Survey123 Connect Tutorial

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welcome to the first video tutorial so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to pick up from where we ended last week last week in class we learn how to create a data collection app using the product called solve a one two three four ideas and for that we use of the web version of that to create that up so if you recall this is how it looked like on the website is so via one two three ideas calm we created an app and were able to assess it off on on our phone and then we went out to do the data collection and then we came back into the office to the classroom to take a look at it and this was my sample data that I did as I said some poor internet connection on in my hotel room but anyway so you can see this is the one that the sample of the data that I collected you can see the picture and the location of the point and all that so what I wanted to do today is do you learn what we call the connect version of Soviet 1 2 3 which is the desktop version that allows you to cook to create a little bit more complex and surveys so to do that go to Java one-two-three website so sovery 1 2 3 . and then go on down on the help and then when the corner help you can see there's a download button over here if we click on that that is going to open up another page and then on the other page what we can do is you can download the Windows version of that so download this guy and then install it and then once you have that installed you'll be able to do what I'm about to do now the other thing you can also install is is the this is the connect but this is the software the app itself so here if you want to simulate your surveys from a phone looking device you can install this so whatever I like to do is that when you are done creating a survey you can actually log log into this app which is also installed on your computer and it will it will mimic a screen of a mobile phone so you can test it to see how it works so you can also install that as well and then I'll show you how to those two UI so in my case I have download that's over a 1-2-3 and when you are done installing it you're going to see it's going to create this two icons for you and then when you are done you should be able to see and you launch it you will be able to see on the right-hand side you can see there's a little icon of what they click on that and then sign in using your address online account the same one we use last week in class okay now when that is done you need to go in and do and then this is how we are going to create the new survey so on the new survey you click on it on the survey so double click on that to launch a new survey and then it's going to ask you for the forum so here we are going to say campus light actually let me take the underscore campus light infantry and then let me put my initials so I know it's me alright so now here on the on the survey form there are different options you can use so if we want to start it a new survey pretty much is the form that you are going to design there are templates you can use you can also generate some from an example so example should give you a bunch of different examples that people have already created so here from licking we talked about I'll tell you more about appearances they look a few of the form if you want to build something that has like an autocomplete so so instant if I want people to start typing in a street a street name and then automatically if the autocomplete for them I can use this one as a sample I say template to start with with my survey if I want to create something that would do a bar bar code scanner I can grab this one and use this all these are various samples that you can give an idea how those forms are going to look like so let's create one and then we'll come true the second one that stead one we have over here is the committee community the community are different forms that people have already created ideas sharing so some are done by ESRI and then some are done by users so here if I am doing some work with police and they want to build a survey form that can be used for a restaurant they can grab that and use it so you can take a look at a different different service that has been created and if something is it's it's in line with what you are trying to do you can also grab that and be able to use that for it and then obviously this is from my own survey from my organization that I want to talk about future service and then we'll deal with the file so for here when we go to the templates you know the templates there are two types of template we have the advanced and then we have the basics so here I'm currently starting with the advanced one all right so select the advanced and then click on create and then when you do that it will start grating the Excel form for you which I say it looks like it will give you something like that and then it's also going to give you an excel looking form so here this is a simple form that it gives you it creates it creates that simple form for you and then it will launch up an excel as well close this guy No yep so now you can see how fine okay let me accept the times so you can allow me to do my work here we go all right so now you can see I have my and the way this thing works is very simple so here you can see on the phone the foam has the word the word example and then when you come over here you have the way that the label example and then this is the field name and then this is the type of information that will be stored in that form okay so what we are going to do is we are going to build the same logic as we did for the web one where we were going out to doing his inventory of street of lights on campus so for instance you see this example says text is a field type that we are going to call it and then the the name of the field is called example so in our case we are going to call it let's call it Paul ID and then the label we are going to say the level will be Paul space ID and I can put comma and then when I do that and I hit on save over here you're going to see that it is going to change the form also it will rip out the phone and now I have PO ID okay now when we come to the next one so when I go on the next line the next line I want to say I want that to be so here you have the different types another types when you click the drop-down is going to give you the different drop-down so here I can say the next one I want is I want it to be a date so here I'm going to call it inspection date for the name and then call it inspection date and I'll be for my second so here I hit on save again and you can see once you hit on the save the form is going to recompile for you so even if you do a mistake it it will automatically show you it won't automatically show you that you've done it a mistake and then you can fix it before you proceed so the next one we want to do is let's call it poor type so here the poor type remember in class we said it's going to be it can be multiple choice so here on the down you can see there's a tab called choices and then there's settings and then there types the choices is where we build the choice list of what we wanted to show on the drop-down so here we are going to go over here and say the port type should be before we do that let's go to the the choice tab so here I gives you some examples of how you can build a choice a choice so the name that this name will have