to the right here bit I haven't been over here see I've been keep it on all four wheels we should be good to go I should just turn around and just run into them that might be a little bit better I'll keep it wide open is this oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh on oh do that thing just bounced when here they come are they gonna make it oh there you go see flips oh I think the other ones writing is way too oh no come on save it save it on get into the gasps oh no we're not gonna make it here oh dude he actually saved us on Willy and blow away oh that one is going on three wheels oh I think we got our body panels no they're not stuck anymore alright there's something over here is that the same and then it is the same ruins haunt to make our way back out to the ruins this is an incredibly fun map I don't know how I've just now found this map but I guess it's just because of the vehicle combinations that I decided to go with this one I think we have a broken actually might have a bit of a flat there and I think the shock and all of that is broken it still turned so suspensions still up okay I've never mind the Wolves gone now okay let's just keep wait going wait oh no somebody's actually still coming oh geez oh no no no okay go beyond the desert oh oh that was a good one oh and I think we're done huh can we can we still okay we could still turn can we go straight are you kidding me oh look at that the back right rear is flat yeah this thing is done is he done though it's the question I don't think what is it doing over there that actually looks kind of scary what the heck dude it's over with you can you can call it quits now there is no need to do this where did the other ones end up actually oh there's a part of the body panel wow that was cool I see a tire in the distance and I don't yeah I don't see the other bodies oh well alright so for our next scenario I think this is gonna be the toughest one yet so I've got the gravel D here and this is going to be just the standard off-road version of it and the reason I chose is I could have easily done the trophy truck but I want to give myself a little bit of a disadvantage against the monster truck so I need to be able to drive through these and here we go it AI and let's go ahead and go chase me oh dear okay oh no oh this is scary oh wait no they might all kill each other here Oh oh that's actually quite spectacular looking at Hunt's turnaround we're gonna tease them let's drive right through them again look at that you know maybe we should be the monster truck and be the ones taking out the little cars that might actually be the better solution here because it seems like the AI and monster trucks typically don't get along except for this one that's just hopping along here on up there goes that one mad scientist's you know I could seriously just do circles here wait for them to take themselves out and then leave oh boy yeah they have a oh boy they pretty much told of these trucks so we're just gonna scoot away here in the gravel D it's perfectly fine oh yeah no we're good hmm so what I think I'm gonna do we're gonna do a kind of a reverse police chase we're gonna get in a monster truck and I'm gonna make I think I've got a truck or something that I can use out here that's got a police siren on it and we're gonna chase them around and I'm kind of curious cuz it's gonna be kind of hard to hunt them down they're not gonna be attracted to one road so I don't know which way the AI is actually gonna go when they go to evasion mode so we are about to figure that out all right here we go we have all of the cop cars set up this is gonna be a bit of a challenge because if they can keep it on all four wheels the odds of me actually finding everyone in this desert it's pretty slim to none not unless the drawl distance is really high and I can see him from a really long way away I don't know we're gonna see so here we go here is the AI on FLE what are they gonna do okay are they wait are they all going in the same no they're going in different directions oh geez this is gonna be hard okay let's go track down our first cop here I think I'm gonna allow myself to repair if I destroy this because the Wills these things are probably gonna get torn up as soon as I hit one car so I just need to tag them here because the speed oh we're gonna get ourselves a coffee we might land on him whoa oh that was close okay hon don't flip don't flip okay wow they actually okay they don't have a path to a road so they actually go in random directions this might be perfect for chases on there we go oh I cooked him on is he down no he's not on its turn it around does this one have a rear turning I think there's a rear sphere on here a rear break that I can activate to help the same turn a bit halt ready go oh there is all right we got to track this one down man I don't want to imagine how far the other ones are away I might have to cheat a little bit to be able to find them [Music] come on ah no this is so hard to do okay oh I'm at the reset so I'm gonna go Boop right here I feel bad for using resets during police chases but I have to do it here yeah they're doing a really good job not flipping which is surprising for beamng AI on he might have torn something up up here he's slowing down I think oh come on come on just want to be able to run him over right here here we go oh there we go is he are you serious oh there he is oh he's gonna tumble all the way down come on land don't land on all four come on don't need to back over them no are you kidding me no no back oh are you serious I'm gonna chase him down let's just go are you serious this thing is not very good at crushing cars I guess stationary cars are a little different than moving cars all right come on come on come on come on get over here I just want to crush you oh and just stop I think the best solution is gonna be to try to flip them oh oh oh boy you know I'd be happy if I take down one now here we go oh there we go I think oh that was my tire the whole backside of that cop car is crushed are you kidding me he's just gonna do circles everytime I get past him he turns around okay I just need to stop on on point why won't you just stop up up come on and are you serious oh here we go no you can't get under the the front axle are you serious laying on them laying on him no are you is this gonna be the second one that we have yep that's the second monster truck we've taken at home we might be able to flip this one hmm there we go recovered it okay and he's already long gone once again I did not think this one through I think the trophy truck is the better option for the takedown vehicle I'm about to switch to let me try to get this guy down and then we're gonna have to go on a little bit of a surge with the truck I can't get this thing to turn you know what we're going to the truck going to the truck it's the only option here all right truck is here and truck is ready for action oh this feels so much better okay let's try out to flip on the first hill here or is he at it's time to take him down I just got to run through them that's gonna be my only option here it's not like other police chases where you can pit somebody into like a guardrail or a tree or off a cliff like it is you have to completely stop them or flip them here there we go come on come on I need to disable this car flip it you serious are you okay I feel like a beamng every time I talk bad about it's AI the AI turns around just shows me up yeah that's pretty typical let's see if we can just run into them come on just go down cop oh this is testing my patience now pretty sure this cop just has a big smile on his face right now where we go how big is this map and where does it actually end well we got some speed on now and he continues to go you're in an SUV I should be able to flip you over I guess you know I think it's so vague that the back ends crushed it's actually I guess taken his center of gravity like center of gravity must be down or something because yeah he's not tipping like they typically do see if we cap it maneuver him no come on this is really actually starting to overheat I think he's probably done oh yeah that engines smoking on let's go ahead go for one more Oh finally fun be serious you know I'm done I'm done I'm just gonna turn around I'm gonna go back to the dunes and no I think you know what he's pretty much done like that engines gonna explode here in a bit question is where did everybody else go let's go and swamp somebody found the edge of the map it's same there's this one oh so there is it into the map and it's not an invisible wall of this person met a rock technically the police chase is over because everybody else died except for this guy who's I think mocking me as he drives off in his steam nope I think he just died - we're gonna call that a yeah we call it a semi success but anyways I think it's gonna wrap it up for this episode of Bemidji Drive I didn't want to bring out the trophy truck once again kind of wanted to do some monster truck stuff and I think we found the perfect doom map to do all this in because this thing's just sweet yeah thank you guys for all the love and support and we will see you guys next time in Bemidji drive [Music]
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 2,239,911
Rating: 4.8253951 out of 5
Keywords: beamng, beamng drive, beamng drive gameplay, beamng police crashes, beamng trophy truck mod, beamng drive car crashes, beamng monster jam, beamng cop chases, beamng monster truck, beamng stunts, beamng offroad, beamng monster truck chase, beamng update, beamng lks prerunner, beamng truck mods, beamng police chase, beamng drive crashes, beamng drive mods, beamng crash compilation, beamng funny moments, police chase, police chases 2018, police chases
Id: 2XCehoWU3E0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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