to repeat itself so if I have four choices the name has to be consistent I can't change it but if the the list name can be changed it has to be consistent for all the choice by the name field can change around a label will also change so for instance I want to say my last name is going to be Paul type and then the first fresh one is going to be metal and then the label is also going to be metal and then my second one will also be a Paul type so I'll repeat the name for type but then this time is going to be wood and then this one is going to be wood alright and then the third type of Paul the list will also be the same but then this guy is going to be concrete right so if I say this guy's want to concrete then this guy's going to be concrete now so I have three types three types that I have over here that I've created right now when I save this guy and then I go back to my Soviet tab here now I can build a type a question that says I want award a sink and select one list or fascist a late one when I say select one look at a name is going to give me select underscore one in bracket list underscore name what I want to do over here is I want to remove the bracket and then you want to repeat the name you gave it over here exactly as you have it so here my is poor with a P being capital and type being capped out so when I come over here I will remove everything in the bracket everything including the bracket and then I'll type exactly the same type over here and I'll hit on enter it will give you this one and say yes to wait to continue and now here you can now go in and say I want to call this guy Paul o type and then here I'll give it space and call it Paul type and now when you hit on save on the form you are going to see that it's not going to give you that drop-down option of how to create that list so now you can see it gives you one option of selecting one or the other I will show you how to do the formatting if you don't want it to show up that way but you can see now gives you the select one option and that is how you create that you first have to go to the list choice create the list and then come to the so V and then select and then type in the exact name of what you call the list field okay so the next one we wanted to the next question we wanted to ask the next question we wanted to ask was say we have the poor type we want to find the number of heads right so we say the lights on campus can be single double or I want to think maximum that we have is 4 so what we can do is we can also create another one another choice to say it's either 1 or 2 or 4 so here let's create another list and call it heads okay and then here is going to be 1 1 and then here because we are doing 4 I can just do I just come for and put down my head and then just go to 2 3 3 and 4 and then 4 as well so now I'm saying I'm going to create a question that question is also going to be select one and then here is going to be called so remove that and call it has the yes and I'll call it hearse and then you can call it a dice a poor heads if you want to be more and then hit unsafe and then so here it's supposed to also give us that the pole is other the number of poor has is one two three or four heads so that's how we create that alright so the next one we wanted to create was what I it was actually poor ID and then we said we wanted to have in the control room so here let's great a half-filled and then that's going to be a text field and then we will just call it control if you remember the post each of them had the room that controls a particular Paul so we'll say control room okay and then we hit on save so as you are building the form you can be saving to see how the form is going to look like all right so the next one you wanted to build was what I the poor the light was the Bob was led or not so it's also going to be yes/no and if we see this example they gave us they already gave us a yes no but we will create our own so let's just go call this guy's here led and then it's going to be two LEDs so I said that going to be a yes yes yes oh no no and we could have used a one that is already here but I just want us for practice I want us to create our own so here we'll call it another list select one and then here is going to be call remove the bracket and everything call it led yes call it led and led studies so when we save this guy here can see that the LED one is also going to come in and show us what other pole has and that's advantage of saving these guys it's just in case like what this guy is doing even if he even if he crashes our chances of recovering from where we studied is good because we've been saving it as we go along and that's one of the things I advise you guys to do it's saving that as you go along so you can see that now we have the LED studies also coming in as yes or no all right so the next one we wanted to do was we wanted to find out the poor condition so the poor condition was also going to be also going to be one what everyone opposed to be good or bad so we'll also first let's go to the list and then crater and call it condition right so say conditional PO and then who say that it's going to be wanted to be good but and then we'll just a nice replacement so here are my advices this will be the field name constantly is we can have space you can always use put always to get us one or let's put an underscore and the labels is what the end user is going to see so now now that we have a condition field we can go back to the sauvé and then pick up select one and then change this guy here call it condition or the same spelling yes they will call it condition I just call it poor condition then poor condition then the white condition is hard-coded for the program so it's conflicting that so do that alright and then the next thing we wanted to do so here if we save this guy we should also see that save that show me my farm now you see that my phone should not have my poor condition as well okay good all right so the next thing we wanted to do or stress add in let's add in what did we say we wanted to convey for ID'd that type s wooden condition okay so we want to put in the location so to do the location we can pick up the Geo point so pick up the dew point and then give it a title called a location location now we save that as well we'll see that it's been to insert a map for us to now on our data we can now see that we have a location embedded in it damaged we can grab the geometry from your device okay so the next thing we wanted was to add in notes and as you can see there are different types of Y here and I'll show you how how we add some of those in subsequent class but here let's add in the notes and then we'll call this guy comments then comments okay save basically we have the form they all the way we want but then what we're going to do actually let's add in let's adding one let's call this guy here let's click another one and call it expected so here call it my name they're speaking another inspector it's called him John John another inspector James James let's pick another random this pattern called Victor okay so now here when we go over here inspectors can be multiple okay I'm going to show you how we create a multiple edge tool you choose a multiple list and then the same thing as we did for the single select we're going to go in and call it the same name as we did on the other choice list so yes do that and then call it inspectors all right and then we hit on save we should be able to see and now we have inspectors that we can select the multiple inspectors that did the work all right so a couple of things that we can do before we finish up this is here in in in the connect we have couple of additional fields that comes in that we don't get from the online so we have hints constrained on strain message required so if we want to fail to be required for instant if I want the politely to be required I'll click on that and say I want to provide it to be required meaning that and then I can say the location also has to be required so I'll come over here and make the root so here the same thing we did in there online you have to make a requirement that message has to be given and not up for you to submit a solve a telethon I want to show you over here is the appearance the appearance determine how the data display so for instance if we take a look at and scroll over here to the first one on the PO type the poor type we can say we wanted to be a drop-down so if we wanted drop-down so the poor type which is this guy here when we go on appearance we can change the appearance to different format so here if I say I wanted to be Minnie Mouse take a look at how it's going to look like so I'll say minimal and then I'll hit on save and then we'll take a look at how it looks like and then you can play with that and see build it away if I say minimal now you can see that it hides it and then now I have to click the drop-down then I see it all right so you can see that's how the appearance this is how the appearance works so the next one is the poor heads so the poor heads if I want the poor has to say let's try this one here try that and then you take a look and see but what I would say is that you have you want to use this based on the phone you are going to use so if I'm going to use iPhone this might not be good because the iPhone screen the iPhone screen is not a big enough if I'm going to use iPads this will work so you just have to be a little cautious on on the metals that you're going to use to create that the same with the LED studies I can say I want that to also be minimal and then for instant even the date I can come to the data and say I want the date to be just the month and year or if I want something else so I would say I wanted to and then if I do that I see my date will also be formatted differently that's how the the data's also not being formatted so you have an idea you can play with the rest and see for condition and say I want that to be minimal as well all us again inspectors can say I want the inspectors to be minimize well save that we can take a look in let's take a look and now you can see of your your forms are all collapsing to make it even so even if you have a long form and you are building it using this method the phone can be contains enough to make it reasonable for people to use so that is the appearance from defaults we can also set default really means you just want people to be able to read why you don't want them to be able to edit we can do that we can do some calculations as well where we take an input from one field and then we pre calculate the input the value for other fields and do that a lot of repeats as media or sentence on other stuff on how to add like pictures from teachers you have to your survey all right so I'll show you couple more on that but this is with that then save this guy and then once this one is saved the next thing you want to do is once it's saved once it's saved go over here the next thing you want to do is you want to click on this publish so when you click on publish this is where you're going to publish it to your online and then you be if you be able to see it on your phone so click on publish and then now this is going to publish this is gonna take that survey and then push it to your online account and then you'll be able to see it on your phone but in this case you design everything from the table you want to reconnect and that is how we do it okay so now if I open my phone I will see the survey actually we forgot to do one thing CSS my survey we don't want that we don't want that so we want to go to settings and then under settings we go to I'll show you how to do this guy here sorry go back over here this is this is actually controlled from here so on your excel file go to the settings and the word my so V is actually control over here so you can change it and call it campus lights event 3 that's much better and then when you save it is going to change it from the top and now you can see that title I wanted a sentence the sentence this is where you can change the top the thumbnail the styles can go and change the background but be cautious that your colors changing does not take details out of the map here we can set up the initial called coordinates so you want it to fall where you are where you are going to do the data collection and you can zoom in to a particular level that were a lot people to be able to see where they are so it doesn't show them the whole world you can do that images you can specify the sizes of images you want people to be able to take and then here the void called inbox if any boss is very important when you do this ugly by default you it doesn't allow you to download surveys on to your phone or you can ought to be able to work offline so you want to come to the inbox change it to a neighborhood inbox and then and then change it to a neighbor inbox and that one allow you to download data work offline completely and then when you get into a connected environment then you upload it so do that and then now let's republish again so I'll just republish to overwrite the one that I did and then go ahead the publish survey so to overwrite the one I sent online earlier on and then all these new changes will be added to my to my survey and here let me open the other software I told you about the desktop version so I don't have my phone connected to this recording but when I open this one here and I they see there we go open it up for me once that opens it up I'll be able to preview that survey in them in in the mobile mobile environment or you can just open up your phone open the Soviet one two three up and you should see this or whether we just publish and then you can go around and test it out and see how it shows up looks like my desk my machine is not loading it yep he has some errors but if you open up your your phone you should be able to see this so what I want you to do is use this method to to build to build the survey and then when you are done with that send me the link to see the one the one that you've created so here if you go back onto your survey 1-2-3 website under my surveys the ones that the one i just published will be up here right now you can see this is right here that the one I just created so you can go to share and then share that with me and then I'll be able to see your survey but I can also come in and take a look at it because I have admin but that's what I want you to do and then send me that let me know you were able to use it to build a real-world real-world scenario okay all right we'll do the next video and share with you guys thank you
Channel: SBVC-GIS
Views: 3,592
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 8E_x4C_zknk
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Length: 32min 24sec (1944 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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